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The Corroboree


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Everything posted by santiago

  1. santiago

    Argyreia nervosa woes..

    Looks fine, just needs a water. Put it in the ground.
  2. seriously check this out http://www.zerowaste.sa.gov.au/upload/facts-sheets/container_deposit_legislation_4.pdf its coming in WA soon apparently seems by the statement its a state legislation problem, realistically then the politicians of each states, must have not actioned or been made aware of public sentiment. or have bigger fish to fry, i reckon most have just put it to the bottom of the too hard basket. gees im stoked WA is coming...but when?
  3. santiago

    Kid getting tooth pulled by string

    door...what door
  4. santiago

    most expensive cactus ever ?

    seriously why dont you cactus heads get some seeds at least. there must be a way at least within the scientific community. i am the least expert in importing stuff but seems its in the UK at least http://www.bcss.org.uk/foruma/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=148758&start=30 maybe there are tidbits around but this is a holy grailish type alot of you probably seek........................and as the ad goes, seek and you will find.
  5. santiago

    Coins and Bills

    hard to say, none are what you would call mint. mint being unsoiled by hands and dirt so forth. a coin collectors forum would provide accurate answers more so than here, even though we are a broad bunch this is probably not so ethno related, not that that really matters but perhaps the target audience is smaller than a large collectors forum. ebay can help, also just type the currency no# into googs for a quick search. for example depending on whether the US bill of a dollar is a misprint or not can effect the value 1000 fold. so thats it really. mint condition and misprints are the real earners. the real problem is with so much competion in stamps, coins and money collecting it really isnt worth it anymore. seems you do have some aussie 5 dollar bills in there but the value for them alone on the pics i can see really would not exceed $7 at most for that $5 bill. as a complete guesstimate i dont think the whole colection would exceed more than $100 dollars au. but for example you really need to do a search on the series ie serial no's, i would start on the US dollars for starters.
  6. tangents are cool with me etherealdrifter, im not a big stiggler for staying purely on one topic as one thing often leads to another. meeks i know what you mean, kinda shopping trolley type street person persona is often related to the bottom rung type recyling, not cool at all if bins are getting raided and stuff, im more like why is it only SA.....why stricktly and for so long now only SA? thats exactly what i mean quill, its already been paid for the extra slab as you bought the beer, by you not getting that extra slab of beer some huge corporation or council does. all good for paying for roads but in that regard its already a tax...you pay that you should have the ability to keep. ballzac, yes you can sell copper and aluminium or scrap to those metal places but indeed i think its about a cent per can if your lucky, you cant sell bottles though. also the clause i find questionable "when sold in SA'' is a biggy for me, why only when sold in SA? why why why??? this is not a the dump yard thread, anybody can buy and sell anything for profit. more like.............you already pay that 10c on top, the rest of the world has a refund system.......i really just dont understand why you can only do it in SA. besides SA being not very heavily populated as it is, you think it would at least be "if sold in NSW" in fairness it should be everywhere and i want to now the politics of why it isnt when it seems so logical and sensible. smells a bit stinky to me.
  7. im not sure mutant it has a kind of wacky, spaced out feel to it but it seems rather abstract. whats your motive? what is it meant to mean? did read the words however it didnt really open up any new doors and was rather still, however the music was ok, the reverb on that middle bit sounded like a cheap speaker that couldnt handle bass but i think that was meant. no kidding i kinda enjoyed it but it really didnt go anywhere, not for me anyway but i think you have a passion or a sense for it, however that vid probably didnt deliver the message properly.
  8. santiago

    Investment boom in coal

    thats a freakin inspiring post halcyon, one of the best i have seen. political rhetoric aside but you told an amazing story of science there in which a layman like me can fully comprehend....well done.
  9. santiago

