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The Corroboree


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Posts posted by lickapop

  1. some bastard slipped a E-pill in my drink once. I cant contest the % of mdma but I had awesome visuals, altered state and an extreme change of perception, particularly with empathy. It also made me dance like a prick.

    That one experience turned me. I felt empathetic for minority group and it switched off my typical use of stereotyping. Funnily enough, my worst fault, jealousy... also lifted that day. Gone forever. MDMA is cool

    I rate it a psychedelic

    Should I report my drink spiking to the cops? I dont think i was felt up

  2. i tend to believe in god and evolution.

    lickapop think of it like this if you can't swallow it any other way. imagine reality is just this random crap generator, there are infinite universes with different laws and different starting conditions or whatever, and many of them don't even go bang, most of the ones that do don't generate stars, the conditions or rules are not right. i'm not ruling out successful, very different types of universes either, just bare with me. our universe and the way life on earth has evolved seems just a little bit too unlikely, because it is. it is very unlikely, but it arose the same way that monkeys tapping away at typewriters would eventually produce a decent novel. where that analogy fails is in this case you don't see the trillions of pages of pointless monkey-babble. you see this perfect universe because it's the one that produced you.


    Coolness. I think I may just chew on this for a while. The trillion pages of monkey babble gets me:) You say our universe arose by chance....a trillionish chances,i nto this perfect universe I see today. Thats a big number.

    Thats why I cant get my head around evolution. Its the trillion perfect pieces and variables that align that make our universe, to come from an explosion of energy?? Thats like blowing up a car and all its pieces land back in the same order to remake the car. Whats the chances?

    And thanks botanika. Im up to speed as much as an uneducated bloke can be. To me, all those things could have happened after creation. Natural selection, Artificial selection, Micro and Macro-evolution(to the degree that we have evidence), Deep time...all could have happened after the original blueprints.

    At the end of that heading 'Deep Time', "Now say that evolution has not had enough time to create life as we see it today!" Evolution to create life? How does that work? Is that like turning energy into life? Because if mankind can replicate that I will believe in evolution unreservedly

  3. I know this is a whole other subject but I have tried and tried but I cannot comprehend evolution. I dont want to think we where created because that opens up a whole lot of other questions and problems but

    no matter how hard I look into evolution, I cant see it. The design of everything (everything) is just a little too perfect. A little too perfect for me to comprehend that we, them, universe got here by chaos and natural selection

    I think we have evolved yes but in the sense of environment and revolution. But we have not changed from the original human.

    To think that we crawled out of a soup that was made by a big bang to this...perfect design is beyond me.

    Maybe I am not looking hard enough but I just want one thing that will turn me.. one theory that will change my mind

  4. There is a creator...and he used these sequences and ratios to make stuff. He copied it from Leonardo Pisano

    Fibonacci sequence: 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377, 610, 987, 1597, 2584, 4181...etc

    The golden ratio : 1 : 1.61803399...




    • Like 1

  5. mrs kick you out?

    lose your job?

    feel intimidated by higher educated?


    house burn down?

    scared about climate change?

    little man syndrome?


    pissed off because you didnt get the $1000 flood relief stimulus 2 money?

    centerlink fuck up your payments this week?

    oh why so much anger? tell me

    dog died? cat?

    to much rain?

    not enough rain?


    stolen generation?

    pissed off because you can only give out 1 neg?

  6. Ha ha ha ha......It will only be violent when you have the guts to say it to my face....You will have an opportunity to apologize..This community is not that big and I am going to a few events this year and I am bound to run into you, I will make a point of it....You will be pointed out to me....If you have no issue with anything you have said to me to set me on this path then you will have no issue saying them to my face...I followed your links pal...your insults are in a lot of those as well...Idiot is not the only one...I'm not threatening you....A threat is something you may do...You have continually insulted me so man up and do it to my face....I will...and I look forward to it...You will learn that hiding behind a computer does not absolve you from responsibility for what you say...

    and as for picking your arguments apart I still can't stop laughing at all your calculators...The 5 calculators to live your life by hey?

    See ya soon....


    settle down...your in the wrong community threatening people....racism, threats...your on A ROLL

    Let me know all the things of how I have insulted(albeit never meant to insult you) you and if we meet I will fucking gladly tell you to your face.

    LMFAO at how you take all this so serious. Tell me the chemical cocktail your on so I can at least understand all this

  7. Mate if we where having a discussion about the best building materials to use when building a house and you said "all you need is a sheet of iron leaning up against an ironbark" and then I said " are you aboriginal". That's fucking racist. just like your Asian comment

    If I asked you if you where aboriginal in a different context. It wouldn't be

    Feel me?

    I will ask me social studies teacher if she concurs

    And making a racist comment is completely different from being a racist. IMO

  8. When I see an alarmist who is an expert in his craft what more is there that I can do...what the fuck is a wiggly line....grow some fucking balls and say what you mean....


    LOL this awesome topic has gone wayward and I will probably erase my posts or maybe a mod will do it for me LOL but I will grow some balls and tell you what a "wiggly line" is...


    if you take a good look at my posts they are not actually wiggly lines...they are arrows (arrows) ^^^ ^ ^ ^

    and they where pointing up to your description of woody and I LMFAO because it would be how I would describe you too LOL

    feel me?
