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Posts posted by folias

  1. Wot Uttar Garbadge.

    Crazy how the article ends with a teensy bit about a man called Greg Eaton gaining some benefit from DMT. This is quoted from a public post from his facebook.

    "For friends found by the Spirit Molecule: I was stunned to read my name at the very bottom of a sensationalist Australian click-bait story when I woke up this morning. The only reason I found this story was because it was positioned at #3 on news.com.au and I sometimes indulge in reading silly click-bait like this. Imagine my surprise to read a blurb about me in the article's conclusion. The author didn't even contact me to let me know she was running a story. I never heard of the author. I think why she mentioned me was that nearly four years ago, a *different* Queensland university journalism student contact me for an interview after watching a short Aya doco I put on Vimeo. Apparently that other student's interview with me got used by a different author (now 4 years later!) and for a different subject (before: Aya, now: the Spirit Molecule itself) in order to footnote this sensationalist rubbish. I Tweeted a couple annoyed remarks to the author and @newscomauhq. Although I didn't ask to be affiliated with this piece, and don't agree with its tone or content, I guess I'm happy that the words attributed to me are the only positive-sounding information in what is otherwise a scary-sounding, eye-rolling puff-piece of yellow journalism. I share this for *tabloid entertainment purposes only.* Almost all this story's content is inaccurate, needlessly sensational and melodramatic, incomplete, or misleading. The Spirit Molecule is already in us and pretty much all life forms on the planet, a key fact these articles ALWAYS leave out."

    • Like 1

  2. Do we live in North Korea or South Korea?

    I honestly can't see Australian courts sending ayahuasca people to jail. Also, if there is a court case, it will give us a chance to publicise this issue further.

    This proposed amendment has already gained some media publicity which I will announce here when the time is right :-)

    Decriminalisation is the only sensible way forward, and the 1st step there is to decriminalise plants that are used in a context of healing, rather than just recreatioally.

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  3. James W. Jesso and Julian Palmer in Conversation.

    For one night only, these two authors talk about what they believe are the most salient issues and topics involved when discussing the serious and conscious ingestion of psychedelics.

    Be prepared to be engaged and entertained in an evening of fresh, insightful dialogue and discussion hitting on vital areas related to this most compelling topic.

    Conversation goes for 1 hour or so, with an hour of Q & A and then book signings.

    James will be signing copies of his books “Decomposing the Shadow” and “The True Light of Darkness” while Julian will be signing copies of the 3rd Edition of “Articulations: On The Utilisation and Meanings of Psychedelics”

    Thursday 17th of March, 8pm-11pm. Rooftop Room, Northcote Town Hall, Melbourne, Australia.

    Limited $20 entry on the door. Doors open 7.40pm for an 8pm start.

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  4. I used to be more of a C person, and that worked to the degree I felt it did at the time.

    Then I started deeper initiations into understanding "the dark side", meaning I was shown the extent of it and why it existed and wants to exist and so on. It took me a long time just to accept these realities on their own terms because they are so horrorfying.

    Then I started fighting back when attacked. I think "protection" is over rated. Sometimes you need to take these guys down. Now I feel like they leave me alone more as they see what damage I can do.

    I'm giving a talk at somara conference in early feb and going into this very topic, but I thought I covered it pretty well in the book too!

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  5. I don't think there is any single category of dark beings... and they always look different to me.

    I think many are parasites who feed on human energy, (like we feed on plant energy or animal energy), to me many of these guys look like big insects.

    Some are deceivers/tricksters.

    And then there are demons. (as in the opposite of angels)

    Then there are characters out of a dark fairytale or lizard people.

    Then there are cybertronic forces, who look more like robots.

    Human like beings. Then there are negative versions of animals we have on earth like mantises or elephants.

    And Jellyfish like beings. Grey alien beings. And so on and so forth.

    They are dark insomuch as they bring malevolence, they either want our energy, want to deceive us, cause us suffering, maintain us in a framework of control or set us on paths that behoove themselves (normally some kind of vampirism) or they have some kind of agenda that may be mysterious to us.

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  6. I've just released the 3rd edition which has a new section about mushrooms and has hopefully most of the kinks ironed out of!

    You can get it on payhip where I get most of the money and not Amazon!


    The 3rd edition hard copy will be available on Amazon in a few weeks, and has a matte cover, is a bit thicker, a new layout and is printed on creme paper.

  7. Save your money and don't buy into the Byron shire, it is TOO pricey to my mind. You will buy the land and then have nothing for building and development, I know a few people who have done that.

