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The Corroboree


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Everything posted by kindness

  1. kindness


    Headspace has physical services that can be visited by young people... (As do most community health services) and is a good initiative. Another great one is beyond blue - which I'm sure lots have heard about, it's webbased and has a general site: http://www.beyondblue.org.au/ and a site specifically for young people: http://www.youthbeyondblue.com/
  2. kindness

    I feel uneasy

    mostly look like subs... just a little bit sus on the middle one in your second picture. Also the pictures aren't the best quality so it's a bit hard to tell. It's not worth making yourself sick over a questionable ID though. hope this helps
  3. kindness

    ID please

    I'm not an expert - but I don't think there are any that 'bruise' blue - there may be some that appear blue however. Sounds from all the info you have given like P.Subaeriginosa i.e. growing in garden mulch, presumably woodchip style. The stems of the mushrooms you have picked appear to be blue, as does the edge of the caps and some of the gills. Also the spore prints appear to be the right colour for subs. One way of identifying P.Sub's is to check and see if they have a separable pellicle... see vid: Still, can never be 100% sure when looking at pictures online, good to get hold of some mushroom ID books, go out with someone who knows what they are looking for etc. Nice looking mushrooms anyhow
  4. kindness

    Chasers Make a Realistic Wish

    ohhhh hot topic. Can't be fucked reading it all because I got to go to sleep and have energy for my son in the morning.. <sigh>. the greatest comment I reck's is "television, the drug of a nation" man, go the disposable hero's! blast from the past there new poster to the forum person... Also, I think that unless we can laugh at ourselves, even at the dearest hardest times of our lives... then we may as well cry forever, or at least just be generally depressed. then again, maybe not,.. im crapping on online... and anyone reading this right now. GO KISS EVERYONE YOU LOVE IN YOUR HOUSE! fuck yeah. mz
  5. kindness

    Azure pron

    All you need now is a sculpture to honour them! Outdoor growbeds go off! mz
  6. kindness

    Imaginary Friends

    Nearly full moon again TI. Crazy dreams, lots of rain... Also I would tend to agree with you on the boy and girl thing. But then, my brain was shaped by a western society with a frigging tv in front of my face and an Australian education system shoved down my throat.... so really I try and be open to what is possible. But.. and big butt... I'm not going to get into a thing about gender socialisation cause it doesn't end. Just wanted to share to the wider world out there that the first time I had mushrooms I pissed, (literallly) myself because I had no qualms about doing so. As a baby doesn't. peace mz
  7. kindness

    My first breakthrough

    Just to jump back a few posts here... yes, met many entities in different places. i'm sure they have even given me the key to a great life and wonderful peaceful existance. Only problem is I don't remember it! I've been reading 'a brief history of the the world' by Bill Bryson. A fantastic explanation of a speed faster than the speed of sound was closely related to some of the stuff I've read in the change thread of late. Will quote later when I get a moment - or feel like procrastinating from Uni. Also. Sorry for my incongruent posts.... I think I drink to much alcohol sometimes mz
  8. kindness

    Imaginary Friends

    Maybe TI... dunno. The whole gender socialisation thing is up for debate. As in boys are likely to whack people or whatever, just wanted to comment that there are states that I have been in sometimes where I am so entranced that I have communicated with other stuff... people etc - I would imagine that if I was a child and my parents were watching me they would go, "whoa wtf is going on with him today?" but at the time to me seems really normal. High doses of psilo to me fractures my reality so much and reminds me, (only in retrospect) of being a child. At the time of fracturing it just seems really familiar... the main things I'm feeling at the time are, boy I've been here before... Later I relise it seems to be a state I spent lots of time in as a child. anyhow, not sure this has anything to do with the thread other than altered states of being so. I'm out mz
  9. kindness

    ID please

    If that isn't a sub I will eat my underpants
  10. kindness

    I want a B.Caapi vine!

    thats some sweet diction... thanks again for all the replies, I am slowly, (gotta do the two minute thing on PM"s) going through the messages. I think I am pretty sorted in the caapi stakes now. you guys rock
  11. kindness

    I want a B.Caapi vine!

    spring does sound like the go. Also thanks to all the replies. I will get around to replying when I get a moment.. busy with family today! thanks again
  12. VVVVVVVVVVVVV gets geebus stuff.. <when it arrives> and an Acacia Obtusifolia plant coz I'm feeling generous VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVvvvv p.s looking over old trades... the addtion of 'SENT' once you've been to the post office is a really good idea. mz
  13. kindness

    sub bonanza!

    lol - I'm just imagining a whole bunch of people wandering around the b/mountains hospital grounds now staring at the ground, with the hospital staff thinking, what the fuck is going on out there? Did somebody loose a ring or something?
  14. kindness

    A loph to Trich graft

  15. kindness

    Ed's Free Loph seeds 2009!!!!

