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The Corroboree


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Everything posted by santiago

  1. santiago

    How do I feel content again?

    there is a solution but its very insensitive, but pretty much has a 100% success rate that i have seen. its simply the new puppy theory. almost every child has lost some kind of pet and like any loss its a sad time and the natural grieving process must occur for child to understand and absorb the loss. a child losing a long time family dog is very similar to an adult losing a life partner. there is only one thing on the planet that can ease the loss of pain a child feels, instantly. right or wrong is not the issue its the getting over it now which may have value for you now kee as it seems you are in the middle of the grieving process and for that my friend there is nothing but to endure the long and lonily nights, the reminders everywhere, the songs on the radio and the memories of falling into bed, the smell of the perfume and the warm embrace of love so pure. then one day like providence somebody brings the little child who lost the old pet a tiny wittle puppy, suddenly there is a smile on the face of the child and laughter abounds and the puppy licks the childs face, he laughs again and the grieving process is complete, the child will never forget the old dog and they will be somehow together forever, but the fact is the old dog is gone and the new puppy symbolises new beginnings and a fresh start and new happiness, who would resist a young child such a simple gift and lesson in life. as to relationships, the child is you and the old family pet is your ex, it is normal to grieve so dont fight it..........but YOU also deserve happiness too, if its what you want to do and you want to speed up the process, think of the puppy, think of the new girlfriend who wants to lick your face and make you smile. new beginnings-every broken relationship bringing you by pure random chance the opportunity to be with the one you are trully meant to be with, the new puppy theory is a 100% winner and that new puppy will never replace but it will love you just as much if not more than the old one. there are 4 choices only here, all the pats on the back by your friends mean nothing. new puppy single grieve sad recover stay in that heartbreaking on/off again abuse pattern of love power struggles to see who gets the next new partner first you hated each other anyway and your free good luck kee, stand your ground and be firm-once you cave in just once to the hurt cycle and go crawling back because its better than hurting at all, your only creating a huge monster.
  2. santiago

    Where did SWIM go wrong?

    salt...im not sure, vacuum sealing perhaps....can you can them like champignons or preserve them like jam, powder them and encapsulate, seal in wax. i cant believe you guys dont know who SWIM is, man the amount of stuff they have had to find and ingest over the years im suprised they are still breathing, they must have good genes. the earlist you can trace swim back to is mathias swim who went to novia scotia in about 1600ad. of course you have that name changing morphology variant that happens over time and now swim could possibly be that shwimmer dude from ''friends". i dont know swim but i would like to meet him sometime, he sounds like a cool dude...and im sure your pretty cool too ^^idiot.
  3. santiago

    The Communist manifesto

    Today i was watching Lord Monckton cut to pieces a room full of so called climate scientists and of course the idiotic journalists that most of the time dont know their own scrotum from their ballsack. I have to say that i was really really impressed with this Lord Monkton in the way he held himself and was able to look objectively at the issue of climate change without the political nonsense. Speaking of politics i overheard him compare the greens party or australia to communists and that the greens have some agenda to bring down democracy............man i wish i wasnt daydreaming at the time and had been listening more carefully but ill keep an eye out for the repeat on tv from the national press club. Personally i have lost faith in democracy and i have alot of admiration for the chinese and this so called communism ideal besides their human rights issues which i understand nothing of and dont really want to judge them on. Anyway the Lord Munckton said to read the communist manifesto if i wanted to understand the Green party of Australia. Now that Bob Brown guy seriously does remind me of a smiling dictator, everybody thinks he is nice but i seriously think he would eat newborn baby livers. Alot of this goes against my newfound admiration of Monckton but i took his advice and looked up the communist manifesto which is a seriously old document but i must say it really did mirror alot of my feelings about where i see society heading and the failures, namely of the USA and of course its little lap dog Australia. The way i read it, the communist manifesto isnt about the world invasion of germany and china and all these global bogeymen the US will lead you to believe them in this democratic freedom they bullshit on and on about (only to shoot each other in the faces with their obsession with household guns, doesnt sound very free to me). Its about how the democratic system is ultimately doomed to fail and what can be done about it with prior knowledge to actually garner world peace. Interesting reading below. Thank you Lord Monkton for recommending the following reading. There is heaps more on the source below this really is just the proverbial tip of the iceberg but i will include what is seen as the mission statement of rules for a large communist country and it is no wonder that China is so ahead of the rest of the world with variants of modern society democracy rules such as these below. SOURCE-http://www.anu.edu.au/polsci/marx/classics/manifesto.html
  4. santiago

