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The Corroboree


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Everything posted by holymountain

  1. holymountain

    Psychedelic to break a loop

    nah.. i'm left handed. and visuals are a plentiful for me. thanks for the help fancypants. everything i wanted to say but decided not to lest i come off as being preachy!
  2. holymountain

    The dissociative state.

    ha. i thought i was the only one! bastards!
  3. holymountain

    Whats left sale.....

    yo i'll take that psycho tip pretty please!!
  4. holymountain

    The dissociative state.

    i guess i always make statements like this...they sometimes sound like they are spoken from within my ass. true isn't the right word. you know when you are shown things about your life or your future or your self that resonate so deeply that you become a mess of tears and gratitude? you become a humble little human so grateful for your experience and so lucky to be incarnated? my theory is k won't give you that. it seems to have its own agenda. i read somewhere, i think it was D.M Turner called it a 'frankenstien molecule that does not obey the shamanic laws' and i know what he means. it does all sorts of crazy stuff but it is totally different to the plants and their experiences. the plants all seem to echo the same spiritual ideas and way of looking at the world. they seem to care about how you live your life and they want humanity to follow the right path. they are interested in us. k doesn't seem to give a shit or agree with these spiritual laws and has a more nihilistic, chaotic, mechanical vibe. it's like philip k dick or william burroughs books. all split personalities and human/machine hybrids and dirty empty warehouses and factories. it's a far out place and you keep thinking 'i just want to check it out again to see if i can make some sense or understanding of it'. but it just keeps blowing your mind with more impossible stuff..tempting you back again. it can have you believing all sorts of things. and REALLY believing them. it is so convincing and life like. the visions aren't 'trippy' they are realistic and photographic. reading john lilly's trips about cosmic control centre and about the solid state entities echo these ideas as well. like you said chiral it's important that we do try and explore these states. as humans it's our responsibility and duty to explore new territory in the interests of advancing or mappying the territory of both inner and outer space (which may be the same thing anyway). but we also need to be careful of the terrain we explore and the tools we use. some tools keep leading you down an empty track with promises of gold. i'm wary of things that are void of fear. it is the fear and intensity of D M T or high dose shrooms that make you respect it. it's that fear that makes you wonder if you are worthy of returning until you sort yourself out. it's the scary experiences that often provide the most learning. with K there is no fear so it's very tempting to keep going back and back and back. you have to ask at one point 'am i going back because it's my duty to explore these realms or have i just been tricked into thinking these realms will have answers and knowledge i can bring back?'
  5. holymountain

    The dissociative state.

    a friend who had a whole vial of pure k in india once found the experience to be very mechanical and cold. there was no fear even as the most bizzare things were occuring. a whole range of undescribable things happened. most seemed trivial and bizzare with little learning or teaching. bizzare for the sake of bizzare. feelings of travelling along an old rollercoaster. feelings of being a leaf in the wind. melting through the floor. travelling in old elevators. things multiplying to infinity. strange electronic sounds. reminded him of the film 'naked lunch'. like faustus said i wouldn't hold onto anything i was shown as a truth...a lot of the time it just seems weird for weirds sake rather than true spiritual teachings. but my friend didn't IM it so maybe he missed out totally was very wary of the feeling of wanting more once it wore off. not like other psychs where you are just grateful to be back and in your body again. it seems people that go heavily down the path end up in trouble. i too recommend john lilly's 'the scientist' and karl jansens 'ketamine dreams and realities'... also you should read D.M Turner's 'guide to psychedelics' which you can read here: http://www.erowid.org/library/books_online/essential_psychedelic_guide/essential_psychedelic_guide.shtml this guy struggled with K addiction and ended up drowning in his bathtub whilst under the influence. all in all very, very, very interesting but like incog said you can't bring THE KNOWLEDGE back so ultimately you have to wonder why you do it? other than curiosity to explore some extremely bizzare states. worth a look but wouldn't trust it. this video clip by the chemical brothers really reminds me of it as well: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KBV2353FoYA&feature=fvst
  6. holymountain

    Psychedelic to break a loop

    i would class drinking as a more effective method of escaping reality than psychedelics. if you are shy, drinking helps you escape that fact and become someone that you normally aren't. psychedelics would most likely allow you to see the reasons behind your shyness and the factors that contribute to it and then allow you to reset those factors if you wish. i'm sure they were if blinking lights were needed. i'm not saying this to antagonise you or start another fire...just repeating if you aren't getting visuals don't blame it on the psychedelics or decide that it's because you are not interested in visuals...realise that it's because the doses are not enough to induce to visionary experiences thats all.
  7. holymountain

