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The Corroboree


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Everything posted by melsy

  1. Hi guys, These enormous cacti (+6m tall at a guess) were here when we bought our property. Since a few other plants have turned out to be, useful, I would not be at all surprised if these cacti also had, uses. Can anyone help ID them please? Pretty please? They flowered in winter. Large white flowers with skinnier and longer petals at the back of the flower. They came at random intervals on them, but all opened at the same time, and they had long stems (peduncles?). They only lasted a day or so, I missed my photo op. another photo here : http://i1085.photobucket.com/albums/j430/massivemelons/20110919_122843.jpg Pedro? Peruviana? Cerius something? Thanks guys and gals, any help would be appreciated.
  2. 'Tricho means hairy, cereus means candle...' ahh. Right. Thanks. No they were not hairy at all. However the petals and stamens once open exactly match pedro, and not any pictures I could see of cereus. That's why I was confused, but yeah you're right it must be a cereus then. Maybe the fact that the 'actual' flowers are so pedro like is a clue to which cereus it may be? Thanks for your reply I really appreciate it.
  3. melsy

    WTB stevia

    Oh lordy, finally my obsessive recording/blogging of my garden and plants has come in useful. I double checked, I got them from Bunnings Whitfords. http://myfolia.com/plantings/194390-stevia-stevia-rebaudiana . I'd love to see more Perth people on myfolia.com- I find it really motivating with my gardening. Even if you have a massive fail there are people there to console you and help you work out what went wrong. Since I don't know any other gardeners really, I love it. Check out my gardens, I'm massivemelons. (he he he).
  4. melsy

    i have an excess of the following

    Hi, just sent you an email about these, but now I notice it was posted in May. Doh!
  5. melsy

    WTB stevia

    I found some plants at my local Dawsons Garden World on Wanneroo rd.
  6. there is nooooo pink/red on the flowers though! White as pure driven snow. You're right that I may not have seen the fruits. But honestly the only flower picture I could find that looked like mine were the pedro flowers. Would cutting off a cross section help with ID? Thanks guys!
  7. Cool but from google image searching (not the worlds most reliable resource I know) cereus flowers don't look right. Most of the rear petals have red tips and most aren't nearly skinny, long or profuse enough.Neither does this cactus produce any fruits. There are certainly enough pollinators and sources around for it. Hmm... ok ... not sure what to do now.