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The Corroboree


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Posts posted by santiago

  1. interesting read new member double ying yang underscore.

    kind of all makes sense doesnt it, ancient man eats fruit veges herbs and entheogens and magically the brain and body develops and evolves, a kind of medicine for the brain as to vitamin c was to scurvy and sailors and that is only recent evolution itself along now with anti-biotics etc.

    what happened 200000 odd years ago that we started shrinking our brains, is that when the ancients started creating fire for themselves thus breathing in more smoke than usual which was as in most carcinogens probably bad for delicate brain chemistry, mayby evolution dictated that due to the nature of gravity which is the most defining characteristic of evolution itself that we were getting too top heavy thus started shrinking the brain to re-centre our centre of gravity's.

    i suppose the basic premise to to article is that via the correct usage of plants we can continue to expand our minds and continue to evolve. maybe too you could read into it that plants are the slow architects of the demise of the human species and really are cunning and cold manipulators of the world and have a master plan to eradicate us.

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  2. i sell a few "collectables" on ebay in laymens terms random crapola that mayby somebody possibly mayby needs, i only have 50 odd sales and im amazed always that total shit sells and what i reckon is gold doesnt....i get all excited when i get 5 watchers, are you kidding me....160 odd bids, i would have had a brain explode by now as 5 watchers generally gets me hard : )

  3. i cant remember his name but who was that member who was briefly here from png, early last year...grew some really cool plants but then he cracked the shits because he got into a few very mild discussions that seemed to irk him, he has beautiful pics. but yeah i worked with a lady who said roughly what others have said about crime, rape etc. pretty hardcore.

  4. nabraxas you lazy sod, you do realise if you had started walking to the bike shop when you first posted this yesterday you would probably be getting back about now, man god helps those who help themselves, and do you really think there is something wrong with your bike, this is a simulation man. :worship:

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  5. Thanks for the comments there, i realise i probably was just having a woe is me moment. I know its in my and the companies best interests not to be working and even if you do pretend to injure yourself at work, you screw yourself up in pursuit of other jobs having to tick the past workers comp box i believe.

    I really didnt factor in the probation into it, suppose i was just a little bemused without an income per se you cant tap into holiday pay as a backup (of which i had a week) for some survival money. I suppose i was getting lazy, at least now i survived i got a weeks holiday up my sleeve.

    At the end of the day its my fault i got injured and the world owes me nothing, however if there is a next time....ill be playing the game a bit smarter. I reckon they didnt give me the holiday pay so that if i did quit they can ransom employees to a weeks notice so they just dont walk out unpenalised. Im sure they got all bases covered. You live and learn, you also learn that the worlds out to bleed you and the $8 for superannuation insurance and $7 per week union fees is just another of the worlds elaborate scams. $15 per week for fuck all i believe, got the wool pulled over everybodies eyes....just like a proper scam should.

    In my eyes the world is just like the ocean, fish eating fish, except in the human world its the fish replaced with money, sharks scamming, eating gobbling each other up....the financial system is one big fraud. But se la ve....another time.

    Had it been where I work you still would of been on a probationary basis, first 3 months is on probation, and it would of been bye bye had you injuried yourself outside of work within those 3 months.

    dude, thats horrible...who do you work for, the chipendales :wink: i dont really think that workplace would have a leg to stand on, im no lawyer but that would reek of "unfair dismissal" to me and im sure to some workplace watchdog.

  6. I recently started working for a large company. 3 months service so far. On a weekend a few weeks ago i played sport and pulled my hamstring. I rang up for a personal day which was granted however the manager said i needed a "fit for work certificate". So i went to the doctor and he wrote one up, basically without much investigation on his part. I went to work and i applied to use my annual leave as i work a very physically demanding job and i wanted to use the annual for rehabilitation. I worked 2 days in pain (my own problem) and when i asked how my leave request was going i was denied leave. I mentioned when denied that i was injured and i needed to take time off to repair the injury. I was sent home immediately on the spot on unpaid leave and told it was irresponsible to be working and why did i have a "fit for work" from doc. I said that the doc just filled it out and i was trying to do the right thing but underestimated the injury (of which a hamstring is a pain in the ass truthfully if anyone has done one they will truthfully know).

    Went back to the doc and he wrote me a fit for work but re-adjusted it another 2 weeks. So i took another 2 weeks off work. The thing is, this is a very large company. I feel if they wont let me work, and the doc says i cant work then whats the difference between being sick and being injured. Albeit...im only three months into employment so i may not have many sick hour entitlements, but i dont see how calling in claiming to be sick or calling in claiming to be injured (not a workplace injury) has any difference.

