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Happy Cadaver

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Posts posted by Happy Cadaver

  1. we also have seeds and plants on the webstore

    Used as a spice (Mexican tarragon) and was also used evidently as a narcotic with tobacco species.

    I was reading an old Harvard text yesterday and noticed there were about 4 other Tagetes species which were described as flor de los muertos (flower of the dead). Maybe they are worth checking out.

  2. I have to agree MG. We are not put on this earth to be slaves. I hope everyone here strives to use their talents for the person which will value them the most, usually yourself. If you don't enjoy it, strive to change it.

  3. I thought from reading 'This Precious Foliage' that the preparation of 'pituri' was done by the old fellas who kept it a tight secret. And that they prepared a fire near the plants and when it was at the right stage (temperature, etc.), then they would harvest the 'pituri' and cover it with ashes, sand and it acted like an oven dryer. This was because the nicotine breaks down (?) after harvest and a quick dry keeps the nicotine levels at their highest.

    I would have thought a fermentation would break down the actives into less actives, or is it into more actives? Is there a reference for the fermentation process you two speak of so i can have a look? Or is it in the same one i mentioned

    Maybe the preference for the mulligan stuff was only due to the preparation methods? Though there is likely the climatic difference, like there is with many herbs grown over the globe; in certain areas they simply don't produce high amounts of the good chems and even different ones.

  4. "Isolation and identification of putative hallucinogenic constituents from the roots of Mimosa ophthalmocentra"

    "ABSTRACT: A chemical investigation of the roots of Mimosa ophthalmocentra, carried out in our laboratory, with the aim of monitoring the possible hallucinogenic activity, led to isolation and identification of three alkylamines (N,N-dimethyltryptamine, N-methyltryptamine and hordenine). The results explain the traditional use of this plant by several tribes in northeast Brazil to prepare a potent hallucinogenic drink in mystic-religious ceremonies."

    I thought some of the members here might be interested in tracking this plant down, though it's probably pretty hard to get Mimosas into the country :)

  5. Hi Ed,

    i've been germinating the seeds pretty easily here from fresh berries. If you crush up the berries and even let them sit for a day in the juice and them wash thoroughly, they will germinate very well. They don't need light like some Solanaceae and should be sown 0.5-1cm under the surface. They may damp off in some conditions, jsut fongarid them if they start to. Keep them moist and they'll pop up in 4-5weeks.

    They may have a dormancy in you dry them and store them, but if they are fresh then you can get them before they enter that dormancy.

    hope that helps,


  6. SO has anyone had any germinations out of the Duboisia seeds JA sent out a few weeks ago? I thought it might be interesting to track successes and failures.

    I've put 2 batches down, one of straight fresh seed and another with a treatment. Nothing yet. I'll update if i get something or nothing in the future.


  7. Clitoria - from Clitoria terneata :)

    Mitra - Mitragyna speciosa

    Dennis? Nah, that one's pretty silly

    Solana - Solanum so.

    Boys names are a bit harder.

    Lucida - Tagetes lucida

    And Justica is really Justicia, that's how the plant name is spelt.

  8. I know traditionally the whole plant was used in the preparation of Kanna and I've been experimenting doing the same. I've been pulling up entire plants just starting to flower, giving a good chop and then starting the fermentation in glass jars. I just saw a post somewhere by tantra on this and thought i'd pipe in.

    A lot of mesemb species roots were used in the past as a sort of yeast agent in breadmaking too, remember reading that somewhere, so it must help to include them. I spose it is sort of like making up a batch of home brew and not adding the yeast packet and then hoping the fermentation will go the way you want to and with the right organisms. Most likely you'll end up with off vinegar like brew.

    What i've noticed is that the material seems to give off more gas than normal and rarely develops that 'bad' Kanna smell. In fact it is quite pleasant to smell Time will tell (shortly) if it is more potent too. I believe it will be, as a rough extraction of dried roots produced a nice red glob of stuff which is extremely bitter to taste (yet to try this either). Because it has trouble drying, i spose that means its a mix of a few substances with different melting points??

    Anyway, this stuff will soon overtake our Herbalistics material as the standard, but we might introduce it in the mean time as a sort of premium material so people can test it and see if there is a difference (S. emarcidum). First batch of whole tortuosum is now in the drying stage :) emarcidum to shortly follow.



    [ 27. October 2004, 17:25: Message edited by: darcy ]

  9. I've had Solanum centrale seeds sitting in a pot for ages with no pre-treatment, then as soon as i poured smoke water into the pot, i had several come up. Other pre-soaked seeds came up in 2-3 weeks. This species definently needs it.

    Several native Nicotianas need it as well.

    Generally most of the arid area stuff.

    I think the idea about having a few seeds in a bong for a session or two would be a good method, not too leave them in there for too long though, only 24hrs.

    Hasn't the chemical got a hell of a long name? some Furan type thing?

  10. Hi Everyone

    We've just got the first of our extracts ready for our webstore and would need a couple of guinea pigs for a trial run of it. Its a Hawkweed (Pilosella officinarum syn. Hieracium pilosella) 5 times extract.

    Tantra? I know you have tried this herb before. do you want to give it a go? Another 5 or so people would be able.

    We'll post it off free and you simply have to report back to us on its qualities, good or bad.



  11. Thought I would post a method for cuttings which we use and is pretty successful, esp. since this species will shortly be going underground


    Take cuttings just above a node, not just below it. Most people take nodal cuttings and these will fail because of the need for internodal stem sections for root production. If you do this in the right season for your area (internodal cuttings)(in the subtropics it is from december to april or may) then you will have good success. Quite a long season.

    You can take cuttings with only one node. You remember how you used to take Salvia divinorum cuttings when it was legal? That is the same way as with kratom. Except with these guys, they go into soil, not water.

    Put them in a sandy/loam mix in the shade and mist a couple of times daily, basically you don't want them to wilt. A heat dome is not essential.

    They will root within one to two weeks and can be potted up shortly after you see active growth.



    [ 08. August 2004, 19:17: Message edited by: darcy ]

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