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The Corroboree


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Everything posted by kindness

  1. kindness

    Possums suck

    Nice replies everyone. Yep Torsten, we've been feeding them all the usual scraps that would go into a compost. Even ones that wouldn't, i.e. meat etc - there really is only one option for me at this point which is to make an impenetrable garden out of chook wire etc either that or poison/ .22 them out of existance which I am not going to do. then again, I wonder if they taste any good? peace
  2. kindness

    Possums suck

    lol eg if only they weren't a protected species in Australia! If we stay in this house for another spring/summer I'm going to have to build a fort knox type garden. Couldn't even grow veges here this year which really bites. anyhow, I'm trying to let it go! lol it's just taking some time to process peace
  3. kindness

    degrafting lophs

    Okay, I used the search engine, found some interesting stuff and have a general idea of what to do but I'd like more information if anyone is keen to share... I have a loph grafted to a trich - when grafted it threw out seven pups so it's not like one large loph but more like a group of them (if that makes sense). It doesn't seem to have been doing too much for the past few months, although turgid and obviously alive I think it might be time for it to move onto it's own roots. So how do I do this? Can I leave the whole 'bundle' together by cutting off the trich, (leaving some trich attached) let it callous and start to form roots... (leaving it in a spot out of direct sunlight and dry) then place onto some cacti mix - at which point do I bottom water? or... Do I break off each individual loph and follow the general procedure outlined above? I don't know what to do with my peres/loph grafts either, they also have several pups and are more a conglomerate than single loph plants... what do i do? thanks in advance
  4. kindness

    WA Police to trial Drug Bins

    what a weird idea. So putting drugs you have on you into a 'drug bin' before entering an event is okay - i.e. the cops turn a blind eye to wherever the bin is... and if you choose to do so you won't be prosecuted for having an illegal substance on you. But... If you decide to keep them on you and walk through the gates, the dogs sniff them on you and you get busted then you will be prosecuted. So in some way it's okay if you do the widely accepted say no to drugs thing and pop em in the bin... but if you don't make that decision then and there you will be busted. how very strange. further, if I wanted to get something to alter my brainstate at an event and I wanted it cheap I know where i'd be hanging out! or would the police be standing near the bins therefore people would be less likely to dump anything in them? I wonder who will get the waste removal contract
  5. kindness


    I found 'living with it - a survivors guide to panic attacks' quite useful. Also CBT. Soz if I'm drifting away from the original intent of this thread which was on paranoia. peace
  6. kindness


    Interesting thread... just read it briefly. Thought I would share a little - I used to have panic/anxiety attacks, (never was quite sure of the difference between the two!) when I had my first couple I had absolutely no idea what was going on. I thought I had some kind of weird disease, I shook, felt nauseous, nearly passed out - I then went and lay down and slept for around two hours. Very strange, I proceeded to have a few more of these episodes over the next few months, finally figuring out that they were panic attacks, (can't remember how tho!) They were usually precipitated by lots of stress, i.e. the first one I had happened when my relationship with my then partner was on the rocks, there were bushfires threatening our house, I'd been working all day painting, (up ladders and walking on very narrow planks) I had also been drinking alot of alcohol generally. The attacks were just terrible and I thought I was going to die from them. From what I have read and interpreted from the thread it doesn't sound like panic or anxiety attacks... maybe generalized anxiety disorder or something. But I'm no psychologist either peace
  7. kindness

    Drum machines?

    how much for the 303 dude?
  8. kindness

    The "Australia" Movie

    Just wanted to put a little more of this into real terms and less into ideas about what its like/might be like for aboriginal people.... I live and work with aboriginal people in my community, the shit those people have to put up with based purely on the colour of their skin, old ideas and mainly for lack of understanding of their culture sucks. I haven't studied aboriginal culture and am not an expert in the laws/interventions but i have been told numerous times the timelines on some of what i would consider a basic human right. baph imagine not being considered a human being - and considered in the same vein as livestock... coming under the national parks and wildlife act.... that would suck right, it is my understanding that ATSI's were only removed from this in the late 70's or early 80's. (someone please look this up or provide factual evidence if I don't get around to it!). I would love to see some of the more extremist views expressed in this thread spoken in a circle with elders. Also I wonder what the land says to you brothers when you journey with the aid of the plants that are discussed in this forum - farout. peace
  9. kindness

    The "Australia" Movie

    can't help but throw in my two cents here... this post is directed toward the obviously racist in this thread I am appalled by some of the opinion expressed here, if I was perfect and heading toward higher states of consciousness or something I'm sure I wouldn't get involved and it wouldn't bother me. but it does. i can't even write it all down! i think the best thing i can say here is go and do some cultural awareness training or chill with some aboriginal people - who knows, you might even learn something.
  10. kindness

    physical death

    Hey bro's and sistas... just a moments in time and all but... I'm going to die soon. as we all are and that but um peace bros keep stylin and shit. out peace
  11. kindness

