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The Corroboree


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Everything posted by psychoshaman

  1. psychoshaman


    been away for a while, glad to be back... found these mothers a while back can anyone help with I.D. thanks in advance
  2. psychoshaman


    cheers, forgot... hence the slapping smiley faces
  3. psychoshaman


  4. psychoshaman

    W.A quarantine laws and seeds

    Is it possible to buy seeds from SAB and still recieve them in W.A, like say P. viridis, or is it a hopeless endevour, i recall reading that if the seeds were treated it would be ok, any help with this would be greatly apreciated or maybe someone in W.A could help this poor soul out in the west, with a possible pathway into obtaining such seeds and or plants (unfortunately my P. viridis died ((( ) so i am looking to start again.
  5. psychoshaman


    Had a really wonderful and crazy dream in the early hours of the morning... i was riding through greeen rolling hills on a brown/tan horse, without a saddle, it was hard to stay on without a saddle and at times i could feel myself slipping from the horse yet i was determined to stay on and did a good job of it after a short time. i was accomponied by another rider, bearded fellow, yet his horse was saddled---here comes the strange bit, this horse that i was riding had a third eye in the middle of its forehead, protruding out, yet all natural and normal looking if that makes sense, as i was riding the horse would turn its head 180 degrees around to face me as i was riding (quite fast i might add) and made a screach/chirping sound sort of like, oh i don't know something like a prehistoric bird, but not quite the same, sort of cute and lovable, affectionate even, it would do this at intervals as we were riding, there was no fear, in fact it was exciting/exhilerating, of course the significant and memorable part of the dream was the turning around of the horses head and seeing that third eye, i was not scared, slightly shocked but in a good way, even happy to see it there and it was as if the horse was either communicating with me or sharing my excitement, at the end of the ride instead of dismonting in the normal fashion i just slid down its back towards the tail as if it was the natural way to dismount. it was almost archetyple now i did a quick look on dream interpretations, although i believe it is only yourself that can truly interperate your own dreams but of course i find myself at a loss most of the times with way out sort of dreams and if any personal interpretation comes about it is usually a long process and the meaning only seems to come when i am ready for the explanation. horses (normal ones with two eyes i guess) are assciated with... - positive thoughts of self or others - freedom, power, sexual energy -considered messengers relaying info from unconscious to conscious, from the spiritual to the physical - riding on horseback suggests, self assured/sense of control in daily life (wow that ones weird, control in daily life , phew) - old dream interpretation books suggest colour of horse significant brown horse - mental pursuits/tan horse symbolic of love and sex - asssc. with passion/excitement/general excitement, level of risk in life - unpredictable/link to risk taking - may refer to some upcoming event, involving risk and excitement - romance - wild energies of the psyche - in greek mythology, assc. with hades, the underworld and death - news from a distance **phew**, the dream itself seemed to hold significance and thats why upon waking i was determined not to forget it, it sort of felt lucid but not compared to other lucid dreams when i was younger, i didn't seem to have complete control, yet i was aware of the adventure, i haven't dreamt like this in a while... sorry for the length, but man i just had to share this amazing dream, even if it was more exciting in my own head. it was so cool. it was that bloody third eye thing, the head turning round and the chirping thing as if it was meant for me, 'der' well who else... peace i might just add that alot of the interpretations, don't really give any explanations at the moment, hey it might of been just a crazy dream after all
  6. psychoshaman


  7. psychoshaman

    Crop Cirlces

    plants can communicate with each other in a way thats alien to us, maybe they are communicating to us, symbols and the like have a unique way of transcending the language barrier, think of the red cross on white background used to convey "hospital" (or in middle eastern countries i think it's the crescent) so it could well be that they are communicating with us.
  8. psychoshaman

    Rocket Stove

    i've used a decent size tin can like a caterers bake bean tin, with rags soaked in metho, made a wire thingie so the frying pan to sit on, when done take of the wire thing and leave frying pan on can, fire goes out, used this many times when i forgot to pay the gas/electricity bill
  9. psychoshaman


    i want to believe... the photos look very earth like was hoping for something that would make me say, fuck this is not earth, interesting nonetheless, i found the internet is rife with this kind of stuff and you just don't know what to believe, lest you be called a gullible fool, not like the old days where you had to scour the face of the earth for info on such stuff... i've been reading and sifting through alot of stuff like this, our ancient hertige maybe, but it becomes so overwhelming, not just that, but all the people (except for one or two) think that i'm stark raving mad when i even suggest that we may have, mmm, lets say... a reptilian heritage, after all there were dinosours before us after all, yeah? wish "they" would contact me directly, i've tried but "they" don't listen... hahahha...
  10. psychoshaman

    An interesting question...

