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The Corroboree


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Posts posted by kindness

  1. http://www.youtube.c...u/2/3adw9oLBkBI 4 (his rant at the end of this one gives me shivers)

    turn off the tvs. Turn off the radios. Turn of the mobile towers. Turn off satelite recieve / respsond. turn off the computers.

    we are all still connected.

    just way toooooo much frequency interference currently - unless we totally try too tap into the real communication or source of information.

  2. yep theatre of gnomes was one of em :)

    sundial was a bit of a classic and well know one. Cheers for the quick replies lovely people.

    any suggestions for non dodgy torrent sites where I might find em. I actually kinda sorta know the dudes so can give em moeny anyway.....

  3. I'm trying to find some tumbleweed shit from the 90's can't member the name of the ep's they were the short ones tho... farked if I can remember em'.

    how's this reference for tumbleweed on the net though:


    Tumbleweed is firstly a highly influential Australian rock band from the 90's, a country rock band from Norway and a bonecrushing instro/surf band from Sweden. Tumbleweed (Australia) filled the stoner-rock void in Australia during the heavy grunge years of the 1990s. As the opening band for Nirvana on their 1992 tour of Australia, Tumbleweed was able to reach out into the mainstream with their crunchy-psychedelica and the subtle vocal stylings of singer Richie Lewis.

    what the fuck? Norway? country rock... oh dear

    anyhow. help appriciated.

    pm me

  4. cool discussion, really enjoyed your post Archaea.

    Archaea, you mentioned 'pseudo intelligence' at the end of your post and that really stuck a chord with me. In my field the application of theory to practice sounds good in meetings, looks great in reports, gets funds through submissions.... but in 'the real world' it is all about who you know and how to work the system(s)... I hope I am making some sense here.

    I guess what I liked most about your pseudo' argument is that what your pseudo' intellects discuss or teach to others today is likely to be applied in the real world in the future... I believe this can be illustrated by looking into our recent history in Australia, what was once the realm of intellectuals or academics’ saying what should be so wasn't, but now is - like divorce laws or the women’s right to vote etc...

    So is the portrayal of intelligence at an academic level a way of shaping future thought and commonly held belief? I reckon it is and that bugs me, I want it now :)


    1390, "faculty of understanding," from O.Fr. intelligence (12c.), from L. intelligentia "understanding," from intelligentem (nom. intelligens) "discerning," prp. of intelligere "to understand, comprehend," from inter- "between" + legere "choose, pick out, read" (see lecture). Meaning superior understanding, sagacity" is from c.1430. Sense of "information, news" first recorded c.1450, especially "secret information from spies" (1587). Intelligent is a 1509 back-formation; Intelligentsia "the intellectual class collectively" is 1907, from Rus. intelligyentsia, from Latin. Intelligence quotient first recorded 1922 (see I.Q.).

    Read more: http://wiki.answers.com/Q/What_is_the_etymology_of_'intelligence'#ixzz1LMdIy9zt

  5. oh wish I had the time to read all this.... so ignore this comment if it has been said.

    Cannot time only exist with something to measure it by - is not time only able to 'be' because we are revolving around the sun and that gives us something to measure?

    now what is life? thats my question... clearly life cannot be without death, so what is death?

  6. Also worth reading is this:


    It's pretty fucked that Australia allows for such shoddy labelling. Despite people clearing want better labelling of what is actually GE, there are still products out there which could easily be GE and are not labelled as such.


    From that link:

    "There were over 6000 submissions to the review, and 85% of these asked for comprehensive disclosure of GE, additives, allergens and other technologies."

    yeah, the government is listening. Uh huh. It takes real determination not to be disheartened or discouraged by the decisions that are seemingly made for us. I've been entertaining the thought lately that I'm actually crazy and incapable of deciding what is actually good for me and I'm really lucky to have the government, (up there somewhere above me coz I'm less than them) to make my choices for me. Phew, lucky... who knows what would happen if I felt empowered or able to determine my own bumbling way through life... I'd probably die or something....

    @etheraldrifter... yep, time to grow our own food again.

  7. I agree about the paradigm shift not happening unless forced. Pity that isn't it. Although I am also a firm believer that we as humans rate our ability to cause any lasting damage to this earth much higher than we are really capable of. Time has already told the story of way bigger things than we could ever cause.

    It's all nature, even our weird current obsession with destroying the upper atmosphere with carbon emissions / gamble of using a rare and dangerous mineral to make power. Nothing that happens here can be anything other than natural because we are all a product of nature...

    I'm gonna bow out now coz I feel like I'm hogging the discussion on nuclear plant explosions and just soothing my own fears through this discussion with you botanika, but thankyou.


  8. Nice one Santiago :) I like the topic and I reckon it is only going to become more of an issue should power stations continue to pump juice to our pc's over the next while, (;) bit of cross posting there but hey...)

    Here is what i did.

    - messaged the two or so people I actually didn't have email for telling them my facebook was bye bye's.

    - deleted every friend I had.

