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Everything posted by Shroom-Aura

  1. Shroom-Aura

    Gymnopilus spectabilis [G.junonius] discussion

    i'd always thought they were inactive as they are way to common here in the pine forests. Gymnopilus Purpuratus would be the one to go for as you can actually see the blue/green staining. reportedly found in Port Lincoln during May on pig dung and wood chips, might need to go for a road trip this year what is G. dilepis and where is it found? more importantly how active is it? I've never heard of it before
  2. Shroom-Aura

    P. semilanceata 2011

    frigging sweet! you Tasmanians are so lucky to be the only place in Aus to get liberty caps. also your beer kicks ass. please post more when you find them they are such a beautiful shroom
  3. Shroom-Aura

    Psilocybic Potency Scale

    Well I haven't seen any mushrooms around for a while now, let alone subs. I've been really bored and have been thinking about the different types of actives we get here in Australia and the potency of them. So I made this scale just for fun/novelty purposes. #1 is the weakest active found in oz and #10 the strongest. 1----------2----------3----------4----------5----------6----------7----------8----------9----------10 G.junonius----------G.purpuratus-------Ps. cubensis--------------------Ps.subaeruginosa ------------P.fimicola-----------P.subbalteatus-----------------P.cyanescens--------------------Ps.semilanceata However I only know the strength of subs and I don't have anything to compare them two so this is mainly just based on my best guesses from what people say about the trips of different mushrooms. So feel free to dissagree/comment/etc especially if you have have had more than one type of australian active.
  4. Shroom-Aura

    Tasmanian Psilocybe species

    I put together that list for the shroomery as mjshroomer's list was very out of date and innaccurate. Few things to note: All entries in the list are backed up by published sources except for Cubes in NSW but theres enough photos around to prove they definately are there. Also Tasmaniana in NSW, there is one photo posted by magicrooms and Stamet books says they occur on the mainland but no other evidence apart from that (maybe it should be removed?). Also there could be others which arent on the list for example strictipes as BM mentioned and also I've been seeing photos of aussie Pan Subbs from various states lately. And Eucalypta and Australiana are altogether ommitted as they are officially recognised as Psilocybe subaeruginosa. As for inactive psilocybes, coprophila probably grows in Tas too since its in SA, there are also others around like echinata.
  5. Shroom-Aura

    Ps.semilanceata page up

    nice work. while your updating your site you should consider uploading the large version of these cube images i would be forever grateful
  6. not sure if someone posted this already , it was back in July. a study was done on human participants and they found that "magic mushrooms" cause mystical experiences. heres the article that quote was taken from: Magic mushrooms hit the God spot The active ingredient in hallucinogenic mushrooms produces a spiritual experience that can have lasting positive effects, a trial has shown. The ingredient, psilocybin, increases wellbeing and satisfaction with life two months after being taken, according to the research by scientists at Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions, which is published online today in the journal Psychopharmacology. Psilocybin is a plant alkaloid that affects the brain's serotonin system, in particular, the 5-HT2A receptor. "Under very defined conditions, with careful preparation, you can safely and fairly reliably occasion what's called a primary mystical experience that may lead to positive changes in a person," study leader Professor Roland Griffiths says. Australian professor of psychopharmacology at the University of Sydney, Ian McGregor, says he isn't surprised that the study confirms the ability of psilocybin to induce a spiritual state. "Psilocybin and related hallucinogens have been used since ancient times in religious rituals and this study is really formalising ... what many people already know," he says. But he says the apparent long-term benefit of the drug is "remarkable". "To see a positive effect two months later is quite striking," he says. However, the study also reports that about a third of the volunteers experienced fear and anxiety after taking the psilocybin and McGregor says it should be avoided by anyone with schizophrenia or other psychotic illnesses. First study of its kind in four decades In what is described as the first scientifically rigorous study of its kind in 40 years, 36 volunteers were given either psilocybin or a comparator drug methylphenidate hydrochloride. Subjects were asked to describe their experiences immediately after the session in a set of detailed psychological questionnaires and at a two-month follow up. More than 60% of subjects (22) described the effects of psilocybin in ways that met criteria for a full mystical experience according to established psychological scales, compared to only 4 of the 36 after the comparator drug. After two months, two-thirds rated the experience as either the singly most spiritually significant in their lives or rated it among their top five. The God spot? Professor John Bradshaw, an Australian neuropsychologist from Monash University, says the brain's medial temporal lobe is rich in serotonin receptors and has previously been described as the 'God spot' because it is active in transcendental states. In a commentary accompanying the article, Professsor David Nichols of the Purdue University school of pharmacy says it's likely that psilocybin triggers the same neurological process that produces religious experiences during fasting, meditation, sleep deprivation or near-death experiences. He says the current research adds to the emerging field known as neurotheology, or the neurology of religious experience, and could shed light on the "molecular alterations in the brain that underlie religious and mystical experiences". http://www.newscientist.com/article.ns?id=dn9522 the journal article from erowid.org
  7. Shroom-Aura