    700th post giveaway

    His name is Tristan and he is a bug Only problem is he wants to root a slug Somehow though the hole he has dug Wont even get him a slimy slug hug Without a roof his hole turned to mud He flew off to find one but landed with a thud His own mother said he was a dud So he fucked her up the ass whilst imagining kevin rudd The moral of the story, is that bugs and slugs dont mix Unfortunately bugs have really small dicks In order for this bug to get his slug fix He should find another bug to get his kicks.
  10. go for it 7baz, if you dont have anything major like kids or a wife holding you back then your free to act apon your own impulses as your really not effecting anyone else. dont worry about running away, thats a simple cop out you dont deserve. your in kings cross right and a bunch of hooligans corner you for your wallet, going on some theories it may be best for you to save your wallet and fight many dudes, your not going to run away from your problems right? wrong, martial arts which is closely connected to meditation will teach you to avoid all conflict no matter what the cost, but deep within you have the tools to fight and thats the irony. running from a fight may save the lives of your muggers, so is it really wrong to run. its the gutless who stay in the rut. the lion king is a movie, your life is real. i dont think your running anyway, your just wanting change and your entitled to that. life isnt a movie and forget the cliches. you will regret it if you dont and that only worsens your inner turmoil. this move may lead to more problems one would guess, i would personally exaust all local options first as there may be different trees in tibet but its still the same freakin earth. edmund hillary did a similar thing and he regrets it now, but life is a regret in many phases. that aside, you should do it but its going to risk your life in any ways, but you and i know your not running from anything. good luck buddy...all the best and take care.
  11. santiago

    Investment boom in coal

    source-http://www.shaman-australis.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=29852&pid=330583&st=0entry330583 edit- this source below does not correspond with my thinking below, just thought i would put both sides in and my thinking may be totally off. http://askville.amazon.com/Carbon-Dioxide-average-Coal-Burning-Power-Plant-release-atmosphere-year/AnswerViewer.do?requestId=1759428
  12. santiago

    So.. 7 Billion

    hey kee, good response and thought pattern from the recent co2 5 star thread. quick search reveals 2.3 tonnes per year total co2 emmited from one US average citizen, according to your graph that means a figure i cannot work out because its exponential and i just dont have the time or knowledge, but in 2050 2 billion more humans will be producing 4.6 billion tonnes of CO2 in that year alone. if that was 9 billion in 2050 then that figure will be 20 billion odd tonnes of co2 per year expended solely by humans. on todays figures on average for the 7 billion humans we already expend 16 billion tonnes of CO2 per year on this years or nexts averages alone. so what is the average output of a big factory per year, does it get close to this..............personally im a climate change fence sitter but to me i dont see industry getting anywhere near this 16 billion tonnes per year, this is without of course adding other animals to the equation and or the current rate of tree cutting vs planting. so one sceptic could only assume if he wasnt me that climate change and carbon taxing is a falacy, in fact we should be carbon taxing every human on this planet as well as industry. edit- not reliable source but the human impact may be not as signifigant going buy this basic data for starters http://askville.amazon.com/Carbon-Dioxide-average-Coal-Burning-Power-Plant-release-atmosphere-year/AnswerViewer.do?requestId=1759428
  13. santiago

    smoking mixtures

    atlas also had a good thread on changa mixes which alot corresponded to various smoking mixes, ill try link it in if need be. didnt like damiana at all, grabbed a commercial smoking mix from JV ages back which was mainly dam + i think mug, feels like inhaling but without exhaling, you know sometimes you try to relieve ones self by hobby or book or tv...whatever but nothing at all felt like that exhale. no relief (pardon the sexual pun). personally im very interested in leaf from caapi alone in itself, i love the fact many have commented that it ads a certain degree of telepathy but yet to be really proven mainsteam which is cool for cats. never tried khat dried and smoked and certainly dont see the point when you may as well just crush, suck and ingest those beautiful life giving juices and then swallow the young shoots for an experience which is sublime.
  14. santiago

