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The Corroboree


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About bling

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    Day Tripper

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  1. bling

    Morning glory

    Thanks my brothers and sisters, ill use the bag tecnique because in Adelaide you do get one or two seeds if lucku from a pod, may Allah giude me to the right vines at the right time inshalah. salam everyone
  2. Just wonder in if this beautiful cactus contains any psycho chems, its unique in colour, very multi branched and few spikes and small at that.
  3. bling

    yr favourite natural stimulant

    By far the best natural stimulant i've every tried is derived from some plants, but usually sold in powder form its 'phenylethelamine', perfectly legal and 1gram is needed on empty stomach (as it compets with protiens), with juce or cordial,water etc. Not only does it lift your alertness for two-three hourse but dramatically boosts mood and no after crash like guranna/caffine. Scientists constantly say that it's useless taking it because it's rapidly degraded by Monoamine oxadise B, that it doesnt have time to reach brain.....rubbish maby 100-200mg is useless but a gram works. If you know of an potent plants that have (selective) maoi b inhibition then effects last much longer. Kava is a maoi b inhibitor but very mild and its a sedative to combining the too will put you to sleep rather than wake you up! Mabey someone else knows of plants with selective maoi b inhibition (that siggnificant) passionflower is very very weak at this site.
  4. When it starts to rain in the hills which are the easiest of the psychoactive mushrooms to find without looking for ones which too closly resemble toxic ones that you need a botanist to identify, also best locations? around the hills, sorry wont be looking on cow pats, thats just to sick for me can do it. Walking through forests is enjoyable, steping on cow shit isnt a turn on for me. Please help,thanks
  5. bling

    Morning glory

    Everytime i search a morning glory vine, the pods are either too young or the seeds have formed and rolled away, seems their is a very short window period to collect them, any ideas?
  6. bling

    Agwa, bolivian coca leaf liquer

    Can you buy this coca, leaf drink in Australia? Also everyone at nightclubs here in Adelaide adds Jaggermister to their drinks to stimulate them, does any one know what the active stimulant herb is, tastes like cola nut to me?