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The Corroboree


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Everything posted by G*P

  1. I've found the same. The lights go from peoples eyes, even as they say "yeah, im happier than ever..!" Absoloutely. Fuck, I was being abducted by aliens every night, lost all my friends and family- had my life fall apart after being hospitalised.. and my doctor was still too responsible to feed me that shite. And im glad for it. It took a full year to recover after having a level 4 (first ever shroom trip) due to the thorazine that essentially 'froze' my mental state. Mind you, not many ppl can still see after staring at the sun for as long as I did.. tripping in the daytime no less. I was forcibly removed from my own home by social workers and police- I was beaten, cuffed and eventually strapped to a hospital bed while they grey alien doctors (lol) implanted me with ... valium and other nasties. lol Oh.. the juice is, that I lost my house.. my job.. everyone I knew disowned me.. haha.. I dont know about others situations, but if I can get over all that funk without antidepressants im fairly sure anyone can exercise and eat right till their shit hooks back up.
  2. Sight, vision and pictures.. the most immediate method by which to convey massive amounts of information. Various religions and mystery traditions have incorporated imagery for good reason. For millenia. Why be bothered with any other form of medium, when I can lick a shroom+ stare at my wall and have everything I need to know revealed as hypercolour movies. Of course there are at least 5 more senses through which to explore consciousness.. Some ppl aren't very visual- thats where eye-accessing and chaining cognitive states can really help- Same with those who never 'feel' a trip.. I never hear many ppl talking about auditory phenomena either.. ?? but for me, the visual is so convenient immediate and capable of achieving the required outcome. Every great teacher chooses the most appropriate language for the particular student. This also often changes over time, as we do.
  3. All i'll say is "pleas don't". There are so many more positive and beneficial methods, longer lasting + less dangerous.. And, winter is meant to give you the 'dippity downs'. I'm in the depth of some dark night shit myself. Other than going back on antidperessants, can I ask what other suggestions your doctor has made? Some good ones perhaps?
  4. NLP eye accessing cues http://www.renewal.ca/nlp13.htm If you follow the link it will explain the eye cues and, visual/auditory/kinesthetic - (created and recalled) and how the model works. When I want greater closed or open eye visuals, I spend several minutes accessing each of those upper quadrants shown to relate to the visual functions of the brain. 30seconds works for me, while several minutes roving through different ranges of depth and breadth and various combinations of focus can work to get peoples visual experiences happening more readily.
  5. G*P


    Choose and justify your own reality strongly enough, and so will everyone else. There's heaps of chicks ready to be supported by a powerful, unique and alternative approach to the world. Only you know what is right for you.
  6. G*P