    Investment boom in coal

    i mentioned this a few years back but lately i saw an ad on telly that was a table and wood shop. they said that buy buying wood you are in fact helping to solve the carbon issue because wood is carbon, now i dont believe that and i never saw the ad again but a mate did and he said the same as me...very very misleading ad, but is that true? can planting a shit load of trees and harvesting them because they are carbon dioxide hungry solve the carbon issue, if so nwould not the carbon issue be more related to amazon type issues of forest degridation? is the answer simply to plant many billion trees? also what i mentioned years ago was humans by themselves. we emit carbon dioxide right? so if 5 billion people were here not to many years ago and soon to be 7 billion, does that mean that there are 2 billion more mini factories called humans producing a substancial amount more of carbon dioxide, considering every breath a human exhales is carbon dioxide, one human being must produce a massive amount over a lifetime. then multiply that by 2 billion humans. to me it seems logical that it isnt only industry but it is overpopulation and tree lessening which is adding mostly to the carbon dioxide issue. then in that regard, what do we do about replenishing wood fast and then chopping it down and the regrowing it if that wood selling ad is correct and do we set a limit on the human race at say 10 billion, somehow??
  15. santiago

    Qantas Grounded

    edit....dont be silly, we had the most fun tonight
  16. santiago

    Qantas Grounded

    Read. Don't just move your lips so we think you can sorry i forgot thats how people talk, it is great to pause and spellcheck but i try to pump it out as quick as i can, so it feels more like talking, because overall i find talking so much more desirable. but yes point taken i will spellcheck and pause from now on oh i dunno about smart, i think perhaps he has just adjusted better or made his own decisions, im not here to defend the ceo....am i getting paid for it, perhaps i should be. you know im not dissing you personally darklight as a matter of fact your right in the most of what you say...dont shoot the messenger.
  17. santiago

    Qantas Grounded

    so is this baggage handlers wanting a 71% pay rise, in effect this is a mutiny, hmm did captain cook get paid different to his sailors? should captain cook be paid more because he is a captain or the same as his seaman? Forget the 71% look at it in the way a person has a direct capability to affect influence. my guess is that captain james cook influenced the discovery of australia much more than one of his able seamen. people are paid what they are worth that is as far as it goes, crying unfair because somebody is better than you is really cliche thinking and basic. he is obviously worth the money or he deserved it, why are'nt you or i there? you cannot run life as we know it on the pure basis of equality, sound good but doesnt work in commonsense situation or else nobody would fill the higher end jobs, so your saying a toilet cleaner should recieve the same wage as a chef. dont let greed cloud your own judgement, have faith in the systems of life and dont be so centred on purely financial statistics. life is not a dollar sign sound like that is a confusing misnomer. an analogy to represent precedent setting, if the qantas ceo caves in now then the employees will want another royal taste next year and the year after that, the qantas ceo stands firm then he doesnt have to keep tasting so on and so on. on a third level the royal family would also be poisened by now if they tasted food. the deeper plot is that apon this earth are people who are in fact smarter than you, that is why they get a 71% pay increase.
  18. santiago

    Praise be to dump shops!

    the moral feral part is curios i totally get that as there is something really lurid about the whole process, its akin to cannibalism i would say in that it appeals to a more basic instinct of reducing your morals down to scab duty, which probably has alot to do with scab duty repressed feelings from school, do they still have scab duty or is that deemed to harshe for the education dept these days. but then on the flip side that kinda thinking obviously signifies superiority, which is not wrong but certainly not applicable to society as a whole as superiority can be often defined within mental illness or ego confusion, or perhaps germaphobia but could be as simple as you have never needed to buy bread and milk when in time of desperate hunger. the reason why these shops and tips are in operation are to ironically provide a moral service to the poor and destitute so they may recieve charity, they may resell or burn the stuff for firewood if so needed, i complained about the rich classes re-classifying second hand for misclassed profit earlier but if so be it, they have the desire and hunger then they deserve to buy and sell as much as the street person. its a bad way to think along moral guidlines. i know because the smell of a salvos used stink i thought, then amazingly your mind lets go of inhibitions, actually come to think of it it was around the time i started music and earlier mentioned differing brain pathways evolving. now the so called lower parts of society are my salvation, as robinson crusoe's father says............the 3 classes, rich, middle, poor.............the absolute pinnacle of life is to be the richest of the poor category. easiest on body, spirit and mind......and your rich in all ways. Read the book, it explains it well.
  19. santiago

