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The Corroboree


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Everything posted by mutant

  1. mutant

    Brugmansia Beauties

    Congratulations planthelper, this sanguinea is really a unique brug..!! Here's one brug of mine now
  2. mutant

    Psychedelics and Psychosis?

    exactly Well, every epiphany, any sudden realisation of great truth, either on psychedelics, or even smoking a mj joint on top of 1 litre of beer are prophetic, have a sense that the individual archives access to greater truth, especially when it's combined by a great sense of euphoria. The messiah syndrom, in the context I used it, includes the extreme obssesion for some idea, much to the point of preaching, continiously and obsessively. McKenna is a better example, of what I mean, according to my present readings. The guy went way far , and he's brought some wonderful ideas back, but heck, somewhere between the mechanical elves and the alien intelligence he forgot the each human is an individual, not a part of a machine. I mean mechanical elves have nothing to do with everyday life, real life, you know? And it's ultimately McKenna's 'enlighted', prophetic, messianic tone , the notion that 'I have seen the truth' or something.. Heck you dont see the truth. You feel it. in your spine maybe? any way, that gives the best example of what I meant by 'messianic syndrome'.. for now .. heh, the grade, varies, of course... Cycle, those points / questions you put bring on , bring the discussion to a whole new level, heh, the discussion about the 'nature of reality'. and here is where you hit the target. and I would put my sig under it, if I shifted the black/white associations to a signly more holistic structure of understanding oneself
  3. mutant

    Grafting Tricho seedlings on Pere

    another question so as not to open up another thread, I hope I dont abuse your willingness to reply to me Well, in trying to protect cacti from rain and cold during the wetter/colder period, I know a columnar one still with its tip intact might etoliate a bit, if it continues to grow a bit during automn/minter. What would be the ill-effects of the same positionin [reduction of sun, that is] in a cactus with a cut tip, like a pair of myrtilo-loph or even pere-trich and + pere-lopho? Just reduction or halting of growth?
  4. mutant

    Psychedelics and Psychosis?

    well, this type of bad trip, I mean hearing that people are talking about you and stuff, has accured on two occasions to a very close friend of mine during the trip, but the effects were not lasting at all. The next day he was just like after having had a negative situation and you kind of feel hurt emotionally, but that was all, oh and he felt he should lay off some 10 days of MJ which he did. But I guess the big difference is the lasting effects... lasting effects after a trip, even a bad one, is not good sign, I think.... Lasting effects can be somewhat justified by some really large dose, at least for a couple days or so, but I don't know much about these myself... Well, I have not had really big doses, but have had used them many times up to medium doses, sharing them with various people with no unpleasant reaction - on the contrary... only once did I touch the beginings of disscociation [it reminded me of salvia space a bit] in my first experience with amanita pantherina ~ it was on an occasion where we were jamming muzic with a friend, so I didn't drink more, as I understood I would become incapable of controling my arms if I went on... For me it's like when one will be drawn to go for such an experience... for now I have left it to the future... Well, I am certainly not your typical psychonaut.. I don't advocate or obsess over large doses. Many plants have vast differences in the effects if you change you dosing range... Like I have said many times, amanitas are something you aint allowd to be in a hasty mood. Determination of dosage and knowledge of the right preperation are essential IMO for someone who wants to experiment with this mushroom, to make the best of it, and stay safe. I have studied amanita mythology and facts for many years, having much or less concluded on the general idea, even though someone might argue that having not had a full blown amanita experience, I cannot claim having the knowledge... well , to each his own... My views are not popular, I know, but I do carry a point. The reason I mentioned amanita was that you said you have had something with dissociatives... I can gladly give you links of useful threads and discussions I have participated in other forums, mostly e-dot. PS: Inco, have seen pics of the cactus you sent me early this year?? It's 3 times that size!!! PS2: Amanitas are legal where I am.... PS3: There I go , I am off topic again...
  5. mutant

    Psychedelics and Psychosis?

