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Posts posted by ThunderIdeal

  1. Check out what assange is saying about ai being used to manipulate our perceptions




    So assange ia talking about opinions being influenced on the internet, but im trying with the idea of full spectrum AI deception.


    Reminds me of a mega trip ive described here several times where a machine (the universe) prevented a huge number of souls/gods from directly witnessing one another ie themselves, from moment to moment, in a very intricate fashion.  An illusion machine, a self-camouflager.


    Well its possible that knowledge of self would break ones "imprisonment" in "maya".  Also possible that it would break a simulation.  


    Somebody help me with this.  Isnt it trippy?  The idea that reality is actively obscured by something perhaps impossible or nearly impossible to overcome.  For what purpose then?  Did we consent?  is our continued consent manufactured since we are totally and utterly played?


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  2. Nah man, i mean you know i had and still have big hopes that trump will alter americas course and thereby the world and particularly its very close allies aka vassals aka australia.  But i never liked how trump took credit for the stock rally right after campaign trump said it would crash.  That stuff doesnt make any sense, its a central bank bubble with a day of reckoning attached.  Unemployment figures are totally cooked, everyone does it.  Unless you do some hardcore due diligence you cant take any meaning from it.


    Basically the main buyer of stocks has been the companies themselves, with all the easy credit instead of acquiring assets and so forth they've been doing stock buybacks.  Stock prices go up.  Of course theres way more going on than i could possibly understand, probably more than any expert could understand!  What has to be stated though, what i hope is clear to everyone, is that the level of central bank intervention for the last decade is off the charts.  Its uncharted territory.  People call it the central banking experiment but thats putting it too kindly, more like central bank recklessness.  this is worldwide, nearly all central banks colluded to pull this off together.  Reserve bank of Australia was pretty tame but our economy is a farce to begin with.  notice how many "new australians" now live here?  Notice that where they moved to real estate has rocketed?  Notice how the government will do anything to keep real estate up? 


    Ever wondered what would happen if it came down??

    • Like 1

  3. Obama was rubbish end of story


    Worth mentioning that the pussy march discouraged pussyhats this time around because you know, that would be offensive to women who dont have vaginas.  Go figure.


    Anyway the reason for my silly post, trump tweet lol


    Beautiful weather all over our great country, a perfect day for all Women to March. Get out there now to celebrate the historic milestones and unprecedented economic success and wealth creation that has taken place over the last 12 months. Lowest female unemployment in 18 years!

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    Fyi he mentioned it has been the top twitter trend for 12 hours, since then twitter manually removed it from trending claiming that russian bots drove it there


    Fyfi Q said yesterday the counternarrative would be russian bots

  5. I dont even care if youre right.  I see the dems and at least one repugnant Republican senator going down.  Ive been watching "the russia collusion delusion" not only go nowhere but bring to light the fact that the Clintons are the real colluders; the table started turning late last year. 


    I see trump taking a shit on the puppet media and Americans turning away from it.  The confidence of their waning viewership/readership is rightly shattered; fake news awards was huge.


    im impatient.  These things come to light and i think "when is something going to happen".  Have a little faith.  Trump kept a swamp creature as his deputy AG, there has to be a reason for it.  This is an intricate game of legal and political and PR chess.  Now, legitimate or not Q is causing interest. He's providing a trail which stands on its own merits even if he has no insider info.


    There are clues though, pointing to the scale of change indicated by Q being accurate, and if that happens it will be an absolute miracle.  Thats why I started this thread and its why im obsessed with world events lately... One way or the other our world is going through an enormous shift.  On a sidenote it seems to be people younger than me who are really taking an interest.  My generation are turning into an extension of the old boomers, defeated and blindered heh (maybe im talking out of my arse now, just a sense i get)

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  6. Q still looks real to me.


    Senate voted to reauthorise fisa (nsa spy program) a bipartisan 65-34.  Trump has expressed reluctance in the past to sign these reauthorisations since fisa is how obama spied on him before he took office.