    Possible subs?

    nope. very commonly picked look alikes though. be careful everyone!
  8. holymountain

    Spores to Share or Sell!!!

    http://www.fsre.nl/ should solve all your problems. yes it works.
  9. holymountain

    Warning on Subs

    wish you'd said this three of four pages ago!!... good advice indeed.
  10. holymountain

    found this Amantia? patch on my property today

    yep thats amanitas you got. nice finds.
  11. holymountain

    Warning on Subs

    exactly... a bunch of trip reports of trips that were all performed under controlled conditions. similar to what we have in this thread...a few trip reports and we find similarities between people's visions e.g the carnival aspect. rick strassman didn't claim to know what the data he collected really meant and neither do i. he ends the book saying he has no answers. no one really knows what exactly is going on.. weather these visions come from within or from elsewhere. the important thing about the book is that controlled experiments were done and the results that came from it were that many people claimed to see entities (of varying types) whilst under the effects of DMT. thats the point. i don't see anything gimmicky about it either.
  12. holymountain

    Warning on Subs

    nice facts you got there mutant. thank you for sharing them. you should write up a fact sheet and see if one of the mods will pin it. can we get back on topic now please.... warning on subs: they can look very cool in their early stages.
  13. holymountain

    Various cacti & succulents from my collection

    beautiful stuff. great photos. a really awesome collection and they all look very happy.
  14. holymountain

    Warning on Subs

    what facts and whats datas? edit: actually don't worry. i can't be bothered.
  15. holymountain

    Warning on Subs

    okay way too much stuff to reply to...but thanks for taking the time to write all of that out. i couldn't care less at the moment. like i said believe whatever you want to believe and i'll do the same. i don't think i'm any better because i've had higher doses. i hate that bullshit and i've said time and time again i do not mean to sound elitist with my comments....but lets face it...if you haven't had the experiences then there's not a lot you can add other than speculation and some hefty generalisations. just got to defend a couple of things that i can be bothered with forgive me if i come off like a jerk but you seem to really bring that out in me. i have no doubt that everyone could have these experiences. it's not hard to follow a few simple steps. i don't think everyone should or needs to have these experiences. it's not neccessary. but if you are prancing around making claims about such things maybe you should have the experience first then talk about it. i'm not out to prove that you are lesser. i couldn't give a shit. this isn't a dick sizing competition like you suggested (or hoped). honestly i'm so over this shitty argument that it would be funny if it wasn't such a pain in the ass to write replies. i never claimed to be an expert. i know what i've experienced and i know what i've read in books. thats about all. speaking of books why don't you check out 'DMT: The Spirit Molecule' by Dr. Rick Strassman. This guy is an expert and he spends a whole book talking about people's experiences with beings and clowns and mantids and reptiles and all sorts of other crazy stuff. and he's a scientist! read the book, realise that other people are having similar experiences and then maybe, just maybe pump your nuts up and have one of your own! is it just me or does this make no fucking sense? a decent dose doesn't mean 100% incomprehensible nor does it mean difficult. fucking generalisations. it's not the 'real thing' it's just another level of experience that the mushroom can show you. and i'm telling you (for the millionth time) that the things i am talking about can easily be accessed and experienced...if only you'd increase your dose. i'm not claiming i understand mushrooms better than you or anyone i'm only stating some basic facts: increase your dose and stranger things will happen. more doors will open and some of your world views just might be exposed for the illusions that they are. if you are happy with the level you are exploring at then thats great! no need to increase your dose. carry on and best of luck! thanks for the news flash. here you admit that if you took more mushrooms you might have supernatural experiences. thats pretty much the end of the argument right there. you also show how frightened and misinformed you are about these sorts of doses and psychedelics in general. you keep worrying that you will go crazy, or that these doses are dangerous. you've already decided that rather than see something supernatural you will more likely turn permanantly nuts! talk about a negative mind set. judging from the amount of spelling errors in your post i can certainly believe that. good point. why wait around pulling your dick, speculating and contemplating maybes? jump right in! read some books on the subjects, have a go yourself and then get back to me. i'd LOVE to chat about it!
  16. holymountain

    NSW camping trip

    also i cannot wait to try the bread filter tek when i get a chance. looked like it was a very efficient and effective method. probably the best one i've ever seen.
  17. holymountain

    NSW camping trip

    i'm with you col. was a great camp. shame i could only attend one night as things looked like they were just getting started. thanks for cooking those lactarius in the morning. delicious!!!! lovely to meet the new people and lovely to see some old friends. wasn't as cold as last year and there noticeably less amanitas and lactarius. probably due to the warm weather we've been having. can't wait to hear what went down saturday night. peace.
  18. holymountain