    The catch is however that i was denied using my holiday ie annual leave as pay. Obviously being off from work, denied sick pay....now denied holiday pay. Kind of makes me wonder whether, if they pay that they kind of admit to having an employee with a pulled hammy working for two days and that opens them to a potential lawsuit.

    Also, i looked into my super-annuation....i pay for insurance pay continuance apparently like most people prolly do, im sure there is a catch but does super insurance pay salary like they say they do. Im sure its a scam, like all super and related.

    Unfort im in the union, never have been before, i might get them involved but i wish i knew my rights first. Surely any person is entitled to annual leave payout if circumstances permit.I hate to get my union involved and i honestly dont think i deserve sick pay as its a personal injury but i certainly believe i have the right to be paid out holiday pay when on unpaid enforced leave for two weeks.

    In future maybe i should just lie through my teeth like most people and pretended i had glandular fever, better still i should have just pretended to pull my hammy at work.

  7. A girl who is warm and humanle during the day

    A classy girl who know how to enjoy the freedom of a cup of coffee

    A girl whose heart gets hotter when night comes

    A girl with that kind of twist

    I’m a guy

    A guy who is as warm as you during the day

    A guy who one-shots his coffee before it even cools down

    A guy whose heart bursts when night comes

    That kind of guy

    Beautiful, loveable

    Yes you, hey, yes you, hey

    Beautiful, loveable

    Yes you, hey, yes you, hey

    Now let’s go until the end

    Oppa is Gangnam style, Gangnam style

    Oppa is Gangnam style, Gangnam style

    Oppa is Gangnam style

    Eh- Sexy Lady, Oppa is Gangnam style

    Eh- Sexy Lady oh oh oh oh

    A girl who looks quiet but plays when she plays

    A girl who puts her hair down when the right time comes

    A girl who covers herself but is more sexy than a girl who bares it all

    A sensable girl like that

    I’m a guy

    A guy who seems calm but plays when he plays

    A guy who goes completely crazy when the right time comes

    A guy who has bulging ideas rather than muscles

    That kind of guy

    Beautiful, loveable

    Yes you, hey, yes you, hey

    Beautiful, loveable

    Yes you, hey, yes you, hey

    Now let’s go until the end

    Oppa is Gangnam style, Gangnam style

    Oppa is Gangnam style, Gangnam style

    Oppa is Gangnam style

    Eh- Sexy Lady, Oppa is Gangnam style

    Eh- Sexy Lady oh oh oh oh

    On top of the running man is the flying man, baby baby

    I’m a man who knows a thing or two

    On top of the running man is the flying man, baby baby

    I’m a man who knows a thing or two

    You know what I’m saying

    Oppa is Gangnam style

    Eh- Sexy Lady, Oppa is Gangnam style

    Eh- Sexy Lady oh oh oh oh


    ok.....ill admit it i got gangnam translated to english and it aint my original work, my point is this tune no matter how naff and cheesy it really is proves one thing.

    an ordinary man is king and lyrics mean jack shit.

  8. Im sceptical mindperformer, not of you but of pure cold hard facts. Because i dont have any facts i typed in a pimply faced teenager question into googla.

    I asked " what is the most supernatural event in history?''

    strangely enough 2 down a close question was posed similar on what looked like a intelligent forum, well kinda.....kind of had to laugh a bit when i saw these great minds, ie physics nerds get into a lil forum bitchslap. But i thought they provided a good insight into meta science.


    and as with elsewhere i was unable to pull up ''even small evidence" of anything supernatural.

    why is that?

    1) There is no supernatural

    2) Science cannot explain or get evidence on spirituality.

    3)There is a supernatural but their hiding from us.

    4)Proof is coming soon, wait and see

    5) .....other : )

    anyway what im getting at is, not the politics of it all....or the scary stories, i just believe the facts are too overwhelming to overcome. no proof anywhere.

    Most of the better details were hundreds of years old, which tends me to believe that, when a man 20000 years ago.....saw a beautiful big rainbow, he didnt know that was due to us living on a planet in space, which in tern explains alot about rainbows as we know them being simply born of a star, our sun.......but that guy 20000 years ago, must have absolutely been amazed by the sight of a vivid rainbow.

