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The Corroboree


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Posts posted by zelly

  1. After having complete sucess with my first two loph grafts ever last summer, (2-3 year olds onto M. geometrizans) I started to get a bit cocky and think that I could take on seedling grafting onto pereskiopsis just as easily :blush:

    As you migt expect, I haven't had a single suceess yet. So. helpfull fellows, can anyone answer some of my questions?

    1) is it ok to graft onto sideshoots, or should grafting only be done on a main stem?

    2) if a peres has already had it's tip removed and calloused (aka failed graft) and then sent off sideshoots, would it work to remove the sideshoots and callous and graft onto the original tip, or does the plant abandon growth to this area as soon as it is removed?

    3) should a good pereskiopsian stock always have some leaves, or can they be treated as 'added growth bonuses'

    4) does the age of a seedling really matter? I mean as long as it's not wider than that of the stock...

    5) if a grafted loph is growing very fast (aka fast stock growth) is it still at risk of bursting?

    Here are my questions. Thanks for reading.

    Spring is going to be soooo good.

    Suggest you take a look at this thread over at entheogen dot com:

    Pereskiopsis Grafting

  2. IMO, tall by itself doesn't mean squat, as some specimens are naturally 'tall'.

    My money says its a difusa, & 30-40 yrs old.

    Repot, but into a much smaller pot.

    Go with a fast draining gritty soil mix.

    Hold the water until new roots emerge.

    Besides snails & slugs, things like grasshoppers seem to munch on lophs.

    Can you blame them? :wink:

  3. OK, had a look on the website (earth alchemy) and haev come up with the following...

    Varietas i am looking at purchasing

    L. fricii 100/41

    L. koehresii 100/41

    L. will v hipolito 500/85

    L. will v menchaca 100/78

    L. will v est marte 100/70

    L. will v grau blau select 100/107

    L. will v Mex 54 100/41

    i want some of the more interesting/rarer varieties... :)

    just curious, but how do you know which varieties from earth alchemy are rare / and or interesting?

    Other than the geographical location, what makes a hipolito different from a grau blau select?