    2010 Sub season

    if you do end up pulling bits of mycellium up with your finds do the right thing and cut the stem butts off and put them in between layers of damp cardboard. let the mycellium grow for a few weeks then bury the cardboard in some woodchip mulch beds.... if you've accidently ruined a patch then make up for it by creating new ones!!!
  19. holymountain

    Warning on Subs

    mutant..you are the one calling the trip a bad trip. you are still stuck in the belief of bads trips. if only you had been there. paranoia had nothing to do with it. the reason things got weird was because of the large dose and the challenge to the mushroom to see something different. i had the intent to go to new places and i certainly did. i'm not attributing a difficult trip entirely to the mushrooms/spirits like you suggested. i'm attributing it to dose and intent. if you took the same dose with the same intent i'd be very interested to hear your report. i wouldn't call my beliefs my religion. you can have spirituality without religion. you are the one putting me into the 'psychedelic theist' box. i bet you just wanted to whip out the term so you could proudly tell everyone you coined it in 2007. good on you!! basically this is a warning on subs thread and my story was a warning that 'subs can get pretty bizzare on doses such as 3-4g so be careful'. they can also be very gentle and easy going on smaller doses. no doubt about it. believe whatever you want to believe. i'll do the same. seeing is believing and i've seen a lot of different stuff. i can't box it up as easily as you do. i guess it would be a lot easier to box it up if i hadn't actually had the experience. you are telling me the mushroom has no character, has no agenda, has no messages. thats it's all just my mind. just have a decent dose and you'll see that this is a load of shit! unlike a lot of spiritual/philosophical arguments this one can be proven. all it takes is the twenty minutes to prepare and ingest your dose. arguments like yours become a dead issue. the mushroom has a spirit and a personality. why don't you pick up the phone and have a chat with it. understanding IS knowing right? i would further wager that experience is better than non experience and only experience can lead to true understanding and knowing. and when it comes to experience on subs (or dmt, high dose mushrooms etc) you seem to have zilch. no. subs do teach respect. hard trips or easy trips. they still teach. only someone that has never had a full experience with them would say stupid shit like that. furthermore...i have seen the graffitti connection and i dig it very much.
  20. holymountain

    Psychedelic to break a loop

    how old were these woodlovers? i seem to recall seeing photos posted a while back? who knows what potency was lost since then? either way glad to hear it was a good experience.
  21. holymountain

    Warning on Subs

    i don't recall saying anything about you attacking my religion? i don't even have a religion. your last post was rambling and drunken. sorry dude but it made it harder to take you seriously after reading it. i don't mind the arguments we have as it can help clarify different standpoints but when you make drunken posts it just drags the integrity of the thread down. maybe i sound like an asshole but i'm okay with that. i stand by my comment that mixing psychedelics with alcohol is like missing the point. maybe because i consider psychedelics to be sacramental and treated with respect. if i didn't know better i'd suggest that drinking on psychedelics is like wanting to trip but not really wanting to face what might be shown.
  22. holymountain

    NSW camping trip

    hope you can make it chiral... wouldn't be the same without you. isn't it a shame when real life gets in the way of these things? just a warning to those who are driving. please be very careful of kangaroos on the road. especially if you are getting there in the late afternoon. there are plenty of roos on that road and i've heard a few stories about close shaves. would really suck if you hit one and it screwed your car. they will be out and about so take it easy.
  23. holymountain

    NSW camping trip

    i will be bringing quite a few pedro cuts. will need some cooking skills to be implemented though.
  24. holymountain

    Warning on Subs

    just a teaspoon or less of rue is needed. the amount needed for the MOAI effect is around 3-4g. the point is not to have a full MOAI effect (which does sometimes have an unpleasant body load) but to add a little bit of synergy and syrian spirit to the tea. do not eat or drink the whole seeds, make sure they are strained. there is also quite noticeable difference between the effects of a MOAI with cubensis and with subs. totally different. i would not recommend rue with cubes as there is no need. they are glorious on their own. i have a gut feeling the experiences chiral and PD mentioned were from syrian rue and cubensis. in which case i would totally agree. for those grappling with the difficulties of a sub experience or looking for ways to work more efficiently with it the rue provides an earthy, warm, friendly teaching aspect that the subs on their own sometimes lack. i would also add that one should experience the subs on their own before you go adding different plants to the mix. they are a force to be reckoned with and respected and should be experienced on their own terms first.