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Everything posted by herbologist

  1. herbologist

    Just some pics

    Bridgisii 6 to 5 and finally 4 ribs, with two pups breaking through, wonder if they will be 4 ribbers, probably not? Confused roots? Lots o pups Pimples? Pach going to 4 ribs wondering if this is a pach or scop or not?
  2. herbologist

    Disease or mutation?

    I've seen a few Trichos that were getting full sun started to look similar to that. Particularly Eileen, when moved so they get less light, they went back to normal after about a week.
  3. herbologist

    Just some pics

    Good point tst, I'll give it the chop tomorrow, and see how it goes. I'd hate to be a mug How about another quick question, Is it possibe to 'out grow' a clone? ie: If said cactus only grows to 3m and you take the tip of that column, plant it and so forth, will it get to the point where it won't grow anymore or really slowly? Had a search but wasn't really sure what I was looking for. Just, I have a few clones, some grow heaps (50+cm) and some barely at all (2cm), all are planted in the ground in the same part of the garden. The growing cacti don't seem to be in any one area, rather spread out among the non growers. Or could this just be because of poorly prepared beds? ie; Didn't mix compost in evenly?
  4. herbologist

    New cactus with no ID

    Not sure but those ribs look a little thin to be a Tricho. Baby Cereus maybe. I'm just a noob IDer so that's just a guess....
  5. herbologist

    Just some pics

    Just a quick question. If you have a variegated cactus and it thows pups from an ariole that is variegated, the pup should continue to be variegated? Well, if you cut out the semi monstrose part of the above cacti and root it, would pups from that cut be semi monstrose? Is some experimentation in order, or is this just a dumb question?
  6. herbologist

    Get well Passive

    Yeah man, hope you feel better soon.
  7. herbologist

    Big Day Out 09 Anyone going?

    Saliva swabs or that wand thing that swabs your clothes (like the bomb one at the airport) ?
  8. herbologist

    Trichocereus i bought today..

    RE PICS: Just upload them directly into your post, with the manage upload section of Add reply. No option with fast reply. Under the text box is a small section for attachments, click browse and select pic to upload. when uploaded click manage current attachments and add the pic to your post. Hope that helps
  9. herbologist

    Echinopsis ID's please :)

    Pic #2 the cacti front and center looks like Echinopsis "Haku jo" a japanese cultivar, well thats what it said on the tag of the one I got.
  10. herbologist

    ID Please

    Picked this up a couple of weeks ago just labeled Tricocereus. Cuzco?
  11. herbologist

    The wandering thread

    "...by giving us all your money or we'll kill you." Peaceful_son then.....
  12. herbologist


    hahahah blocked with Adblock
  13. herbologist

    ID Please

    hehe momomoto that ones from bunnings too. Thanks Michael, much appreciated. Just to help my ID skills, what about it makes it a hybrid? Had the choice between this or a pach, glad I grabbed this one. Something a bit different for the collection
  14. herbologist

    The wandering thread

    ..pockets for later and...
  15. herbologist

    Just some pics

    Just an update on the 4 rib Bridge, now back to five after some interesting growth.
  16. herbologist

    Watering Trichocereus Everyday

    How the weather has been, I was watering every day. I got worried about rootrot so I put them in the ground, now I only need to water once maybe twice every two weeks. When I removed them from pots I didn't see any sign of root rot.
  17. herbologist


    Wondering if plants are available in Australia? Found a few US sites that sell plants but couldn't seem to track down any au sources... Would like to grow one if so, anyone know where I could get one? Here is some info : Frankincense Tree Scientific Name: Boswellia sacra Flueck. Synonym: Boswellia undulato-crenata, Boswellia carteri Family: Burseraceae Frankincense Tree (Boswellia sacra) Recommended Temperature Zone: USDA: 10-12 Frost Tolerance: Avoid any frost Heat Tolerance: Excellent Sun Exposure: Full sun Origin: Lower elevations of northern Somalia, southwestern Oman, southern Yemen Growth Habits: Fragrant tree, up to 25 feet tall (7.5 m) Watering Needs: Propagation: Seeds (with low germination rates), cuttings Thanks
  18. herbologist

    Immortal Jellyfish

    They do....jellyfish flavored jelly
  19. herbologist

    Base Jumping in Wing suits

    No, base jumping is for complete nutters.
  20. herbologist

    Happy Birthday Foolsbreath & marsha

    Happy Birthday to the both of you. Hope all's well FoolsBreath.
  21. herbologist

    who sent me some rivea seeds in the last week or so?

    LOL I've had that happen many times. Remember to bubble wrap seeds when sending in the post please people
  22. herbologist

    who sent me some rivea seeds in the last week or so?

    These? 3rd and 4th post down.
  23. herbologist

    happy Birthday Salem

    Cheers dude.
  24. herbologist

    happy Birthday Salem

    Will do man, might catch up next weekend if all goes to plan.