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Everything posted by folias

  1. folias

    Acacia Phlebophylla DMT

    heh, not highly educated... I just keep my ear to the ground! A good friend of mine, came into contact with some aboriginal people who associate with the Mt Buffalo region... what they told him is that Mt Buffalo was like a meeting place for the various tribal nations, who would travel up to feast yearly on the bogong moths(I think it was!) And he was told that they used big turtle shells as a receptacle pot (an item that was traded around Australia apparently!), for boiling up plant medicines... which they discovered up there... Europeans reported that Aboriginals who travelled up Mt Buffalo at that time of year were sallow and thin and came down the a few weaks later mountain healthy, plump and with oily skin! So it appeared this was like a mens business, meeting, gathering place... whether they used phlebophylla or not is uncertain... I've heard similar things about another mountain from an aboriginal park ranger where tryptamine bearing plants grow in abundance, and he told me this because he saw me collect a small sample of plant material on that mountain! (which he seemed pretty cool with actually!) And I was told by him medicine men use plants from this mountain for shamanic purposes...and tribal gatherings. I would have been told dozen of anecdotal stories such as this by very reliable sources! Julian.
  2. folias

    Acacia Phlebophylla DMT

    The people I spoke who have harvested phyllodes from the trees, seemed to be filled with inordinate respect for the trees.... and took the tree on face value in its situation and most would probably be as concerned, if not more concerned about the trees situation because of a familarity and understanding of their immense value than the average entho head... and I would say they were conscious in that they were and are fully aware of the issues related to this plant according to the information they have available to them. I am aware of more than a few people who WERE harvesting small amounts for brews here and there...over many years often. And these people I would say represent the people who know most about the plant, who have quite extensively researched its properties and qualities and human usage. And I am aware that at least one of these people has successfully grown a decent amount of trees which seem to be doing well in a location in North eastern victoria... HOWEVER, there have been people going up to Mt Buffalo to simply collect material to make DMT with... without much respect or care for the trees, with a pronounced self interest... I am aware that a couple of guys in a van were actually found by some park rangers and prosecuted for what they did (like backing their van into a small tree on the side of the road and pruning it!) I don't know what they outcome was... but one can't imagine it was in their favour! Julian.
  3. Flyer available on this website: http://www.timeisart.net/ AltarNation Biospheric Congress 21-23 January Hanging Rock CommUnity Hall, Williams Rd, BarkersVale, Northern NSW
  4. folias

    Second opinion on Acacia ID?

    It LOOKS like an obtusifolia...but the tips are not as blunt as obtusifolias usually are, and the phyllodes do not look as thick... the flowers look different... but it may well be, I doubt it is longifolia, which is a more lighter green, thinner phyllodes and has different flowers... Julian.
  5. "voices from the first day" is an unknown classic! As are all of Robert Lawlors books... "Earth Honoring: The New Male Sexualiity" http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/089281428...glance&n=283155 and also "Sacred Geometry" http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/050081030...glance&n=283155 are outstanding, provoking works... Julian.
  6. folias

    Rebooting to original state

    check this out: http://www.pathwaysfoundation.com.au/ a foundation developing new ways of initiating young men into adulthood... its very influential organisation around the far north coast with a very devoted and wide range of supporters! Julian.
  7. folias

    Rebooting to original state

    Holotropic Breathwork is a method developed by Stan Grof after they took away his LSD, for accessing and clearing blockages in the perinatal stages of development... http://www.breathwork.com/ Rebirthing is a technique developed by Leonard Orr... the basic idea is to go back and re-experience your birth trauma and "clear it". http://www.rebirthingbreathwork.com For some people these techniques work really well... for others, they don't seem to really work that well! I am someone who has never had much sucess with breathe based practises!, but apart from "entheogens", these are some of the most powerful practises you can do in order to reset and awaken one's system. It is also a matter of finding the right person for you... a lot of people who do this work used to be into (or still are into entheogens) Julian.
  8. folias

    Rebooting to original state

    Three best things I know of for a defragmention, deletion of old programs and operating systems are high dose ayahuasca, high dose LSD-25 and high dose Ibogaine. (all of course in safe, comfortable and appropriate mindset and environment!) Ibogaine is THE system reset plant medicine we know of in nature... Julian.
  9. folias

