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Everything posted by Benzedrine

  1. Benzedrine

    Nicotiana sp. and cancer

    Commercial snus/snuff of the chewing kind is not available in Australia. The government has banned sale of chewing tobacco within Australia. A few tobacconists in a certain eastern state sell it but it is pretty risky IMO. Importation is allowed if under 1.5 kilos is imported over that number and you need a permit. Possession may or may not be legal depending on the state you live in. I have never heard of the state tobacco acts being enforced in any regard other then homegrown tobacco so I wouldn't worry about it. I import snus all the time and have had no problems so far. In many ways I like it a lot more then smoking and not being carcinogenic is a big plus for me. I'm biased however as I enjoy looking and experiencing the world in a heavily nicotine charged state a lot more then sobriety. Hell, I'm snusing as I write this.
  2. Benzedrine

    Nicotiana sp. and cancer

    You guys are getting it wrong seriously, First off the worst chewing tobacco is american snuff and your third world chews like gutkha and that sudanese nameless stuff. As has been said from the growing of the tobacco, to the curing, to processing. Carcinogenic and toxic compounds are added or left alone to enter the final product. No other product would be allowed such a blatant disregard of its consumers health. However from the statistics I've seen it is still safer to chew then use cigarettes. Unfortunately the research seems to being changing all the time in the field of american snuff but its still fairly conclusive that it is a safer alternative to smoking. It is not however anything close to a safe alternative. However other chewing tobaccos like swedish snus or Camel's snoose or Lucky strike snus are far safer then smoking or trad. american snuff. Swedish snus is steam cured and is not carcinogenic. To get as many nitrosamines from snus as a pack of cigerettes you would need to consume a small cars worth. At that sort of weight ratio a lifetime of snus using could be equivalent to one pack of cigarettes. In my personal opinion it really is a safe alternative to smoking. With home grown tobacco, I would say your looking at gum recession and an increased risk of cardiovascular disease. However, the gum recession in chewing is not thought to be linked with periodontitis tooth loss. Also ammonia and other compounds aren't going to be filtered from the natural herb so there are probably minor problems associated with that. I couldn't say if the nitrosamine content is going to be significant as don't know of actual research done on raw herb. I would say the health concerns of untreated tobacco herb are about halfway between snus and american snuff.
  3. I don't see the big deal here. I live in perth and my local garden store has live opium poppies for sale. Their given names like 'turkish poppies". They're pretty much your stereotypical opium poppy too. I really don't think anyone cares, I mean aren't hemp products still illegal but who has ever been busted for that.
  4. Benzedrine


    People import alcoholic spirits all the time. The following rates of excise apply: Excise Normally customs doesn't charge for a customs fee under $50. I've personally imported tobacco a few times and not had to pay fees due to small amounts, so I'm sure alcohol is the same.
  5. Benzedrine

    Native American smoking mixes

    From what I've read on the subject it seems like the american Indians generally used wild tobacco flavored with whatever could be put in the pipe as flavoring. This makes sense to me since uncured, possibly un dried wild tobacco is going to be high in ammonia and other things that will adversely effect the flavor. So I always figured the american indian smoking mix is tobacco with pretty much whatever was available.
  6. Benzedrine

    Smuggle me something from indo?

    There not the milds you want but Alexander Cigars is selling packs of Sampoerna Xtra in australia. Alexander Cigars Don't know if thats helpful to you or not.
  7. Benzedrine

    'Thought police' are here

    To me the whole bracelet idea ridicolous on all sides. Since only those criminal masterminds who have access to such things as tin foil could stop this devious bracelet their forced to wear. Still the problems with these things is that they are only suitable to be used against ordinary people. These are measures easily defeated by people outside of our concept of society but those who are trapped inside are vulnerable against such control.
  8. Benzedrine

    Voluntary voting ?