    Does anyone have Toadstools and Mushrooms and other Larger Fungi of South Australia by J. B. Cleland? I just need a bit of info - the location where Panaeolus acuminatus was found. I would look it up myself but I havent seen the book in it's usual place at my uni library for quite some time, i think it may be gone. while im requesting, I might mention that I'm interested in the following journal articles. Does anyone have or know where to obtain these? Young, A. M. (1989). The Panaeoloideae (Fungi, Basidiomycetes) of Australia. Australian Systematic Botany 2: 75-97. Cleland, J.B. & Cheel, E.C. (1915b), Notes on Australian fungi, No. I, J. & Proc. Roy. Soc. New South Wales 48: 433-443.
  8. Shroom-Aura

    Glowing actives.

    It would be an awesome field test for us shroomers though, it would be very useful for newbies to use it to determine whether or not their mushroom is 'magic'. it could potenetially save people's lives. KMNO4 is easy enough to get, is that all you need? what the hell is ruthenium? anyone know exactly how to perform the test?
  9. Shroom-Aura


    actually the beauty of Cleland's 1934/35 book "Toadstools and Mushrooms and other Larger Fungi of South Australia" is that he lists where his specimes were obtained. for example Gymnopilus purpuratus (listed in the book as Flammmala purpurapata) was found in Pt Lincoln and Big Swamp. it also says that he collected Psilocybe subaeruginosa from Mt. Lofty, Belair National Park and one or two other locations i can't rememer. How can i get into contact with the SA herbarium though? more locations couldnt hurt. btw, thanks to creach, i just need that Cleland journal now, if anyone out there has it.
  10. Shroom-Aura

    Mushroom id please

    maybe some sort of weird Coprinus species, I dunno looks too weird though. sporeprint colour?
  11. Shroom-Aura


    cheers for replying guys. fez, if you could photocopy the page/s on Panaeolus acuminatus, Psilocybe subaeruginosa and Flammala purpuratus that would be great. thanks
  12. Shroom-Aura

    Request spore print

    do you have any particular species in mind? I dont think there is a 'fool proof' way to grow from a sporeprint but it might be easier to innoculate your spores with a syringe straight into your sterelised substrate. have you read the teks and stuff on www.shroomery.org ?
  13. Shroom-Aura

    Croc hunter dead???

    i cant beleive what some people here are saying! steve irwin had a spontaneous and enthusiastic personality that obviously doesnt appeal to everyone some would interpret it as stupidity. and i think that he can come off a bit cocky at times (like most aussies). but unlike most aussies he was genuine, he seemed to act and think completely naturually and didnt care what other people thought, which to me is admirable in our society. so what if he made lots of money as a celebrity? so what if he didnt do any actual conservation? when you die would you want some asshole saying what should or shouldnt of done in your life? you probably wouldnt care, coz ud be dead and in a higher plane of existence but what is point of judging the descisions he made in his life? doing so will not be doing anyone wrong except yourself. seriously though when a non celebrity dies do all the people they knew talk so much shit about them? I dont think it's right even if they were a very bad person. i think that people are just jealous of people who have lots of money which is sad. and i dont think 'his life should be celebrated' (whatever that means im not sure) but his death should be mourned (if you have anything positive to say otherwise it should wait untill not after his imininent death at leat). anyway enough pointless ranting, here is my respects to steve: You were an aussie legend! A unique character with an explosive passion and unparalleled enthusiasm. I've always been inspired by the energry and genuine enjoyment that is seen when you work. From when i was a kid you're show had always been on tv (~10 years?), it had an influence on me, its hard to imagine that you are now not on this Earth. RIP mate edit - all the people that didnt take this opportunity to shit on steve I propel some positive vibes in your general directions!
  14. Shroom-Aura

    Psilocybic Potency Scale

    thats interesting! I heard that there is a big difference in potency between cultivated and wild shrooms so youre reffering to wild pan cyans right? Hey Bm are all these values obtained from alkaloid analysis or experience. Also are where are the cubes and pan cyans from? Do you know if the alkaloid content varies much from state to state with cubes and copes? if you or anoyher reliable source have sampled G. purpuratus what state was it from?
  15. Shroom-Aura

