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The Corroboree

The Dude

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Everything posted by The Dude

  1. The Dude

    Are you a believer?

    whats with the 20 questions? what do you think will happen if i have a big dose? Just eat the fucking mushrooms! If you're still wondering eat some more! You're like the guy reading up on how to swim online and asking others of this mysterious thing called water that you hope to one day venture into. Yeah so swimming is like totally awesome! It's a little bit frightening at first cause you might sink, believe me this scares many to not even get their feet wet, but if you shift your arms and legs around in just the right sort of flow you find its actually quite easy to swim and really enjoyable. If you've got goggles you can see so much amazing coral and marine life, they're really indescribable, i could try but you wouldn't believe it, the way everything just shimmers, the awe of natures creation through unbelievable combinations of colours and shapes, the tranquility and reverence and praise to god and jah-bless-ness of being there to witness this moment. Psychedelic Drugs, when too much is just enough
  2. The Dude

    Lady GAGA - Telephone

    Atlas, yeh i dont get internet humor well. spose manson coulda done a full operation and change in style to metamorphose into the butterfly of the gaga... *vomit* anyway, i think incog said all there is to say, turn off your television.
  3. The Dude

    Otways mushshroom camping/hunting

    +1 for myself and +1 another sabber that never posts here anymore.
  4. The Dude

    Lady GAGA - Telephone

    re: fear mongering, Be alert but not alarmed. re: Lady Gaga and Marilyn Manson being the same person... err no, they don't look at all similar apart from doing the whole androgynous shock rock look at what I'm wearing thing. Also Marilyn Manson is real. re: why would the power elite expose their secret rituals and symbols? .. they're not really secret, people may be unaware but they are all in plain sight for they wouldn't have an effect otherwise. The use of symbols by this elite works so well because we are for the most part unconscious of anything less subtle than a sledgehammer to the face, thank our increasingly impressive and distracting entertainment industry. When ones conscious thought process is flooded with stimuli a giant pink elephant can go unnoticed if that's the intent. re: Michale Tsarion, i vibe with a lot that he says, which is scary if he's a disinformation agent. Done some research there and he seems suspect based on his personal attacks and ad hominem arguments towards any one that questions his assertions. Sure when you're all evangelical about your new found truth you can get emotional but you don't threaten people with violence for disagreeing - unless you are being overly defensive because you know what you're saying is actually bullshit. re: disinformation agents - praise them for keeping my eyes open - forcing me to think critically about even trusted authorities. Thanks Slybacon for starting the thread.
  5. Moses Mohammad Jeebus they prophets yeah? Tupac Shakur Sage Francis Aesop Rock Edan Mos Def Hilltop Hoods!! TOOL - they allgood. Bill Hicks Siddhārtha Gautama Maxwell Igan is a champ. Aeolus Kephas Carl Jung That alien i had an extended chat with.. seemed to explain everything in a neat little cosmic package. shiiit there's been so many random and influential people. George W Bush - Through being such a half-wit it seems he enlightened some of the mass to the realities of puppet presidents.
  6. The Dude

    Otways mushshroom camping/hunting

    Aight, I'm not sure who's organising this thing, but if somebody could give us a meeting place/time/date and I'll see ya's there that'd be great, super keen to meet more of you trippers and go berserk picking shrooms, sounds like fun!
  7. The Dude


    haha, word up for sneaking in! :D
  8. And you wonder why no one takes you seriously. Is this a serious comment? Is ridicule the best way for you to scientifically refute their arguments? Tell me, why is this below taking seriously? .. I think you are below taking seriously.
  9. The Dude