    Acacia Phlebophylla DMT

    After the fires there were people who collected a LOT of bark and phyllodes from trees that had died after the fires, and did whatever they did with it... And before the fires there were more than just a very quite conscious people who did make DMT from phlebophylla. But at this point, there are so few trees and they are all juveniles, actually taking phyllodes from the trees is not at all viable! Taking Phyllodes off the ground that have fallen off the tree is borderline behaviour... because for one thing, you may be carrying a fungas from tree to tree which is carried by humans which killed a lot of the trees before the fires got to them! BUT, this is more material to make a brew with... and making DMT from phlebophylla at this point seems quite wasteful and unecessary when there are other species not so sensitive and protected. Acacia Obtusifolia is a tree found right up and down the east coast of Australia... and although, not really present in Victoria in any significant numbers, is found right and up down the south coast below Sydney to the victorian border, often in very abundant numbers... Phleb seeds and cuttings will not grow, except on Mt Buffallo and by very advanced horticulturalist who live in the right altitude and environment it seems! Julian.
  10. folias

    Killing Acacias

    Right from the first time I began breaking through... I was always told... "well, this is this, and know you know that, at least as a reference, but you have a life to live, that is not based in this domain or any domains like what we are showing you!" That is not to say the DMT smoked experience has provided a fantastic relief and immense visionary input that has helped a great deal... but I pretty much straight away took to eating the natural extract orally with an MAOI which is just so much more a fuller way of experiencing the plant molecules...and what they can do for you! The ayahuasca vine can be good as an MAOI, but often the acacias are much better with a syrian rue exract of some sort (corroberated by two other people!) and seem to conflict with the vine sometimes... psychotria viridis leafs a pure DMT containing plant... and is picked direct from the shrub and is the traditional admixture of the vine. Julian.
  11. folias

    Killing Acacias

    The hip and groovy propoganda is that DMT is hip and groovy and every man and his dog is into it... and I think perhaps a lot of the "psy trance" or related hip and groovy people would like to be into it in theory, but a lot of it is just ego I think. (ever met people who have showed you their 7 different types of DMT?!) For some, DMT remains "The Brief History of Time" of drugs... and many just seem to keep it safely stored on the shelf in case they feel they want to do it someday. Those that do it at a reasonable dose, are often truly blasted and have no desire to go back.... even though it may have entirely changed their lives more than anything ever has! And you have those who like to make friends with it over time... There are enthusiasts of course.... who have made it part of their "lifestyle" and even "scene"...but not that many! It's not something many people keep reaching back for or see a need to keep doing it. Once you get the message, you have got the message and there isn't much more growth to be found there! I know quite a few people who have smoked DMT 100 + times, who just get turned back "at the gates" in a little bit of menacing way... as if to say, "haven't you got the message?" "what are you doing back here?" I think in the crystal form it has a limited but extremely powerful applicability... I haven't really gone in deep for about three years... strong ayahuasca takes me much deeper into the human domain... ands contains elements of the smoked DMT experience anyway if it is strong! Julian.
  12. folias