    The Communist manifesto

    i dunno i have been feeling weird lately, anybody else feel the same....i think thats why there is so many members posting world crisis financial apathy, government bully boy type threads lately myself included. i cant put my finger on it but it feels real, its like the global financial crisis was a warning tremor for something big on the horizon, it just seems bit by bit the world is losing touch with possibly finance and money, just small things are stacking up for a gigantic fail. its impossible to sustain the rising cost these days, nasa shutting down, usa in massive massive dept, house prices at ridiculous levels, every time you go out its and extra dollar on the beer per 6 months, fuel prices, credit card dept, reliance on finance, no hotdog men, $2000 fines for a cone of pot, casinos adding another 00 to the roullete wheel and then a 000, the unsustainable sporting salaries, a total reliance on fossil fuels, small businesses everywhere failing, saturation of sugar in all shops...thats all i can think of right now, oh a pint of beer and a small glass of coke $14.50 at the mustang bar. its why i have been going stir bat crazy and i didnt even know it, it just feels like something really fucked up is going to happen to the world, there is this mayan calander theory 2012 you all know of, maybe it is the financial implosion of the world on a global financial scale, if that happens then wars and stuff will follow, people will lose there money and go fucking stir crazy, shooting and eating people. it feels like its inevitable, were doomed.........gold has just hit 1600 per ounce, that translates to us living at the most financially vulnerable and most expensive time to live on planet earth in the history of mankind. once apon a time the aboriginals of australia were deemed as barbaric savages because they didnt have irrigation or market gardening style economy, they lived for 50000 years in synergy with australia with the nomadic, non invasive, live off the land type strategy and they were happy and thrived, everything was under control and easy.............in 200 years our western system of living by that market garden and the little individual plot of land attached to your little silver dollar pot at the end of the rainbow has pretty much ruined the country in 10 generations. this is an indication to itself that the financial system we live by is a complete failure and fraud and if the aboriginals had not been discovered the australian countryside would not have changed much a blade of grass. but this is just a never ending repeat of the same stuff over and over, im very sad that i have come to the conclusion now that life is totally useless, doesnt matter what happens from here on in, its too late.............we are ingrained in the very fabric of commercialism, to deep to escape. there is nothing to be done but wait for the end. what goes up must come down ay, oh well..........the only thing im investing in now is mixed martial arts lessons, knifes from ebay, learning survival techniques, gold and silver and keeping fit so i can run to the hills. something is stirring in the mountains marge, theres a storm a coming....a big fucking storm.
  5. santiago

    thought for the day.

    there is quite a few threads on population, i can remember one fairly big one..im not sure if its related but maybe it helps out. http://www.shaman-australis.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=25546&st=120&p=290528&hl=population&fromsearch=1entry290528
  6. santiago