    Without going much deeper, that is the supernatural. It most certainly was years ago, thus the formation of the human psych was created on a a supernatural force, great ghosts, and monsters and vampires. Most importantly......the rainbow for that leads to the pot of gold. That pot of gold metaphorically, is the afterlife. A mechanism to deal with death and the unexplainable. Isnt it co-incidental that no man in history ever successfully caught that rainbow. And thats the lesson i learn, is that even though today it may not be a rainbow....we are so deeply ingrained in mythology stemming from the past, which also forms a controlling factor on this planet....religion. The same problem happens from the rainbow, not one person has ever come back from being dead. Properly dead. Which means no proof at all of an afterlife. Just like rainbows, we still chase chase chase but it just keeps getting away. But this is where somebody who is for example religious ....quotes faith. Ahh faith.

    I suppose you have faith mindperformer in shamanism, and so called supernatural tales, but for example you said that man sucked the spirit out, i would just see as at most placebo (which is supernatural in a paradox kind of way) or pure mathematical probability, given that shamans, the millions who may have lived....generally were the go-to man. So statistics wise, a fair amount of chance he gets it right curing people....plus his considerable life skills help also, so the shaman creates a few tall stories to keep himself a influential figure, and the system in balance.....in a time before, an eclipse could not be simply explained for example.

    i personally have never seen anything creepy, like a ghost.......spirit. Im happy to revisit my own beliefs from time to time and change if need be. In a few months time it will be the end of the world, or will it just be.......happy new years 2013. Yippee B)

  9. i get the irony gtarman, asthma....its ok to have a million cars and trucks spewing venom at any one given moment, its ok for factories to be pumping it too...but one lil man with one lil fire, you naughty boy.


    this info might be good local only i think it says SA, take note personal comfort, cooking subsection 1, burning off subsection 5.


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  10. its a kind of damned if you do, damned if you dont situation with street people....one guy i met once gave me his story and i generally oblige downrighters (the term given for when someone directly asks for money as say opposed to window washing or busking for example)...so i gave him the money, 6 months later i met him again, he didnt remember me i think and he had exactly the same speil, i still gave him a fiver and saw in my rear vision mirror him popping into the bottle O. bad generalisation i know but its the truth on this occasion. If you like reading whitewind "The autobiography of a supertramp" and more recent "Into the wild" are good to get certain knowledge and insight into this subject.

    There is a CEO sleepout here in Perth, all the head honchos sleep in their sleeping bags at the WACA overnight. Sounds great in theory but what a crock of shit. So with this once yearly token were meant to believe in the CEO's and the system, you can imagine all the CEO's going home to get their little wifey to wash their sleeping bags......."Yep marge i have done my part for society, back to ripping people off and contributing to more homelessness tomorrow"

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  11. its always been that way chilli, 20 years back we used to get a flyer from some dude in leopard print fluffy flares on a street corner in northbridge.....pobably his dad wore flares and handed out flyers 20 years earlier too : )

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  12. alfred glitchcock, kermet the prog, dj prawnslapper, tempermental goat.......am i getting old or are they really REALLY bad stage names.

    alfred if your reading this, mayby alfred smith might be a better choice....you youngsters are crazy.

    i been around a while, i know the diff between trance and hard house.....may i ask WTF is snuff chunk, bush tech and funky chunk and i like the sound of king owl, why would i go see the rest do psy, when i can see him do 'full on psy' man .....eeeeawwww haha thats crazy : )

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  13. a while ago, i made a suggestion of letting a few plant 'escapees' loose, possibly i mentioned national park..simply an idea. mayby a relocation so to speak. i seem to remember it being a no no. i understand why, but i dont understand the biological technicalities...will certain plants go weedy, or release germs.....yep the simplistic omnivore i am, certainly i dont have my cert 3 in horticulture.

    simple answer.....ethically wrong.

    factually, im not sure...if you take into account, a bird poo-ing....an errant seed, do you define that as nature, then in nature if you define common consequense as nature, then a human moving a plant is underlying nature too, or for example...certain establishments, rangers houses and houses borderlining national parks seem to have 'introduced species', can they guarantee nothing will escape.

    i suppose ethics and facts, especially when you have millions of rabbits running around some national parks are muddy...but also is that just turning an excuse into a reason, who knows....if it was such a huge problem, then wouldnt there be billions of M J plants infecting the worlds national forrests, or is that comparing an apple with an apple pie.

    who knows man, i believe half of the world believes one thing and the other another, common law and ethics divides the middle and the truth is somewhere in-between.

