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The Corroboree

The Dude

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Posts posted by The Dude

  1. would I be able to get a copy of the blueberry movie? it seems very hard to find lol

    hopefully i should make it to the meet today for a bit


    I'd love to see a dvd quality or blu-ray version of blueberry. I've got a dvd copy but the quality isn't the highest even though it's a direct rip, it's all compressed (with all the menus and other bs).

    ...been just reading a few other forums which suggest even the original dvd releases were sub par.

    "the DVD quality of the Oz release is atrocious. Who on earth releases single-sided, single-layer, non-anamorphic transfers these days? Even non-zoomed the picture was awful and blurry. A shame, because you can tell it looked amazing when shot/on film. There wasn't even a subtitle track!"

    re: Blu-Ray release,

    "I actually posted this question to Jan on his forum and his response was once the blu-ray market gets big enough they will release it."

    Blu-Ray forum

    Italian dubbed Blu-Ray release

    Discussion on Italian Blu-Ray release

    ...I remember hearing about this movie, going to an indoor psy-trance party and the vj was cranking the visionary sequences from the movie, I asked him, is this the famous blueberry? and it was confirmed... anyway, that was a good party, need to get high def version for those sort of reasons.

    ...how did the meet go anyway?

  2. ...I am sure there must be a minority of South American immigrants who honestly would have no idea that their daily cuppa could possibly land them in Hot water so to speak.


    Top points for pun of the day, have you ever thought of working for a newspaper? :lol:

    Informative thread. Cheers guys!

  3. I'm sorry, I thought an a/b would be common knowledge, especially after doing some research into this...

    Nobody wants to give detailed descriptions on extraction because then the line between ethnobotany and drug manufacture is blurred and it could be seen as suggesting ways to break the law -which in these days may as well mean this forum is a terrorist network. There's plenty of worthwhile information here and a very helpful community. It's just better to stay off the radar than yell through a megaphone a detailed method of extracting a schedule 1 substance out of our beloved plants.

    I don't want to see this site taken down is all. I'm all for free speech and freedom of information but if some of that information (in the times we live in) means losing it all, I'll tell you to just do your research elsewhere! :lol:

    For these reasons I suggested the other forums, although I'm sure someone here could point you towards a better plant to source for your needs.

    Here's a bright idea, grow some! It might take you a while to get what you need, and then maybe you need to wait a while. It's reward enough to just watch your plants grow in the meantime.

    So far so good, I don't think anyone's offended (internet talk is tricky that way)

  4. ...what procedure would you suggest for making the safest possible ayahuausca?


    The most common procedure is to trawl the internet for the information you're looking for, come to your own conclusions on what your best options are for your situation and take the initiative to at least do some basic research before asking such questions.

    If the know-how of which plants to use and how to do these extracts was given out to anyone that apparently hasn't put in the time and effort (and respect!) to find out at least a bit about the process for themselves it would be irresponsible to the plants and to the community for being so blasé with such important information.

    These experiences should be enjoyed by all, however I believe there is an initiation process of sorts working with these substances that deserves due respect, caution and LOTS of study to better appreciate their magic. It will become more intuitive.

    Good luck with your research, there are probably better forums to be asking these questions. I get the feeling nobody wants to discuss illegal things too much here, it's not really a chemistry forum anyway, we just like our plants and friendships and all that.

    Check out the DMT Nexus & The Nook forums!

    • Like 3

  5. Botanika, My point was that ANY clear cut answer, be it the official story or a conspiracy theory is like junk food. Really you should get the raw ingredients yourself and make your own meal... come to your own conclusion.

    The Bush Administration isn't responsible, Mossad and the CIA and some rich Saudi Princes aren't responsible, Extremist Muslims aren't responsible. All these groups work together and/or manipulate each other as they wrestle for the ultimate power, in their own adversarial stalemate fulfilling the will of that which controls them. The one minded single goal of the cosmic conspiracy allows coincidental / "accidental" events to fall into place. The dark prince weaves a very intricate tapestry.

    Chi bono?.. Nobody, the death culture, the headstrong and weakminded race towards oblivion carried out by self serving psychopaths acting like a possessed program of pure evil manipulation.

  6. Simple solution to stopping police abuse is to stop crime yeah? And the need for such "vigilant" policing. Simple solution to stop crime is to stop making everything against the law or taxable. People get over being treated as sheep, unlike sheep we have opposable thumbs and large neo-cortexes, we can actually choose to disobey, therein lies crime and punishment.

