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The Corroboree


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Everything posted by serenes

  1. serenes

    Tip of the iceberg

    Just a thought... if one remembers that we live in a state of order, and everything is in its rightful place; therefor eliminating any sense of paranoia; would this insight into the way humans interact with one another be a blessing? if everytime one takes on an artificially (ganja, lsd etc) mood enhancing substance, they seek/receive a learning experience... would it not be beneficial to experience this same lesson further throught the day to day activities, grounding the subject with tools to use it in every day society? Salem mentioned of his friend who was right 80% of the time... and nebraxus you mentioned a scientific understanding of it all... paranoia is an illusion created by the ego... roll with it, enjoy the journey, love everyone despite their faults.. their shit not yours, or maybe it is yours consideing we are all a reflection of ourselves... sorry iv started baubbling and gone right off on a tangent again ... peace
  2. serenes

    Tip of the iceberg

    the messages hidden behind every encounter; waiting to be heard and learnt from. We are all reflections of ourselves.. we must first heal ourselves... perhaps it is a state we can gain without relying on earths substances for the leg up... maybe all we have to do is ask... to see the truth in every word, and act from pure love
  3. serenes

    Acacia Extraction

    hahahaha im sorry guys but this is so funny... i think where the issue lays in particular would be keeping stuff sacred not secret... as we travel along this path certain things come to our attention and we learn things... when we are ready... like not speaking to loudly or being to bold... while always remembering to be proud/humble and always seeking/seeing the truth....
  4. serenes


    you have a beautiful gift with words Fenris, i love how you portrayed ur POWERFUL journey, i felt i was right next to you, the pace quickening and being restful and back again.... beautiful work... i would love to read more! ;)
  5. serenes


    Teljkon; i just thought also... that maybe you should look into what it means to have pain around your lymph nodes.. my initial reaction was that maybe you are having a little bit of difficulty understanding your spiritual self in human terms, and are therefor holding on to tight to your physical which blocks your spiritual from giving the answers to your requests... i hope i havnt spoken to freely?
  6. serenes


    I spacemonk i really like this description.. i often get pressures and pains as im drifting into a mindless state.. it feels almost like final parts of my physical saying "oi, pay attention to me!" sometimes i give in to it still, but as i remind myself and visualise my crown chakra being filled with universal loving light and watch this energy come into my body and fill and cleanse all my cells, the pain or presuure or whatever im feeling dissappears... like little bubbles floating off into non-existence.. i guess this may be (i feel for me anyway) that when i am in this meditative state the body and its aches are simply an illusion of the mind, and the mind is only an illusion of the spirit... and when i feel i embrace my spirit with ultimate wholeness i release any ties to my human form.... and all its human trappings (pain) diggin it the mind always clutches towards the gross, so bring it back to your breath, the mind gets suttler, so the mind gets suttler adn then your perceptions get suttler, pain dissolves into pressure, pressure desolves into vibrating vibrating turn into bubbles. Bubbles arising and passing very fast. do you think this is a good theory?
  7. serenes

    What is your Belief?

    hahaha tehehe Nabraxas, man that made me giggle sorry my bad ASC = altered states of conciousness, induced by various means eg; drumming, entheogens, meditation (to certain extent i guess) etc a state whereby a shaman travels to the spirit world, in control of his own actions although not his surroundings, generaly in search of an answer for healing purposes etc... journeying.. Bacchant, i freakin love your comment... puts it into beautiful perspective
  8. It doesn’t interest me what you do for a living. I want to know what you ache for and if you dare to dream of meeting your heart’s longing. It doesn’t interest me how old you are. I want to know if you will risk looking like a fool for love, for your dream, for the adventure of being alive. It doesn’t interest me what planets are squaring your moon... I want to know if you have touched the centre of your own sorrow, if you have been opened by life’s betrayals or have become shrivelled and closed from fear of further pain. I want to know if you can sit with pain, mine or your own without moving to hide it or fade it or fix it. I want to know if you can be with joy; mine or your own, if you can dance with wildness and let the ecstasy fill you to the tips of your fingers and toes without cautioning us to be careful be realistic, remember the limitations of being human. It doesn’t interest me if the story you are telling me is true. I want to know if you can disappoint another to be true to yourself. If you can bear the accusation of betrayal and not betray your own soul. If you can be faithless and therefore trustworthy. I want to know if you can see Beauty even when it is not pretty every day. And if you can source your own life from its presence. I want to know if you can live with failure yours and mine and still stand at the edge of the lake and shout to the silver of the full moon, “Yes.” It doesn’t interest me to know where you live or how much money you have. I want to know if you can get up after the night of grief and despair weary and bruised to the bone and do what needs to be done; to feed the children. It doesn’t interest me who you know or how you came to be here. I want to know if you will stand in the centre of the fire with me and not shrink back. It doesn’t interest me where or what or with whom you have studied. I want to know what sustains you from the inside when all else falls away. I want to know if you can be alone with yourself and if you truly like the company you keep in the empty moments. Authors Details: 'Invitation Poem' Oriah Mountain Dreamer
  9. serenes


