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The Corroboree


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About Naboo

  • Rank
    Day Tripper

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  • Climate or location
    Perth, WA
  1. Naboo

    Jaws of Life

    Wow, this is an awesome bit of work! Love it.
  2. NABOO: Great art you are doing by the way, I checked out your site and i'm going to buy one of your images on a tee... the shroom one. Thanks mate, appreciate it
  3. I stay pretty busy making pictures in my spare time and I find the best way to stay inspired is to look at lots of art. Get onto websites like first-stop or deviant art or even redbubble. Go to galleries or to artist markets. Look at styles that are different! Try new mediums, not to make art but just to have a play. This weekend I didn't make any woodcuts or linocuts or digital art. What I did do is get some polymer clay, look at some techniques on the net and have a play. Had a bit of fun and all of a sudden my brain clicked into the creative mode and I started doodling some ideas down. Well that's what works for me. Give it a try
  4. It's all over right? Well I thought I'd just chuck this picture in anyway.
  5. Hey Sola! Thanks man, I'm really happy that you like it. You can find all my stuff on http://www.redbubble.com/people/mmmaciej If that doesn't work just search for mmmaciej on the redbubble site. Naboo
  6. If anybody is interested in getting any of this stuff, as prints or shirts, I have it up on a website. Just follow the link on the first two images.
  7. Naboo

    Need a Friend?

    Cool! I'll be there.
  8. Thanks for the feedback folks. Everything starts off being drawn by hand, then redrawn in illustrator or photoshop, layers are added which are sometimes made in PS or with whatever I have lying around at home and then finished in PS. Here are some more pics.
  9. Some pictures i've been working on. Hope you enjoy.
  10. I've heard that Aboriginals used this is a medicine for treating mouth ulcers and the like. Has anybody had any experience with this fungus? If so, did you just chew it or, did you consume it?
  11. Naboo

    Need a Friend?

    Hi, I've just moved from Perth to Melbourne, live in Brunswick and want to meet some like minded people in the area. I'm a friend of Fenris' and he'll vouch for me. PM me if you want to catch up for a beer. ;) Naboo
  12. Naboo

    Artwork by Naboo

    PC for sure. I don't have the talent or patience to do that by hand!