    Now lemme propose a scenario.  The outrage generated by #releasethememo gives trump political capital to send the bill back.  Meanwhile the memo enables some swamp draining.  


    The other scenario is he passes the bill to make use of FISA for his own agenda, but still uses this memo to nail perpetrators of past FISA abuse.


    Either way im hoping this one isnt a fizzler.

  7. Some meat is coming.  this actually aligns with what qanon said too, that the storm is shifting from 20% visible to 40% visible.


    Basically some classified material is probably going to be made public this month and should lead to firings, jailings, and please explains from members of DOJ, FBI and previous administration.  One will be Rosenstein, trump's deputy AG:an obama holdover.  It is also thought this will end the mueller probe.


    I'd rather see the Clinton family rotting in prison but this should be interesting.


    "Obama's FBI colluded with the Clinton campaign to destroy a Presidential candidate - and then an elected POTUS & his family. It's the greatest scandal in American history & the public need to know the truth."





  8. The political class don't live in our plane.  Their role isn't to put their country first otherwise nationalist and populist wouldnt be considered dirty words.  Countries that truly do pursue their own agenda often end up on the receiving end of wars.


    America has never been diplomatic.  Don't mistake the frontman for the entire machine.

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  9. And show me a president who has done that.


    Thought so.


    Goldwater would have been brilliant but he didn't make it.  Kennedy was good and wanted to make big changes; look how that ended.  Eisenhower played along then left some crumbs in his goodbye speech.  Jackson brilliant but his legacy was quickly reversed.

  10. Yeah nice.   The sticking point for me is that there doesn't appear to be any winding back of aggressive foreign policy.  I watch this stuff pretty closely, for example a permanent presence in northern syria with thousands of US troops alongside tens of thousands of SDF (kurds with some token arabs).  Theyve been publicising the "prevent a resurgent isis 2.0" angle until this week tillerson stated what is obvious to keen observers:  they will stay as a check on iran and they will stay until assad steps down (for the record syrians love assad and even the brave democrat congresswoman tulsi gabbard has much to say on this matter, a real voice of reason).  Also note US occupies the two coveted iran land bridges if not directly then adjacently.


    It seems a case of your basic US policy of Israel first, america whatever

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  11. What does that mean, fact check that website?  Either i am missing something or you have added nothing.  Not trying to be snarky.


    Story doesnt mention slaying dragons. 


    I'll do a tldr


    -Australia funnelled 88 million taxpayer dollars into the Clinton foundation under the guise of charity

    -Upon hillary's non-election we immediately thought the better of donating any further tax dollars for "charity work"

    -The FBI is investigating


    Only the last point is news.




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  12. 49 minutes ago, Siggor said:

    This has been floating around since Donald trump has been elected week after week there has been news 'in the next few days the elites are going to be arrested' sadly those next few days never came.  


    I like how they chave changed it from over 9000 (Dragonball Z quote used on 4chan) indictments to 10000 indictments


    Over 9000 was the actual number from tallying up each state i think.  The number keeps changing.

  13. I know what you mean. My trump optimism has been dashed and rebuilt many times, i dont know what to think but the optimistic side of this is that that's part of his strategy; the face doesnt betray what the hands are up to.  (muh 10D chess argument)


    Theres no need to pick this apart or anything like that - i know it feels like a stretch - but i'll post an article that renews my hope in "america first"






    If I have understood him aright, what would Trump see if he read this stuff? Lead, lead, lead... everything everywhere. The South China Sea, the Middle East and North Korea specifically but everywhere else too. More infrastructure repairs foregone so as to ensure what?... That ships carrying goods to and from China safely transit the South China Sea? "Friendly" governments installed in "Kyrzbekistan"? Soldiers killed in countries not even lawmakers knew they were in? 40,000 troops out there somewhere? Trying to double the Soviet record for being stuck in Afghanistan? How many bridges, factories or lives is that worth? Trump sees more entanglements but he sees no benefit. He's a businessman: he can see the expense but where's the profit? How to get out of these entanglements? It's too late to hope to persuade the legions bleating that "America must lead" and, even if they could be persuaded, there isn't enough time to do so: they salivate when the bell rings. President Trump can avoid new entanglements but he has inherited so many and they are, all of them, growing denser and thicker by the minute.