    Its an interesting concept which i have been pondering a fair bit lately; mostly spurred on by dramatic visions that i have been receiving, feelings of time running out and of course the many different cultures that have predicted a major change in the world around 2012.. although all these things are debateable by a highly analytical and skeptical mind... So my theory goes something like this... Pachamamma needs to purge, she is tired and unable to support all our needs and desires anymore, this will happen, and perhaps cataclysmical events will happen, maybe we will see destructions of cities and many deaths, perhaps she will just cease to provide, maybe we will see the climate change very dramatically and very quickly, perhaps all the storages of gas in her belly will seep to the surface and we will all have our etheral layers stripped back to reveal nothing but the truth (that'll screw the gov )... i am certain it will mean that the way we live will be challenged. During this period of ultimate human challenge, the current leaders of the world will see the errors in their ways (if they survive) the warriors and wise will step forward to assist and heal the peoples through a new revised way of understanding, a blend of the ancient and not so ancient. These new leaders will develop systems where every person lives in equality and is taught according to their talents the ways of the world, ancient and modern, pulling on every resource available without prejudice. This is why i beleive we are currently seeing such a huge resurgence of right minded thinking, and research into the ancient ways... we as a human race are beginning to realise that we need to remember everything; as a challenging time is leading forth and we need to be well educated to tackle the real big issues... One thing that I am absolutely positive of though, is that cataclysmical events or not, i think 2012 is the time when we will see a huge shift in the way the human race is evolving and living.. Positive thinking right?!
  10. serenes

    See what I see

    Most beautiful truly gifted
  11. serenes

    What is your Belief?

    I beleive that we are all internal and all external. I beleive that no matter who you are or who you arn't we are all seeking the exact same thing, a fulfilment that only god/nirvana/enlightenment/universal light/satan/spiritual plane integration/SELF can provide. I beleive that earth and all her beautiful inhabitants are desperately seeking this truth, this acceptance this love and wholeness. I beleive that earth is not the first to be on this journey and definately not the last. I beleive that every religion and beleif at its core is correct and true, and that it is only through the corruption of the human mind that these truths are morbidly being preached. I beleive that the spiritual plane/heaven is a place we can all access through ASC and that each visit has a lesson to be learnt. I beleive that we will continue to receive the same lessons over and over if we choose. I beleive that we will continue to be re-born on this earthly plane until such time as we have learnt the text and reached a place of being complletely at one with god/reached a state of enlightenment. I beleive that new souls are being born into this dimension and with the amount of old souls not moving into the next dimension our population has increased dramatically and to a point where our mother is now struggling to suppport all her beautiful children. I beleive that we are now, and have been for a while receiving help from our interstella brothers, who have moved into the next godly dimension; enter jesus, buddha, osho and all those other enlightened teachers (including that kid down the street who told you something once in passing which made you think about your actions for the rest of your life). I beleive that we can gain energy through worship of our mother, as she has provided ALL our needs for this plane of existance, and that it is only through careful nurturing and understanding of her ultimate power to create and destroy that we can help her move through her current battles and continue to nurture us as a human race. I beleive that as we can receive our lifeforce human energy through our mother earth, so too we can receive our lifeforce spiritual energy through our father heavens and stars. I beleive that his universal energy is urging us to explore the stars and learn from our brothers who are already bathing in the completeness of heaven/enlightenment. I beleive both our mother and father play an equally important role within our evolution. I beleive our sister animal beings who co-inhabit earth with humans, will and do show us signs to help us learn the lessons of the ultimate universal energy. I beleive that we as shamans/warriors/light-energyworkers/alchemists have been given the unique gift of direct access to the soul and spirit to help our earthly community move through our lessons together, through healing, understanding and connection with other realms I beleive that not only must we remember our tribal ancestory, but we must also honour our evolutionary discoveries of the present and future, and integrate the two, constantly recycling the understandings which no longer serve us and bringing in the new more refined energies. I beleive that spiritual beings/ghosts/angels/faeries/demons/aliens etc may be energies that co-inhabit this physical plane, perhaps at a different time or location, but when the particular beings are gifted with sight we are able to assist each other through our evolutionary process. I beleive in order to see, love and experience the light, we must also see, love and embrace the shade. I beleive we are all perfect. I beleive that through integration of all beleifs and love and understanding of everybodies differences we can change the way our world is I beleive....................................
  12. serenes

    What is your Belief?

    I beleive in life on earth in all its insignificance and infinate importance