    - deleted every message I had.

    - retracted from every group I had joined.

    - deleted all photos I had on my page.

    - changed the name of my account from my real name to a ridiculous name involving vegetables, i.e. my name is now pumpkin radish.

    that is the best I could come up with.

    so... does facebook own whatever content I added as their own intellectual property now?

  9. I agree that people aren't intentionally selfish. Same as people always do the very best they can do given the skills / tools they have been given in their growing up by those before them... Blaming someone for what they don't know and expecting to feel better within oneself is clearly a futile exercise.

    I have been struggling with what you describe above for a long time botanika, by which I mean that we as a species will not change what we are doing unless external circumstances basically demand it. Somewhere in the recesses of my self I have this hope that we will be able to come to our senses before facing extinction. I also have a notion that parallels that thought which thinks I'm just being an eternal optimist there.

    I watch nature in many forms around me and figure we are the same... most forms of life do not change unless they HAVE to. So yeah, it is very likely that we are the same.

    anyhooo... I think the bits of my body will one day be dirt, (hopefully relatively fertile :) ) and therefore I am immortal.

    peace bruvva

  10. I once bought an e-cig on ebay... no one was there to check my ID lol

    Button cactus' / lophs will just get listed under a different name. It's been happening for a long time. First they stopped listing Echinocactus Williamsii and I think 'peyote' now button cactus...

    I bet that people will start listing it as something else - perhaps 'shaman cactus' or some such crap.

  11. Lol I don't need to get more horny thanks :P

    Thanks for listing the ingredients i'm definitely going to look for the adrenoplex tomorrow and hopefully find some.


    glad to hear someone has libido, I need all the help I can get! <-- could be a by product of having kids lolz

    If you have trouble finding them pm me.

  12. Death awaits us all - live life to the fullest and see past sensationalist journalism. Countries seeking nuclear energy don't build them without 'council approval' - it's a bit more complex and regulated than a DA submission! INSC


    I'm mostly at peace with my own mortality.

    I keep missing the sensationalist journalism bit where they talk about the impact globally rather than with the 20k - 40k exclusion zone... but then I'm not watching much.

    Who has been digging up uranium then? Nobody gets to go outside and play until the truth is told.

    edit to say: I've toyed a great deal with the idea of life being a big game and none of this really mattering that much, still yet to decide completely on that one... but I have also been thinking that the only way we are gonna start giving a shit about the planet is if we start to believe that we might have to be re-incarnated here... I figure people don't even give enough of a shit to think about doing the right thing so their kids get a decent time here so figure taking it that one selfish step further to thinking I might have to come back to this place could be a good way to assume the pose of gently treading on the earth - just some thoughts of mine.

  13. Has anyone reading this ever tried to contact facebook or found a way to have their account completely deleted? If so please share the details of how this is done.

    I was reading something somewhere recently on how much the environments around us have changed in the last few hundred years - this includes stuff like using computers, mobile phones etc... yet the physical evolution of human beings takes way way longer to adapt... the point of the article was that we are still using the same brains and bodies as people did thousands of years ago yet we are faced with the reality of screens, cars, trains and everything that is modern life. How can our minds and bodies hope to cope with this... they sort of can't. Anyhow...

    I'm slightly heartened to see that my computers spell checker is yet to accept facebook as a word.

  14. I believe it was Aurthur C Clarke who once commented that the only way humankind would ever unite as one would be if we shared a common extra terrestrial enemy. I hope he was wrong in that statement but tend to believe it.

    Any country using such potentially dangerous technology like nuclear should have to run it past some kind of bloody 'earth council' approval. We can la de dah around making sure everybody feels all nice and relations are good between countries all we like but when the shit hits the fan and nuclear power plants blow up / melt down and radiation is released into the atmosphere... well... there ain't no borders in the atmosphere and like it or not we all live on the same planet.

    I'm scared of what is happening in Japan.

  15. Further to my previous post here is some more detailed info of the product I was talking about;

    Adrenoplex® is a comprehensive herbal and nutritional formula for adrenal health. It may assist in relieving nervous tension, stress and mild anxiety. By supporting the maintenance of healthy adrenal function, Adrenoplex® may assist in overcoming fatigue and provide support during mentally and physically draining circumstances.

    Each Capsule Contains:

    Herbal extracts equiv. to dry:

    Eleutherococcus senticosus (Siberian ginseng) root 1.75g

    Withania somnifera (Indian ginseng) root 750mg

    Panax ginseng (Korean ginseng) root 180mg

    Panax quinquefolium (American ginseng) root 120mg

    Ganoderma lucidum (Reishi) mushroom 75mg


    Phenylalanine 75mg

    Tyrosine 75mg

    Calcium pantothenate (equiv. Pantothenic acid 50mg) 55mg

    Nicotinamide 15mg

    Nicotinic acid 5mg

    Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine hydrochloride) 5mg

    Folic acid 50µg

    Vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin) 5µg

    A word of caution though... it might also make you more horny than you usually are ;p