    The Hot Dog man

    Not to be confused with an earlier thread of mine called ""Why wouldn't you eat a dog?'' http://www.shaman-australis.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=21913 But what the hell, i would eat a dog hotdog anyway. Maybe even a crocodile or snake or kangaroo hotdog if you could get one on the side of the street. I probably wouldnt eat a human hotdog unless we were floating in the middle of the pacific ocean it was day 22 and you were telling me to have a little resty whilst you scrape the seaweed of the side of the boat with the claw hammer in your hand. Kadoink....fell for the ol cannibal tells his guest to take a nap trick. But my topic is today...The hot dog man. From time to time i have turned to micro business. Well once anyway properly. It was window cleaning and it went from $300 to $30000 in 6 months. Walked away one day mid swipe, finished the job quickly and never answered the phone again. Thats the beauty of a micro business. Sure realistically i could have hired someone and went that way but i just knew that it wasnt for me so whats the point trying to push shit up a hill. Most small businesses take alot more risk than the mere $300 i invested, namely life savings and the house. Then even if it works there comes the newly established capital and employee base and all the rest of that stuff you have to deal with. Its basically impossible to give it away without massive upheaval in your life, unfortunately your life is actually a small business. Some people make it work well and i admire these people, certainly for me though i would rather a no risk, throwaway after 6 months if you dont like type of small business, what i call a micro business. I want a business to be an extension of me. Like a hand on a human body, instead of its beating, bleeding heart. Which brings me to the hot dog stand. Im sure most of us here in Australia have seen what i mean. Outside bunnings and similar, not american style but just your good, simple, practicle normal sausage and bread and sauce and onions type thingy. Like the pics below if i was a 1 man band would be ideal. So here in Perth, there is 1 left i think. In the city and even he is trying to be shut down. The way i understood it, they (them) didnt want the trashyness of it all, maybe dodgy dudes popping up everywhere giving people food poisoning. But it goes deeper than that. It goes into the very heart of democracy and freedom. I certainly dont assume i understand anything of the way the world really works, i may post stuff like the communist manifesto and rant on about gold and china and the like, but thats all just part of the confusion which is we all live in a world which we believe we are free, if that is the case...................sit there now for 30 seconds, close your eyes and breath. Think to yourself are you really free? If the answer is yes, then please let us all know how to be free. If the answer is no, then your openly admitting that you are modern day slave. Your being persecuted without even knowing that your life grade has already been sorted into groups of social class based on the simple premise of slavery. Once again i digress, apologies and back to the hot dogs. Had a great debate last night with some people (humans). I said BAM. I want to buy a mini hot dog stand and go to the beach in summer or the riverside and sell hot dogs. 3K all up easy max investment. You cant do it say my wise friends. Why not i say. They say its all got to do with putting other businesses out of pocket and being unfair becausen of its not paying rent and city councils not allowing it due to by laws and all that fucking rediculous logical pain in the ass fucking bullshit that comes with it. But are you telling me i say...in reply that small businesses at the beachside would be so worried about being undercut by a tiny micro hot dog man, councils couldnt be bought off with a permit, small businesses on the beach basically saying to the micro man, your undercutting us and providing so much better value and that we have massively ripped of the general public for years that we wont allow any competition from a little man at all. I thought that we were free. Americans are free right...they have hot dog stands, asian countries do that i know of. So what im really saying is that the hot dog man opitimises free spirit. If life is so bloody complicated and moderated that as this so called ''land of the free" democracy designed on the ideal and virtue of FREEDOM, isnt free at all. Ahh but here comes the logic twist of it all. If you align yourself with Coles or bunnings or a so called charity.............or EVENT, then thats ok. So its ok to be moderated as free, so long as you join forces with the forces of big business. Travel 1km away and set up on the beach to the lower classes, no way. Listen i might be totally wrong here and i can become a freewheeling hot dog man for the masses over here in Perth and put one across the road from plakas and co on the beachside, great you want your 10buck kebab, nice one........but you want a good ol hot dog with a bun...$3, come back anytime. But im a slave right?? Think about it people, its not about the hotdog is it? Its about the ideal, regardless if its a hotdog or a roadside class (er sorry drug test) its about time the free minds of australia joined forces pretty soon and offered a realistic political party, seriously. Any ideas. Do we have enough numbers here to actually cause a few peaceful ripples to the establishment and open some swinging voters to what may not seem to be right now very much support, but if it was structured on a base of sanity and co-operation and lateral peaceful national thinking, who knows. My suggestion would be "The Rational Party of Australian Socialists" or the "Hotdogs" From Hot Dog man to prime minister, you tell me free thinkers of australia. Is it still possible for a slave to win his freedom in australia and lead the country, whether thats you or me or your best mate macca. Maybe im talking shit but here is the test. 100 memberships available as a starting point. if it gets too 100 well then there is actually some support enough to start to formulate a serious political plan and start registering legals etc...just register your interest by posting a definite yes or no somehow below...post a picture of a hotdog, link it, draw it...write it in red...whatever. we all talk about stuff like this and i imagine it being a stressful and even dangerous path, is it possible to change history.............you tell me? hot dogs-get your hot dogs...
  7. santiago