    The tweed shire can be good, still pricey though, and of course, you go further south it is cheaper. The whole area is big. I know some people who are living out west near Kyogle, which is another option. Even Tenterfield is great (but three hours from the coast)

    I would advise to think about what kind of social life you want to have out there. This is the main thing that city people have difficulty with. The comparative isolation can really do a lot of people's heads in.

    You know what they say, "Go to heaven for the climate, and hell for the company!"

    If you have friends up that way, great. But it can be hard for some to make friends, as you are a blow in, and they say it takes ten years to become a local up there. I stayed 11 around the northern rivers and noticed a shift exactly at ten years. But still, I have noticed many people I know struggling up that way.

    The issue with towns like Mullumbimby, is that it is a small town with heaps of gossiping, small minded thinking and people who think they are big fish, without any "Northern Exposuresque" charm or innocense of actual real characters, and not just human stereotypes. (which you will more likely find in small and more remote towns)

    You also want to consider the soil of your property before buying it, and getting it tested.

    I would personally do a lot of driving around the north coast (it is a huge area), see what towns you like, and see where you like the people and the land.

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  8. I'm not sure if on the mountain these acacias need fire to germinate unlike many other acacia species. They seem to germinate just fine on the mountain with lots of little one's coming up without fire.

    It is good to hear that people are getting them up and growing!

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  9. What I say to people, is that if you are not prepared to do the time, don't do the crime :shroomer:


    It sounds like the case in WA was for a compound and a large amount of a compound.

    I'm not saying we have a non-fascist system, but also I know of cases where people have argued that their use of so called illicit substances was conscious and legitimate. And I have advised one person who was technically facing years, and got a very minor conviction, because he chose this argument.

    I just think if you are working with plants and your head is in the right place, you should be a able to argue your case and if you can't do that and think if what you are doing is "wrong", then maybe you should just stay at home and play x-box.

  10. Meanwhile 'the elite' are all snorting cocaine like its never going out of fashion. And yeah, people do gown for petty shit sometimes, like the judge who puts people away for pot, meanwhile he smokes pot.

    But it is a matter of perspective, this is plants we are talking about. We haven't seen any evidence there is a deliberate crackdown in oz about these plants, it is not out of the realm of possibility, but I can't see it being likely.

    Can you see yourself, Joe Bogg's, saying 'guilty, your honour', for possession of Acacia confusa, I was making a tea out of it, and wanted to connect with higher dimensional beings and realities?

    Especially, first offence, that's going to be like a $50 fine!

    We don't live in Scandanavia, where they see these plants as being a serious matter. (the only country I know of maybe apart from the U.S.)
    There is an element of common sense here, there are just SO MANY laws, law enforcement often do exercise some discretion over what is prosecuted. Stupid stuff would clog up an already clogged up system anyway.

    I can't tell you how many times I have heard so and so tell about such and such package just not arrive, it happens all the time. Sure stings do happen, but normally for kilos of powders and shit.

    AND, the only reason these laws exist is some beaurocrat saw that DMT was similar to LSD in the early 70's. They are not just unjust, they are just not founded in any meaningful decision which should regulate anyone's life, especially when the results and effects are so often very life changing and healing.

    "One has not only a legal but a moral responsibility to obey just laws. Conversely, one has a moral responsibility to disobey unjust laws."

    - Martin Luther King.

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  11. I have a hard time comprehending what the OP is trying to say! His attitude, such as saying, why are not these listings "taken down" reinforce the tyranny and fascism this country continues to endure.

    When you talk to people from other countries they can't believe the petty fascist bullshit we put up with. But morever, we don't put up with it, we EXPECT it, what is even more surprising is the amount of fear that people have, when there aint no gulags baby!

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  12. >as i mentioned T's interpretation of the law meant that the judge could technically hand down an incredibly severe sentence if it ever actually came to that.

    Yeah, but where are the precdedants? I really think this is being paranoid. Especially as there are so many people doing it.

    Yes, a judge could give you a 10 year sentence for 1 kilo of coca powder, but that's just not going to happen in Australia, because it is tax payers money used to put you in jail and the big question is WHY would the judge do this? This is just fear mongering.

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  13. Quarantine just heat treats plant matter coming into Australia. Last time I checked it was $42.50. As if it would be sent as Acacia Confusa root bark into Australia anyway?

    For people doing little bits and pieces, it sure is easier for them and yield is guaranteed. I can't see a problem here.

    Australian Acacias can be a tricky code to crack and newbies will often do stupid stuff like rip out a 2 year old tree.

    I'd like to see people selling Acacia Acuminata phyllodes, there is heaps of that out there, and the yield is very good indeed.

    I'm just surprised that ebay allows it and that paypal does too, Paypal have been known to freeze your money when it comes to this sort of thing.

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