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The Corroboree


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Everything posted by satyr

  1. http://www.zeitgeistaustralia.org/z-day-2012-adelaide-2/ Date: Saturday 17th March 2012 Time: 11am – 6:30pm (doors open 10:30 for 11am start) Location: Napier LG29 (lecture theatre), Adelaide University, North Terrace, 5000 Price: Free!! (Event pass available here) Event Description: This year TZM’s annual flagship event consists of a series of thought-provoking presentations and lectures to inspire and empower that desire for change. Hosting academics, experts and activists in the fields of economic and environmental sustainability TZM invite you to learn how you can become the change you wish to see! Livestreaming from other Z-Day events around Australia will be screened so that attendees can get the benefits of the best lectures Australia can offer without having to leave Adelaide! Information packs, copies of the Zeitgeist Movement Australia’s magazine, Spirit of the Times, and DVDs of the Zeitgeist series of documentaries and lectures will be available on the day for donation only. Please feel free to bring some food and drink to share – this is a non-profit event and any food provided by your hosts will be for donation only. In the spirit of community, freesharing is fully endorsed! Check the full program here: Z-day 2012 adelaide program Or check it by clicking on one of the images below.
  2. satyr

    Pre-sterilised pf cakes and/or grow bags?

    If you plan to go to bulk via grain-spawn (but without a PC) you may find this useful http://www.shaman-australis.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=29943&hl=%2Binstant+%2Bgrain&fromsearch=1
  3. satyr

    acuminata phyllodes yellowing

    Not having a diagnosis for the yellowing ... but I was under the impression that acacias are especially addapted for soils low in Nitrogen due to the symbiosis with Rhizobium nodules associated with their roots which fix atmospheric nitrogen, and hence fertilizing can easily have negative effects.
  4. Just came across this http://curenaturalicancro.com/video-simoncini.html So as I understand it the theory is that cancerous growth is a defence reaction from the tissue upon "candida-invasion", hence treatment with an antifungal (bicarb, iodine). In video 3 patients are talking about their "selfmedication" (bicarb douches for cervical cancer, iodine application for skin-cancer-all went into complete remission).
  5. satyr

    Grafting Video

    At 1:28 there is a typo "seed(l)ings" and is it possible that at 1:41 and 2:04 it is meant to say "seedlings" instead of "seeds"?! apart from that great video
  6. satyr

    plant marriage

    Of course you can marry a plant... the eiffel tower is taken already as well woman marries eiffel tower
  7. satyr

    Aussie Myco Supplies

  8. satyr

    velvet shank -

    The first thing coming to mind are Stockschwaemmchen (Kuehneromyces). But I remember as well that there were some look alikes...called "Schwefelkoepfe" (Hypholoma).
  9. satyr

    Aussie Myco Supplies

    southernbiological go to pricelist and then search through it... IMO much easier/cheaper to make it yourself...agar from asiashop + dextrose + potatobroth
  10. satyr

    What's this? I need it, please ASAP

    I think you might need this....
  11. satyr

    apes evolved into humans by taking magic mushrooms book

    hehehe http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R3cJ6xVkLuk
  12. satyr

    Instant Grain Spawn

    Those sachets/bags should be clear plastic @ bottom. But either way would not worry too much about it as total colonisation is best checked by squeezing the bag. Once colonised there is no movement of grains and its very dense/chunky.
  13. satyr

    Aya brew thawed and refrozen

    What about reheating before consumption, just to be on the safe side. But either way I would not be too concerned that there would be any noticable side effects even if "some sort of growth" did happen.
  14. satyr

    No growth on mycelium from spore inoculation

    Honey is not dextrose, rather fructose and glucose...however i think that mix should support growth. How much did you use, maybe the agar is too "rich". Is there any glossy/clear growth on the surface...cld be bacterial contam. I believe spores can germinate in the syringe despite no additional nutes only way to find out... inoculate some substrate. wait and see...
  15. satyr