    That's very interesting incognito... you seem pretty self aware for someone that nearly got the messiah syndrome, well, that's from what you say , and , to be honest, not unlike Lilly. I also have this sense of knowing how everything works, except these that remain unknown, if that doesn't like a contradiction but, heck I never did a very large dose of anything, think I got this slowly and step by step, notably begining some 4 years ago, when I started studying and picking edible mushrooms, and this some 3-4 years after my experiences with hoffmans potion in 2-3 years... and this is not some given-from-above epiphany that lasted for some hours and faded, the sense is everpresent, maybe especially because it came on slowly and without exaggerations, and it has a much more stable base, it's both rational that comes from direct and theoretical knolwedge, and also instictive and sentimental... if this makes sense Inco, how come hadn't you experimented with amanitas back then when it was legal in oz? You sure know it is supposed to cause dissociative states in large doses, no? hell, this is getting waaaaaaay out of subject.... ****** on topic Well I know this topic is about psychosis, but anxiety problems are still problems, and seemingly hell for some people, and the majority of psychedlic abusers that get some drug induced disorder is almost always related with anxiety... I can't tell by what you're saying how seriosu the anxiety problems are/were, but from what I can tell, you HAVE abused psychedelics. And, I am convinced that if someone had a predisposition to psychosis, then an abuse of such extent would have propably brought it out. So, it's pretty definite that you DON'T have predisposition fro psychosis In regards with psychosis, amphetamine like substances, as well as mdma like as well as coke use are more related. Another thing I would like to note is that in the psychedelic culture, where multidrug use is quite often, it might be quite hard to spot the single substance that triggered a problem... Like that example of tst tantra, if the said individual was warned not to do any more drugs at the time, and he still did, heck, what did he expect? A glowing experience? Tikis comments are quite interesting also, but quotes like make me hesitant to try and comment... I have found out that when people talk big words in such forums, especially bashing or praising certain substances, they usually believe so much in their own subjective reality, that what they say is of zero credibility, like aforementioned quotes. This is quite interesting... Would someone say more? why full moon is different, and how is it more pronounced for bi-polar people... and I wonder how insanely fun this would be on the depression phase.... ? Do you find any similarities of manic phase and psychosis, well not experiencing it, by description?
  6. mutant

    Grafting Tricho seedlings on Pere

    Hey, yesterday I attempted one more graft, a 3 month old trich on pere, I was unpleasantly suprised that the trich seedling was ver very soft and almost watery, like, say, a very small grape . SO maybe I handled it too harsh, I don't think it will be a success... we will see.... is this normal, or is it that my seedlings are ill? Or is it that I should handle them more carefully on my next attempt?
  7. mutant

    Psychedelics and Psychosis?

    Incognito, would you count large dose amanitas as a dissociative experience?
  8. mutant

    Grafting Tricho seedlings on Pere

    you guys are great I already know about Myrtillo is sensitive in less than <10 C {?} , but we seldom [if any] do we have temperatures near freezing... And the spot I had in mind was quite protected, if somewhat shady... Ok, then I will leave it where it is, and wait more... can you elaborate more on this please, because I really do plan to eventually plant some of my cacti / grafts in the soil... I live in a very friendly climate, and the only baddie here is not a problem for cacti... Extreme dry weather in the summer... Of course I might have to fail sometimes to find the perfect spot, that's why I am trying to discuss it as much as I can, so as to know what to look for, and to know what can possibly go wrong. I suppose the artificial lighting should follow a steady programm, like on a timer, and not be random, huh?
  9. mutant

    Grafting Tricho seedlings on Pere

    Thank's a lot for answers... I wanted to try cereus for a long time.. it is a common house plant around here, so I might get some So.... and what are you thoughts on planting this to the soil or migger pot? would it make any good?
  10. mutant

    Amanita muscaria's veins!!

    Well, one might wonder why the hell would one scrap amanitac cap skin... well, the universal veil was too thick in this imature specimen , and it was dirty, so I scraped it to take off ... these veins showed... I wonder that their biological role is... they seem somewhat related with the pattern of flakes on the cap... Anyway, I thought I could share this ... 'discovery' !
  11. mutant

    What happens when you die?

    When you die, you just cease to be. That's all.
  12. mutant

    Psychedelics and Psychosis?

    Interesting stuff!! For the history, I note that my sense of smell is , I believe, quite bold and sensitive, for a guy born in a big city's outscirt, not in the woods in this quote I should note that some smells are directly linked to certain emotions, situations, things, due to an intense [pleasant or otherwise] experience. So it feels pretty normal that a smell can bring on a memory of a specific event or a state of mind. And this even for a 'normal' individual.
  13. mutant

    Psychedelics and Psychosis?

