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The Corroboree


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Everything posted by holymountain

  1. holymountain

    Meet up: Sydney, Central Coast, Newcastle

    hey dudes think i might bail out on the meet. sorry to wuss out but i actually do have a bit of stuff to do. still have some free items i'd like to give out though. anyone who was going to attend just PM me and i'll arange to send some stuff. especially anyone new don't be afraid ask. no need to offer trades (unless of course you've got some cool stuff you want to get rid of). to those of you brave enough have a good day!
  2. as a kid i was the same. was obsessed with unexplained mysteries. borrowed everything from the library, watched a heap of horror movies, read a lot of books on ufos, ghosts..etc...was drawn to anything supernatural. then in my early 20s i discovered psychedelics. bingo. i believe it was the same fascination with the supernatural that led me to seeking out these experiences. i am curious as to your own psychedelic experiences santiago. have you ever had a high dose mushroom experience or breakthough dose of DMT? you seem pretty keen on debunking the whole thing. saying that people who see ghosts or spirits are simply mad is a cop out. it does nothing to explain the phenomena. society has a habit of labelling people who see things as mad. it's a lot easier than seeking answers. it's easier to say 'that person was crazy' than it is to reevaluate your own beliefs and question what you think you know. fear of the unknown i guess. i have a hard time denying the spirit world (or whatever the hell that place is) when i know it can be reliably experienced time and time again. just because one might use psychedelics to get there is beside the point. we use planes to fly to different countries but no one ever says 'we can't be sure you went there because you flew and didn't walk'...now before any one says 'but people fly planes together and agree they flew and it's part of the general consensus etc'... the exact same can be said for psychedelic experiences except far fewer people have had the experience.
  3. holymountain

    ubulawu and psychotria ?

    i was under the impression that oral doses must be with a maoi otherwise no effects will occur? or are we talking about ubulawu...and while i'm at it what is ubulawu? i'm interested as well in the potential of carth's have read conflicting reports about them and would like to know what the actual deal is.. waste of time all together or just weaker compared to viridis?
  4. holymountain

    Meet up: Sydney, Central Coast, Newcastle

    aww come on dude. we can think of somewhere else to go... definitley does not need to be a pub. just get your thinking caps on... maybe we should all just bring raincoats and gum boots and tough it out.
  5. holymountain

    Meet up: Sydney, Central Coast, Newcastle

    hmm...just trying to think..would offer my house but i have a bunch of housemates and don't know if they'd be keen. maybe i should just tell them to get stuffed. i've been meaning to do that for a while. maybe there is a venue or a pub or something with a courtyard and places for everyone to sit? pub not much good for anyone under 18 or those driving though... i do know some pubs with courtyards in newtown that we could bags...they are under cover as well. though it kind of changes the nature of the whole meet doesn't it. hmmm..hopefully it just won't rain.
  6. holymountain

    Meet up: Sydney, Central Coast, Newcastle

    will probably be along to this...should be a nice day hopefully. might have some freebies for anyone new. peace.
  7. holymountain

    Original Drawing Thread

    awesome stuff morg. the finger turning into a spiral is really cool... i've seen stuff like that happen. very cool.
  8. yep high dose shrooms will take you there. 15g of cubes has been exactly like DMT but in slow motion. but because you are there for around an hour you explore the area more and can fathom it a little bit better. the information loops around and you can start to understand it when it comes around three or four times. 2.5g of subs with syrian rue also put me into this realm. i can only describe it as like entering a vast library where all the information of the universe is contained. you can access anything you want. i remember being shown 'films' about the history of native people around the world. i felt i could access any point in history. i also felt as if i was looking into my future or at least what my future could be like. it was like an encyclopedia of the universe. i kept geting the realisation that all i was really doing was accessing the data stored in my DNA. it was as if my DNA is the ultimate hard drive and contains all the information and history of the entire universe. taking mushrooms is like plugging into the hard drive and accessing the data...the program for your life is already written and your DNA just carries it out.. with a bit more work it should be possible to navigate it properly kind of like the internet. i felt like i was just being flung around accessing and bumping into random bits of information. it would seem shamans are experts at navigating these realms. i'm kinda getting the hang of it but sometimes it's all a bit too much. interesting stuff indeed.
  9. holymountain

    Happy Birthday PH !

    happy birthday PD you are a generous dude so i hope you have an awesome day. peace.
  10. holymountain