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  14. whilst i have utmost respect for tradition, by all means try the traditional method. this is the safest way for the un-initiated. somebody mentioned saliva enzyme conversion....and that has me curious. most people cannot quid it and chew the traditional way, i certainly struggle...for me, im impatient and i tend to not like the feeling of leaves, drying and crumbling in my mouth, little bits getting stuck in my mouth and then spitting it out, not exactly my cup of tea. Onto cup of tea, its pretty hardcore to make a black khat tea. You are left with a litre of black, bitter....strange liquid. Good luck with that. On top of that you have to then in a un-socially acceptable couple of methods for pretty much most western society, you have the hit and miss......if khat will be "on" that day. I would say 9 times out of ten it wont be. and thats it in a nutshell, plus i would theorise that most new growers are expecting some miracle plant that will be like speed. Its complete bullshit, however .....there is a small chance, of positive effects on a lucky day. But once again as i think PH said, i once saw this teeny bopper ingest dexies at the pub. 2 hours later you couldnt shut the prick up, he had white spittle in the corner of his lips and his eyes were like a bug, everybody knew it.....he was fucked up, but he swore black and blue he got dud dexies and was straight. I suppose as was said newbs expect to feel a MJ or trippy feeling, but i suppose in large enough doses this may be possible, but that person is borderline skitzo and or delusional, which is different from simple MJ like "spinning out"

    i would say, really from the bottom of my heart....your wasting your time with khat.

    but on the flipside, dosage wise.....the absolute best feeling i ever had was off old/old leaves....lots, boiled. i have said simmer it before...but this was 20 years ago and i boiled them and the water was as black as space. 10 hours of good feelings and 73 off the stick in golf, i hit the ball well but i swear, i was in this magical zone....i gave a khat tea to this mate of mine, crap golfer and he played amazing. the only way i can explain it is that, ....i dunno, just a glowing white ball, that needs to be spanked. powers of concentration but then the ability to let go, not get fixated on repetitive mannerisms. It lets you switch off a few notches if need be. it gives you white energy, its a real type energy, not contrived like modern stims. Nothing fake about it at all, it allows you a certain spiritual freedom...if i must go down that path, as im not the spiritual type.

    My second best was 10 small leaves, tiny medium red ones...nothing amazing just suprising given the tiny mass. I will second the high blood pressure thing. I suffer from moderate high bloods and i rarely have khat these days as i can feel my blood looking for a point to burst out somewhere in my body. Thats the cold hard facts with high blood pressure, basically your a timebomb...i dont really wanna die yet.

    Finally, the best and only method i would ever use is fresh sliced salami sandwhich style sized, the freshest tips and stems soft as rolled up like a cigar with the khat filling, i swear the synergy between them is perfect, for me anyway. Salty and bitter, sweet and delicate....it is seriously a 5 star resturant starter, plus you can chew it all together and the leaves dissolve in the chewy meat in a great way, this can also be sucked in a quid like way to maximise mouth saliva mayby enzyme like traditional methode, but with a modern twist. Then i swallow, doesnt get more simple than that. That being said, what are the in the leaves. I personally believe nothing dangerous at all, i believe actually very healthy. Why?

    Every single time, the next day i have felt revived, great. Every time i have had the most amazing shits. Perfect, smooth, A grade form and shape, colour perfect, pretty much a perfect banana, and it just slides out like a velvet sausage. I think once is a fluke but every time, come on......dont you think my body is telling me something. Shits are a key indicator of general and also immediate health.

    Anyway thanks for reading that story, as with anything.....be safe first.

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  15. by going ninja i dont mean out and out theft, only a matter of time before you will get busted....imagine having a wrap sheet that says 'plant thief', would be the petty criminal equivilant to getting busted drink driving on a push bike.

    i suppose going for a walk, is not common law the apple hanging over the fence onto public property then the apple is legitimate fair property of the person in public, then i see no massive issue taking a cutting or two. i see massive piles of agave in public places, like neglected business type gardens, i dont see massive karma issues to taking a few selective pups, obviously a lawn mowing round would be easy peasy, offering discount for permission to take a few cuttings. my first cactus ever was a cereus....i knocked on the door and the old lady was wonderful, she could not have been more welcoming....it helps if you look decent and mayby have a kid or dog with you, as personally even i am suspicious of lone males.

    i suppose slow and steady wins the race, 4 cuttings per week is basically 200 plants in a year, say 100 if you have half fail. i personally dont see it getting you rich, once again most people really would just go to bunnings, or a general supplier....but for an aged pensioner a few plants sold here and there is gold. but if you were dedicated, had steady property, patient, motivated to succeed, dropped leaflets, hit ebay, made cold calls to big business, even buy a cheap van and hire plants for parties and weddings, hit swap meets, get a hawkers permit and get near wineries and golf courses on a sunday, advertise, real estate agents need quick solutions all the time. go into a real estate agent building, give them some free display plants for the office in return for future work. hit the yellow pages and cold call landscapers. in this day and age of grey buildings, cheesburgers and rubbish, you are simply beautifying the world.....your not selling lies, you are selling green, living reality. thats def something to be proud of, more proud than window cleaning for a quick biz comparison.