    So fucking glad to be a part of this discussion. First of all, I don't think anyone said that psychedelics are 'safe', and if they did, they don't know what they're talking about. Most classic psychedelics might be relatively non-toxic to the body, but the mental risks are the tip of the mountain here, not 'traditional' toxicity. So there's no 'safe' , just 'safer' ... And, to speak about me personally, I don't really care for 'harm reduction for dummies'... I am more interested in the real deal, people will always be abusing drugs, even drugs like psychedelics [take a look a bluelight for antichrist's sake, almost everyone is a multi-drug-abuser and suffers from one or more forms of mental instability ~ now that forum is impressive in this account!] , and consequently they will be giving a 'bad name' to people who do use psychoactives sensibly. I hate this too, but heck, it's only up to us responsibles to educate ourselves, spread the word and awareness and serious approach and risks involved, and maybe, just maybe, prove to a couple of people the wonderful people we are, and that there are indeed people who use psychoactives responsibly and creatively , who do not resemple the average druggies in the least. What I hate to see is US, the knowledgeable, that is, is to hide these truths and risks and incidents under the carpet, just because it "harms" the ideal picture of the 'wonder drugs', psychedelics. I can very well understand that the e-shop business that exploits psychedelics is not particularly benefited by such discussions, but heck, I dislike most of these e-shops anyways... and they're also a part of this 'problem'... selling anything from ayahuasca to datura seeds as 'legal highs'. Also remember that these were the very mistakes Leary, McKenna and other psychedelic advertisors/enthusiasts did: they praised psychs too much, they got so much into their own messiah syndrome, that they forgot that not everyone is alike, and eventually, for some, the recipees so easily given away would be their 'doom', their own and/or their followers. Well, that's what the anonymous psychs advertisors do nowadays in psychedelic forums. And I hope to see more of this awareness like this, starting in this thread, in the future. Yep, I feel so too, and heck, these issues have really faced a problem to be properly discussed in any forum, no wonder why, though. I feel and hope that this forum is more honest and more open-minded, and , even though we will still see psychedelic enthusiasts turnt off by the facts presented here, facts are facts nevertheless.... And yes, more have to be said, you're not alone baphomet ;) alright, this is one really good point .... especially since this thread is supposedly about psychosis... I will repeat myself saying that it's a different cake from panic disorders and other lighter [but still serious] mental instabilities... well, someone who is on the verge of having a psychotic episode, or is slowly walking towards it, propably CANNOT see the indicator signs. This is obviously a 'technical' problem - how to see them if you have began to detach from reality... Now, please do remember that the original concept of these substances being consumed was with a guide, a shaman, a doctor, something, also was done following a thousands-of-years-native-experience and through a ceremony of some kind. There cannot be enough said about the necessity of set & setting of the modern psychonaut. The 'psychonaut' who follows a loner path and consumes psychs everyonce in a while is in greater risk than the 'psychonaut' who is social and chooses to discuss and search and talk about his experiences seriously. So a friend , comrade, fellow psychonaut could see the signs, unlike the potential victim and try to warn him. People need to socialise, to have friends and people who care about them, and it might sound trivial or irrelevant with this, but it's not. What does it pay to have faced the 'ultimate truth' or having had the most astounding experience of your life and not having anyone to talk this about but some net-forum? Everyone is unique and different, that's the biggest 'problem' of generalising when talking about psychedelics. You cannot quite give easily digested general rules. The rules are 'custom' and have to be designed by the individual who plans to have the psychedelic experience. The risks of each one might also be different. F.e. someone might have a slight tendency for agoraphobia, when on strong psychs or even pot, so, he might need to choose a totally isolated place to have his psych experience, so that random exposure to strangers will be totally avoided. Some might dislike stimulation and have tendency to have panic attacks and anxiety. Well these, f.e. should steer clear from strong stimulants like speed etc. , while the anxiety management in a psych experience becomes more complex, special care should be taken for the people who will accompany him to the trip [familiarity] etc etc or ways to calm him down if panic occurs. For these and many other reasons, that's WHY DOCTORS ought to have the control and coordination of these substances , not random individuals. But let's not talk about the disgusting health system of the modern world. Moreover, I strongly believe all metal illnesses have warning signs. I will admit I have been intertested in mental illness since I was pretty younger, and I have always taken an interest in spotting 'defects' in others personalities, excuse my cynicism. The signs are there, and I suppose that the problem is that even if people around have noticed the signs and have warned the fellow psychonaut he should not consume anymore of the said psychoactives, "at least for a long period of time", IT'S UP TO HIM to take the decision and quit it. People even friends cannot force him not to. Especially if he is on the verge of psychosis. An example of this has very recently occured to a community I am part of, the guy step by step walked into a situation that eventually caused a severe psychotic episode despite he knew for many months now he should quit psychedelics, even if many of us warned him off them. We don't really know the real events. The guy now claims that the people he was with [his friends!] dosed him !?!?! Sad story... even though he seems to be pretty alright now... I will also add to this story that the guy had just a couple but quite large doses of psychs this last year, following the idiotic 'heroic dose' path that McKenna and others advertise... not before the actual episode, but I though I might add nevertheless.... OOooff, I'm done & I hope to see lots of good discussion
  14. mutant

    Psychedelics and Psychosis?