    Dream suppressors

    Yeah, im not sure that i'd recommend putting yourself more at odds with yourself.. Perhaps instead work with the spirit of the medication you are taking. What's worked really well for me to deconstruct dreams and unravel their some times hidden guidance- is asking "and what else do I know about that"? 6 times. And after pausing to reflect upon "what do I know now?" after breaking the boundary condition of the original information.. I ask, "and what does that know about me?" 6 times. I once met a succubus in a dream named Nubilla. It turns out (s)he was an ancient sex related demon that was connected to me through my grandmothers dna.. haha. Its weird what can dreams can teach and show. It's especially useful to use the preceeding in question in definite sets of 6 in order to unravel and re-ravel your stories. or dreams.
  7. The Australian Academy of Applied parapsychology.. are all over. Not completely certain about qld.
  8. for me, both extremes bleed into balance. in other words- i seek spirit in any shape, cos it feels so damn good! Hedonistic spirituality:)
  9. I think they've just got a few neuro-associations yet to build. exercises formed from NLP eye accessing cues and verbal hypnotic synesthesia patterns have allowed my friend and family a greater success with CEVS there's a good exercise with stacks of shiny 5c coins that i'v read can work well
  10. I think you'd best ask them. Although iv noted that aboriginal spirits rarely seem to move on and as far as entities go- i'm preferring to be talking with some that are at least evolved enough to move on after physcial life is done with. I did house clearings weekly for 2+ years, and 90% or more of all activity were aboriginal lost souls. I'm more likely to open a column of light for them to pass through.. as they've only ever 'made deals' with me, which result in exchanging my own life force, mental stability of some other transaction. Or for instance, giving you that rush that you can talk to spirits and are somehow privy to secret knowledge or something.. when really you're just swapping energy with a lonely ghost. spirits of the dreaming are another matter- havn't played much with them- (they seem to have very weird knowledge) But I find them often in re-growth, especially by large rocks or as you say- 'at the edges of things'. All that i've encountered either maintain their sense of mystery and distance, or worry me a bit as to their playful or mischevious natures. Perhaps externalized fragments of ancient group and tribal minds.. again, i'm not sure of the virtue of communicating with such things. Whats your preferred method of trance, and system/model(s) of navigation?
  11. Well, that was in many ways one of the hardest trips of my life. I've had them kick my ass in the past. The largest difference in 'difficulty', is when i'm too cocky to perform a formal banishing in advance, or when too much mj is smoked. Last night, both of these happened. When 'they' came, we knew it. Me and the g.f had 12g assorted dry mush last week.. and there was far less of the wood lover experience- far more simple colour phenomenon. This time we were hotwired into the elven/faerie majik carnival. 10-15 mins after the lemon tea it peaked from nowhere and hit HARD. These weren't hallucinations.. these were separately and objectively experienced alien entities. When they first came.. time stood still. We 'blinked out' as the vibration changed, and after the first small abduction we said "wtf was that?" I've never seen so many images, of so many things.. planets.. peoples.. beings, in my entire life. I forge how many worlds are going on. I've been thrown into this faerie melee before. But never this clearly, and in my own loungeroom. Its like the room was a highway, that was intersecting our current reality. Bad paranoic trip. Breathing.. thinking.. functions of human bodies.. were revealed as higher order symbiotic processes. We saw ghosts and gremlins and aliens for fucks sake. We could trace them around the room as they were dancing in between worlds with us. Last week, I proclaimed myself as a tripping master. I overcame.. and navigated sucessfully through such large impossibilities (and for my partner) that I embodied some big truth that I was ready to, and had total control inside of it. Last night I was reduced to a humble little slug. As much as i know that i've learned and healed with plants.. there's that much more x infinity to deal with. Fuck the rabbit hole. Ive been asking to experience more of the phenomena that mushrooms can allow us to experience. It sure happened. None of the beings ever came in really clearly. instead, i sensed their passage to me like a magnet.. and felt their curiosity and 'movement'. I understood our own personal matrix. How what we create, comes to keep shaping us. Interconnected. 2 years ago I had some very clear dialogue with Subaeruginosa. I installed some very epic parts and knowledge of me into the trip, and I found that again last night. For me, this is that mega psychic real world dimensional doorway interplanetary interpretation system that is only getting clearer. Mushroom is a software that i've been taught to program.. in some psychic sense.. but fuck this carnival! im never gonna trip w the g.f again.. never gonna smoke when shroomin.. and For some reason, i was denied at least 25 requests for hugs. Trip turns bad, when your partner is reduced to snotty, farting, hysterical mess and makes constant distracting sounds and moans and gestures. Every 30 sec for what felt like hours i'd ask "are u ok?" aand got 'yes, im fine'. until 30sec later id b asking the same thing, cos my brain just can't deal with those sounds when im tripping. Fuck being the ever solid, unbreakable strength and loving support. I'v always got it for others, but wheni need it- the only person who can give it to me, is me. That makes human stuff quit lonely. the answer is a simple hug which i didnt get.. ahh fuck it./ psychic anticlimax. may aswell have not tripped at all. I dont know. lost lol.
  12. G*P

    Search engines vs real conversation

    Thanks Yeti101, had I known a better way to simply broach and exchange some of the ideas in your last post, without causing the violent chemical reaction that I often seem to catalyze I would have. anyway, funny thing is that after the shitstorm, the 'real conversation' emerges anyhow. Some ppl like a slap, some like the tickle. At the heart of these ideas, are my feelings regarding integration of psychedelia/mysticism into the real world and waking states. Also, the warm open dialogue that some people need (or dont) to share and learn and grow. anyway, sometimes these repetitive threads seem to allow some cool and passionate topics to become identified and explored more and more.. people might find interest in such things also @Mutant- im now failsafe:) psychosis is a jacket like any other than I can wear or disrobe. Once, like others, I thought it was an 'object'.. rather than a process or spectrum of experience. More so, i'd say it only exists as a label anyhow (a linguistic 'curse') used by those who fear altered states and less obvious, non-consensual truths. Very majikal curse indeed. Many aspiring reality benders fall prey to it. Yeh, I love to rabble.. to drum.. to smoke.. to exercise int oblivion.. to cut and paste possibilities Is channeling or prescribing 'found' informations from shamanic states, shunned around here? i'd love it immensely if ppl could drop the filters, boundaries and separations that prevented the open and honest discussion of such things. But, that's just me i suppose. But then, you can just get ur stonefuct munt faces too i suppose (?)
  13. I can't comment on the ether, but I will suggest that voices through wi-fi, scrying clouds or receiving transmissions through the sound of car exhaust and stuff should be just basic mind navigation stuff for the psychonaut.
  14. G*P