    The Hot Dog man

    im really looking for feedback here, tell me sensibly with pure logic somebody with a spark of knowledge why you cannot set up a professional hotdog stand at the beach in perth ond or resell coca cola from eskies, yet the jiffy food van can drive around with clapped up piece of shit vans with stale food and sell it. why can dodgy old men come and sell you flowers at a nightclub but not a hotdog or coke. thank you botanika i will go there. i re-iterate this is about ideals and freedom not the hotdog per se. wakey wakey people, forget about your next mortage payment for the moment and if the tyres have enough tyre shine on them on your car, yes your hair looks great at the washing is done.............is that the way you want to live your life or do you want to buy a cheap feed and a can of coke on the beach in summer, or do you want a latte served on a gold embossed towellete only in your exclusive club. dont worry about the poor old hotdog conundrum, pretty soon you will be getting busted for that rogue acacia in your back garden, im starting to wonder why my local police station just ripped up the hundreds of acacia they had in the garden and just repaced them with another garden style similar to an ellenbrook designer garden- its coming people, your already in the slow boiling pot and you dont even know the temperature is rising. from what i have seen here alot of people talk the talk but dont walk the walk, who is gonna save you.............yourself, us, greenpeace, ega........nobody is gonna save you but YOU. no offense here but from people i know who read or have heard about the forums here they simply think that we are a bunch of stoners and drug abusers- are you?? no wonder society doesnt give a shit about our rights then if thats what people think you are if indeed you are, can you walk your talk?? i cant not yet as this is a gag, we have 2 members in 3 days, myself and slybacon...................i think that is bloody amazing personally, at that rate we could have 128 members in 21 days, then do the maths after that. go out to your backyard now and look at your plants, then look yourself in the face in the mirror and ask yourself if you deserve them or you are just a faceless nameless avatar on a empty screen of which nobody cares. i care and you do have rights, you deserve rights and its about time you fucking demanded rights. get off your ass and make it happen, 100 members and this aint no gag and we start changing history, do you want to go to your death bed and flashback over your life and realise you didnt even give it a go- you are free, you are not a slave.
  8. santiago

    The Hot Dog man

    If the issue was food poisoning why do the street corners in new york have so many in what would be deemed to be the most litigous country in the world. Im not talking your mate colin flippin a few snags on the family bbq here andy, im talkin a semi pro setup just like you see at bunnings. its not as if food poisoning is a huge issue right, if your smart about things you ring allianz and pay 15 bucks a week insurance to cover you for this type of incident. why is it then that those peanut sellers up above are not a risk food poisoning, why is it then written above that somebody can resell coke cans on the beach where obviously there is a demand and no risk of food poisoning, i think you will find that it has nothing to do with food poisoning andy and thats probably a convienient excuse if any. its about encroaching on small to medium size business i feel, they wont stand for a little guy undercutting them. if so then coles can sell milk for $1 per litre but realistically the corner deli cant so if you get my gist this is leading somewhere more insidious. personally i cant stand by and waste my life being a slave anymore, slaves are meant to revolt right?? wasnt there a big teary eyed historical page when africans or other races broke away from slavery, no they didnt they just broke into our slavery, the modern day lie you live everyday................well it might only be a hotdog to some, and personally i think 99% of people love slavery buy for me i have questions that need answered, alot of you cry foul when your civil liberties to grow cacti might be repealed, the why the ignorance toward other related topics, a hotdog on the beach is exactly the same as a cacti in your backyard, its just the symbolism you want to choose and ideal you fight for that differs. maybe i need to go interview the council and that one last hotdog man that stands in the perth cbd to get some answers. i think it is better to attempt an escape from prison than just sit there and wait to die, regardless if you fail. that is what the .. HOTDOG PARTY stands for.
  9. my mum likes porno dad likes to watch her suck dick video for sale (over and out otherwise ill bring disrepute to this comp-well you did have to bring my mum into this man^^ haha) good luck everybody
  10. You spent too much time In that isolation tank Faustus you chat cunt
  11. isnt it about 25000K or less for a cave at coober pedy, man i would love to go opal hunting one day, some people who dig the houses for themselves strike opals and get a free house.
  12. santiago