    Qantas Grounded

    i think the ceo's stance is commendable, by shutting down the airline the staff are now no longer paid for striking. sure he is def not worth 71% but thats a totally different issue. yu would find in any major corp there are hundreds of different pay rates so the old argument of equality is dead and buried logic, you are hired because you agreed to the terms your employer provides on the day you are hired, to then do an about term and bit the hands that feed you is totally disloyal and totally against the company direction (which get over it does not serve the individual). the freakin baggage handlers can go suck my dick and the rest of australias dicks because they are disloyal, arrogant, selfish and greedy and its all backed up with the back shed mafia of the union who are a pack of screwballs at best, if 2 million australians are screwballs well that actually makes perfect sense to me. the ceo should not stop at stopping the company he should get rid of these disloyal and greedy, scamming employees who are directly contravening the contract they have signed at the beginning of employment............are you kidding me 50K to move a few bags, they should pinch themselves that they are not dreaming and see what other industries who have bottom rung type employees that just essentially move shit around make. fire the lot of the pricks because i tell you what i would be happy to work that job for 40K, and i would not be the only one. the ceo is working on the royal family principal or not eating any food whilst being with the public, they only sniff the food......for if they eat food just once they have to eat it 1000 times and that just sets precedent. what the ceo is doing here is akin the same, he is saying....do not taste the food even once. very brave and ultimately totally correct decision and even though he is a corporate pig, he has made a very brave battle strategy which will hopefully stop the baggage handler type gravy train. this has got nothing to do with occupy wall street, this is about a bunch of monkeys who due to their inherant greed and theivery have no problem bringing down one of Australias one last great icons. i swear to god if i was vlad the impaler or a king a few centuries ago i would behead those qantas disloyal servants.
  20. santiago

    Praise be to dump shops!

    yeh bud certainly will, when i take my friend this week to snapshot the cactus for id ill use his camera to snap the barometer, it was the junkmaster who said it was 20's maybe 30's, its in great condition so i personally thought 60's but she was adament it was earlier, its from england one can imagine the wear factor is a bit like a clock (thats one of my fav collectables but there are so many horologists around its not funny, just try bid for clocks on the bay and you will see what i mean) not much wear as it hangs like a painting (the barometer not clocks : )............its quite quant as cos its made in england there are no hot days apon it, all showers clearing and cool if you get my gist but the make is SB. i dont think it would auction more than 40-60 but i kinda have given up on that as i think the real value is having a house full of great stuff, but as you prolly know psylo cos i get the feeling you have collecting in your blood that there is a devout barometer collectors who have to have this stuff constantly but the way i see it these are worth SO much more as a long term investment (old collectables) as they simply are losing quantity and fast, which can only mean up for supply and demand. one only has to look at 70's furniture of a average quality to realise that this stuff was deemed rubbish a decade ago and now it still gets looked over but the people that look over 70's quality goods in order to buy chipboard modern crap from harvey norman are the real fools. but as i said the resale value has no pull at all for me, im looking to hoard the good stuff so to speak and then somehow release an item or two and so on in 30 years or at least have some cool stuff for my descendants when i die. i get totally attached to my antiques i could not possibly think of selling................so yeh dont waste a minute whoever has a collectable bone in their body, the time is now as there is a hugely decent amount of quality stuff out there that in a purely financial way will be worth 1000 times todays value in a few decades.
  21. santiago

    Praise be to dump shops!

    went yesterday and i must take pics, have no idea what they are but there are cactus and succulents aplenty, they look more normal than ethno related if that makes sense but my guess would be $5-$10 for some 30-45cm clay pots with few kg specimans. im quite happy nurturing what i have for the time being so im not that interested but ill try take some pics to be ID'd and see if their worth it. i love it so much, wish i had of discovered picking and junking earlier, today i hit the council collections and a brand new hose and reel, house painting set with rollers and so on. a 4 litre of roundup still intact and recent. i spent 10mins on it today. yesterday i salvaged a english 1920's thermom/barometer, a couple of collectable porcelain port containers with the corks, a mini mini mini weber style bbq (so cute its not funny), a 80's train toy set for kids with rails etc fully intact, some crazy sports stuff like a cricket bat SS, a burley league leather football, a very very weird set of tarot cards with book and all cards, some other collectables. all for $25. im addicted to the smell of the place now, for me that light tip smell so distinct and stanky sweet is the smell of opportunity.
  22. santiago