    Search engines vs real conversation

    ^ you sir, (planthelper) are a champion "because the single biggest satisfaction one gets here is to help people grow and understand there plants, and i think with this process they grow aswell." and My methods are unorthadox. So too are 'crusades' and historical or religious figures upon which I model the very training wheels of my mind that I have been releasing any particular vantage point to being 'correct'. That you may or may not have had more practice in seeing through bullshit than you thought i hadn't been talking about solutions only after getting you to listen so that I knew who was or not. listening to yourself isn't usually as hard as listening to my ramble. So, I also hear your words and thankyou and apologize for the drama.. and "you would not be able to communicate with people if they have no idea what god means, and exactly the same happens if noob questions get refered to the search engine." no, but i can sure as shit stir enough trouble to (vent now) rise to the top, before being skimmed and sorted aside.. all the ideas that first didn't serve my outcome for the community, and peoples own highest ideals emerging with greater an greater clarity, and then when all the bullshifts tank, drifts out with the wind I can get back to you from a better frame, and with a proposal concerning ideas that weren't yet touched, let alone requested;) teehee.
  15. G*P

    Search engines vs real conversation

    Yeah, thanks Greencavefloat I do get that. Heaps of love. Its Australia:) How come i'v become the whipping post then? For the record- i dont bait anyone.. not really. not into pointless shows of being right.. but 'moving with', and stringing.. 'threading' thoughts together, and that whats its all about isn't it? i didnt realise how many independent ideas i was spearheading. My deepest apologies for my assumptions and the tone of my posts. A large aspect of this was assumption.. and 'meaning making'.. That is, until some ppl just came along to be nasty. anywayz- love to all:)
  16. G*P

    Search engines vs real conversation

    ^ yeah? and what if it was maintainable? What if humility was a misguided concept that existed only to serve those who were taught and conditioned to shrink? To believe they were less than what and who they really are? 'God complex' is our birthright! 'Consensus', religion and fear based conformities are the crash-and-burners. @Apothecary- y u all get so personal? Im not saying that im an expert in change. It is now Tuesday.. we are posting on the net.. the sun will appear to rise tomorrow.. and change can be most powerful when the correct leverage is found. Now, i'm levering 'culture' by hacking its operating system. haha. or not.. Regardless, its not the answers that noobs get that concerns me.. its the culture that we all exist as a part of that I believe is changing even now- and will more and more ;)
  17. G*P

    Search engines vs real conversation

    "Sometimes it takes more strength of character to remain silent than to make noise." Yeh.. and in silence we know it all.. and every word I use, distracts me from the truth.. but what does silence change? are we are to sit in full lotus while our environment degrades and our governments now ass fuck the masses? I do appreciate your sentiment, Yeti101 but more than this, i'm concerned for the kids who don't yet know- who can't and aren't having questions answered. Many don't even know what questions to ask.. Its all the piss poor robots and their muggled reality webs who must succumb to labels like 'shizophrenia' and 'bipolar' and shit.. who don't even suspect that grain of truth that refracts the all, in the plastic and concrete around us.. is a horrible, horrible truth- a blissful torment that keeps us caged in spinning wheels. And then, there is valor in silence? I think there is most often, only fear and confusion. OR self serving agendas, and left hand path-ers who havn't had a gut full of playing around just yet. What do you think?
  18. G*P

    Search engines vs real conversation

    Why are you personally attacking me? Is this the handholding that someone else mentioned? please try to tear my ideas or my experience apart when you find it in a relevant thread. I'm not gonna cry if others have opposing ideas- I enjoy critical thinking and discussion. That's why I make so many arguable statements.. 'Jackets aside'- where's the merit in being cool about stuff that requires discussion? What lineage, practice or path do you enjoy? So much bullshit these circles uphold! These ideas aren't locked up in the mystery traditions anymore. Why the silence? Imo, weak egos need silence to dare and to know. What's your problem with God-complexes? Truth only fits you when your wasted, or what? I enjoy the topic if you want to start another thread without being a cunt.
  19. G*P

