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Posts posted by dood

  1. i was under the assumption that galerina's were more likely to have veil remnants than subs?

    I have taken prints...

    When I pulled up a group from the earth/substrate the primordia or, aborts were blue, then when I roughed them up the stems moments later became blueish, with a tinge of green. Young or small specimens bruised violently like a lollie or something. All prints are purpley brown.Partial veils were present on youngens

    Thanks Yall.

  2. Yeah, def no oven bro.

    Put them on top of your water heater if you have in indoor one... or near whatever you heat your house with at this time of year.. Or whatever, do the damprid method i.e. no heat just dessicant.

    Really beautiful patches.

    Congrats on such a great first sub find.

    The only thing other thing I can say is watch them for little grubs, moving the whole lot around while they are drying seemed to help when I lived in Holland and used to collect them.


    edit: the only place I have ever seen subs growing to such a degree is in the blue mountains, so much so that they were literally lifting the ground up with them. A mates front garden was pretty much subs.... in K-town. Good ol' blue mountains hey :)

    Blue mountains of joy! Im pretty certain theyre Sub's. Basic visual has the traits of Psilocybe and the spore print is purple/brown and they bruise blue/green. From what I know, there is no known shroom that has ill side effects(toxins) that has these markers...

  3. very cool. you definitley found a top spot. i've never seen them grow in patches like that before...normally just one or two popping up in different places. you must be stoked!!! well done. now if you'll just pass on the gps co ordinates of where you found them... :shroomer:

    Ha!One part of me wants to give it away, and the greedy part wants to keep it of course. Thanks for the kind words, Im way stoked!!!!

    Im kinda wondering if it couldve been cultivated..? there was plenty of Mycelium there as well, as I dug up mulch to cover it with more food but it had eaten into the whole mulch bed. Its growing amoungst Lavender in a public park in the upper Blue mountains ;)

  4. No just dry on paper man in your warmest room it will only take 2 days maybe three...don't go toasting them in the oven...if you wanna dose them there is always fresh in some hot lemon tea.


    Hunab, I know your an old hand so ill take your word, and thanks muchly by the way. The only thing Im freaking about it losing them to mold! Is it mandatory to have a fan?

    Different topic from a novice, but anyways my Amaniti's from last mission went rotten kinda quick after a short dry in the oven then being returned to a paper bag to early. This batch of A.muscari will be done proper.

  5. Telepathy here we come... B) ....nice finds...in fact those are some serious patches.


    Its made my month thats for sure! Im going to dry at 50degrees c in a fan forced with the door open, would you reccomend this people...?

  6. wow! very nice finds indeed. that fourth pic is amazing, i havent seen subs growing in such abundance like that before haha

    Yeah, I must say. It took a while to sink in, I was on my way back down the hill when I decided to take the long way down a paddock to get some concellation samples of A.muscari, then I was like...WTF? So many, it couldnt be!!!

  7. Id thought id just found another dissapointing gallerina fest, but low and behold a bunch of aborts that id stepped on were now turning blue! How sweet, my first Sub find(at least Im almost certain) Theyve all turned a blueish green after rough handling, although some more violently than others, these tend to be the younger or aborted ones. The larger specimens blue more around the base and caps. Spore print is purpley brown.

  8. another link people may be interested in..


    Fuck it, here I go....I once had a double dipped purple OM tab(we smoked almost half an ounce also) with two other mates on a beach of whom Id tripped with on a few occasions before, we too experienced shared thoughts. We had the same music going round and round in our heads, then this purple mesh dropped down around us that kind of held us in a spot on the beach, at that point I looked to the stars and fell instantly and momentarily in love with them

    (the stars not my mates!), from there I could see love coming from the stars as perfect. In this realm there was something supremely heavenly about it and sentient beyond my comprehension, it was literally like when you fall for your first great girlfriend my heart was racing(I know it sounds like the Mighty Boosh or something!)I felt as if a host of angels were looking down at me sending thought mixed with feeling, I know how corny that sounds and on second though the name, 'Angels' dirty's the concept with earthly dogma or stigma.