    Consider the famous story of the Gordian Knot: rather than trying to untie the fabulously complicated knot, Alexander drew his sword and cut it. How can Trump cut The Gordian Knot of American imperial entanglements?


    By getting others to untie it.


    He walks out of the Paris Agreement ("a watershed moment when it comes to debating America’s role in the world"). And the TPP ("opened the door toward greater Chinese influence, and won’t benefit the U.S. economy in the slightest"). His blustering on Iran caused the German Foreign Minister to express doubts about American leadership. He brusquely tells NATO allies to pay their own way ("America’s NATO allies may be on their own after November if Russia attacks them"). By announcing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel he unites practically everybody against Washington and then uses that excuse to cut money to the UN. His trash talk on North Korea has actually started the first debate about the utility of military force we've seen for fifteen years. He pulls out of Syria (quietly and too slowly but watch what he doesn't talk about). One last try in Afghanistan and then out. Re-negotiate all the trade deals to US benefit or walk away. Be disrespectful of all sorts of conventions and do your best to alienate allies so they start to cut the ties themselves (his tweet on the UK was especially effective). Attack the media which is part of the machinery of entanglement. Confiscate assets. It's a species of tough love – rudely and brusquely delivered. He (presumably) glories in opinion polls that show respect for the USA as a world leader slipping. He doesn't care whether they like him or not – America first and leave the others to it.


    The Three Noes and One Yes policy will be achieved by others: others who realise that the USA is no longer going to lead and they will have to lead themselves. Or not. Perhaps, as the neocons love to say, US leadership was necessary in the immediate postwar situation, perhaps NATO served a stabilising purpose then but there has been nothing stabilising about US leadership in this century. Endless wars and destruction and chaos and loss. Thus abroad and – the part that Trump cares about – so at home. It's not incompetence, as the people who fail Adams' test tell themselves; it's a strategy.


    (All real theories must be falsifiable; let's see in a year's time whether the US is more entangled or less entangled. It should be pretty apparent by then and, by the end of Trump's first term, obvious to all.)

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  14. 44 minutes ago, Siggor said:

    Yeah I am open too, but if a person with such clearance leaking that much info (if you could call it that) how is this person be able to stay alive for so long? If there are shady government sectors and evil as people think they are he wouldn't have lasted much longer after his first post, it wouldn't matter what his relationship is to the president.


    And why the crumbs why not just directly tell people what's going to happen?  


    Knowing 4chan and what they are capable of, it's looking like a long ass troll, they have done it with MSM why not alt-media?


    Only time will tell.



    Because hes part of a very large effort.  The assumption is that JSOC has been the guarantor behind these efforts, and in Q's words there are plenty of loyal americans in all of the alphabet agencies; the corruption is mainly at the top.


    Well, we all seem to agree on wait and see.  ive intentionally refrained from trying to paint the picture.  If you haven't followed US politics at least since the dirt started coming out on james comey, peter strzok etc well thats half the story right there.


    a super quick summary though


    trump signed an executive order targetting corruption and human rights abuses (human trafficking) declaring a state of emergency.  Offenders will have their assets frozen.  There are 9000 sealed indictments.  lots of weird stuff happening, CEO's have been standing down, public figures disappearing, flights to guantanomo bay and bolstering the deployment there.  My personal belief, maybe just because i hope its true;  this is an actual purge of the parasitic element of the federal government including pizzagate/pedogate.  They will be tried by military tribunal because such powerful people will always wriggle their way through the justice system.

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