    There are some simple answers to the question raised [edited to fix the typos] 1) There not de facto approach for the drug-induced disorder... history of abuse, bad sets + settings or unfortunate events during a psychedelic experience, heroic doses ~ especially combined with a bad set and/or setting seem to be able to induce or catalyze bad experiences, sometimes almost traumatic, but most people are reasonably fine the next day, if somewhat emotionaly beaten... so there goes the matter of predisposition... sometimes a prexistence of a tendency might reveal itself with use or more often abuse of stimulants or psychedelics. 2) My theory is that we can trace signs , before a crisis occurs... signs that indicate a person is 'mentally unstable'... the thing is that each one should be able to trace the signs himself, if they occur... people who overdo it and finally harm themselves short or long term are people who didn't see or ignored the 'signs'. The signs that said "Hey mate... now it's time to stop this. I am warning you" 3) It is useful to know that cannabis also seems to be one of the substances that might cause these episodes alone or in conjuction 4) There are many types of crisis, psychotic episode is pretty different and more severe from an intense panic attack. But a psychotic episode doesn't necessarily render one a psychotic... as well as some panic attacks don't automatically render one a panic-disorder neurotic. 5) this exactly what it doesn't take, bravery, especially if a history exists. sensibility is the word we are looking for here... the fact the psychedelics can be blessing, it doesn't mean they're 'safe', I cannot stretch this enough, how the approach is very important too... 6) In short, psychedelics are drugs with instructions of use... some people seem to be able to abuse them and have fun, with not much of 'casualties', but, boy, for some others, they have to be used right, or NOT at all. And, to be honest, even the pioneers who have a long history, they eventually cease or moderate their use to annual or even more sparsely....
  15. mutant

    Watering Seedlings

    On lithops second time I hear this from a cacti person
  16. mutant

    T bridgesii variagata.

    Great specimen
  17. mutant

    What are these?

    some agaricus bruise yellow but are delicious.. I use the smell to determine the edibility of agarics, but hey, that's just me...
  18. mutant

    Panaeolus subbalteatus discussion & ID

    thanks again, great pics I am going back there hunting this weekend, I will be readier ;)
  19. mutant

    Panaeolus subbalteatus discussion & ID

    Thanks a lot everybody for answers... I have been pretty responsible and sensible for 4 years now while hunting for edibles, so I wouldn't stop this now... All the batch picked and dried showed the same ~black~ print, genus is Panaeolus whatever the case....
  20. mutant

    Panaeolus subbalteatus discussion & ID

    here's the whole batch... hey, I don't expect no firm opinion... just a first ID attempt...
  21. mutant

    Panaeolus subbalteatus discussion & ID

    right on mate glad to read your words... And Teotz, respect and sensibility are the major keys to exploring psychedelics , no?
  22. mutant

    Panaeolus subbalteatus discussion & ID

    Here's a photo, a great one actually, expecting one more of the whole batch. Different in what way, Teotz? I have also read that they're lighter, brighter compered to psilo, in the way T.bridgesii is reported 'darker' than normal tricho experience, [note: I think Vermorpheus had brought this to some discussion, thanks for the tip]
  23. mutant

    datura? or related.

    It sure looks like my brug people here IDed as an insignis - it's just a bit different in flower colour...
  24. mutant

    Wintering Cacti in Coldhouse

    LOL, that's OK, I suppose you sounded a bit harsh to my ears, by no worries mate of course you got a point about the fact that's it's not practical to rotate a number of plants on a regular basis - I only do that with my 3 tricho cacti, especially if I feel they're beginiing to curve ... I suppose I never had a burn because I acclimated them from scratch to lots of sun.. I used to do it also with my big brug, but I stopped as someone here {?} said the flowering circly might be interrupted or skipped if you moved them... by that you mean something like the 'splitting' of stone plants?
  25. mutant

    Mother of Thousands being eaten

    Heck, great!! I got two of these, I thought they are some kind of Calanchoe.. well maybe they are...