    The "Australia" Movie

    can't even contemplate reading this whole post... i thought the movie was standard hollywood and wasn't expecting anything more. At one point however i was unsure if it would in fact end. peace
  12. snap VVVVVVVVVVVVvv gets some p.somniferum seed, 15 HBWR seed and whatever else I throw in VVVVVVVVVVVVVVV
  13. kindness

    physical death

    what does crom mean?
  14. kindness

    self exploration

    I think I reached some sort of point of end the other night while journeying. The end I seem to have reached is that small enlightening of my consciousness... as per another thread i started while in a state of different to now ness. I think that perhaps the culture in which I am living in doesn't have the elders to show me the way they have taken that's similar to mine... there are no laws or ways of usage to follow and the best i can do is grab snippets of information and ritual from research... which really isn't that significant when compared to being with someone who has had thousands of years of stories and information and ways passed down to them. sometimes I feel like my generation or people are simply starting again what has already been done with relation to these power plants we all so obviously are attracted too. Personally I am at a loss right now about it all and saddened that I am having to make up my own ritual around these things rather than continuing on others work. disillusioned. m
  15. kindness

    physical death

  16. kindness

    physical death

    - cant help but feel that my own interpretations are inadequate for what happened the other night. I think i may have in some way come as far as i can without the help of someone else with more experience to guide me. I guess that is why shamanism is something that is passed down and taught through many generations <-- what I mean by that is every person that is compelled to venture doesn't need to re-invent the wheel. bah, can't write it down, to hard.. more drivel by me knees. peace
  17. kindness

    physical death

    Farout... for the last few days i've known that i should really be getting on the forums so as not to worry anyone out there!! I knew it was a weird thing to post at the time but couldn't really elaborate. edit.. actually that was a really crap thing to write re-reading it! I am now interested if anyone else has experienced seeing their own death including the spot where it is and timeframes left as a physical being etc. i know this all sounds a bit weird but well... sometimes life is... particularly when going into deeper states of consciousness. I have experienced lots of different things through my practices but this left me flabbergasted. thankyou so much all for the concern also! I love you guys! seriously! Just for the record, I have a beautiful son that i could never leave the legacy of suicide to having seen my best mate go that way as a teenager peace all!!
  18. kindness

    peres - loph grafts forming roots

    just been re-reading this post and thought that an update was needed. The lophs in question are still alive and happy and slowly, slowly forming their own roots. I have them sitting on straight up potting mix I got from the nursery... I think they will be fine. It is a slow road with lophs I reckon but really fun to watch the changes and get to know the individual plants. peace all
  19. kindness

    papaver setigerum in nsw

    well, i'll be buggered. That is quite some news to me that what i had always assumed was not so. Far out
  20. kindness

    Solar power

    i lived in a house once where we received ridiculous electricity bills for the amount of lights and appliances we had... we called the elec company up to try and work out what was happening, aparently a faulty appliance can cause bills to go a bit nuts - so we worked out what thing it was by watching the power meter and plugging things in... the wheel that spins started to go mad when we plugged in a heater we had. Once we stopped using that things went back to normal. It wasn't just that it was a heater but that in someway it was faulty - although it appeared to work ok. anyhow. peace
  21. kindness

    Solar power

    IMHO getting off the grid depends somewhat on your living situation... you could run a house on bugger all power and get by with a panel or two and a truck battery and a genny - bags of ice for food etc. Depends I think.
  22. kindness

    papaver setigerum in nsw

    Wow, The picture posted as p.setigerum I had always figured was p.somniferum... considered this was so because it is listed in my local shires weeds list and noted as being common. Is that really p.setigerum?
  23. kindness


    i didn't get my cactus either... have pretty much let that one go. Maybe bro needed the $10 more than i did.
  24. kindness

    peres - loph grafts forming roots

    Hey, Thanks for the replies and opinions - the two plants, (or four depending on how you look at it) that are forming roots now started off great guns... booted away and threw heaps of pups... then kind of stopped growing so well, turned a bit red and now are sending out roots as described. I've been checking on their liveliness via the squeeze test and they are still turgid as. I don't think I mentioned that I repotted them about a month ago as the soil they were in previously was shit - this may have something to do with the change? These guys are growing alongside a couple of other grafts none of which are throwing roots - so perhaps the salt answer is right, (they are in different soil but same growing conditions). I think that I might just take advantage of the roots and welcome the lophs back to life on their own feet. I figure that I will as advised chop the peres close to the loph and put into a good quality cactus mix. whilst I'm babbling on about grafting I just want to put out a word of encouragement to anyone considering trying this - my first few died in the arse but after reading teo's tek on grafting and trying with a larger number of seedlings things have worked out very nicely. I now have a lovely little family of lophs growing and they are a pleasure to know and listen too. peace
  25. kindness

    peres - loph grafts forming roots

    anyone have any experience with this? Just don't want to mess up my first two successful grafts....