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Happy Cadaver

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Posts posted by Happy Cadaver

  1. Sorry, I went and checked those seeds again and it was actually 7 out of 10. SOme little mongrel chewed the tops out of 2 of them.

    I would argue that nicking the seed allows pathogens into the seed, boiling does not. A hard seed coat is not the only type of dormancy exhibited by seeds. Heat treatment would mimic a fire event because of the temperature. By heating the seed, you are telling it that there are favourable conditions for it to grow in, ie. plenty of ash. I've always found that acacias respond well to the boiling water treatment and I don't think phlebophylla would be any different. I've had more losses from nicking (carefully) than i've ever had from boiling water.

  2. Just an observation about germinating these suckers. I've done a few experiemnts with the seeds, i wouldn't call it scientific, but it's relevant. I tried different combinations of nicking, soaking, boiling water, potting mix, garden soil and sandy soil.

    The best germination results of healthy seedlings coming up was from using boiling water to cover the seeds and then planting in a mixture of soil from under a local acacia and potting mix. I think it's 5 out of 10 seeds for that one at the moment.

    Hope that might help somone out there trying to grow these trees, at least it's something to build on.



  3. Hi there.

    I'm looking for seeds from Acacia dallachiana and Acacia alpina, maybe someone down near the Snowy Mountains knows these plants? Anyway, I have a lot of goodies to trade, so if u have some of these seeds, u will be rewarded :D



  4. Thanks go out to Micheal Smith for his cactus grafting workshop at eb3. I got home and just wanted to try it so i tried three grafts. each appears to be working! thanks again Micheal, hope all is well at home. come back soon!


  5. The word novum suggests that it is a new species or variety, whether this is for the collector or science in general is not known. I believe that it is for the collector, since their s. tortuosum seed was incorrectly identified.i just have to work out what species the novum is. :D BTW i think i fucked up the potential species names!

  6. Found some info on on Acacia phlebophylla today, evidently it hybridises naturally in the wild with Acacia alpinia and Acacia dallachiana. The hybrids however are sterile.

    Perhaps this could be an alternative plant for trippers to harvest from and leave the last phlebs alone. Is there someone interested in finding this hybrid or creating it and testing it? All we need is a pollen source for the above mentioned and some one to do the dirty work on the phlebs at flowering time. WOuld it work?

  7. That's an Aptenia. The most simple way to see if it is a Sceletium species is to check for skeletonised old leaves. None of these then it isn't a Sceletium.

    Aptenia contains Mesembrine, lots of oxalates as well.

  8. No, haven't seen them flower yet. these are grown from seed from SAB sourced from Silverhill. We'll just wait and see. They definently differ from the Waterdragon and Ed strains, and from each other as well. Some have really fat leaves , some hang, some are upright, some go purple (all r grown next to each other). How much variation would be in a population?

    What do the real tortuosum look like planthelper? they don't flower in Oz but u know they r real tortuosum? we need to do some work here guys, lets get this sor-ted!