    Free Thai prints

    phew just made it in..
  11. holymountain

    Original Drawing Thread

    here's a pic i drew then inverted on the computer...does that count...is it still a drawing? had a thread of my own for pics...will add lots of new ones one of these days... nice pics everyone, keep em coming...
  12. just quickly... if hunab was genuinly feeling high on life, if he had genuinly experienced some sort of rebirth where he felt he could now overcome his problems and he felt he could now be the man he needs to be....how much would it suck if everyone then started telling you that you were wrong and how you were bound to get depressed and fuck up and how it's inevitable that you will fail no matter how good you feel? talk about taking the wind out of someone's sails.
  13. great read..just quickly Mckenna always pointed out that he knew he sounded like he had a messiah complex. He always went out of his way to acknowledge that he his theories could be completley wrong. He frequenty made fun of himself and his ideas and because of that i think it's unfair to paint him as a millitant dogmatic guy with a messiah complex. still... it's not Leary's fault that LSD was made illegal..maybe it would have created a utopian society if we had figured out how to integrate it properly.. and also i think there are parrallels between Lilly's CCCO and Mckenna's descriptions of hyperspace... a sense of humour is whats' important and remembering that even if these visions you experience are 'real' you still have to live on earth and function along with the rest of society like a normal human being... at least until everyone catches up with you. peace.
  14. I'll prove that something exists right after you prove that nothing exists. Why must other intelligent life be governed by the same rules of physics as us? why do we have to leave earth to meet this life? why can't it exist alongside us in a parrallel dimension? why must it be physical? humans always fall into the trap of assuming other life forms should fit into our concieved notions of them. we can't see radio raves with our eyes but we have developed tools that allow us to pick them up and recieve them. so there is then no doubt that radio waves exist. who's to say that DMT isn't a tool that allows us to pick up and recieve waves previously hidden and thought non existant? the point of mystical experiences is that they are not physical and they are not tangible. thats what makes them so mystical. if you want proof you might have to partake in your own shamanic adventure. i'm talking breakthrough, heroic doses. not just good fun giggles doses. the proof will be in the pudding and you'll know it when you get there. but then you can also say 'all this crap just came from inside my mind'...as far as i'm concerned that doesn't solve anything. the reality you are experiening right now also comes from inside your mind. everything comes from inside your mind. the question is: where does my mind come from and how is it capable of creating such experiences? as for weed. i agree it is psychedelic in it's own way but as soon as you start smoking it regularly all the magic stops and all the negatives start kicking in.
  15. okay not really wanting to inflame this any further. but just want to correct myself a little. i did not mean to insinuate that some people are more deserving of encountering entities or whatever than others. what i meant was those approaching psychedelic experiences with the mind set of wanting a deep experience seem to be more likely to get a deeper experience. it's all set and setting. if you are taking mushrooms with freinds whilst camping the environment isn't really conducive to deep inner experiences. it is conducive to laughing your asses off and having a great time. however taking highish doses of mushrooms on your own in a dark room is likely to give you deep experiences where you can encounter a whole range of things. i didn't mean to exclude anyone when i talked about having the honour of encountering beings. it was the wrong word to use but i did and do feel very grateful for my experiences and i am honoured to have had them. i don't think anyone deserves them more than others but i do think it's up to you and how you approach the experience that determines what you get. maybe i am off with the fairies like you have suggested but i know what i've seen and experienced and theres not much i can do about it. you're right, i am having difficulty distinguishing whats real and whats not. i've thought long and hard about how it is possible and the answer is i don't know. these could all just be figments of my imagination but if thats the case then it's still worth investigating how my imagination can be so convincing and come up with stuff that i can't even fathom. i'm not trying to get glory from my 'claims' i'm just interested to find out if others have experienced similar things so i can figure out what the hell is happening. and if you look at the thread with my drawings you'll see several people saying they have seen similar things. do you have a hard time believing their claims as well? there are a lot of books written on this subject, a lot of people discussing it and a lot of documentation throughout history of people encountering various beings. who knows what the hell it means but there shouldn't be a problem with people trying to figure it out amongst themselves. all i've got are my experiences and all you have are your experiences which seem to mainly be of taking mushrooms with friends and smoking joints and laughing lots. also..maybe divine wasn't the right word. right before i said divine i did say there aren't words to really describe it so nitpicking about the use of that word isn't really helpful. i honestly struggle to find the words to describe this stuff. what we are talking seems to be beyond the capabilities of our language or at least my vocabulary.
  16. baphomet, with the sort of attitude and negativity you display around here i'm not surprised that your usual psychedelic experiences are depressing. if i was an entity i wouldn't waste my time with you. not everyone gets the honour of encountering entities for some people it's all just fractal patterns and geometric visuals. they don't come at first but after working with the plants and using them with good and honest intentions they will reveal themselves. high doses do help break through into those realms but an honest desire for knowledge, self improvement and the upmost respect for the plants themselves goes a long way. hunab i hope the knowledge you gained is of use to you and hope that you can remember as much as possible. i recommend writing down everything, draw as many pictures as you can, try and document it as best as possible. like you said it was one of the most profound experiences of your life so it's worth trying to capture as much as possible. it seems you've been searching for a long time and i hope maybe you found a bit of what you were looking for. i agree that whilst that dose was pretty freaking high i don't think you were in any physical danger but i'm sure there was a lot of mental overload. personally i find extremely high doses too chaotic to be of any use. but higher doses do allow you to enter deeper into the mystery and access areas of the mind/universe that are otherwise hidden. i also believe the same effects could have been reached with at least half the dose if not less. the experience of communicating with a being is far out, there are no words to describe it, nothing to compare it to, just the knowledge that you experienced something divine, who's incredible knowledge and power is beyond anything we can comprehend. as for the actual existence of entities...there seem to be too many reports, books written that all indicate people are having genuine contact with some sort of intelligence. however there is nothing like personal experience to make someone believe something. i didn't believe in a lot of phenomena until i experienced them first hand. the fact that psychedelics were consumed does little to answer the actual question of what this phenomena is. one thing you mentioned with the subs that i have also noted as well is the weeping of the eyes. sometimes my eyes just stream water. it's not crying, just watery eyes. i've not experienced this with cubes so maybe it is unique to subs? anyone else experienced profusely watering eyes? peace.
  17. holymountain