    Killing Acacias

    A couple of friends of mine found this area near an area of great toxicity, where potentially huge amounts of poisons were being leached into the eco-system due to industrial activities... They found an area near there with a whole bunch of acacias growing on the land, seemingly in response to the toxicity...it was the like the trees were cleaning it up somehow... with giant tubers... it seems that fires must go through the area quite regularly and mow down the trees, but leave the tubers! After an hour or so of harvesting the tubers, a being appeared to them, some kind of beast in the etheric, which they both experienced and talked to, it seemed like this beast was a keeper of the land, maybe some kind of spirit the aboriginals were in contact with... the beast seemed disturbed and angry with my two friends and told them to leave right away. They said, wait on, and explained what they were doing and how valuable it was what they were doing and how they were happy to have found this way of harvesting material without killing trees...just pulling out tubers and suckers which they said were covering almost every inch of soil! The beast/spirit seemed to take note, but still demanded they leave... so they left right away. Six months later they came back to the same area... and only 6 months or so had passed in the spring and winter months...but the whole place had literally gone off! Even more suckers were growing and the tubers seemed to be twice as big! They had brought an offering of tobacco to the being (who had a name I can't recall) and he seemed happy with that and also they felt his approval into what he was doing... perhaps there was a connection being forged to the human world via these activities? They said it was like the area had literally discovered that there was something going on here, a reason for this growth and had responded in an immense way... over an hour they would have harvested about 5 times as much material as they had the first time they were there! To me this is an example of a co-creative and communicative way of being with nature... personally, I think the best thing we can give is ourselves and our sensitive and aware nature... this brings up question of what does nature/the environment really wants from us in general! What could we do that would really help... and I think we have got to help ourselves first before we can intelligently assess what we can do for the land! And actually be sensitive and aware to actually do something for that... certainly giving thanks with an offering could be useful, but it also could become tokenesque and structured over time... and people then may not actually have real gratitude and thanks in their heart - for the gift, to humanity, which in this case is immense. (a link sent to me recently! http://www.gogratitude.com/masterkey) There are lots of ways that people are doing things... the indigenous people take what they need from the land with gratitude... and live OFF the land who is bountiful and provides all they need! Western man has strayed from that way obviously.... it seems to me as a species we are only just learning to discover the nature of the intelligence in nature! The acacias are really helping in the world scheme in that mission... and I would say is probably one of natures most powerful catalysers to human beings and I do think the trees are a gift to all of us at this present time... how we proceed to utilise this gift is up to us all collectively I think... I have been concerned about these issues... but am aware that it is not my right to tell other people how to do things... especially, when people are really sensitive about doing this already... and most people seem to do it in great secrecy amid all kinds of personal pressures and forces, thoughts and feelings... But I would say to anyone who is harvesting acacias, be aware of your attitude, are you aware there is a sentient being there? Are you able to discern an individuality and life force to that sentiant being? Are you sensitive to the life force of this being? Are you able to communicate it and understand its life force and how it lives within its environment? If not, I would say you could be in way over your head and should rethink working with the trees (I am aware of a high burnout rate in this area!), and resulting material coming out of your activities may be more detrimental than beneficial. Julian.
  13. folias

    Legalising coca leaf in Bolivia

    Morales has outright won with over 51% of the vote! -- http://www.guardian.co.uk/international/st...1671000,00.html http://news.ft.com/cms/s/a2d949f2-70e6-11d...00779e2340.html
  14. folias

    Legalising coca leaf in Bolivia

    How Chavez feeds America's poor and gives them free oil in after Hurrican Katrina before their president, "the king of vacations" does! http://www.counterpunch.org/whitney11212005.html interview with a man who has written a book about Chavez http://www.motherjones.com/news/qa/2005/09/richard_gott.html Julian.
  15. folias

    Legalising coca leaf in Bolivia

    This is a bigger meatphor than it looks... I am not usually that interested in such things, but this situation in South America is something to really take note of! Largely, it is Hugo Chavez, the president of Venezuela, who has inspired a lot of latin America to stand up against Nth America. (an article describing how Evo Morales, who is actually a coca farmer, is being inspired by Chavez to not get fucked over by the oil companies!) http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=100...r=latin_america Venezualia is the fifth largest oil producer in the world with huge oil reserves... and is described by the U.S. as a negative force... all the U.S. media portray him as a dictator, but if you look a bit harder, this is a guy who is actually trying to effect some change in the region against U.S. and multi-national imperialism! It is interesting that the U.S. calls Chavez undemocratic and continually lies and misrepresents his government (http://www.alternet.org/story/16255/), when it is said, the wealthy "white" elite largely tried to take him out a few years ago with what Chavez called a U.S. backed coup, which was illegal! In South America, the majority of the poor are quite politically savvy, and the tendancy is that South America is turning to leftist based governments through their democracies....not that this seems to be changing the discrepancy between rich and poor. Also, coca is legal in Peru... EVERYONE uses it and it is obviously very great stuff... and criminally it is not available in other countries, mostly because of U.S. foreign policy! an enlightening interview with Chavez http://abcnews.go.com/Nightline/Internatio...=1134098&page=1 Julian.
  16. folias