    I need a photo of Pan cyan

    hey naja, these links might help you get more photos for your guide if you want. they all work last time I been to these threads but I don't know how many of the authors you would be able to get into contact with. I reckon MagicRooms is still around though and I know OttO is definately around. NSW Psilocybe cubensis and Panaeolus cyanescens - MagicRooms http://www.shroomery.org/forums/showflat.p...Number/1429799/ NSW Panaeolus cyanescens - MagicRooms http://www.shroomery.org/forums/showflat.p...Number/1323440/ NSW Newcastle Psilocybe cubensis and Panaeolus cyanescens - Bolwarra http://www.shroomery.org/forums/showflat.p.../0/fpart/1/vc/1 NT Katherine Panaeolus cyanescens - Sol http://www.ethnobotany-australia.net/commu...opic.php?t=1466 QLD Panaeolus cyanescens and Psilocybe cubensis - Mesqualero http://www.shaman-australis.com/forum/inde...p;p=entry QLD Panaeolus cyanescens and Psilocybe cubensis - Otto http://www.shroomery.org/forums/showflat.p...831/an/0/page/0 QLD Panaeolus cyanescens - brewinb http://www.shroomery.org/forums/showflat.php/Number/462959/
  16. Shroom-Aura

    I need a photo of Pan cyan

    nice find fusion! what part of the country were they found in?
  17. Shroom-Aura

    Any finds in aussie yet?

    I second that! It has an awesome photo of subs and is the only australian book to describe Psilocybe cubensis. I also like "A Field Guide to the Fungi of Australia - Tony Young and Kay Smith. University of New South Wales Press. 2005 " although others don't because it doesnt have many pretty photos. But it has decent descriptions and illustrations of 3 active species and heaps of other inactive species. It also has the most up to date state distribution of the actives it lists.
  18. Shroom-Aura

    North east Vic. dung lovers.

    subs can vary immensly but I don't think that that is what they are. very intresting, definately look like Psilocybes and also look active. im not qualified to say anything else about them though. btw waiting for those massive size photos to load with dialup is worse than dying a thousand deaths!!
  19. Shroom-Aura

    Any finds in aussie yet?

    that is a great photo isnt it? unfortunately i can't take the credit for it as it was my brother (OOISI on shroomery) that had taken it in a suburban woodchip bed in the hills.
  20. Shroom-Aura

    now official

    Have seen the recent thread on the new active Psilocybes in Victoria and New South Wales. Great news for the east, I hope someone will one day share a photo of Victorian libcaps for all to see. There is some good news for the dry west as well. There is an active that hasnt yet been sought after by the shroomers - Panaeolus fimicola. This mushroom is described as latently active, the yanks sometimes come across these when hunting Panaeolus subbalteatus. It basically looks the same except thinner stem and less bluing if any. Some may remember I made a thread of this a while back with a link to a site. However, now a book has been published by that website (the Perth Urban Bushland Fungi website) making it an official published source. Here is a link to the PUBF field book - a free fieldguide http://fungiperth.org.au/fieldbook/fieldbo...dfs/master1.pdf http://www.fungiperth.org.au/fieldbook/cat_index.html Which confirms their existence in WA Here is the link which states that Panaeolus fimicola was misidentified as Panaeolus acuminatus in Cleland's book. Also an official published source. http://www.rbg.vic.gov.au/dbpages/fungi/ca...ls.php3?id=2098 So now a new mushroom can be officially added to the WA and SA active lists. Just have to find one now and get a photo :ph34r:
  21. Shroom-Aura

    Patches Destroyed

    lol! hehe that is highlarious darwinism ey ... sounds like a good plan to protect my patches :ph34r: j/k
  22. Shroom-Aura

    ID Please?

    yeah i have seen mycelium colonising particle board too. it's just made up of different types of wood fibres and glue. they should be fine to eat possibly because he posted natural habitat shots? nice couple of subs though
  23. Shroom-Aura

    ID Please?

    nice subs especially the wavy
  24. Shroom-Aura

    Yet another new Psilocybe species

    yay for australia! another new active species. I think i recall someone on one of these forums that said they were finding mushrooms looking like semilanceata on kangaroo dung
  25. Shroom-Aura

    now official

    yeah true, you have a good point there. but if he is against people finding psychoactive mushrooms, I doubt that he would of included P.fimicola in the mushroom finding checklist in the field book