    sleep deprivation

    hey chnt where can you do an isolation tank in perth, is it a business? did a thread on it a couple of years back i remember faustus had one i think...the consensus was they really were not as good as thought but still i would book myself into one if it was commercially available in perth.
  13. santiago

    The rape of men

    i had a friend i grew up with who joined the navy, we went through school and puberty and life and first girlfriends together and were able to talk about everything and anything and only once in his life did he ever wish to not discuss a topic. this was very strange for him but i didnt press it anymore as he was nearly in tears and told me in no uncertain terms that he couldnt talk about it. i am of the belief that when sailors cross the equator or one of those lines they get the newbs and tar and feather them and submit them to humiliation and smacks on the ass with table tennis paddles and so on, there was actually an expose on TV once i saw and the navy big wigs covered it all up. anyway i pressed my mate on the subject and as i said above he really put out some sad vibes and expressed he did not want to go there in no uncertain terms. my mate was 130kg of pure muscle so i dont know if he was the victim or the purp but obviously something happened to him pretty bad and we were both comfortable to talk about so called homosexual topics before and after, but this one detail was a complete no go zone. one can only assume that there is an established heirachy and tradition of humiliation and perhaps rape and associated within the australian navy and dare i say the whole military system.
  14. santiago

    The Communist manifesto

    do you mean at the press club? no i didnt...i was daydreaming until i started listening to his statement on our greens party. do tell...i got a funny feeling its got something to do with his looks.
  15. santiago

    The Communist manifesto

    i reckon the biggest issue with monkton regardless of what he says is the fact he has those googly weird eyes that make him look crazy, of course society the way it is with heavy sense of vanity judges him by looks before they have heard a word he says. who would 99% of society believe do you really think based on first impressions OR my opinion is its a "judge a book by its cover situation" i dont really think wether he is a lord or not really has any value here, its what he has to say as a scientist and going against the grain of conventional logic, the same sort of conventional logic that has an established war on drugs for example that really is the interest in the topic, not his upbringing.
  16. santiago

    The Communist manifesto

    yeh kee u that was my point, that they are the same thing and that journalists are idiots because they wouldnt know the difference....it wasnt an analogy but thank you for your intelligent contribution to the topic. the difference between wooddragon and i have not read his input on climate change, the difference is lord M has to response in a matter of seconds to a national audience and scientists and journalist who prepare well in advance and try trap him, i would assume wooddragon probably has never had a national audience and tv cameras on him and had to respond to questions ad lib, replying to a topic with the world wide web at your fingertips and hours to thought a response is a totally different situation and i doubt he would have any credibility on the spot.
  17. santiago

    Bouncing Bear Botanicals rorted by the feds

    see if you can link in a source ie the web address the article came from 7baz., i see the part down the bottom where you say 'written by me" which i assume means your trying to do the right thing but probably dont understand the SOURCE thing. i dont know what the web politics of the source thingy is besides plagerism etc but it seems like a pretty important thing to do especially with a contraversial topic like this. maybe see if you can re-edit the source in. i dont know too much about BBB or american laws and politics but you tend to read here and there and everywhere on ethno related topics that BBB are disliked by customers and buyers alike for reasons im not sure of, my bet is the disgruntled buyers got together and dobbed them in via some kind of lynch mob mentality. maybe like most companies the love for the almighty dollar came before the mission statement of care and they simply fucked themselves in the ass.
  18. santiago

