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The Corroboree

Tree Sloth

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Everything posted by Tree Sloth

  1. Tree Sloth

    The ClockPunk/SteamPunk/CyberPunk Thread.

    The steampunk revival that's all over the net makes me feel fuckin' old. Steampunk as a sci-fi sub-genre was big back when I was a teenager 20+ years ago. KW Jeter: http://www.amazon.com/Morlock-Night-K-W-Je...5280&sr=1-1 Tim Powers: http://www.amazon.com/Anubis-Gates-Tim-Pow...5339&sr=1-1 James Blaylock: http://www.amazon.com/Digging-Leviathan-Ja...5397&sr=1-1 and at the end of the trend William Gibson & Bruce Sterling: http://www.amazon.com/Difference-Engine-Sp...5212&sr=8-1
  2. Tree Sloth

    plants for home defence

    I'm back again after 4 months offline 'cos fucking telstra wholsesale wouldn't connect any isp to my new house except those bigponds cunts. Given that my goal is to have a nice little ethno island, here's how things have ended up: Front boundary - Grevilleas & more Grevilleas - planted by the previous owner - 100% screening, but not an obstacle to anyone who wants to get through. 120 metre fenceline againsts the neighbours - All my trichs endded up here. The neigbours are dumb cunts and will never recognise them. They are your typical redneck nature hating farmers, who built a 6 foot cyclone fence "to keep the bloody 'roos out". Fenceline against the vacant block on the other side - previous owners planted lilly pillies - they make a pretty good privacy screen, but again they aren't a physical obstacle. Other boundaries are against a fire trail that is popular with the local horse riders. Planting spiky/unfriendly shit here seems like a bad idea, so I have planted all my (previously potted) fruit trees along there. In summary, an agressive boundary is a nice dream , but in practical terms it's better to present a respectable face to the outside world
  3. Tree Sloth

    Moving Cacti

    I have to move house in about a fortnight & I'm trying to figure out the best way to move my cactus collection. I have about 25 plants that are 1 metre or more; half in the ground, half in pots. I've already snapped a couple of trichs moving them downstairs from the deck - they start wobbling and they're done for. I'm considering cutting them all off short. Before I start hacking away, does anyone have a better idea?
  4. Tree Sloth

    plants for home defence

    The botanical fence idea is what I'm after, but those species are environmental weeds here. Yeah, that's a consideration - dead native animals aren't what I want decorating my boundary. And I don't want my pets getting hurt either. I'm gonna plant a few kinds of non-clumping bamboo - but that stuff is pricey. I've thought about a pedro fence but I think that would be a bit high profile for queensland.
  5. Tree Sloth

    plants for home defence

    *bump* Did anyone ever plant anything discussed in this thread? What sort of success did you have? I want to grow a big fuck-off hedge and I'm looking for stuff that'll do well in the sub-tropics. I'm gonna plant a bunch of bougainvillea - but I have about 300m of boundary to cover, so there's plenty of room for other stuff too.
  6. Tree Sloth

    Moving Cacti

    Thanks for the responses. I have about 200 plants (and the house contents) to move so I can't spend too much time on the cactuses. I think I'll try staking the single column cactuses & hack the multi branched ones.
  7. Tree Sloth

    can you hear THIS?

    I'm 38 - can't hear a damn thing above 13khz - motorcycling & loud music have stuffed my ears.
  8. Tree Sloth


    I'll put my hand up for #10 - the Bogan. PM'd
  9. Tree Sloth


    I'll grab number 2 - the Yowie tip cutting PM'd
  10. Tree Sloth

    Caapi Seeds For Sale

    I planted 11 seeds on 11/11. They're in my mini-greenhouse with daytime temps about 40C - nightime low 20's. First one popped up today or yesterday.
  11. Tree Sloth

    Out-of-date drug laws are hurting people

    Same goes for drinking two bottles of cognac (my tipple of choice when I can afford it) or swallowing eight packets of paracetamol. Both of those'll kill me stone cold dead; but there's no multi-billion dollar industry devoted to stopping me.
  12. Tree Sloth

    Out-of-date drug laws are hurting people

    Forgive my naivete, but what's so bad about opiate addiction? I've seen benzo addiction first hand - there's no question about it, it makes you insane; Angry, violent and confused. And the withdrawal is terrifying to see - delirium, convulsions, etc. I've learned the hard way not to put my hand in someone's mouth when they're fitting. But opiates? I know they're addictive but what actual harm do they do? If addicts could get a fix at the chemist every day, what would prevent them being functional members of society?
  13. Tree Sloth

    Cheap Loph seeds for sale

    Got mine today, too - thanks shruman.