    Instant Grain Spawn

    With LC I mean liquid culture (suspended mycelium). Fiddling a chunk of agar through the lill hole might be a bit hard. But if you have your agar dish just pour some water over the myc, scrape and suck up with syringe => LC. It also works (to a lesser overall % depending on the cleanliness of your sporeprint) with sporewater.
  16. satyr

    Instant Grain Spawn

    yeah sure i tried it...pics just taken I believe the rice is precooked and sterilised (via heat) so then those 90secs in the mic bring it to "eatability", make the kernels "pop" (which we dont want)...
  17. satyr

    fish tank water

    My link I put all waste/change water from fishtanks into garden/potplants...so far nobody "complaint"
  18. satyr

    Aussie spore print chain letter

    Did you dunk the bag after the first flush...sounds like the substrate dried out...
  19. Thanks DC will take those VVV 20x loph w., 15x SS02/T.bridgesi, 10x SS01/SS02, 10x SS02/SS01, 10x T.peru rosei#1/unknown (all seeds) VVV
  20. satyr

    Mad Kings

    Whats that thing in the background...a mega-cap mycelium mutant, is it attached to the "growth" in the front?!
  21. satyr

    omg amanita

    Not sure if this has been mentioned before but i read recently Herb of immortality From page 50 onwards the production of ancient "wine" via grapejuice and A.M. mycelium is described. Emphasis lies on the fact of diluting the wine with water <<If Amanita Muscaria were really the source of the ancient wine, an extract would have to be capable of being diluted with water in a large ratio. To test this, ½ oz. of dried Amanita Muscaria specimens was extracted with 16-oz. grapejuice; the extraction lasted 8 hours. The straight extract was sipped and produced the usual effects; the amount consumed being about 4 oz. Then approximately 1 oz. extract was diluted with approximately 3-oz. water; this actually tasted better than the straight extract. Several ounces of the extract were consumed diluted in various ratios of 2 to 6 water to 1 of extract. To my great surprise, the addition of the water actually made a great difference in the effect. The usual Amanita Muscaria effects became instead purely psychedelic, very similar to Psilocybin or LSD!. This intoxication was much more pleasant than that produced by the straight extract; the dilution also seemed to increase the potency, exactly the opposite of every other drug extract on the planet, where dilution invariably leads to a weaker solution. Nothing in my years of researching Amanita Muscaria was as surprising to me as this transformation! It came completely unexpected and was a very enlightening experience. This experiment was repeated several more times with exactly the same result. The ancient emphasis on dilution was really a practical application of chemistry. I feel fairly confident in stating that Amanita Muscaria really was the source of at least some of the ancient wines. In trying to understand this transformation, I have developed a theory; Muscimol is a very polar molecule, I believe the oppositely charged ends link up and form long chains or other structures, I also believe these chains are released by the dried specimen into solution. Water is also a polar molecule and the sudden addition of a large amount of water breaks these chains into individual units of Muscimol dissolved in water. The long chains having the effects of the Amanita Muscaria and the primary extract; while the dissolved individual Muscimol units having instead a psychedelic effect. This would explain the apparent increase in potency of the diluted solution. It is only a theory; but it is the best I can come up with, using only observed effects, a chemical structure diagram of Muscimol and reasoning. This Amanita wine, after the addition of the water, was much more pleasant to me than anything alcoholic. In the ancient world this ability to be diluted and yet become stronger, would be another sign of divinity.>>>
  22. Found these today in forest, growing on woodchips. First thought re ID:stropharia rugoso annulata?! Veil is still intact so cant say anything about gills or spore colour. Cap diameter of second pic 6cm, so not really the "garden giant" yet. Any comments welcome, Thank you! satyr
  23. satyr

    possible stropharia rugoso annulata

    Oh No!...well guess you are both right...just cut the veil to find pores.
  24. satyr

    shredding straw

    I just buy/use chopped pea-straw. Comes in the big compressed bags for 10$.