    radio music

    i think he means LMFAO the pop group not the shortened web talk syncro. when i was out a few weeks back i saw a massive lineup outside EVE club and the shuffle song was on inside the club, there was some dude in the lineup with bright yellow skin tight pants and a look on his face like he needed to do a really big poo and he was doing the SHUFFLE. now i really understand why they are called LMFAO, not only was this dick in the yellow pants 15-20 years too late for the acid house and techno movements where the shuffle was commonplace history, even those dudes 20 years ago were 100 years behind the tap dancers who invented the shuffle............but i digress back to the yellow panted dickwad in the lineup.............if your reading this dude i think you really have wasted your life, the shuffle just aint cool dude in any century. LMFAO (web talk) hahaha.
  19. santiago

    woman gives son cannabis to treat autism.

    there was a topic posted a few years back here similar http://www.shaman-australis.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=21280&st=0&p=217599&hl=autism&fromsearch=1entry217599
  20. santiago

    The Corroboree top 100

    . Simply just write the name of song and artist, or link it or tube it to enter the top 100. Its your forum, your music, your thread. so post away. Rate songs accordingly with the vote + or - #1 http://www.youtube.c...player_embedded Black eyed peas-Time #2 http://www.youtube.c...player_embedded Yothu yindi-Djapana #3 http://ww w.youtube.c...player_embedded Yellowman-Nobody move nobody get hurt #4 #5 #6
  21. santiago

    Herbalistics - Where are they ?

    my mistake, everywhere you turn these days you see #ace*ook.com/mcd$naldsAU for example......personally i am very heavily biased against face book so i cant be counted on for a valid opinion on this one but just watching a web address for companies that use the FB precurser almost physically makes me ill and thats no joke.
  22. santiago

    Herbalistics - Where are they ?

    oh man not another company using a facebook website instead of a real one, zero credibility.
  23. My wardrobe mirror cracked and i have ample mirror glass which ill put to some use at a later date. I have been thinking what to do with it and i was going to save it for craft of artwork for example. Prolly 3 metres squared is how much. Anyway i have built a few mini greenhouses here and there but hope one day to build something a little more permanent. Had a bit of a looksky online and did find a tiny bit of reading but not a heap. So has anyone ever incorporated mirrors into a greenhouse here at the forum. Any tips, is there any point, does it really change anything for the better or is in fact detrimental given some conditions. Should i save my mirrors for craft or is there some usage in regards to practicle greenhousery? http://www.marspedia.org/index.php?title=Greenhouse
  24. santiago

    plain alcohol packaging

    ì can understand both sides of the argument but obviously i have chosen to back plain packaging, i can see the totalitarian aspect of plain packaging but then to believe that you would have to back the scenario that the government wants to control your mind as opposed to rectfying health issues in regards to tobacco and whilst i do believe governments dont always have the best moral interests of its citzens to heart all the time, it certainly does this time and to believe that a simple packet of plain ciggies is really going to limit this so called freedom that none of us really have anyway, well then you may need more help than even i need its this whats next senario that the tobacco companies have used as its bullshit strategy to combat losing the only real thing that makes any particular product popular-its brand. very very clever, but if you were protecting trillions of dollars you would probably lie thru your teeth and manipulate the simpletons minds as well. say tomorrow the government did an about face and said' ''we are going to legalise all entheogens over the counter, but you can only get them in plain packaging", would you really care, or would you demand that it comes in a pretty little package so you can identify with some self percieved image of what the world and yourself SHOULD look like. me personally i couldnt give a toss and just say thank fuck i can just get the shit. it reminds me of a generic steriotype of personality i see on the roads every day, about 3 times a day i see a typical guy over and over, he generally has a black late model commodore, is in his mid 20's and does a little burnout as he rounds the corner with his macho V8, i swear its the same guy but then i realised that its a typical type of guy, this typical type of guy is obviously trying to emminate some cool, mans man, bogan tough guy type of charade which really is how he wants his image to be percieved by others, i tend to ask myself why isnt that same guy a bogan and driving a pink beetle but still be the same dude deep down, what difference does it make? so long as he knows he is cool then why does it really matter, it matters because he would imply that other people dont think he is cool, deep down he is insecure with his place in the world and in order to rectify his lack of real substance he has to overcompensate by creating his own brand, this instance his brand is bogan but this brand is what we want other people to believe we are, even though we are probably not. so basically its just a big lie that we put on to sell ourselves which related to popularity which translates to sales if you want to look at it this way. take away the brand and you take away the lie, and its the lie that creates the sale more often than the product by the manipulation of a persons ego, which is the core fundamental reason the tobacco companies are in a state of panic. to the single blokes out there, you pick up a set of twins at a nightclub..you take them home but they say that you must choose which one to sleep with. the first one comes out of the bathroom dressed in some sexy lingerie, full make up, whips and chains and blinking her eyes in a seductive manner, the other comes out of the bathroom still wiping her ass from doing a shit, her hair all messy, wearing grandma undies and coughing flehm up. the time comes to choose...............do you choose the first or the second twin, im sure most would choose the first one in lingerie-just as you too have chosen a packet of winfields. branding is all a product has, without it it is just a really ugly twin with grandma undies.
  25. santiago

    plain alcohol packaging

    the only reason the tobocco companies are trying so hard and spending so much to stop this happening must be because they forecast that plain packaging will cost them profit, not just a tiny bit...LOTS. and it will set a precedent world wide and the flow on effects would be disastrous for the tobacco industry. so to protect their interests they design a smear campain based on fear, using civil liberties as a sick kind of analogy, preying on the stupididy of the masses to actyually believe the government is going to imprison their minds somehow and using societies biggest vulnerability called alcohol as a scare tactic - if they take away your smokes, your beer is next. you really got to ask yourself, do you really believe an industry which has probably created more deaths (if you believe a link between smoking related illnesses) than any other trigger in history, to suddenly come out of the woodwork and be concerned for your personal wellbeing, not a chance- they are shitting their pants because for the first time ever, people are waking up. i totally understand that drinking a glass of moet & chandon or an expensive gold wrapped cuban ciggar is extremely classy and makes one feel good about themself but this is all really based on our pre-programming through a lifetime of advertising and a deep seated fear of our own in-adequacy as a person that we must somehow aspire to this belief that we need to be accepted or the strive for popularity. if you break it down even further it really comes down to the emotions and a precieved self image of which most aspire to, and the simple fact that most people deep down are insecure and lacking a functioning reliable ego. you got to ask yourself, why is it that when you go out to a party on a saturday night that you wear your hair with gel, don your best levi jeans and your pair of nike shoes, it is because that you dont think that you are good enough if you dress in cheap outfits to impress people, this all comes from a deep insecurity we all have that we are not good enough as we are normally and we must aspire to some social ideal of what we think people want to see, and this will somehow make us more attractive or make up for the fact that out biggest fear is that you are just an ordinary boring person with nothing special about you at all, you are simply nothing but a generic clone dressed in good clothes, and this helps us overcome the inadeqacy we all deep down fear. do you really think that people drink crown lager cos its the best tasting beer, the reason they drink it is because its a pretty shiny bottle, just like a crow colects shiny stuff to lure a mate..pretending to look good so they can falsify their own worth to the world. the problem is that you have not corrected the issue that you are a worthless, battery, clone, copy, there is nothing special about you, your ego is designed on a lie and that drinking a crown lager with a shiny label will make you forget this for a short time and make you believe that you fit into a grander social scale and make you feel good about yourself, perhaps even superior-forgetting that indeed you are really nothing but a hairless monkey with some real mental issues and a negative self image who is simply smoking a plant picked from the ground. anything that wakes people up to the modern day lie we all believe and forces people to remove a brand which is essentially just a way to categorise, class and scam people-has to be a good thing for the greater humanity of our existance.