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The Corroboree


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Everything posted by dinosaur_hunter

  1. dinosaur_hunter

    Mother of Thousands being eaten

    A couple weeks ago I put my Bryophyllum daigremontianum (Mother of Thousands) outside to get full sun in my garden. I walk out one day only to find that birds (there were triangle shaped bite marks on it) have been nibbling at my baby. Its growth has doubled in the outdoors, but the periodic nibbling could be enough to counteract the benefits. Any suggestions as to how to keep these pests away? (incedentally Bryophyllum is toxic, so hopefully some of the perpetrators will soon learn better).
  2. dinosaur_hunter

    columnar cacti ID

    I added this cacti to my outdoor garden where they recieve unadulterated full sun all day . They were purchased from HyVee (grocery store chain) for $4 a piece. I'm pretty sure the second is a San Pedro Backebereg, but no idea on the first one. <p> <p> <p>
  3. dinosaur_hunter

    Mother of Thousands being eaten

    Not really concerned about invasiveness, the winter here would pretty much wipe out any of the little buggers. It's also in a pot, it's a houseplant for me. The picture in that pdf is insane, though I doubt I will have any problem with invasiveness. Garlic Mustard is our weed big invasive and at least that's tasty. I just started collecting succulents this summer, I have crassula ovata (Jade) , a bunch of euphorbia trigona (African Milk Tree), Aloe vera, Pilosocereus azurescens, and Myrtillocactus geometrizans. If I ever run into a San Pedro I will definately pick one up (what I mistook the Myrtillocactus for). Right now the highlight of my collection are my yellow-flowered Datura Innoxia, though.
  4. dinosaur_hunter

    columnar cacti ID

    Thanks alot for the IDs, though I'm a bit dissapointed about the Myrtillocactus... perhaps I'll play around with grafting