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The Corroboree


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Everything posted by kindness

  1. kindness

    New PM restrictions and member group

    I knew you would see that Hunab it wasn't meant as a stab at you either btw. I was serious lol... she's still pissed at me right now.. guess I should get off my butt and go help with dinner.. thanks for the link though. Will be sure to check that out soon ;p mz edit: oh yeah, hey Torst should I get up now or leave it till later when she's even more annoyed.
  2. kindness

    New PM restrictions and member group

    I must have too much time on my hands here today. Why is it that my post early on in this thread is one of the lamest? Everybody else got that they needed to post on here to get pm's back, but I had to email torsten. lol. and further - Tost' my partner is annoyed at me right now, what should I do about that?
  3. kindness

    plants of the gods

    is it plants of the gods or food of the gods... By Terrance Mcenna and yes I am a shit speller.
  4. kindness

    name the rot

    Most of my had alot of rot in them too. Luckily the tip seems to far fared the best - with none of that orangey yellow stuff that then turns to brown mush on it. I also cut away what I could in the hope that it would callaous up.. however the rot is persistant. I sprayed the rot with some sulphur and am hoping for the best... I have just finished putting them all in pots and soil in the hope they throw out some roots and grow on from there... With another Pach I had it had all those scaley bits norma seems to have... the ones that can be picked off like scabs. It had it's own roots but hardly grew for almost a year. I figured it was a goner but left it in a pot - eventually it pupped from the base and is now a very happy pach. Wondering if the rot has anything to do with those scaley bits? Anyhow, whatever, I'm sure some will pull through and thats okay with me. I also have all of mine inside in the sunniest window I have. Don't stress about mine tho V.S you have enough on your plate and it's just the luck of the draw sometimes.
  5. kindness

    living off the land

    Hey Mardybum, Wondering if you are still out there or if you have headed bush. Sounds like what you want is to go hiking for a while at least at first. I dunno about dropping everything you have been raised with and deciding to suddenly go bush. Learn about the area you are heading into... perhaps even live on the periphery (I know thats crap spelling) of it and then head in for a few days at a time. I don't believe that there is much point heading too far away from known places of fresh water... the coast is the go. Find water near the coast, settle, then gradually head out bit by bit from there to find more fresh water. That said and from personal exp. mussels, oysters, any type of fish, prawns even abalone and lobster tastes like shit after a few days of eating them and not enough carbohyrates. gotta take lotsa rice and enough seed to raise some good vege's in a patch that you fend with maybe a dog... unless you feel like taking a whole bundle of fencing wire with you which could prove difficult. yeah, anyhow. the wilderness isn't just sitting there waiting for you to come eat it! lol. mz
  6. I recently helped fix a 17" as the capacitors popped... got too hot. Pretty easy to replace with ones that can handle more heat.
  7. Seems to be alot of people trying to ID subs for whatever reason? Seems alot of people are interested in looking at spores or avoiding hallucinogenic mushrooms or something.. so in an effort to provide adequate information should we put together a guide?
  8. kindness

    Echinacea Unwell

    looks like she is going to sleep in a small container. Will wake up in spring when the weather is warm again. Or maybe when the sunshines longer... not sure on temp or photoperiod either on them. welcome to the corroboree as well
  9. kindness

    Bob Brown Bankrupt

    thats what they reckon they are doing. sad isn't it from near my country: http://www.colongwilderness.org.au/RedIndex/NSW/clgubr99.htm wilderness in NSW! omg! when will they learn man... this shit is carried out daily here, trucks thundering past with old growth trees on them.. to be turned into woodchips and shipped to Japan to be turned into paper.
  10. kindness

    New PM restrictions and member group

    lol at apothecary.. not if I get my way first! Didn't think she would look like a moth though.. but beauty is in the eye of the beholder after all mz
  11. I thats called being passive aggressive. Ignoring you etc. Funnily I share a fairly similar story to your's Hunab... left home young, moved in with mates, surfing etc - Partners, why do we have em? Dunno man, I've had a few now. Three long term ones and heading for marrige - we are engaged. Luckily my partner now shares and interest in healing and plants so is pretty chilled out... although (and at some stage she may read this so hi ) there are times when I go wtf I should just get a place of my own and do my thing. It seems to be fairly common among the male species, (enter here on gender stuff thunderideal!) the need to, at times, just go within and not talk so much. Also as I'm sure many have said to you, there is just no fucking point trying to understand women... you never will bro, just yesum i.e. yes mam no mam.... biting the tounge also works I'm told by a foaf lol sleep on it, if it doesn't become clear in the morning sleep on it again for three days.... p.s go norma!!!! mz
  12. kindness

