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Posts posted by ThunderIdeal

  1. i bet there's arab porn, it just doesn't fall under the term "muslim" because it contradicts the term. that would be like calling american/british porn "christian", or israeli porn "jewish"...... or thailand porn "buddhist"... or new zealand porn, ahhhhhhh, i won't go there.

  2. that was downright un-australian of you, onemind. aussies are responsible for so many classic comedy scenarios that i don't know where to begin. it may not be as cutting-edge or universal as some foreign humour but what do i care? the fact that americans don't laugh at it just keeps our comics HERE, where they should be.

  3. the guys who made bumfights were sent to prison.

    exploitation is rampant but bumfights took it too far.. there are varying levels of behaviour and after bumfights 1 what they were doing was so fucking reprehensible that the bleeding hearts demanded they be bought to justice... and they were!

    my regret is that slightly less vile exploitation doesn't have the same result

    i'm not surprised you were sickened. bumfights isn't just about bums being paid to fight.. random bums were bullied and degraded for no reward whatsoever. truly reprehensible behaviour for a human being to engage in, and that applies to any worthless so-called "man" who goes around demeaning random people.

  4. bees are fascinating. if they return to the hive, drunk from harvesting certain plants, "bouncers" will throw their ass out. if they continue to enter the hive, their wings are chewed off!

    vegetarians are feisty too.

    cell phone emissions harmless? they have to be doing something, whether or not it has direct effects on humans. i have read that if you call one cell on another cell, and place them next to each other with an egg in between.... the egg gets cooked! heating of the side of the brain is a proven fact, whether or not it causes cancer is in dispute.

    also, the fact that bees have a normally flawless way of getting back to their nest says to me that if that method is somehow interrupted, then the bee is in big trouble because it has nothing to fall back on.

  5. Loads of people say it will be the end of the world in 2012 but thats not what the Mayans are saying

    I don't think. If you were to be pessimistic then yes, maybe they could mean the end of the world but

    I think they mean its the "end of the world AS WE KNOW IT" and Earth changes somehow, this acceleration

    of advancement, comes to a halt, like a rubber band, you can stretch it 10 inches, then

    maybe 15 inches, but suddenly, with no warning, it will snap. Or, spin a coin on a table, it spins for a few

    seconds but then what? It topples over but its still spinning... it spins faster and faster and faster as it

    comes to a stop, the final moments before it stops it is going really fast and yet it just stops

    suddenly. This is exactly what I think happens in 2012, our knowledge becomes so far advanced,

    it either ceases to exist or it turns into some sort of "solid state" where kids are born with knowledge,

    or something, theres a million ways of looking at it, but there it is again huh, "a million ways of

    looking at it".

    How are we any more special than animals that have come before us?

    that is a BEAUTIFUL analogy with the coin. i agree that it will be TEOTWAWKI not just plain old end of the world.

    anyway, that coin analogy has given me plenty to ponder.

  6. According to the Sen Const. that visited my highschool oh so many years ago, Drink driving laws cover any sort of vehicle, including skateboards and shopping trolleys.

    absolutely true. i know somebody who was busted going to the shops on a ride-on lawnmower intoxicated. i've got a feeling that you can lose your drivers license by riding a pushbike drunk etc, but i'm not positive.

    anyway, apart from going down the sidewalk on a lawnmower which pretty much proves you are wasted, i think you'd have to be operating your bicycle/horsie/rollerskates quite badly for a policeman to pull over and breath test you.

  7. most people get tanks to water their gardens and wash their car. if you intend to drink the water you will be going for a slightly different setup. underground tanks are ideal for drinking water, also you can have a simple mechanism that doesn't allow the first bit of rain to go in the tank, so your cachment area gets rinsed before the tank starts filling.

    i don't know about pollution being an issue. i doubt it is an issue. a little bit of light acid rain never hurt anyone! anyway you can always get a filter installed in your sink.

  8. Mr Bumpy, i know of several recent cases in queensland. i don't remember the exact particulars but you certainly have a chance of keeping your license, and if you don't, you should be able to get permission for work-related driving should it be necessary to hold your job.

    a word of warning though: i used to be involved with the family court and it is a fact that judges/magistrates vary greatly, including from day to day, even case to case! however, i saw lots of driving-related cases go before a magistrate one day while i was awaiting hearing (bastards put me after all of them so i guess i am even worse than them???) and this judge judy wannabe was singularly bitchy and fanatical all day! this is the kind of character you should expect. go in there with pre-formulated answers, good answers. you will be made to explain yourself and why you deserve to continue driving. expect all of your answers to fall short of convincing, expect to be insulted and looked down upon, and even expect to beg and plead.

    i didn't but that's another story ;) i would have if my license had been under threat

    i'm serious, they might go easy on you but if you get judge judy it will be very tough and you want to be prepared for it. DON'T expect to face an ordinary, reasonable human being. i can attest without doubt that judges are capable of being WARPED individuals.

  9. "listen stan, there's a reason god made our penises like little hoses"

    my joke is in poorer taste than any of those baby jokes.

    how do you know when somebody is a pirate?

    because they just arrrrr

  10. i'm with you paradox. logging old growth is just outright plundering. the liberal government loves this kind of thing because on paper, the country is making lots of $$$. however if you factor in the environmental cost, you see that our country isn't really doing that well after all.. we are making lots of $$$ but at great cost.

    the arrogance of it astounds me. these trees were probably growing before european settlement and even the great grandchildren of the people who chop them down won't see them restored to their former glory. outright plundering is what i call it.

  11. sounds like you've got your answer and it's vodka!

    i have little experience smoking herbs and things, all i can say is that if you keep smoking, the related pain will become numbed very quickly, say, in two weeks tops. by that time you won't feel nearly as much discomfort. damiana was suggested to me as a spin substitute but i got tired of it pretty quickly, worth a shot though.

  12. what exciting reading material!

    okay, so while they didn't test if cats would land flat on their face on sid, that article does seem to prove that something else is at work, which makes the video a hoax.

  13. when i was five i once hopped in a hot air balloon which was attached to a rope.

    the answer is no :D this is a beautiful country to see by road and i don't plan on leaving it for ten seconds.

    i can take your word for it though, just about every rural property has at least one dam, and fences don't seem to stop much.. roo's can hop right under a barbwire stock fence and i imagine pigs can make short work of them.
