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The Corroboree

Lost In Paradox

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About Lost In Paradox

  • Rank
    Day Tripper

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  • Climate or location
    North Coast, NSW
  1. Lost In Paradox

    EGA- Bear Owsley Headlining - FRI 6-MON 9 NOV - Last Tix

    Waow. First time down for ega. What an awesomely beautifully inspiring experience. I feel blessed. Full power to the gaian ethic. Empathetic compassionate just universal love.
  2. Lost In Paradox

    Paulo Scento (i dunno if thats right spelling)

    Cool. thank you. has any1 had any experience trying to grow it in australia ???
  3. Hi. I have been thinking about trying to grow some paulo scento. the aromatic wood that comes from south america. in my knowledge is useful protective and cleansing tool. hasnt been to hard to source up until recently when friend that i was able to have some through fairly often said that u cant import it anymore because its an endangered plant, which is totally fair enough and understandable. we have destroyed enough of what is sacred already. Basically what i was wondering was if any1 had grown any in australia. how hard is it to find seeds. i cant even find any info on google about it with the spelling i used for this topic name so im guessing that i have the name wrong. if any1 knows the proper name that would be awesome aswell. Thank you may love and happiness be with u all Namaste
  4. Lost In Paradox

    Cement to trees

    haha new age hippy shit, funny, i dont understand how anyone can live without love and appreciation of and connection with nature/earth/gaia, seems absolutely ludicrous and insane and unatural and detremental to your mental/spiritual/physical health we as a whole have become so unaware of and disconnected from the earth it is enough to make you weep isnt it hehe i fink im in love tehe
  5. haha what a funny question, do your suffer from a mental disorder, i think collectively we are all suffering mentally, i mean what defines a mental disorder, if i have a tendancy to act in a certain way then maybe i am told i have a mental disorder, if i speak to myself, or if i believe i am on a path set by god, i am sure if i was to go to a psychiatrist i would end up getting labeled a manic skitzo with some kind of social disorder, basically westen civilisation loves 2 label people, be outside of that shallow bullshit, we have the ultimate power over our own minds and lifes, people telling you you are crazy starts a make u think you are, dont listen 2 theeeeeeeeem, hehe i hope that made sence is the sence that had hoped it would
  6. Lost In Paradox

    Ocimum tenuiflorum (Tulsai or Holy Basil)

    Um not sure if this is in the right section, sorry if it is misplaced i would really love to grow some of this plant, both the rama (light) and the krishna (dark) varietys, i find her a very nice presence and very soothing, calms my racing mind to some degree, wondering if its easy to grow her from seed, and if its easy to find seedlings or seeds, i live in nnsw near coffs harbour at the moment, am quite often around the byron area and sometimes brisbane aswell, or otherwise can buy stuff and get it sent through the post, any other info about her appreciated, i definately feel there is somthing special about this plant, any knowledge about the traditional uses in Ayurveda etc wud be cool aswell, thanks in advance for any help very much appreciated lots of love