    Killing Acacias

    I think the words "vandals and reckless harvesters" is a bit harsh... I would only know a few people who do this/have done this (reading this you would think every man and his dog was having a go!), and overall they are pretty conscious people... the word vandal implies aggressive destructiveness for its twisted sake with no outcome.... but we're dealing with the spirit molecule here... with the potential to effect great transformation. I'm surprised there is this view, "there is gold in them trees!" I am aware of at least one person who has begun harvesting a couple of trees in order to make some cash, and discovered that for the most part, he struggled to even give it away (a lot of people are very scared of DMT!) ... I am aware of one person doing this for years and years, one of the few people continually doing this and there certainly was never a huge nor constant demand for his product whatsoever! maybe it is different for these mysterious, perhaps unscrupoulous money motivated people! Most people I know who do this are hobbyists who give a lot away to their friends and sell a little bit, or if they are very "lucky", a decent chunk every now and then, often very cheaply. Most of these people also grow many different plants including acacias.... I am sure there are some people out there doing this I am sure who are insensitive to the fact that they are dealing with distinct living entities here... most of it is due to really not knowing any better... (at least in a couple of people I have met!) Most people have no idea about how to relate to the plant kingdom... but I think you would find a few tryptamine harvesters out there would be some of the most attuned to the plant kingdom people you could ever hope to meet! From an ecological perspective, humans out there seeking tryptamines to fuel an opening of minds... in scale is so minute compared to old growth logging and mechanical deforrestation still occuring in Australia and most parts of the world and is potentially very beneficial to an awakening of humanity, rather than the mindless destruction for cheap and abundant amounts of timber.... Personally, I feel it is acceptable to cut down a tree with respect, understanding, that is "on its way out" (i.e. beginning to rot or just fall over, which is very common in older specimens).... getting trees that have fallen down is obviously preferable (I am sure storms claim many more acacias each year than tryptamine harvesters!).... pruning brances is an IDEAL scenario, but probably not a very practical one in the majority of circumstances (i.e. the trees branches are often many metres overhead and many trees don't even have branches per se!) .... stripping a little bit off the sides of the trees could result in a very small amount of material compared to the relatively large amount of damage to trees... I personally, think that as a mature acacia lets loose so many seeds over its life, artificial human propogation may not be the answer here... There are a few people out there, who spend time propogating acacias and growing them in the right places... but fark, the best thing one could do is to set fire to a whole region! Anyone going up to Mt Buffallo after the fires could see, these trees NEEDED a fire to actually spark the growth of the seeds bank stored in the soil. And of course there are many other species out there which have yet to be released to the general community by the relevant researchers, which are probably better tryptamine sources than obtusifolia.... and I would guess some of these species have high yields of tryptamines in their phyllodes.... which means people wouldn't have to cut down trees if they knew about them! (Also, the more the value of the trees such as obtusifolia is realised, the more people will grow them, and seek to propogate them... a LOT of people in the world are still growing Maidenii, which as far as I can tell, is a bit of red herring with most strains being tryptameaningless ) And, Obtusifolias for one thing, are quite prevelant in many parts of Australia... most of these places I would say would be inaccessable to harvesters without helicopters! The ONLY real sustainable way of harvesting in the future, would be to establish large tree farms, however such endeavours requires a fair amount of time, money, knowledge, labour and land. (Although I am aware it has been done, with almost all of the tryptamines being given away!) Maybe we could all be in a position to benefit from these approaches in the future.... but barriers to such this occuring in any decent sized scale, largely remain the illegality of the tryptamines, lack of public knowledge and information about how to successfully utilise the tryptamines and lack of world demand. Julian.
  17. folias

    Best ambient?

    My favourite "ambientesque" artist at the moment would be Paul Abad.... Paul is quite into Monolake and such, but I like his work better...it does speak of the tryptamines and the land here and is not afraid to go deep into the technology.... http://www.zonar.net/abad Also, he's putting on a party positronic, which is on next weekend! http://www.subterran.org/positronic05.php Julian.
  18. folias

    Ozapft is 2005

    I can´t believe I am in Munich right now doing as much as I can do avoid Oktoberfest! Julian!
  19. folias