    White Powder Gold

    Dr Karl, as much as I respect him as an encyclopedia of established science knowledge. He has his sunglasses on too much so he can't see the light. If that metaphor needs explaining.. nevermind. while I'm here... spice I never called you a troll, merely asked in an accusational manner. I don't mean to hurt your feelings, I don't really care but that wasn't the intention. Nay-sayers bore me is all, I've been youtubing and saw something about corporate and military stooges being planted to disrupt, misinform, deceive and generally confuse the conversation if its regarding alternative healing or technologies, or contentious military occupations or whatever, your recent baseless ridicule and downplaying of exciting new discoveries registered in my troll-meter, the same as this stuff did in your bs meter, so i ask is it your own distrust of the alternative and new.. or is somebody paying you? - of course any denial will be taken as proof that you are a secret agent... hehe I seriously doubt you are a paid troll, however it's the same thing as you play into their hands by automatically ridiculing alternative sciences to cast doubt on the idea that we might have something of enormous benefit that doesn't cost us an enormous amount. - That's impossible! It violates the first law of corporate-physics!! Pont is - You won't find any novel discoveries as established consensus facts, that takes a long time. Furthermore there are a whole range of economic and political considerations (as mescalito covered) which suggest that the real scientific breakthroughs remain underground out of the spotlight of the mainstream where they may help unchain the masses from their technological dependencies. - Why would the corporate controlled media decide to let them in on that!?!
  10. I must be constantly stoned then, because I totally get the reference and think ref1ect1ons comment to be totally appropriate and a good observation of the non-existence and meaningless-ness of these phantoms; they are not angels of light, merely a shadow. I would also add, they do not exist except as shadows or reflections of our own misunderstandings, prejudices and fears. They, as police officers and politicians are the embodiment of this mistrust and misunderstanding, as human relations are mediated by the god-like authority of arbitrary laws rather than true human connection. Their structures, ceremonies and myths celebrate nothing vital, merely dutifully re-enforce their own delusions of power, law and order as they attempt to understand and control that which is beyond them... being the ghosts that they are. anybody seen DARK CITY? - those soul-less beings fucking our shit up to study us and try to categorise and understand this elusive soul they themselves lack. [edit] was ref1ect1ons not dworx who's comment i refer to.
  11. Life feeds on life. Life is sacrifice. I just don't like to squander this recycled energy on ungrateful bastids that need more moneys for material distractions that suck the spirit away from life. Is more money THAT necessary? What happened to Robin Hood, i got a feeling some people just got a little bit too much money, a net increase isn't needed, balance is needed.
  12. The Dude

    KOG from Nimbin

    We have a weiner!
  13. The Dude

    Banned Books

    without even looking at any of the evidence, the port arthur massacre was an obvious set up, only because of the politcal ends of disarming the public. It all becomes self evident. Another suicide bombing? another agenda, another terrorist attack, another war? first lets see what satanic ritual sacrifices are celebrated on the date? These people are sick with what they believe, listening to voices in their head and all that, so why the fuck do we listen to them? we are their accomplices to everything they do. I feel like doing that stupid 'free hugs' bullshit that was popular on youtube a while ago, it seems one of the better methods to ward of the demonic voices in all our heads when we are coerced into feeling downtrodden, oppressed, fearful and powerless by these machines/reptiles/whatever. Fuck that shit! Fuck feeling bad! I'm not apathetic to the issues, I just realise that it is our emotional state of mind and expectations that allow the continuation of this exploitation. The War is a Psy-operation, us vs them persists as long as we see us AND them... as They would want us to "What you resist, persists." - hence the need of the evil that controls us to provoke hatred and angst as a means of mental resistance which allows this evil to survive within us when we harbor feelings of resentment, revenge and the never quite achievable dream of enacting justice. It is not a matter of ignoring what is wrong, but not dwelling on it and continuing on your merry way to do what you can that is good. pretty simple, otherwise you're hypnotised by them - that only exist as an adversary to you. Forget this illusion and you can remember the unity of all being, you can help them help themselves by helping yourself help yourself.. <-- yes that makes perfect sense. Raindrops keep falling on my head...
  14. The Dude