    in regards to waterwise, look for houses with solar panels....cold call the owners and explain they can have a garden that doesnt need typical watering, explain the benefits of cactus, acacia and so on, more time not watering saving money, saving time, helping the world.

    grow carniverous plants, get a working with children check and hit up schools and do a presentation to the kids, kids go mental for carniverous plants....leave the forms with the p & c so that they can be purchased, donate a proportion back to the school. ring up channel 7 and sponsor telethon, for every carniverous plant adopted by someone, donate a dollar to telethon....something weird like that will get a minute of air time and that is advertising gold as well. set up in shopping centres, visit nursing homes and hospitals.

    it CAN be done, the only limiting factor is you, your imagination, your courage and self confidence....they say that money doesnt grow on trees. the truth is money doesnt actually grow, it is created for people to take, the people that take it are the people that find it, the only thing that grows on trees is life, you can turn this marvellous thing the universe has richly gifted you for free, and turn it into dreams. your basically saying via growth, whatever that means to you....say growth of a leaf, into a tree, into a garden, for return of labour via money exchange you can then exchange that for a boat or a car, or a massage depending on your dreams.

    but this is all feelgood psycho-babble, dreams are great but reality is the truth. the fact is we tell little johnny at school, or our pampered kids....''yes of course you can be an astronought, you can be anything you want" .....sound great but the harsh reality is that 99.9999999 percent of kids, adults and dreamers will not live their dreams, the harsh reality is the human psych is set up to fail. failure is safer and more predictable, than dreams. that is why people fail, usually with constant repetition over and over again.................at least we know where failure will take us, we know that path, we know where it goes, its predictable and comforting, plus as a added bonus you can always fantasise about 'what if', essentially a lifeboat for failure.

    as a society, as a whole this is certain, that is why every successful empire, like the romans for example that has ever been has over time failed, that is why we still burn oil and destroy the amazon, we want to dream of a utopian green society, a world self sustained and perfect in the future, but history and human nature and our 99.999999 percent of human mass knowing that failure is the inevetable and predictable path, the world is already on a doomed path to failure. this is the reality.

    but finally, having left growing plants sadly behind im sorry, failure is certain. failure is reality.....dreams are your escape from failure. neil armstrong......was he a failure? he once was a little boy, was it his dream to be an astronought? is he just like little kids dreaming now?

    so ferkin stop feelin sorry for youself, admit that the world is doomed and your a failure, you will always be a failure...........yes you are a failure, but seriously........take a chance, turn that first cutting into a dollar, then ten, then 100, then 1000, ............but "what if'', its success that your afraid of........i know this because you know this.

    WHAT IF hey peeps, WHAT IF?

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  16. mr psylo, yes ill admit lazyness....shoot me. lesson learned i probably wont do it again and i generally dont...kicking myself for getting involved actually but what the heck im in the barrel now. ok im sceptical. thanks for post 1 paragraph 4........so dec 21 right, wouldnt greg and the posse be dead by then, i dont really get it?? is this a hunger strike with barley sugars??........i promise i will scour this thread tomoz for any evidence i have missed between post one and now, ill predict i dont find anything interesting although i liked chilli's triangle, that was pretty........generally i think greg is full of it and im hoping he proves me wrong which is why i want proof of this so called hunger. for what its worth then ill make my decision about him and a minority section of entheo bandits who in my opinion serve not alot of purpose except for self serving ego gloating and delusions of granduer.

  17. i often think frangepani and agave, there are literally thousands on roadside gardens everywhere...its not to hard to go ninja at night and fill your boot, possibly even legally if its situated in certain areas, i see bunnings sell 30cm frangi's at $30ish...agaves also seem to be expensive for what they are. they are everywhere too.

    especially for perth but probably as a whole the waterwise garden is now niche, it will become bog standard in 10 years, australian natives and cacti succulents will become the garden of choice for most households, mind you...it sounds great to simply start a plant biz but you have giants like bunnings and benara for starters to contend with so lierally mayby ebay, garage and roadside might be your only real petty cash options....but who knows, cash is floating everywhere, buyers are generally stupid and where there is a will there is a way.

  18. yeah pretty pointless i know T, i just saw that the thread had degenerated to drivel pretty quickly and couldnt be bothered reading that, i just wanna know if he has eaten yet, that was pretty much the basis of his idea right.....im assuming like most ppl their ideas are bigger than their actions thats why i added "i bet he has".....possibly pontless to you but not to me out here judging whether to take him seriously or not :wink:
