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The Corroboree

The Dude

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Posts posted by The Dude

  1. meh $10 mill for sony is like $5 for u and me, still its cool that it happened. I really couldnt care tho, i thought this sorta station bribery thing would be common knowledge anyhow and if u listen to shithouse commercial stations then that's just your problem :)

  2. in regard to the 'art cock' thing, i once covered my hand in plaster and then painted it pink (looked like a weird prosthetic hand) when I was done I ripped it off and the fingers remained as little floppy dick looking things, hehe it was fun walking around with that hangin out my zipper! :D

  3. I just read what i thought was a pretty funny disclaimer / warning thing...

    'Warning: This e-mail may contain traces of nuts. Also the information in

    this e-mail may be confidential. It is intended solely for the addressee, or

    any governmental agency authorised to monitor electronic transmissions for

    evidence of sedition, terrorism or any other actions deemed unAmerican

    unAustralian. Access to this e-mail by anyone else is unauthorised. If you

    are not the intended recipient, any disclosure, copying, distribution,

    flagellation or any action taken or omitted to be taken in reliance on it,

    is prohibited, may be unlawful and will definitely bring you bad karma. But

    hey man, I don't want to play the heavy, it's your trip.'

  4. wait a second so i *dont* have to buy all these $150 pink, second hand (with all the rips and whatnot) shirts and faded jeans and go clubbing to be cool?

    Hah! like I'd spend that sorta money even if i had it! Fuck that shit!

    You won't enlighten these people through traditional conversational means, the brainwashing has already gone to far. I think they should all take part in the turn off the television and deprogram program. Maybe a good squeegee of the third eye. But that'd totally shatter their ego that they've been spending so much money on to reinforce - could end in tragedy but screw em they deserve it for buying into this materialistic happiness bullshit!

    [/end rant]

    hehe sorry.

  5. probably not really psychedelic guitar rock but definitely worth checkin out are Tomahawk! Their first album is great, havent heard much of the second - apart from the bird song.

    Fantomas are another band worth listening to. I like their cover of the godfather theme and the horror movie themes (the omen etc...). Great stuff!

  6. ^^^

    agreed. They should be charged as criminals but what's gonna happen is they'll be fined a few hundred thou perhaps which they'll happily pay up if it means they can continue on with their work. A few million even is nothing to huge pharmaceutical companies.

  7. How do vic and nsw subs compare to Sa subs? just curious? A friend of a gnome said that 5 mushrooms (large by melb standards - very tall and skinny) was plenty for a 1st experience. Another friend said that the first flushes were most potent and a few pins were enough.

    hmm another question, is it OK to pick pins? or should one wait to they fully mature. I've heard that as they mature they are less potent (/weight). Does the mushroom keep producing the goods all the way through it's growth? Or is there a more or less stable amount of 'goods' during it's life?

  8. erm 94? I dunno where to check the post count for the thread. :P

    It's obvious that if ever there was a drought it has now ended. Everyone make the most of it. It'd be a shame to miss out and have to wait another few hundred years (slight exageration).

  9. The song your thinking of is White Rabbit by Jefferson Airplane - album was surrealistic pillow i think. Check them out if you're into old school hippy music :)

    Wolfmother are awesome! saw them at the bigday out. They're doing a national tour at the moment, I'll be seeing them again this thursday! -together with wolf and cub who are also pretty awesome.

    If you're more into progressive rock (like pink floyd or Led Zep) check out Mars Volta (It's prog but NOTHING like pink floyd) I'd call them THE psychedelc band of recent times.

    Also if you're into all that psychedelic keyboard stuff check out The Stranglers. I really like the track 'down in the sewer' and ev4erybody knows the song 'peaches' right? it was in a bonds ad i think.

    I wouldn't call Rocket Science a 'psychedelic' band but I really dig their sound esp. the keyboards.

    Now to a totally different sound but definitely psychedelic in nature (IMO) you can't go past TOOL!

    This could become a nice thread methinks. Everyone ad their suggestions! (maybe not just the traditional 60's psychedelic sound)

  10. While the topic has slightly gone off topic into international hiphop groups I gotta say Ozimatli are awesome and I remember hearing some French HipHop a few years back on jjj. The song was Sex, Alcohol et Accordeon (??) by this fella called Java.

    I dunno who it's by but the 'we're unemployed' song always puts a smile on my face - I get that nice warm feeling of solidarity with my fellow bums.

    I've only ever seen the Herd twice and Hilltop Hoods once but I gotta say I really dig the whole aus-hiphop scene - Not a big Hiphop fan usually (at least most of the American crap shits me) but the aussie stuff is great!

  11. It's bullshit that he got murdered during a house robbery. Very sad story - 1st his son committed suicide (as I recall) and then he got killed in a random attack. Kinda fitting though when you look at his artwork.

    I'd compare his work more to H.R Giger but where Gigers' work is mostly monochromatic Beksinski used some very rich colours. And somehow his works seem to trigger a deeper response (in me at least) than many other artists, just that eerie, uncomfortable, disturbing surrealist feeling - you know the one, Like a freaky nightmare.

  12. Argh I'm so pissed off! I had a chance at contributing to this when it was still in the making - but I didn't. Then when the hundreds of times this gets posted somewhere I'd feel my ego grow and Grow! hehe.

    It's not really the same thing but the idea was more or less taken from http://tiles.ice.org - that being the collaborative artwork idea.

    Pretty awesome piece I must Say. It looks weird when u zoom through it because obviously it'd be too hard to have the real perspective shfting of the 3d objects so instead it looks like a weird pinching/expanding sort of material. -umm capisci?