  7. Buahahahahahaha! ...yes at this point in time that feels like a totally relevant comment to add to this discussion.

    Botanica, you're missing my point. Sure there is instability in these places of the world... so what is your point? Arabs are unstable and bad people? The same cause of instability in one part of the world is the cause of our complacent (and stable) consumerism, feeding a headstrong and weakminded race to the edge. The conspiracy transcends any sort of nationalistic allegiances and religious ideologies, these are merely the method of getting every 'side' onside, as those who push such rhetoric don't believe a word they say, but they know you will.

    I'm not trying to absolve people of their actions, just saying they were helped. Misguided and desperate peoples with only one option presented them taking that option and enacting chaos and mayhem, yes they carried out terrible acts, but these same agents of chaos are on the payroll of those who save the day with their ordered tyranny, they are indoctrinated, pushed and given the opportunity to strike as they've been taught their whole lives is the way of the world; violence and retribution, and who teaches that might is right if not for all these imperial war machines. The whole thing feeds off itself and finding a singular cause of fault is impossible, may as well blame adam and eve.

    The clear cut, well presented and easy to digest version of the truth is what we usually choose to consume because all other food for thought needs preparation, cutting off the fat and added cooking time, plus you got to do it all yourself, tv dinners are just that much easier. Now nobody's going to say there's any less quality in maccas or HJ's they are equally as bad, everyone would agree that home cooked meals are the way to go. It's nobody's fault that people take the easy and convenient option of belief, they're overworked and don't have the time - which again feeds back into the system of growing ignorance and violence.

    The structure is built on a swamp, no wonder everybody's sinking. Instead of figuring out who's to blame for such a bad choice of location, laugh at the fools and just move out.

    • Like 1

  8. lived with the devil

    threads of deceit weave the veil

    because i rebelled

    lived with the devil

    evil lives that lived a lie

    yell like a rebel

    the veil is a liev

    jesus lived with the devil

    santa is satan

    we're in the same club

    i look at you, look at me

    mutherfucker what

    the veil is a lie

    the answer begs the question

    live to be evil

    you crazy daemon

    you don't actually exist

    so neither do I

    i love to evolve

    i fear i will forget again

    evil is my friend

    know your enemy

    exists as adversary

    to the pride in me

    hubris hurts my feet

    sell my soul to be elite

    to buy some new shoes

    oh lord save my sole

    or save some money for me

    my shoes have worn out

    pyramids are cool

    cosmic cycles set in stone

    change them if you want

    paranoid outlook

    i'm suspecting everything

    and fearing nothing

    embedded in truth

    the very seed of deceit

    awaits to bear fruit

    composting decay

    They feed off our dead bodies

    as we feed off theirs

    the train is coming

    sorry i got distracted

    lost my train of thought

    iron helps us play!

    irony is gods teaching

    iron butterfly

    i'm in a cocoon

    used to be afraid to die

    the end is a lie

    there wasn't a start

    and yet we always pretend

    there must be an end

    the never ending

    sto-o-ry! ah-aah-ah ah

    -aah-ah ah-aah-ah!

    there is truth in myths

    because truth doesn't exist

    and neither do myths

    there is no such thing

    how long is a piece of string

    you need ears to sing

    every now and then

    and then sometimes everywhen

    when time starts to blend

    when myths become true

    you am i and we is you


    the truth in the myth

    is that truth doesn't exist

    without deception

    the truth of the myth

    is that it doesn't exist

    without reflection

    the point of fiction

    is to mistake it as fact

    ideas are just that

    great mythology

    orientates the psyche

    atonement a'hoy!

    the moment is now

    it always was and will be

    what do i do now?

    do i do nothing?

    nothing has ever been done

    should at least pretend

    should i do something

    there's never nothing to do

    nobody wants to

    beliefs stick like glue

    always wear protective gloves

    do not get in eyes!!

    i got a cutlass

    an eye patch covers one eye

    i rule this planet

    some they call it tau

    when it is what it is not

    it's like holy cow!

    immaculate birth

    out of nothingness they thing

    it is what it is

    epic, isn't it?

    that this is it! what is it?

    i think this is it!?

    reality myths

    are like lights that attract moths

    code written by thoth

    decode the matrix

    debunk the proof of the truth

    fire burning the roof

    high horse i've ridden

    my ego obscures the view

    i'd like to see you

    no ego to hide

    i can just now see my self

    soon go back to stealth

    i wash my third eye

    my ego is crucified

    see? i'm on your side!