    Commiting treason and not being pardoned is a way to get off the register. Thats about it as far as I know of. So if your desperate start ringing around the embassies in your area. The voting process as it is now, is not democratic by definition for one clear reason. Those who have no faith in our political system as it is now, are given no option. You can supposedly pick any party but there is still a requirement to believe in our system. In this aspect our system is authoritarion. I can clearly understand those that believe this less democratic system is better for society as a whole. I can't really see how people think this leads to a better "democracy" since by definition compulsory voting is leading towards an opposing ideology.
  9. Benzedrine

    Sniffer dogs now legal in Queensland

    If the dogs aren't trained for marijuana it would because of the extensive use of bong water to create false scents. Thats happened in american areas when dogs were brought in. The cayenne pepper thing is also a terrible idea since you can just add a guaranteed charge of animal cruelty to your record. The use of high frequency sonic dog repellers is generally the preferred method, since its merely uncomfortable for them and gives you time to destroy your stash or whatever.
  10. Benzedrine

    Voluntary voting ?

    I hope we change to voluntary voting. Compulsory voting takes away the most important choice of all, the choice to not cooperate. I've never voted and its not out of any sense of rebellion. I just don't have any faith in our democracy nor do I believe any party would actually rule any differently once they came to power. I would really rather a dictatorship since at least then we wouldn't be told we had a choice. They used to call democracy the great experiment in the 19th Century. And frankly I really think that experiment failed miserably. People say communism doesn't work in the real world and I just look at them and go "and you think democracy does?".
  11. Benzedrine


    Sorry but... DNFTT
  12. Benzedrine


    Gee ... I hoped you posted this as a joke. I don't know when I lost respect for David Icke, was it when he dressed up as a giant tortoise and claimed to be the next messiah. Or was it when he accussed the royal family of being part of a human-lizard conspiracy to control the world. (Note this wasn't a conspiracy between humans and lizards but actually a conspiracy of humanoid lizard beings from another dimension.) I have to give him some respect for managing to actually turn such rubbish into money. The mentally ill and delusional don't often fare well in our society, so it is a little refreshing to see David Icke make it big. Still the above post should either be moved or deleted IMO, since sections of the unabomber manifesto would be just as relevant to "News and Notices". [ 28. September 2005, 14:59: Message edited by: Benzedrine ]
  13. Benzedrine

    God hates the oil industry

    The christian right are actually pretty clever with this sort of thing. They will just twist it to say its divine punishment on the rest of them for "allowing" the "immorality" to exist. No matter what happens they've got their bases covered unfortunately. It is funny to me though that Bush claims that god told him to start the wars and now hurricanes are destroying the oil for his war machine. How can he explain that one.
  14. Benzedrine


    I cannot follow people's logic that pornography is degrading. Since pornography is a reflection of peoples desires and therefore only reflects the private thoughts of the individual. Degradation is saying that something is less then it is or less then it is generally thought to be. A person's thoughts on this subject are their desires to carry out the action in real life but an action is merely an event. It is completely neutral on it's own only your perception of degradation is of importance, another might view what took place in the pornography, in a totally different light. Personally I think quitting pornography would be entirely pointless if one isn't prepared to start eliminating ones own sexual thoughts. Since if the virtual reflection of those thoughts that is pornography is immoral, how much more so must the real human thoughts be. However you cannot turn off those thoughts as the human body is geared towards seeking sexual encounters and you would either fail or repress an important part of humanity. In short why look at the reflection of people's desire's and not simply look at the people staring into the mirror. [ 14. September 2005, 15:19: Message edited by: Benzedrine ]
  15. Benzedrine


    Don't know about in stores but you can buy american spirit online from aus: Alexander Cigars When I used to smoke I tried to convince myself it wasn't that bad but I can't say I ever really believed it. There are however a lot of these sites out there. Just google "smokers club".
  16. Benzedrine

    Atropa Belladonna WHERE ART THOU!?