    As it was showing me these things and exposing me to a comfort I had not yet been able to comprehend let alone imagine, it felt as my soul was being sucked up into the heavens, as this happened I could also feel the misery of the Earth below me,'just like this Neural network" you speak of I was attached to peoples thoughts and feelings, it were as if the compound weight of all the discord on our planet was some kind of rut of negative childish unavoidable shit,there was other info that I also found hard to grab as it was moving so fast, as this realisation happened The sensation was reversed as quickly as it begun, I was back to my normal trip state and then dealing with American indian motifs and serpent visuals and a anxious feeling of bad trip nature(I acutually felt I might be dying or going insane), then the sun rose and I was out the other side. That trip changed my life, Ive also noticed awareness of others thoughts and vice versa before. My mates cited that as one of the heaviest trips theyd ever had, but none said they had an experience matcing my star bit, the mesh and irritating and at time glorious music stuff yes tho, there were also vibes of something hanging around before the star bit, things like having a feeling like theres someone standing right in front of you but no ones there, then you look behind your mate whos walking behind you and he stops in his path feeling like hes about to run into a pole, yet we were in an open space,at the time I hid my reaction to this so as not to wreck my chance on checking my mates experience. At the end of the day I was on drugs, but they are powerfull! Maybe us humans also are powerful and we just dont know how to use it or why...

    Experimenting/writting down is good as to try to quantify etc...

  9. I'm colourblind which makes things more interesting when picking. I was kind enough to have a friend show me a patch, so I knew what to look for, and it was a matter of watching how they grow, what they seem to grow near(in this case near pines, in grass or on the edge of grass in bark), and when they grow. I've been amazed by the variety of what one species can actually look like but so far so good with the identification. I'm suprised no-one has mentioned smell to aid IDing as well - I couldn't describe it, but the smell is quite distinctive and can help disintinguish between some look-a-likes, at least for this colourblind picker :D

    From what Ive read, Sub's have the Psilocybe the trademark gold top with cotton white stem, and bruise a distinctive blue/greenish/purple when pressed at stem. Apparently there is no other known mushroom in Aus to do this...

  10. Oh shit sorry, I'm so used to seeing people asking about Subs I kinda missed the Fly Agaric part of your question. Drying is fine anyway you do it, but in the case of Fly Agaric as neoshaman pointed out you do have to treat with heat somehow anyway for the conversion to happen. I'm not sure what sort of temperature is required for the ibotenic acid to muscimol conversion... worth checking to ensure the conversion happens!

    Thanks to all. Yeah Poo, Ill have to check again Im a little hazy with the ibotenic acid conversion bit...

  11. Hey, do you have any recomendations for drying methods? Desicant and paper bags?

    I attempted to dry some Amaniti muscari but they went moldy.

  12. 1. Yes they can be found in pine.

    2. No, it can extend a bit beyond that time frame. More later than earlier.

    3. That go blue? Not that I'm aware of. There are species of Cortinarius that are all blue, avoid these.

    4. Nope, if you find a good spot shouldn't be too difficult at all. Just don't get too greedy ;)

    The above applies for Vic anyway, not sure about NSW.

    Much appreciation, its with great almost child like excitement that I look forward to these hunts!!!

    Cortinarius are blue without being touched, yes?

    Thanks many, I look forward to finds and also reading of yours and others success.

  13. Hi fellow hunters, been a while since I visited this site and Im scratching my head as to why considering the threads here.

    I too am hunting for Subs and spent the last Sunday doing just that through the Mountain areas not far from Sydney.

    Mostly A.muscari that had rotted followed by Galleria and other coral like looking stuff.

    Can I ask a few questions from the learned out there?

    Q.Do Sub's grow in pine plantations with cool temps zones, or just euc forest/mulch beds?

    Q.Between May-june(end of) this is the only time Sub's are generally present?

    Q.Are there any sketchy bluing look alikes of Sub's to be mindfull of that we know of?

    Q.Is it difficult to obtain enough of a haul so that your mates have enough specimens to conduct thorough mycology examinations and experiments?

    Much respect and thanks, and happy hunting to all.

  14. I am currently researching psilocybin cubensis species and am wondering if anyone may have a spare spore print available?

    Please please post me, I can offer renumeration if needed.

    Many thanks,


  15. Greetings learned Mycophiles,

    I'm a newbie to this art/science and would like to ask, 'Can you use Takeaway containers for colonizing'?

    Also, 'must you have a pressure cooker to sterilize jars/containers'?

    Thanks in advance, respect.


  16. because vit c IS extradimentional! man i need some vit c right now! :unsure: seriously

    I think this bloke has been eating way to much Vitamin C...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZzPtNBliDQ8