    eye drops for third eyes

    clean outer layer of scum

    glaucoma disguise

    the truth of pretense

    we are all a hypocrite

    i fake to make sense

    lemon pledge needed

    in need of cleaning products

    eye can see clear now

    abstract poetry

    never be boring to me

    apart from just now

    birth and life and death

    inhale, exhale and again

    it just keeps going

    vampires are stalking

    i can smell their lizard breath

    not scared of the hisssss

    snake eyes are watching

    so i brewed this concoction

    of pure love and joy


    the love that i have for me

    it's narcissistic


    truth replaced by a fiction

    called reality

    chained by my own pride

    i show a facade and hide

    who it is inside

    chained by possessions

    imprisoned by my ideals

    dreams create nightmares

    there's an art to it

    the science of having fun

    technically happy

    radio station

    alien technology

    tuning frequency

    an evolution

    not treadmill revolutions

    is a solution

    hubris proven right

    by the strength of its own might

    never see the light

    i lost track of it

    so I've back tracked to find it

    rewind reminded

    need to reconnect

    to the ones i did forget

    friendships i neglect

    keep building a shell

    while I'm scared to death of life

    life scares me to death

    you know you will die

    and the thought is killing ya

    my comedy kills

    each drop of blood spilled

    the reality instilled

    must enjoy life now

    i am that i am

    alpha and omega man

    the sea and the land

    scared to death of life

    all I see are dead people

    love a lively death

    life scares me to death

    i love it how i do that

    dying to live life

    forgot to forget

    that nothing is important

    holding back the fool

    i believe in doubt

    i'm at least certain of that

    remain skeptical

    morons rule the world

    and it's a real shitty place

    i know it's a fact

    i know mystery

    i forget what the truth is

    i really don't care

    because the truth is

    reality is ruthless

    your bones are toothpicks

    obsidian dark

    there's a presence in the void

    friction causes sparks

    hoodwinked by the truth

    enlightened through deception

    fiction is the proof

    truth is shapeshifting

    it might not make sense right now

    maybe now it will

    knowledge is evil

    ignorance is a virtue

    suffer in silence

    serpentine knowledge

    slithers into new facades

    i forget intent

    why did I fall in

    the purpose of me being here

    murky turns to clear

    why is the question

    never finding the answer

    it's because this is...

    forgot to forget

    so instead i got obsessed

    and now i'm possessed

    please tell me again

    that I should think for myself

    can't trust no one else

    gods own omniscience

    made manifest everywhere

    through my ignorance

    too much faith in doubt

    i'm certain that i'm unsure

    what it's all about

    symbolic matters

    are metaphysical proof

    of literal truth

    fingers never fing

    although hands come in handy

    my feet are real neat

    cobblestone curfews

    wolves wearing jumpers

    kind custodians

    infiltrate the herd

    wolves wearing woolen jumpers

    murder with their word

    can i see my choice?

    do i chose how to see it?

    should i believe it?

    beware the ambush

    in the movie three hundred

    few conquered many

    few will be many

    levers of power exposed

    now I want a go

    drain me of bad blood

    take all you wanted and go

    i'm holding no grudge

    transmutate my lead

    mental shackles in my head

    food for thought spoon fed

    just trust in yourself

    you know more than you would think

    bloody know it all

    i only fear fear

    i distrust my skepticism

    i trust my blind faith

    i only fear fear

    i'm skeptical of skeptics

    i trust my distrust

    i see faith is blind

    my hypothesis proves it

    i believe my eyes

    for ever a ride

    forget evolve and repeat

    fear ends and resends

    for ever a ride

    fear ends and reveals its face

    love can't ever hide

    it's good or evil

    so open your eyes and choose

    or just hit the snooze

    ignorance is bliss

    blissful in my ignorance

    i know i know naught

    i think therefore i

    know that i don't know nothing

    and that is something

    if your hopes should pass

    re-invent yourself my friend

    just simply pretend

    a continuum

    the store map says you are here

    i can't find myself

    i took way too much

    really it was just enough

    thinking too much stuff

    i don't understand

    so don't try to stand over

    the law is thy will


    lessons light up the darkness

    if you're down with it

    fell into the pit

    ignorance to find gnosis

    from venomous lips

    i fight against war

    disobey obedience

    try to keep the love

    the mirror stares back

    obsidian eyes, jet black

    tell me, who is that?

    enemies are friends

    i'm my own adversary

    and you're just pretend

    was un-responsive

    to the riddle, thumbs twiddled

    be response-able

    free will is a test

    will you choose to walk your path

    or follow the rest

    daemons demand debts

    parasites protect pockets

    sinking sky rockets

    my anxiety

    I'm anxious for it to leave

    but it's all I know

    run fast road runner

    beep beep beep! keep teasing that

    wiley coyote!