    Wow that was a quick response... if only I had decide to procrastinate and not do my uni assignment earlier lol Good on you ed.. sharing the love around
  16. kindness

    Really need advice regarding career

    Hk... going through an employment agency.. if you have a centre li N k id # and they put you onto whats called a job network provider. They will happily use there insurance to cover you as a volunteer worker. In fact that is the way the labor gov is going with it's new welfare system.. Integrating several systems into one. this might not make a whole lot of sense to many but what used to be personal support program, (psp) Job placemet employment program (jpet) work for the dole (cwc) and disability employment program (den) will all be grouped into one thing... they will have 'streams' of people out of work... with those who are most dis advantaged to those who are pretty well able to work. One of the biggest deals in this new system - which will kick off in july this year is voluntary work (or work placements...) kinda similar to the old work experience we all had at school. look it up edit and fairly boring but hey... this is the world we live in : http://www.workplace.gov.au/NR/rdonlyres/E...XEmployment.pdf mz
  17. kindness

    My first breakthrough

    Still a bit scared of having all those bits and pieces laying around my house for eggs track shuns. But wow. Woooo to you.. aussiehuasca style or changa?
  18. kindness

    glow worm

    Stacks here in NSW. Mainly summer time, estuaries on low tide. stomp on the sand near the edge of the water and it's like looking at a city when you are on a plane landing. mz
  19. kindness

    Busted in Adelaide :(

    intelligence I think they call that. Anyone else keeping up with internet reforms. I believe the U.S is starting with the whole internet filtering thing... I'm sure you are aware of the guise they are using for it's implementation. terr or is m .... nice..
  20. kindness

    My first breakthrough

    wtf machine elves? are they irish?
  21. kindness

    Really need advice regarding career

    Mr LSD speaking from my heart here. It took me a few months of thinking and doing some serious bushwalking and more thinking to decide what it was I wanted to do with my life - this didn't really mean employment but as we live in a neo-capitalist society I needed to also think of how I could make money out of it. In the end I decided that the biggest buzz I got out of life was in helping others. I looked online a fair bit and spent time meditating on it, through various means. In the end I am now a social work student with a few years experience working with homeless young people. Everything fell into place for me in a way that I could not have designed or hoped for myself. All it took was taking the 'leap of faith' Previous to this I was a house painter... breathing toxic fumes and working in the cuntarse brickvennerial disease industry. whatever you choose brother, remember that life is but a dream and we are the imagination of ourselves, (bill hicks) mz
  22. kindness

    Really need advice regarding career

    again I agree with HK on some points. rocking up at work places that you are interested in and asking about work is way better than waiting for a job to 'appear' in the paper. Also if you volunteer to work somewhere you are interested in working you are likely to be one of the first in line to get a job should one become available. This is the truth from working for many years. I guess if you are looking for work and wondering what you want to do... perhaps one of the first questions to ask is - will my work be MEANINGFULL will it serve humanity in anyway, will it serve me in anyway? Or will it just be a way to earn $. $ as a motivation isn't a bad thing but tends to run it's course much faster than something you actually care about and that helps others. mz
  23. kindness

    subs and strange bodily symptoms

    Recently I read some research that a man took a high dose of P.Sub's - fracturing reality type dose... coupled with alcohol... upon awakening the day after the trip he was decidedly bent to the left... as in his whole body was leaning to one side - not unlike paralisis. Also bodily fx have always been stronger for this person on p.subs than any other psilo. P.Cubes have always been much 'lighter' and on the high side whereas P.Subs connect with the land/body... so say the research anyhow. I wonder what else is in those P.Subs that causes this.
  24. kindness

    Busted in Adelaide :(

    yeah right, interesting thought. Only time I don't get para from mj is when I am sitting around a fire with mates after a surf... like when we are camping for a few days and have other stuff going on. There is no other time that I can smoke it and feel okay. Even then it is only a very few tokes and that is all. Used to chase the stuff like a fiend! Anyhow. So you reckon that the para comes after you have used all the sugar etc in your system? Mine just comes any time I use it. I think that I am just not physiologically built for weed. Same as some plants are more suited to some. shrooms for one, cactus for another, dmt for yet another etc... we find our allies one way or another peace mz
  25. kindness

    sub bonanza!

    mardybum... wish I had a better memory. In laymans terms the pins break away from the stem and leave spider web like strings for a little while (partial veil) ... these then tend to accumulate spores as the caps open... usually a purple bit on the way down the white/grey/blue stem. not like an up turned annulas like on a cubensis or muscarina. The separable pellicule bit (my spelling is shit by the way) is a dead give away, anyone else know what I am going on about here? i.e pulling the cap from the edge toward the centre and having the 'skin' of the cap pull away....... let me know if this makes sense to you. I could have my terms completely fucked up but I know what I mean - just the terms may be wrong. mz