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The Corroboree


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About Pezzhuascan

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  1. Pezzhuascan

    Fear & Loathing in Las Vegas

    thats about what i thought at best it would give you some nasty shock, it is noradrenaline and i hate IV so i pretty much gave up on the idea of taking it cos i dont think i can be bothered going through the maoi business for an NA hit, ek that doesn't sound as fun as the idea that first entered my head when i saw it available to me... one of the things i was told though was to keep it refrigereated cos it will oxidise in the air- i dunno if this what they called adrenochrome or not (they didn't use the term) but yeah fractal head your references rock- i dunno about sexy but they are good...
  2. Pezzhuascan

    Fear & Loathing in Las Vegas

    yeah thats my next question auxin- i do have pure adrenaline- well noradrenaline (better), off the top of my head i can't remember what molar i have it in its sitting in my freezer (concentration written on the vial). Though i haven't taken it on the basis that i am dubious as to wether this would even be fun? surely its just gonna make my heart beat faster and me wet myself? without the dopamine action why would i possibly want this instead of regular stimulants? - i just got it cos i saw the opportunity so i took it, now i dont think i even really want it... you seem to know your stuff well auxin- what do you do with yourself? biochemist? pharmacoligist? i am studying nueropharmacology- (still studying in case it didn't show )
  3. Pezzhuascan

    Fear & Loathing in Las Vegas

    oh sorry danoz yes the book, yeah i should read it again but i am slack... btw interesting that this thread turned into pharmacology rather than movie review... im pretty sure that if adrenochrome is what i think (an oxidised chatechol derivative) then it is a metabolite of one of the endogenous transmitters that is inactive. I'm almost certain it is inactive- if it is a metabolite then that would pretty much seal it... and i don't think an indole like that would have any effect at a chatecolamanergic synapse anyway- but i ain't quite well enough read...
  4. Pezzhuascan

    Fear & Loathing in Las Vegas

    danozz- i have to watch the movie again but Dr. Gonzo in other Hunter S books refers to his pysche counterpart- he is know as the 'gonzo journalist' for this style writing. The Dr. Gonzo he writes of is based on a (mexican?) friend of his but only so far as the character, i am still under the impression that he means it to be the voice in his head in physical form, but like i said i have to watch the movie again...
  5. Pezzhuascan

    Fear & Loathing in Las Vegas

    auxin- i am very impressed, indeed you are correct and have made me look very foolish but i am still right about it being inactive aren't i?
  6. Pezzhuascan

    Fear & Loathing in Las Vegas

    It's been a while since i've seen the movie too, but after reading great white shark hunt i came to the conlusion that dr gonzo is a fictional character based on a friend of Hunter S. I'm not sure (haven't seen the flick in a long time) but it is my impression that Dr. Gonzo is portrayed as a figment of Hunter's imagination... im pretty sure the only time he speaks is either when he is only in hunters presence/earshot or when there is one other person in the room... the hitchiker thought he was crazy anyway- why would him talking to his imaginary friend add any surprise- the poor christian girl- well... even if should could here dr gonz too- that many entheogens on your first hit and you'll here all kindsa sh*T (not sure of the language restriciotns on this board yet) Also i am not sure about this- have to watch the movie again but doesn't the photographer who comes to there appartment ask who hunter is talking to when observing a convo between gonz and hunter? and i dunno i'm pretty sure im wrong about this one butwas there only one bed in the hotel room?
  7. Pezzhuascan

    Fear & Loathing in Las Vegas

    btw- indole has nothing to do with adrenochrome- adrenochrome is a catechoamine- indolamines are serotonin (5HT), Melatonin, DMT and various other but adrenochrome is certainly not an indole and has very very different effects... basically stim vs hallucinogen
  8. Pezzhuascan

    Fear & Loathing in Las Vegas

    just to give my self some kind of credibility i study nueropharmacology- i am under the understanding that adrenochrome is an oxidated form of addrenaline... with little to no effects if taken exogenously... The unoxidised form- addrenaline is relativly boring exogenously too- mainly bumps up your heart rate a little... Noraddrenaline on the other hand can be reasonably entertaining- be very careful though...
  9. Pezzhuascan

    Many Plant Seeds For Trade!

    you by any chance got anything else there you haven't posted for various reasons? if you reply here i will get in contact with you over email- i may have something of your interest too...
  10. Pezzhuascan

    Cubensis in southern QLD- can anyone help

    thanks adonyne- they came out in the 60's i gatherd- your expanation is far better than mine... im not sure if they are the same psilocyin and stropharia- i will have to look into that- being from victoria i thought i'd try some of the local tropical goods- of course not the illegal psilocylin containing ones ... don't know the area very well though figure they'll be around at this time of year if i stumble through a few cow paddocks- ones belonging to friends of course because tresspassing is illegal thanks for the response...
  11. until recently i was unaware stopharia cubensis grew anywhere outside the amazon- upon travelling to brisbane i thought i'd check out the local fauna (as i do whenever i travel ) Apparently my friend triclops has informed me that some hippies bought spores over in the 60's and surprisingly they could grow in QLD- must be the subtropical climate- Anyway this is great news to me as i thought i'd never try the infamous stropharia cubensis until i was able to travel to brazil- unfortunatly due to lack of resources and connections in qld i don't know where to look... anyone with info please message here- obviously you don't wanna give your secret spot away- but i'm sure i could make it worth your while- and living in melbourne- i can't abuse your stock anyway-- would be much appreciated.