    Hmmm mixing an opiate with a tropane doesn't sound right to me. I've heard of that mixture being done recreationally in the opiate community and called "twilight dreaming" or similar. It's supposed to far stronger then either individually. Oh and it seems amazing to me that this person didn't just go searching for khat. This does however make me feel better about my younger days of trying to smoke or drink teas of roman wormwood.
  17. Benzedrine

    "read this fucked up bullshit"

    If you ask me the reason this rave got busted up wasn't too many guns or weapons among the crowd, it was because they had to few. But really the thing in the video that most surprised me was camo uniforms the police were wearing. I mean how were people supposed know they were even "police" when they look like some fucked up paramilitary organization. They don't even seem to have riot gear which is pretty bad since if shit really hit the fan it showed a willingness to fire into the crowd.
  18. Benzedrine

    Coldfinger Herbal Extractor Product in Australia

    They work on the exact same princple that american housewives used to liberate essential oils in the nineteenth century. Except housewives used two cooking pots, a small bowl and a wok. And thats my point these things are sooo easy make. Chances are you already have in your kitchen what you need. Also a homemade model really can be as good as what they sell. The princples are exactly the same. I really have to make up a guide for this one day. Don't spend 400 USD on something this easy. I'd recommend this extractor for those who want work at low pressure since in comparison to other stills there is little chance of anything going wrong. I'd also guess this is how alcoholic spirits are made in arabic countries since you wouldn't have to own an incriminating pot still.
  19. Benzedrine

    know thyself=bogus shit

    I like your use of the analogy but... how do you propose to forget yourself without first knowing yourself?
  20. Benzedrine

    know thyself=bogus shit

    The way I look at it is that when you were born nature gave you your physical qualities. As someone grows up the social attributes of the society they live in is given to them. I think knowing one's self is to know the personality that these social features were grafted onto. To know oneself is to know why you are angry or happy and not having to invent the excuse afterwards. To most people the reasons they give for their actions are speculative, the mind comes up with a justification after the event has occured. In my opinion someone needs to be able to cast a net into the whirling sea that is the mind and understand what they find. I'm pretty much at the other end of the spectrum, I search for self understanding and awareness. I don't feel that you can reach for an enlightment without some firm footing inside of you. Its like reaching out in quicksand, you only sink further in.
  21. Benzedrine

    where to get tihkal/pihkal

    I've had a book seized that I couldn't on the OFLC database. So i'm pretty sure that they have some power to decide to seize unlisted books too. Its funny, I had a friend who ordered a set of lockpicks and a an instructional book on how to use them. The package was checked by customs and he was given the lockpicks but the book was seized. Beauracracy gone mad.
  22. Benzedrine

    hydrogen power

    Try converting your car to alcohol, it would be much easier. You can make your own fuel and some engines require surprisingly little work to get going. I doubt you could easily get the emission control on the car to be legal though. With hydrogen your surely more likely to blow yourself up then get working vehicle.
  23. Benzedrine

    Howards Workplace Reform

    I totally agree with the bad work ethic thing. I think I am a living example of what is to come with the new laws. I don't think I've stayed at a single job for more then 5 months in the last five years and I've worked pretty much consistently through that time. There has never been a reason to stay. Its not that I don't want to work but I can't be bothered working for miserable wages or for pathetic bosses. Once the new laws are in I bet there are gonna be more people like me who Nomad from job to job in search of greener pastures.
  24. Benzedrine

    U.N. states that dope smokers support terrorism

    Hmmm... the reality is that the government takes our money under the threat of imprisonment and whole bunch of that money goes to killing civilians overseas. I think its strange that those who steal my money at gun point to point the finger at people who are just selling a product.
  25. Benzedrine

    How long can we survive?

    quote: To compare and evaluate technologies we have to always look at the cutting edge, not at what it was like 10 years ago. Sorry but I definately do not agree, whenever I'm making a statement its about actual systems in use today to generate power. Cutting edge systems are often years away from being a viable product, if they ever become a viable product at all. quote: Don't know about the radar bit, but the rest is not valid. Generators are only required if it is a standalone system. If however it feeds into the grid it would simply just supply power whenever it is windy. No offense intended but this simply isn't how a real world wind power system works yet. First off it doesn't simply supply power when its windy, it supplies power only at a certain range of wind speeds. If the wind is actually too fast it has to switch off to avoid damaging the turbines. I know that the albany wind farm requires some amount of electrical current to actually start generating power on its own. After it does generate power it needs a generator to run at idle to make sure that the grid will continue to be supplied if the wind runs out. I have friends that live near actual grid connected wind generation turbines on the outskirts of Albany WA and they complain of the noise.