    Bob Brown Bankrupt

    I'll sting him a tenner.. better off bailing the bro out than spending it on a cafe lunch.
  13. kindness

    A loph to Trich graft

    To dg: It's humid inside a cupboard with a fluoro light I ended up spraying on some of the sulphur after mixing with water. As the cactus in question is in such a warm spot the water dried very quickly and the sulphur seems at this point to be helping. To Ymir: How many fruits do you have on that mumma? Man, thats awesome dude!
  14. classic. I wonder if in 4 months or so time you would get a knock on your door by the boys in blue? Easy way to work out where you lived by sending them to you! lol
  15. kindness

    A loph to Trich graft

    Thanks for that. Mine seems to be going okay, I made up the spray and have applied it twice now.. it did seem to progress a bit and has a slightly orange ccolour to it... I am holding off watering at the moment and will wait for it to callous up a bit. I'm feeling like it will be okay, the rest of the plant is doing so well.. totally pumping out new pups atm, it's mainly one head on it that's suffering. Nice cactus too Ymir: How long did yours take to flower? The original loph was probably 2 years old that I grafted and it hasn't flowered yet? peace
  16. kindness

    Should we do a thread on IDing subs?

    Fair call, just might help some to feel more confident in knowing what to look for. Just found this cartoon from 1894:
  17. kindness

    Should we do a thread on IDing subs?

    thinking perhaps also of including some information about basic mushroom structure the sydney fungus collectors mob seem pretty good and have a few .pdfs that are worth looking at which could be included: http://www.sydneyfungalstudies.org.au/arti...tmacrofungi.pdf this following one in particular would be great to see people have a go at filling out before posting the question, "is this a sub" : http://www.sydneyfungalstudies.org.au/arti...ata%20Sheet.pdf I'd be willing to try and compile some stuff if others are willing to also chip in. mz
  18. Further information on identifying galerinas here: http://www.sydneyfungalstudies.org.au/galerinakey.htm
  19. kindness

    Sub spore print idea

    If, (as many seem to be at the moment), you are collecting mushrooms trying to work out if they are sub's. Perhaps when taking the spore print you could do so on a white t-shirt or white cap/hat. You will be able to see the colour of the spores and also when you wear the garment next you will be spreading the love, (so to speak) whereever you go. The garment many be particularly useful when hunting in areas you know they like to live. I think I saw this in one of Paul Statmets books. Just an idea
  20. snappo! - still yet to recieve. Will honor the following trade when I get em. (28/7/09) thanks VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVv gets some i. voilacea var indies, some pap som white type, some datura seed and some trich seed when I get themVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVvv
  21. kindness

    ebay cactus

    Jesus man, thats terrible.. My thoughts are with you
  22. snap thanks toast keep the dagga though VVVVVVVVVv gets some pap seed (white type) some bhwr a cube print for macroscopy "penis envy" VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVvv SENT 11/6/09
  23. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amatoxin I guess it is possible that if he had eaten a very small amount of a mushroom containing an amatoxin that he would have survived... with a damaged liver. The statement that "the amount of medication her son was on could have been a factor. He was taking up to 22 tablets each day and was unwell in the days before his death." is fair enough as the med's would be giving his liver a work out. What a fucked up way to die. Hope the mushroom gods took care of him on the way out! Anyone remember that doco about the mushrooms of Ballingup? I'm sure there was stuff in that about deaths caused by amatoxins in galerinas? mz
  24. kindness

    I want a B.Caapi vine!

    Very interested in this plant and would love to give on a home here. If anybody can strike me a cutting or send something that I can strike that would be awesome. I'm am able to trade something if you want also. All replies welcomed... mainly via pm cheers
  25. kindness


    There is actually quite a bit out there. Just can be a little hard to find where it is and how to access it. I guess thats where a service such as headspace or online ones like beyond blue come in. They can provide you with that information, even if they can't do the counselling themselves, for whatever reason they can help you work out how to get it. One thing that every citizen of Australia can take advantage of is the Mental Health Plan - by which you go and see your G.P who will then be able to do a Mental Health Plan with you which gives you something like 9 medicare subsidized visits to a psychologist. Which would normally cost a stack of $. Further there are mental health caseworkers in all, (correct me if I'm wrong) health areas... these people can visit you at home or you go in and see them... I agree that it can be hard to access though. I think that if you do ever have trouble when accessing a service you should let them know that it's hard. They are there to provide a service and as professionals will probably like to hear the feedback! Beyond blue is govt funded too btw