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The Corroboree

Truth Freak

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About Truth Freak

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    Junior Member

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  • Interests
    Theosophy, New World Order, meditation,
  1. Truth Freak

    Explaining DMT

    Wow entheo.....im amazed how much your gnomish friend remembers from his trips. One of the most annoying things my gnommish friend found on DMT is that you rapidly begin to forget the experience immediately after its over. In the end all you remeber are portions of the experience. Portions like..... The sight of seeing your friends bedroom morph into another reality within a matter of seconds The brightness of the dmt open-eye hyperspace The bright neon visuals of the closed eye dmt hyperspace That strange alien sound that continuously kept on going in the background....that sounded a lot like cat meeooooww....meeooooooowwwwwww. Except a lot more alien than cats. The explosive mystical visual patterns. Ahhh...the memorys. How my gnommish friend misses hyperspace already.
  2. A gnome i know recently lost his DMT virginity to a wattle tree. It was a mind blwoing experience for him, to say the least. And he now has a much greater respect for Terrence McKenna and does not think he is a raving lunatic anymore. The experiences he had recently had make him wonder....what the hell was that? How do you explain the DMT experience. The gnome guesses that it is either one of two things: 1. An alien world 2. A Near Death experience The gnome found that the DMT experiences had a lot in common with NDEs that he had read about. For example, the massive white light thing, and the experience of consciousness leaving the body and entering the so called "astral plane" as many belief systems call it. Furthermore several books have alluded to connections between the DMT experience and OBEs and NDEs. Then again the gnome believes that when you die its highly unlikely that you will be greeted after life by a series of alien like entities, some looking like strange cat like creatures while others looking like strange jelly fish like entities. Which is what he experienced. The gnome would like for some knowledge on this topic....if that knowledge is known.
  3. Truth Freak


    A gnome i know recently tried this.He tried smokable dmt alone and got about 5 minutes of hyperspace time. Then the gnome later added a small amount of syrian rue to one cone and ended up gettting about 15 minutes hyperspace time. The gnomes friend later tried smoking a larger amount of syrian rue along with smoked dmt and estimates that he got about 20 mins hyperspace time. And now swears that he will never try dmt again.
  4. According to buddishm/mysticism/theosophy when one is enligtened on experiences several things: -Completely living in the present, no sense of past or future. -No thoughts occuring, just a completely empty mind -Loss of the ego, and hence a feeling of oneness with the universe and everything -Liberation from suffering -An experience of just "being". No need to do anything, just be. Based on my (legal) experiences with Mescaline i realise that i went through everything there. Can we conclude that the Mescaline experience and what buddishts/mystics/theosophers call enlightenemnt are the same experience? If so then, in my opinion, any course on introductory buddishm shoudl begin with a mescaline experience :-)
  5. Truth Freak

    Making cactus taste better

    Um.....oh yeah.....i was on a holiday in America...and i became a temporary member on the Native American Church....and they helped me out :-)
  6. Truth Freak

    Making cactus taste better

    Ok guys, heers the deal. I've tripped on San Pedro twice. The first time was honestly the most powerful spiritual experience of my life, and if you've never done it then you dont know what your missing out on. The second time was a bit worse. I ended up spewing the contents of my cactus all over my best friends kitchen floor. I still managed to get a light trip though. Question is...is there anything i can do to make this stuff taste better so i can EASILY drink it. I mean if i mix one cup of cactus juice with 10 litres of orange juice is it still gonna work? Cause honestly guys....that crap is vile disgusting crap! But when you get it down its more than worth it.