    White Powder Gold

    Spelling mistakes are a pretty pathetic thing to pick on in an internet debate. I'm sorry you were edumacated in America, truth is our system is keen to follow yours too. It really has nothing to do with spelling, I was just being a smartarse & saying that science is all about being technical and the wording of a hypothesis and what these words define as much as the mathematical and abstract thinking. Scientists are authors of a theory that they've been somehow led to believe, they then become Authorities and make this theory a consensus belief of the masses. Sounds just like divine inspiration from god about the nature of the universe and these scientists are much like what we call prophets.. ie: science is another religion. Things .. just thing. It's a matter of interpretation what it is to thing, they haven't changed the way they thing, but we sure as hell keep changing our explanations, and hence our vision of what these things are. If you could shift that authority to your own connection to this divine inspiration, you shift the responsibility for how you view things, back to your own control. free reign over your own perception and what reality is to you. ...just a theory.
  15. The Dude

    The π Code by Mike Keith

    Reality is a massive fuck off fractal, an isomorphic function that is self-similar and communicates to itself via a splintering of self into apparent separateness (egos). When the self looks upon the SELF with the intent of finding the connection... to itslef, it can provide revelations that prove all is one. All reality is self similar and contains revelations about itself.
  16. The Dude

    White Powder Gold

    love your posts in this thread mescalito! Teljkon... For somebody so enthusiastic about the scientific method, you don't seem to adhere to the traditional understandings and definitions with your use of words like 'automs' -maybe symbolic of your automatic thinking to reject alternatives not endorsed by 'the man' ...explain to me how something, ANYTHING can have "no science in its make up".. how can any physically real thing that we can observe with the scientific method... not have a corresponding scientific explanation or hypothesis? Spice, are you a troll? In a few posts now I've seen disbelief and ridicule of alternative theories without much to back up your doubts. There might be a Nobel prize for you in the furthering of establishment profits via rejection of novel discoveries.
  17. The Dude

    The π Code by Mike Keith

    It's trippy because infinity contains an endless degree of interpretation and meaningful association. It doesn't mean it's THE MEANING OF THE UNIVERSE, but if ya find it there.. why not. Like a fractal, look far enough and you'll find all sorts of familiar shapes.
  18. The Dude

    The π Code by Mike Keith

    bump. this is trippy!
  19. The Dude

    mao a and the criminal gene

    Don't know much about mao a, assume its got something to do with violence based on the criminal/warrior thing. ...because violence is a criminal tendency in non-whites and a warrior quality in whiteys! The differentiation is pretty funny. War is just sanctioned violence (crime) so this is dumb. Warrior/Criminal is a matter of social context. Napoleon was a hero to many, a mass murdering criminal to others. ...sounds interesting
  20. The Dude

    VERY NICE pachanoid!!!!!

    looks real nice, good luck! I'd possibly buy a cut too...
  21. The Dude

    Apple shampoo

    So a friend has some apple shampoo, the thing is he left a batch of it for a few days in a dark place in serious heat and this penicillin sort of mold grew on it. He tried to remove most of it but there must have been some remnants, so the shampoo was stuck in a pressure cooker at 150deg for a couple of rounds of a few hours, hoping to kill any molds but still keep the goodness of apples. He reckons its fine for washing your hair but I'm not sure about what sort of substances the mold contained and if they may have survived the process. Any knowledgeable folk able to put my paranoia to rest?
  22. The Dude

    Apple shampoo

    been searching and searching... can't find it. It's just that I much prefer this organic apple shampoo than the head and shoulders that only seems to treat the symptoms only to make your head more itchy later!!! -become dependent, another conspiracy. I'll just have to give it a go I suppose. A little bit of penicillin never hurt no one.. a lack of it did... I hope it was penicillin and not some instant death fungus!
  23. The Dude

    Banned Books

    You're either with us or you're with the pedophiles You're either with us or you're with the terrorists You're either with us or you're with the communists You're either with us or you're with the nazis You're either with us or you're with the jews You're either with us or you're with the heretics You're either with us or you're with the free-thinkers
  24. The Dude


    if tg77 doesn't claim the psycho0 X terscheckii, I'll take them both!
  25. The Dude

    ID to buy a sim card

    Don't worry guys I'm sure they've all got a privacy agreement that guarantees your details won't be given to any third parties. ...I don't know what you're all so paranoid about!