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Everything posted by sturmer88

  1. sturmer88

    How to recognize a peruvianus

    I think it has something to do with the amount of sun it gets and the space it has for it's roots along with hydration probably has a little to do with it. The specimens in my Pics are just newly rooted so arn't Hydrated much and at the time of pics are in Shadier locations so that they don;t overheat from lack of root system. Now the Ancash and Forma blue are really starting to fatten up since I moved them into full sun. Unfortunatly they are still in pots so don't have the root space I would like to give them but next season I plan to put them in the ground so they can grow to their full potential.
  2. sturmer88

    How to recognize a peruvianus

    Here are a few of my Peruvianus specimens I have just recently rooted. 1, Peruvianus v Ancash 2 Peruvianus v Tarma 3. Peruvianus v Forma Blue
  3. sturmer88

    Lophophora williamsii Seeds

    I've had some trouble with the Plastic bag over the container for germing lopg seeds. They can dampen off real quick. You gotta be sure to make holes in it. I like the pie tray with a lid method much better.
  4. sturmer88

    Is there anyway y'all can trade with me?

    I had also ordered L Decepiens seeds from them. 2 10 packs. I got about 16 to germ. They all died unfortunatly except for one that I grafted to a pereskiposis. It's doing pretty good but it sure is slow compared to my other grafts. It's about 2 months after gradting and still this size. I'm gonna go for Fricii or Diffusa next from them. But they are a little expensive.
  5. Here's a pic of my Peruvianus X Panchanoi. Has anyone seen this variation around lately. I got it from an auction sight. It's unlike any of my other peruvianus variations.
  6. sturmer88

    loph seeds... who wants in on a bulk buy?

    THose seeds sure are expensive. You should try Cactus Heaven next time. I don't know how customs is in Australia. They are in Malta and they ship really quick and have excellent germ rates. i got 300 for 24 GBP. They don't have L. W. Cessipitosa. unfortunately. 1000 are only £33.25.
  7. sturmer88

    Grafting Book

    I just FWD'd the graft book to myself. I look forward to reading it. I just did my first Loph graft a few days ago to Peresk. I'd like to learn more about Aeurole grafting and such. Thanks By the way check your junk mail mail it looks like the Natioanal British Lottery has made you a millionare. He He. Looks like soon that inbox is gonna be flooded with similar letters from Nigeria soon.
  8. sturmer88


    It looks like they are slowly adding all of Australia to the list. What parts of AU are Loph still legal to cultivate in?
  9. sturmer88

    Mitragyna speciosa flowering

    I have heard that Kratom seeds have a very low germination rate. About 25% and that is only if they are fresh. I recently got a seed pod off the internet and I am just now getting sprouts after 5 or 6 days. I have about 25 so far out of 1 seed pod. I would think that is pretty good. The seeds are real small and look like little red slivers. you almost need a magnifying glass to see them. They sure to grow pretty slow.
  10. sturmer88

    Which Echinopsis Cacti to order?

    Regaurding the Peruvianus types your best bet is the Icaro seeds. Many of the other peruvian Torch seeds are not peruvianus but Cuzcoensis. In which the alkoloid content is minnimal