    acacia phlebophylla seed wanted

    My 2 Maidens are going beautifully
  20. I'd have to agree. Maybe it's not that kind of forum tho? Ah well, even an avalanche can begin with one single rock Ime it takes only months- and that chi gung is one the simplest and quickest arts of any to 'master'. But it does take several hours practice each day. And there are other energetic disciplines that afford more power even more quickly depending on what you're after/in to. After all, the true goal appears more 'alchemical'. 20min chi gung sessions are next to usesless. Esp with Chia's system, in retrospect I think its hardly possible to understand one set of techniques from one book when there's are dozens of writings that truly do support each other. However, I've seen 20 min of middle pillar provide enough charge to dislodge a branch from a tree- and even funnier, when you can't check out a woman, without accidentally blowing her skirt up around her waist everytime.. or knocking things out of peoples hands.. haha. oops. and as you've said, coupling the art with other forms of alliance is definitely gonna boost stuff along. Then theres some sorcery aspects too- I believe a lot of masters would more readily summon their own poltergeists and stuff, rather than actually do a lot of this stuff themselves. I reckon that Entheogens could play an interesting role if one was to start to mix in a lil majik too. All the ancient martial arts seem to offer access to archetype or entities that help form the spiritual side of practice.
  21. G*P

    Search engines vs real conversation

    What might be even more interesting to observe, is that this is all childish.. Schoolyard politics shit. A lot of this site and its culture. I made a couple of observations of Torsten that he continues to demonstrate.. And Planthelper- you seem to be following Torstens example- its a bad one. This is my point- these attitudes, (and yours here) do not help anything to grow- except a persons own moods and opinions. Moving in new directions- thanks for noticing my writing. Curious isn't it, when you look for the punchline only to realise that it's already inside your own head? So it'll be very interesting down the track ( maybe in a month or 2) after my words are forgotten, to notice the change that they've already begun to make more of. With you guys.. senior members-Im making observations.. and being attacked for solutions that im offering, to people who are happy with things the way they are. My bad. A little slap, to get a whole lot of energy focused into making more and more sense of my hypnotically structured posts. Regardless of knowing that I mean well, I think you guys (as representatives of the community) can really just automatically appear to come off as wankers to people who read these pages. Now Torsten- I'm sorry, but I just dont think you know your own forum. Whats my 'attitude' or someones ego against the backdrop of taking on advice that will actually help your efforts? Use it or ignore it- but to steep your own pages (as a moderator) with personal attacks and grumpy, dumb old man shit is just flat out f*cked! Other members are pm-ing to let me know they feel the same, and to simply move some other forums. You see some grandeur delusions in the mirror of your members? Funny to build an island that one must defend like his own country, isnt it? egos ;) Haha Peace out ba da da daDat (sound the trumpets)
  22. G*P

    Stoned or sober...?

    ^Sounds a bit CBT to me. I reckon stoners are so stoned cos they underestimate that evilly f*ckin laced tobacco that our governments are feeding their machines.. turning into money and cancer and pharmaceuticals and then more money until anyone who ever smoked green joints never cared much about addiction anyway! p.s Alex- if you're gonna f* ck with 'labels', may aswell make you own hey
  23. I just want to make this clear: 12 g (each) was the most amazingly joyous, unifying and celebratory union of souls imaginable. ( the week before) with my g.f. I know i was an absurd amount.. and we basically only pushed this limit to make sure of the re-dose tolerance+ making sure we 'got it all' without only having to 'try again' another time. Regardless, it kicked ass in every way! Heaps of people have their views on how much/how often/who with- I dont think there is an ultimate rule when it comes to this stuff. More than anything, after several hundred entheogenic experiences- I recommend listening to intuition and your dialogue with the spirit/plant that you are in relationship with- that is what i very occasionaly fail with, and pay for cos of it. Also MJ+ shrooms DO NOT mix, for me. Except for 1 small cone to increase visuals with Amanita. -- @VIT C potentiation: what a topic! iv found that lemon juice tek rocks our socks! I do not believe that it potentates, but can seem to because of how much easier and quicker it will be absorbed. once upon a time vit c was said to abort a trip (lsd). Now, I think the most commonly agreed knowledge is that mild acids will predigest most botanicals.
  24. G*P

    loph seedlings HELP.

    dang, if it was mush id just say h202 'em! or give them more air. Are they cling wrapped/covered? a bit of fresh air should change things
  25. G*P

    Whats the best herb for lung cancer?