    Qantas Grounded

    really though what does it matter if qantas goes to asia or qantas even shuts down, there is no job in the world in which you get the job and they say you are guarenteed a job for life, sure they are only asking for 4.5% but if i was working for qantas i would be forsaking the pay rise and just working like i am expected to do. sure the airline makes billions of dollars but a pilot who was hired three months ago trying to get his slice of the pie had nothing to do with risking his money a hundred years ago on a fledgling risky idea, his job is to freakin fly the plane take home his very competitive pay every week and shut the fuck up, if he doesnt like not getting a 4.5% pay rise then why doesnt mr pilot go elsewhere. he is rewarded for what he is worth and he has put up little or no risk in securing the companies finances and infrastructure in the first place so the point he wants a pay rise owing to the continued success and billion dollar profits is irregardless of the point. all the unions are are a bunch of standover mafia type thugs and the brainless twits who follow them generally just want paid days off on the union picket line eating free sandwhiches with their buddies.
  23. santiago

    Qantas Grounded

    i think its just greed all round, the airline wants more money, the ceo's want to keep costs down so that they can make more money, the shareholders want more money so they expect the ceo's to make the money and keep the costs down, the pilots want more money, so then do the engineers and the ground crews, cooks and cleaners, the unions want to make more money and then indeed protects their vested interest in employee wages and rights by basically just getting more and more money, the unions are connected to the governments who have all sorts of interests but the botton line is of course national interest which relies again on more money. the whole lot of them are just as bad as each other and i have absolutely no sympathy for the employees the airline the unions or the governments. i hate employees sometimes, they will say anything and everything to get the interview and then the job, yes yes yes yes....then as soon as they are hired they start demanding all extra rights. get on with the bloody job and stop your whining. then you have the 80000 people who have such an important life they need to be somewhere and they vent their frustration at the only staff not striking the front counter people and then you have a pack of wife bashers trying to gang bang a 21 year old girl or boy just trying to do the job that their greedy counter parts ALL the way up from the dishwasher to the government have left them to take the bullet. its just greed all the way and anybody within that airline system no matter who they are except those who are doing their jobs should hang their heads in shame. Its all about money and its all about greed, nothing could be simpler. I personally think that the best thing would be if the airline imploded and this taught alot of people a bloody lesson in simple humanity and humbleness.
  24. santiago

    learning guitar as physiotherapy

    see but this is totally why i opened the tread, i see you all as being correctly correct..whats right for one person is totally polar opposite for another. i liken it to junk yard hunting. like i normally go by myself and get what i am looking for but when i take a buddy they see something that iwould not even have looked at, kinda you cant ever walk in any mans footsteps until you have worn his shoes type analogy. the hendrix and good guitatists musical theories go straight over, although now having played around a smidgen with a guitar you are totally awestruck by the possibilities, i seriously do have a softspot for a uke, that post of psylo's is astronomical and roopey's no5 for me anyway was helpful in the max. probably tube can come in handy here, this is how i would like to play, not necessarily normally but with 3 or 4 melodies interacting like guramul..not the singing, but just a slow depressing type drawl. and uke, and electric as i said bass..i dont really care if it takes 10 years. but yeh the untrained is what i would like to be but i see no problem with lessons. so yeh, physio to the max. like this lil kid too, saw him years back but he has heaps of plays
  25. santiago

    Do you have IKEA in australia?

    i have only been once, had no idea it was a one way maze..about half way through i got sick of looking at stuff so i went backwards because the maze just got more complex forwards, i was disconcerted because i was going backwards against the flow of constant people going forwards, anyway i was starting to seriously nearly flip out because everybody kept telling me to go forwards all i wanted was to leave so i got to the initial gates i entered through and then all the shop assistants and security were like "you must not exit, you may not escape''. so then i realised what the place does...and i had to jump some bollard poles to sneak out behind the main entry. for the life of me ill never go back, seems pretty fucked up when it like escaping a detention centre but its just a cushion store.