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The Corroboree


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Posts posted by lickapop

  1. Read this sentence out loud

    Paris in the

    the Spring.

    Most people totally miss the second, 'the' so the subconscious is constantly working in the backgorund, deciphering bad grammar and punctuation anyway.

  2. Oh and eggplant is called an eggplant because of it's shape and pineapple is called pineapple because it looks like a pine cone and it's fruit bears a core.

    I can't back that up

    And occasionally I have seen a bit on these forums, is members signing out with 'piece' instead of peace and asking for spaws instead of spores.

    I'm fucking judging again sorry.

    Piece. V

  3. Lmao Santiago :D

    I know I sound like a child but fair suck of the sav:)

    When I left school the idea of people having mobile phones was stuff only found in science fiction and our computer room still used microbees.

    I wish we had mobile phones. I would have got laid more. It would have been easier to text Sally and tell her she had nice tits and "how bout it lmao" as opposed to actually going up to her and complimenting her on wonderful looking mammary glands and if she would like to practice safe sex.

    One thing that makes me giggle is when people pronounce 'ask' as 'aks' or 'schedule' as 'skedule'

    Oh who am I to judge:)

  4. Personally I'm all for learning this shit because I missed it wagging school and I wish I didn't

    but I got to say that some of the best info I ever read has been compiled in a chaotic mish mash of words, lacking punctuation and on the fly without any concern to the reader.

  5. Mr T should know how to spell "Pity the fool"

    I'm afraid that means you must be an imposter, and Torsten is the real T!

    P.S. How do you pronounce Teljkon? tel-kon? teh-leh-kon?


    Hi, Sheather. I was just wondering out of curiosity and nothing more, but why is grammar and punctuation

    really important to you? Do you find it hard to read and understand? or, is it just really annoying?

    I ask because my spelling and grammar is not the best and I really do not like making people angry.

    Are you a teacher?

  6. $233550 for 170kg kava on the street....im in the wrong game

    85 flights to fiji on a jetstar $199 super saver ticket - $16915

    85 return flights to Aus on jetstar $199 super saver tickets $16915

    Purchase 2kg of primo Kava each trip - 170kg @ $25kg (so got ripped) $4250

    So after I declared the Kava and paid for a few incidentals I could stand to make a tidy profit of....$195470 and the best part is I could do 3 trips per week and still have sundays off and it would only take me 7months leaving me with 5 months of the year off

  7. haha teachers..they are a sheltered, fickle bunch :o

    I do think its terrible that kids at very young ages are suffering from anxiety over some of the worlds issues. Kids are bombarded with issues such as terrorism, global warming and natural disasters. I cant remember ever having to deal with any of that stuff....actually no, when AIDS really reared its ugly head I was pretty anxious because we were not allowed to go swimming at the local pool...(stupid parents...love you mum)

    I think Mike Adams had some very valid points and no I dont want to read only what the good guys have to say. I also dont want to read biased crap that think all science is fraud, or how scientist should be mixing it up with "spirituality, meditation, the study of consciousness and even quantum connections between sentient beings" because quite frankly I want the facts, not some scientists who thinks we should be "saving the planet" or whatever because he feels its the right thing to do morally and spiritually.

    • Like 2

  8. There are cowboys no matter where you look. And there are people that truly believe that they are right and everyone else is wrong.

    But then you get those who listen and observe and base their observations on fact and reality, so I feel that it would be a mistake to constantly dismiss science, especially on global warming because of a few cowboys and hardheads.

    Its funny how guys like this always bring out the bad but forget the unbelievable amount of good.. science has done for us

    • Like 2

  9. The operative word here being survive. Its too expensive to do it anyother way.... Hence "MOST" end users cannot be held accountable for the system they need to provide, It is the system that needs to change and the users will follow. AGW is just being used to control you and your wallet and your lives....


    I agree mostly but we are all accountable whether we want it or not. everyone of us are being used and your kidding yourself if you think YOUR not

    Your kidding yourself if you don't think the order of the world is under going a huge change. Your kidding your self if you don't think we are getting closer to a unified globalized world with one government. This is the true agenda behind AGW and your guilt is being played against you.

    Im not kidding myself...Im fully aware. Your kidding yourself because you guys look at the unified globalised one government as the end product. Unified couldnt be further from the truth.

    So maybe we need to stop giving out Million and Billion dollar paychecks and start bringing down the costs of the end user, then maybe the system will allow us to make a more sustainable change.

    Well I will if you do, but your not because you will continue to pay the asking price of everything you consume. catch 21. The best we can do is consume less and if that means some scientists allegedly manipulates global warming data to scare the bejesus out of us, to consume less than good on them

  10. Science cannot be a basis for understanding the truth without also maintaining a connection to the divine. A balanced perspective is the only way to see the big picture.


    I like this. But I feel science is the basis for understanding the truth. Science is based on fact from what I understand and then from that basis one can move onto speculating a connection to the devine. Science is not after a balanced perspective. Thats for people like you and me.

    This is why you and so many scientists have it wrong...... You have told me to go and study science, now Im telling you to go meditate on what you have said here.


    shiftyoink...I think you are making a big assumption if you feel this has not been meditated on by WD. I fail to see how any scientist in any field would not meditate on it quietly at some point.

    Or maybe I am assuming much

    Just an opinion about the brisbane floods. I really cant see how the water released from the dam has much to do with the disaster. They failed in the timing of releases yeah but..Where was the damn dam in 74?

    Here is a thought...The government failed the citizens of Brisbane because they allowed development on known flood areas. The people who purchased/built in these areas are just as much to blame. Insurance companies should not have to folk out 1c or even provide cover because someone decides to build on a river that is known to flood...dam or no dam. The government shouldnt have to pay either because even though they allowed development, its the end user who is responsible. Its regrettable. Are we going to learn from it? Not a chance. They will rebuild in known flood areas and not change a thing. It will flood again. Death taxes and floods. So really hutch, we can point the finger at who we think should be held accountable but at the end of the day it all points to the people who lost everything.

    Im upto page 2 on in this thread(and the last page...just wanted to see where this was heading)...have been for a few days now. Its an interesting subject. WD...Your info is second to none from what I can see. Thanks for taking the time out. I have been trying to comprehend both sides as best I can.

    So global warming is/is not happening? Well science says it is, and some science has also fraudulently doctored information to say it is. Is that a problem? I dont think so. It takes a denier to believe WE are not effecting this planet and direct/indirectly amplifying its changes. It also takes a denier to believe that governments and big corporations are to blame and they need to fix it. Its the end user thats to blame. Its us every time we flick a switch on in our house(not you bacon) or fill up our cars with juice. We are feeding these corporations...US, you and I... just trying to survive. Your kidding yourself imo if you think any different. Well I am only to page 2 so I could change my mind