    from tribe.net http://www.tribe.net/template/pub,tribes,ViewThread.vm/threadid/30321ccd-da3c-4e74-8ccd-f75c40034ef6/tribeid/34ce3df8-d7ca-4af1-9234-f945c34ec3f6/id/6a2ccf9e-60d5-42de-8e59-1fb3915 c144a://http://www.tribe.net/template/pub,t...9-1fb3915 c144a://http://www.tribe.net/template/pub,t...9-1fb3915 c144a://http://www.tribe.net/template/pub,t...9-1fb3915 c144a://http://www.tribe.net/template/pub,t...9-1fb3915 c144a://http://www.tribe.net/template/pub,t...9-1fb3915 c144a://http://www.tribe.net/template/pub,t...9-1fb3915 c144a://http://www.tribe.net/template/pub,t...9-1fb3915 c144a "In addition to Jan Kounen being a friend of mine, I have the special edition of "Blueberry"'s DVD, which includes a well-done documentary film about the film, and have seen "d'Autres mondes" ("Other Worlds"), the companion documentary film to "Blueberry" directed by Jan, at different steps of its montage. From all this I can assure you that the journey part in "Blueberry" is primarily inspired by Jan's encounter with the Shipibo shaman Guillermo Arévalo/Kestambetsa, and, of course, the ayahuasca experience. A major clue in "Blueberry" is Guillermo playing almost his own role (the old shaman who dies in the first part, and reappears during the final journey). All the people who did participate to a ceremony lead by Guillermo in his center ("Espiritu de Anaconda") during the Iquitos conference know the kind of decoction one drinks there: Definitely not something with mescaline in it... In the documentary film about "Blueberry", Guillermo explains that he allowed Jan to get a hint of Shipibo ayahuasca shamanism in order to present it to Westerners, and Jan says that he made his best to render the visions he had during his initiation with Guillermo. He also precises that he sought Guillermo's help on some specific contents (one actually sees how they did collaborate on a serpent-spirit visual that appears the first time Blueberry drinks the unnamed potion, in the forest)." -- heh, I drank with Guillermo during the conference... and then someone told me he was in blueberry and was the inspiration for some of it... I have yet to see it...the best bet is to buy it on DVD or obtain a renegade version... Julian.
  20. folias

    Why is ayahuasca vine peeled?

    Torsten, I think this is to remove excess tannins which are found in the outer part of the vine and prevent easy drinking of the brew...and also may prevent too much purging....this may be particularly important in a formal ceremonial setting like in the santo daime movement... in south America, the vine is very abundant and grows very fast, so I don't think they are too worried about losing a bit! I've talked to people who make brew for the santo daime, and they didn't mention stripping the outer barck, however the brew itself was very easy to drink in my experience...more like a tea than anything else! Julian. [ 04. September 2005, 19:10: Message edited by: folias ]
  21. Well, I wouldn´t trust one measly TV to show you that a treatment used for centuries doesn´t work. :D Try case studies where thousands of people are involved. http://www.trusthomeopathy.org/case/res_ou...omesurveys.html What amazes me about homeopathy is that there are thousands of homeopathic hospitals existing around the world...especially in India and Pakistan. People in India and Pakistan can´t afford to screw around with their health... and Indians are one of the most pragmatic races on earth I would have thought! I think this is something ´the skeptics´ really miss, whatever the case may be, people are regularly utilising these types of therapies and it is working for them - and it is very arrogant I believe to suddenly come in and propose a different explanation for how something is working or not working, unless one has actually trained in that field or spent a great deal of time studying it. Acupuncture is typically put in the same boat with homeopathy by the skeptics (i.e. the disbelievers in life energy!), but again, acupuncture has been used in china for thousands of years with great effaciousness...if anyone has seen Bill Moyers doco, healing and the mind, they would have seen that dude on the operating table, having some part of his body cut open, no anaesthetic used, only acupuncture needles. Julian.
  22. folias

    Mimosa hostilis active without MAOI?

    The MANY variables inherent in different mimosa root bark plant specimens would seem to be the reason for inconsistant reports with the root bark ingested orally! Julian.
  23. folias

    Mimosa hostilis active without MAOI?

    Apparently Jayce Callaway has found an MAOI in hostilis...which he will be reporting on officially soon, or so I am told by Denis McKenna. There are apparently some other mimosa species with a good 5meo content too... Some people on aya.com have tried mimosa without maoi...without success and friends of mine...trout and ott are the only two reports I am aware of which have had it work! Julian.
  24. folias

    LSD no days simply ISNT LSD

    When I heard about this LSD-27, I looked on the web and all I could see was that Shulgin said that there was no such thing... so it is just a designer drug name apparently.
  25. folias

    LSD no days simply ISNT LSD

    I'd also agree there are a LOT of acid illusions, myths, fallacies which are just coming out of thin air.... but I also don't think that anyone really knows what is going on or how it is really working except the individuals who are actuallky making it, who I doubt really communicate with each other. I wouldn't trust the LSD seized by the DEA (for many reasons ;-) to be a fair representative of what is out there in the WORLD. Also, there is weird stuff coming up like LSD-27 over the years...what was that? Reports were that it was amazing and very different to anything anyone had done before. It wasn't LSD and it wasn't LSA (as we know it) ...shulgin has no idea what it is. And this is not the only analogue I have heard of existing...certainly this ald-52 thing is overhyped. It all really is just a manifold mystery involving many different black market manufacturers as far as I can determine. Julian.