    trust the good shepherd

    to lead you to the slaughter

    your soul tastes crunchy

    freeman on the land

    not a pirate of the sea

    no more taxing me

    lion and the lamb

    ocean waters and the sand

    gods grace and the damned

    of sheep and shepherds

    through slaughter lead to freedom

    everything's backwards

    evil rituals

    reap the harvest live slautir

    to live is evil

    alive is a lie

    an evil lie is to live

    the veil is a liev

    death is certainty

    because life is uncertain

    of this i am sure

    trust the death culture

    the proof is in the pudding

    life is a vulture

    my light casts shadows

    inner peace, outer unrest

    i'm trying my best

    harmonise my thoughts

    as one holographic chord

    everything is none

    knew all the answers

    before i asked a question

    chasing my own tail

    the biggest secret

    is there hidden in plain sight

    by incredulity

    the biggest secret

    the one known by everyone


    the secret of truth

    is that it is fantasy

    which reveals its' proof

    truth is make believe

    secrets are spoken aloud

    no-one hears the sound

    i'm wondering why

    i keep walking in circles

    just wandering by

    the path towards truth

    to know what is wrong from right

    what is right from left

    tv and flouride

    designed to kill my third eye

    it's insight-icide


    use of psychedelic drugs

    re-creates gods love

    information forms

    define the edge of reason

    knowledge of the ledge

    wise wide eyes can see

    beyond the lines of reason

    knowledge of the ledge


    information forms my mind

    you will never see


    information formation

    universal mind


    one mind like a school of fish

    hook line and sinker

    sacrifice free will


    or monsanto seeds

    the death culture waits

    as we walk through the desert

    above fly vultures

    below slither snakes

    real people posing as fakes

    time sits still and waits

    spirits in disguise

    otherworldly messengers

    spies fly in de skies

    • Like 1

  9. Botanica. The thing with such terrorist acts and assasinations is they are organised in secret, therefore there is a conspiracy, and it seems it was facilitated by the government/media given their lack of transparency and just outright obvious lies .. ie: a car found with one of the terrorists I.D's and a "how to fly" book - I mean come on! Or that jet fuel can vaporise a plane but somehow they can find passports, I think as one of the planes flew past one of the terrorists threw their passport out the window and it just happened to land at a police officers feet, I mean that's how ridiculous some of the "evidence" coming out at the time was. Then there's the dodginess of them only releasing 3 frames or so of the 'plane' that hit the pentagon and the other footage being confiscated. The planted evidence and lack of real evidence stinks of an inside job, the system is rotten.

    The lack of transparency in the investigation, the lack of accountability for how and why the buildings collapsed as in a controlled demolition style, with the tell tale traces of thermite, and the inability for the administration to ever answer these questions is proof enough of a shady conspiracy, let alone the context of needing a 'catalysing' event to propel america into a new war, I mean their whole economy seems based on plundering through wars.

    Now if the history of government conspiracies working with corporate and military interests, as stated on the record isn't enough to have you at least second guessing the official story...

    Not to say you must jump to the first semblance of order in the swirling chaos, then you'd believe the official version that it's all to do with a jealousy of western democracy. I mean that's logical, that seems to make sense if I want to jump to conclusions without looking deeper.

    If I look deeper I see that yes, the desperate will blow themselves up for their cause. Yes there is a deep seated hatred of the American Imperial machine - which is exploited by them as they need an enemy. Training terrorists is more than telling them how to fight, it's telling them who to fight and why and becomes a self perpetuating brainwashing cycle. The harder these resistance fighters smack their heads against a wall, or try to blow it up, the more resources the empire can demand of its populations for increased security and build an even bigger wall and prison system for all.

    "I don't believe anything, but I have my suspicions"

    None of this is conclusive, yet it's implied as strongly as a sledgehammer to the face. If you can't feel that subtle nudge then you've made a conscious effort to wrap your intuition with layers of bubble wrap. Sure it's better to accept uncertainty because nothing is conclusive, nothing is, it's just a [un]convincing suggestion we play along with. Who ever suggested we play this game can get fucked!

    I try to use logic to connect the dots. Chi bono? Seems to apply. I'm sure all these royal bloodlines don't care about the suffering of their "own" people. For they are just beasts of burden in the end.

    Darren Brown is pop culture conspiracy theory, disinformation and a general misrepresentation of what's going on from what I gather.

    I think that to many of us here who have exploded past the confines of our regular realities will know to take any reality construct made up in our own minds with a grain of salt and are hopefully more critical of a ready made conspiracy answer.

    Maybe a side benefit these psychopaths enjoy is that these conspiracies attract the attention (and manifesting powers) of intelligent and conscientious people that will get so absorbed in the details of investigation and the emotional fix of "oh its just so unfair the bastards" that they're recruiting the best intentioned people to manifest their nightmare, just by flooding their perception with such memes.



    It's good to know these theories so long as you're not negatively effected emotionally. I think that there is the double edged sword of such research. It could potentially liberate us from these manipulators or just manipulate us some more.