    Mid year camping trip

    i second everything hunab said. except the bit about kaleb.. i don't know what he's talking about. a great weekend with some great people. a pleasure to meet you all. morg your music was fucking awesome. definitley got some new groups to check out now. thanks for turning me onto it. thanks for picking those boletus JD, cooked them last night and man they were delicious wish i'd picked some more. incognito, you cracked us all up, you are a legend. hillbilly and karen and watertrade thanks for bringing lots of camping gear, you guys went out of your way for us. also thanks morg and watertrade for cooking up that spectacular feed for us all. hunab thanks for bringing the speakers and projector and taking the time to set it all up. thanks again everyone for a great time, i can't stop thinking about how fun it was. will have to do it again soon. this time i'll be bringing some anti gremlin spray though. peace.
  18. holymountain

    Mid year camping trip

    fuck! still have to finish packing! remember to tune into triple j on the drive there today dudes... someone you know managed to get the feature album this week. yipee! hunab, what time exactly can i expect you to pull up outside my house? does everyone like donuts? peace
  19. holymountain

    Need help with a magazine article

    thanks for the help guys article is done. will post it here once the magazine comes out. peace.
  20. holymountain

    Need help with a magazine article

    Hey everyone. I’ve been asked to submit a short article for a magazine about how plants can be good for the earth and the soul. I’ve been asked to focus on mushrooms and cacti. It’s only about 250 words. Just wondering if anyone has any suggestions. Cool facts they think would make it interesting. I’ve been reading lots of paul stamets and his discoveries with mycelium and it’s beneficial effects on the environment so i want to mention some of that stuff. Anyone know any interesting facts or tidbits? cheers
  21. holymountain

    Mid year camping trip

    don't worry hunab. i'll look after you. the least i can do for giving me a lift.
  22. holymountain

    Opium pipe

    i had an aunt who came back from thailand with what she thought was a souvenier ornamental walking stick... turned out it was actually one of those big long opium pipes. i wonder if she's still got it...
  23. holymountain

    Mid year camping trip

    lsdreamz... you have gone above and beyond the call of duty. you have done the one thing that all of us who are going camping have put off doing....you went and investigaged yourself!!! i think it's safe to say without your help we might have fallen into a big disorganised hole. thank you so much for putting in the effort even though you won't be able to make it. i owe you one....or two... peace.
  24. holymountain

    Mid year camping trip

    allright guys i'm 90% sure i can come along to this. hunab, may need to bags one of your seats if you still have one spare. can help with the driving if it's an auto and also contribute for petrol. have a bulbinator and some bulbs handy though i'm not sure why everyone is so keen to make whipped cream out in the bush? can bring sleeping bag, food and other stuff, will work on getting a mini bbq or at least cooking equipment, a kettle, stuff like that if i can get time to find it all. can bring an acousitc guitar if no one objects to badly played songs. i second the idea that the more isolated we are the more relaxed we can allow ourselves to be. looks like this will be fun. i've been sooo busy over the last few months looking forward to chilling out. peace
  25. hey man i remember when i was smoking waaay too much and would get very paranoid. wouldn't leave the house, answer the phone and stuff.. could hardly talk to people except close freinds...once i stopped it took a while to get back to normal. what you are going through could just be your brain readjusting itself. having met you i think you are cool. you didn't seem self conscious so it's actually surprised me to hear this. but like hunab said we all manage to put on persona's of some sort...but still rest assured that when you meet people they will probably think you are a good bloke. i know i did. what you are going through will pass. giving up the weed is always a good move and is a good first step if you want to be happy with who you are. in fact it's pivotal if you want to figure out just who you are in the first place. the amount of growing i did as a person in the first few months off weed was astonishing. as with most things the next step to healing is to talk about it. having the guts to open up about stuff proves you are ready to overcome it and if you are brave enough to talk about it then you are brave enough to beat it. good luck with it dude. i'll see you soon. peace