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The Corroboree


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Everything posted by folias

  1. folias

    contact high: the perils of megapharmahuasca

    Michael, Maybe see you there next time! I have had experiences with moclobemide that I don't think could come through with ayahuasca or rue...the one on the mountain was a bit like that. (i.e. complete melt down!) I think more stray energies and beings can get access to one's consciosness...I found this with DPT too (horrible but powerful!) Really, I would recommend people stay away from moclobemide, and learn how to do a manske salt extraction if they are going to doing MAOI's... It is literally as simple as making a brew from the ground seeds, filtering it and letting it stand for 24 hours to get rid of any sediment, and then adding 100g of fine sea salt per 1000mls, letting it sit in the fridge for a day or two and a whole bunch of harmaline crystals will form on the bottom of the jar! Julian.
  2. folias

    contact high: the perils of megapharmahuasca

    500mg seems to be the upper limit for most people (not that there are that many who have done this!) which is workable or useful to do orally... Anything above 500mgs appears unecessary and does not appear to take one to anywhere as rich which half that amount may facilitate...one just goes too far 'out there'...and often won't remember of integrate what occurs. Consider that many acacia extracts contain 5meo (7% as tested on one extract) and other alkaloids which can contribute highly to the state! Even if one does remember and retain consciousness of what has occured at these dosage levels...what is worked with is usually ess able to be integrated with one's human form... However, 300mgs is still a good high amount to work with...and again, with acacia extracts, not all of that quantity will be DMT...which is different every time...it may be almost totally that, it may be only 70% or something like that...it is just so variable on the specific tree, the solvent used, how well it was cleaned and lots of other variables! 200mg is a good medium dosage for people these days...and of course, different people respond to different amounts... Be wary of moclobemide...it doesn't have the natural quality of intelligence of rue or the vine which can assist stabilisation/integration...and perhaps should be treated more as a novelty than anything else... There have been too many reports of people getting into trouble with Moclobemide, which may have been avoided if people did use a natural MAOI. Then again, I know people who have used Moclobemide to great effect! It is simply just not recommended as a long term solution to MAO inhibition! Julian.