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The Corroboree


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About chemelion

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  1. chemelion

    tim leary-ABC/wed/10.55pm

    friends of mine managed to get a proper, BIG cylinder of N2O for a party once... unfortunately, the effects from the tank were never as good as those from a standard bulb-erator but there is noting like being able to have 4 people sucking off pipes at the same time back on topic: I missed seeing the Leary show aswell... only heard about it today I'd love a copy too from someone if it isn't too much trouble. Tho, if someone can get me a copy, I'd be more than happy to digitize it and convert it to DivX. Chemelion
  2. chemelion

    Acid Availability

    re microdots... multiple knomes from all over australia have been saying that microdots have made a re-appearance recently... and just as strong in comparison to stories of old. unfortunately i wasnt able to sample any of them chem
  3. chemelion

    Home Mushroom Cultivation w/ Hydrogen Peroxide

    to make things MUCH easier (read: i cant be bothered sending out this many emails ) you can find it here: GrowShroom.zip enjoy chemelion
  4. chemelion

    Cubensis in southern QLD- can anyone help

    I suggest you try reading: MAgic Mushrooms of Australia and New Zealand chemelion
  5. Growing Mushrooms the Easy Way Home Mushroom Cultivation with Hydrogen Peroxide check: this page for an index of the two volumes PM if you want a copy of both manuals in html format chemelion
  6. chemelion

    Bill Hicks

    I have: movies: One Night Stand Chicago (from the Funny Farm i think) CD's: Relentless Chicago (live) Scottish radio Interview Rant in E Minor I am desperately seeking a copy of the movie Sane Man if anyone has it??? Chemelion