    life feeds on life, every creature has the right to live, yet we all die in some way, shape or form, for the benifet of someone/thing else, everything is someone elses servant. i became a vego after contemplating the idea for some length and at the end made the descion to become one, mr stay puft they are the very thoughts that i started to think about, stuff like that and i used to be a voracious meat eater, yet i did not kill any other living creatures knowingly that was the beginning and i realised that i ate meat, just to satisfy my palate. i have a question as well, why, oh why, do they have to render animal fat, rennet, i believe, into cheese, cheese is supposed to be cheese, makes my life difficult sometimes as i love cheese, i eat dairy, just not the animals. in answer to your question, without getting to deep into it i would say... yes, i would be more content being a dairy cow, then the other poor bugger, but that also is with my human mind answering that question, what else could you do, maybe a johnathan livingston cow? and by the way, i think of myself as a murderer eating vegetables, after all they live also.
  11. thought i might, is it bump? this thread... check out, "Spectrochrome therapy", by Darius Dinash, weird cause this book appeared as out of no where, no one laid claim to it or new anything about it, when friends where questioned, and it mysteriously dissappeared, just like it appeared, found it in my wardrobe and was quite an old copy, true story
  12. psychoshaman

    changing avatar

    just checking to see if my avatar has changed, having problems nope, i'm still an alien... grrrr what the... i can't seem to change it, the photo is in the requirements of the avatar settings, this alien is getting frustrated, any advice would be greatly welcomed
  13. psychoshaman

    changing avatar

    ha ha, ya must be psychic! cheers
  14. psychoshaman

    photos kept secret by the Bush Administration

    funny, that's exactly the sort of stuff i've been reaserching lately, the Annanuki and the like... v. interesting cheers
  15. psychoshaman

    changing avatar

    just a pic that i, is it uploaded when you save the image to your desktop? then i just clicked the box with browse in the change avatar section looked in desktop found the pic, selected it and then "change avatar", the picture appeared and then said it had been changed ????? but it hasn't, i must be doing something wrong and i bet it is something sooo simple
  16. reptiles were at the root of a genetic matrix from which all land vertebrate life evolved. Millions of years of biological divergence from the trunk of the vertebrate "Tree of Life" resulted in a world full of back boned animals that, despite their dissimilar outward appearance, share the same parental lineage---an encoded past locked in their DNA. A code which we humans share with other land vertebrate life forms. Shamans around the world, by whatever cultural label they are called, have often spoken of how important the image of a serpent is in their worship of God and their visions of the "other side." Whether stirred from slumber by meditation or dreams, once this primordial living symbol within man is awakened, it can provoke extremely powerful emotional reactions of either paralytic fear or enduring fascination and love. something i've been looking into^^, might be relevent... The image of the serpent has been corrupted by the will of man, yet beyond the scope of his vision, it readies itself at his root, preparing to return him to the Godhead upon his death.
  17. Found this http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/sumer_an...es/reptiles.htm yeah, some of it sounds like a crock, even whacky, some has some validity, some just an interesting read.
  18. psychoshaman

    Heavy Metal

    "MAMMAL", a cool band from victoria, it's also cool to hear the aussie accent in their songs, wouldn't say it's strictly "heavy metal", but it's heavy enuf.
  19. psychoshaman

    just wanted to say hi to all

    arrrgh, i've had no computer and i've sorely missed all you guys and the great stories/info, didn't know where else to put this so a big fat hi to all!
  20. psychoshaman

    a wee bit worried

    hey all.... as i am now the proud owner of this magical plant, any tips on care and maintenance would be great... found the basics... but upon waking this morning, saw there was a little bit of "rust???" on the tips of some leaves. transplanted about 5 days ago... here is a pic shanti
  21. psychoshaman

    What are you currently listening to thread.

    right in two - TOOL
  22. psychoshaman


    excuse me for my ignorance naja naja, but what pray tell is an EGA ticket?
  23. psychoshaman

    the history of circumcision

    it is there for a reason, so it should stay, otherwise we would be designed with out it, glad my mummy and daddy thought of that...
  24. psychoshaman

    My x3 options of opiate detox.

    always managed to do it cold turkey (with the help of benzo, though i must say) never been on the methadone program, had it plenty times though and have heaps of friends on it the above are all good methods, but yeah for myself the cold turkey thing did wonders, it always reminded me never to get that far into the opiates ever again... and yes it's a bitch and it hurts (understatement) had a friend that went through rapid detox/naltraxene implants and he did OK for a while. also i read a book by Dr Beck called "Beating Heroin" it had a good detox program, can't remember the details but it was something like dissolving subutex in 2 liters of water and sipping on it over the course of a few days, so as not to precipitate withdrawal, in conjunction with some benzodiazepines all in the comfort of your own home (let me rephrase that ---just at home--- there is no comfort), it was a bit unconventional but it seemed okay to me, i'll see if the book is still lying around somewhere... good luck man wish you the best...