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The Corroboree


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Posts posted by ThunderIdeal

  1. I like the diversity of the hindu pantheon....from one perspective so much internal contradiction...the universe is chaos, random...the universe is perfect, ordered....creation, destruction... all are one...

    i really liked both of those rants there. they pose a lot of questions, which i don't suppose are meant to be answered in kind, but they are thought-provoking and it's good to hear the views of others when their mind is really plumbing the depths of possibility.

    i just want to comment that "the hindu pantheon" gets more attention that i think was intended, even by hindus (mostly by hindus?). forgive me if the following seems dogmatic - i am also prone to endless speculation on the nature of "things", but i have a fixed belief in god.

    yoga is seen as polytheistic but this is utterly wrong, because deities are not gods, they are beings who serve gods will and none are intended as the ultimate object of worship. if you define god in the way that i do, or in the way defined by yoga, then the plural term 'gods' does not even make sense. even the idea of isolated gods, lords of their own creations, does not befit the term. god encompasses everything, like when the dude said:

    "The thing with our dimension of time is that it is seemingly linear but in the next degree of freedom (dimension above) we can imagine our timeline as moving on a single squigly line which is but a part of the fractal(or holographic??) image on that, so in this higher dimensional perspective all possible timelines of this slice of our universe are seen. Then again theres the dimesnion above this where there are infintie variations OF the infinte. infinity x infinity i suppose, as weird as that sounds."

    i had typed up a whole tirade but this beautiful belief system is too intricate for my memory, and i don't want to do it any injustice. i'd be more than happy to do so if only i had the bhagavad-ghita on hand, in fact it would be perfectly suited to this discussion.

  2. ok. i don't know if this comes under the term 'photosynthesis' but under the influence of ionising radiation, the melanin (apparently present in most fungi) changes chemical structure. the article doesn't mention any other molecules involved in the process, but confirms that this increases the growth of the fungi, so it is providing 'food' in the same way that plants produce carbohydrate food. since this radiation is abundant in space, this could be used to feed space-farers. the article says it's even possible that the melanin in human skin is producing minute amounts of energy (moreso for a kenyan than a swede, i guess).

    ok. so fungi are not merely decomposers and symbiotes, they actually manufacture food.

  3. also the crabs are indeed uninjured by the process of extracting blood


    it looked really cruel to me. here you go crabby, we'll fold you in half and prop you into this niche here, and jab a tube into your something-or-other and just drain you for a while.

  4. i'm always scratching dandruff from my head. i actually have to STOP scratching my head if i'm to make sense of most of your posts devance. i love them but they are puzzling.

    I like WS.

    Alot of my responses to anyones posts are in spontaneous reactions to whats presented not a carefully thoughtout policy.

    So I don't mind WS posts but most of the time I can't find a understanding of his posts.

    Anyway as he repeatly said his is Schizo

    so the random elements make sense to him but not to most people.

    I know something about Schizo so the last thing I want to do is agitate the tree and find what fruits fall out.

    Been there, done that.

    I'm happy not to viewed as a troll or any other assortment of the menagerie of internet cognizant labeling.

    i really respect this.

    while these revelations about warrior-sage copying-and-pasting on a wide range of forums is worrying, there has to be a better way of dealing with people than just attacking them.


    back to the topic though, i've had plenty of experiences where my first thought has been how to tell people about it... most of the time it's actually for things that i don't bother to share. immediately thinking about posting stuff on the internet has only ever been a symptom of using forums for several hours a day. if you live on the internet it really does take over, to the extent that you dream about it constantly. best not to be more than 50% absorbed in cyberspace i reckon, preferably much less, although there is so much to do on here.

  5. "and some insects can see UV"

    that's a bit misleading, actually lots of things can, including many bird, mammals, and probably most insects.

    even the human retina is capable of picking up near-UV.... but unfortunately human cornea prevents it from reaching the back of the eye.

    edit: here is an interesting point:

    "There's a reasonably well-accepted sixth sense (or fifth and a half, at least) called proprioception. A network of nerves, in conjunction with the inner ear, tells the brain where the body and all its parts are and how they're oriented. This is how you know when you're upside down, or how you can tell the car you're riding in is turning, even with your eyes closed."

    first time i've heard that referred to as one of the senses, but surely it is. it should get a laypersons name for better identification as one of the six senses ;)

    i forget the term they used but the talk of prosthetic sense input is interesting. this is already done with artificial ears and i believe artificial eyes are already useable to some extent. if the brain, even the adult brain, is capable of changing to cope with new sensory inputs then what are we waiting for? even his vibrating 'which way is north' belt can be counted as a prosthetic sense which his brain learned to use... it just happened to enter his brain through his tactile senses.

  6. i'm not trying to make light of your situation, it sounds pretty shitty, but at least you're not on nursery award which is 12 bucks something full time before tax.

    i operate a herbicide rig for 17 bucks full time before tax, but i could have been on less than 15.

    yet the council bludgers (i've worked for them too) in brisbane city get 22 bucks an hour plus bonuses, and they don't do shit half the time. it's wrong to compare council with commercial but even talking strictly commercial, the disparity in wages is hard for me to explain. you can get award one place then go somewhere else and get 22 bucks, for no obvious reason.

  7. i believe that the celebrity scientology experience is different. it's an entirely different club and whatever treatment they get, it isn't the same as what the peons get.

    the south park episode where chef dies, paraphrased:

    "we're the super adventure club and we travel the world seeking new tribes then we sodomise their children. our great founder was the first person to sodomise the nepalese highlanders and heres a photo of him after sodomising some australian aborigines"

    "i thought the super adventure club went around hiking and stuff"

    "no that's the adventure club, we're the super adventure club"

  8. they're pretty nasty IMHO.

    step 1. freeze a can of red bull

    step 2. drink the stuff that won't freeze

    step 3. come to the conclusion that they are nasty.

    strongbow white, that's a broke teenagers drink one or two steps up from goon.

  9. have you seen cheech & chong up in smoke? take as much acid as you need to reach your desired level and if you accidentally eat a massive stash, hilarity will ensue. just kidding, i don't endorse eating any massive stashes.

    i don't like the 'cold universe' feeling that dominates me after about 4 hours so i don't even like taking it but it certainly takes more than 3 good tabs to do yourself in.

  10. shruman, the way i see it when you pay for fruit & veg it isn't the farmer getting rich. the retailer and the wholesaler get rich. the farmer gets shit!

    i wish i could give some figures but you'd puke if you saw how much the farmer gets for his product, which is like a tiny fraction of the mark-up that the wholesaler and the retailer collect.

    i think we need to fuck our cotton industry off somehow, same with sugar cane maybe.

    troutman you updated your sig tonight. nice. that was otto's urine for anyone who didn't see.

  11. i'm not going to share any opinions, i'm just going to set something straight in the name of science


    there was a time when scientists who witnessed homosexual behaviour in animals didn't dream of reporting it. it has been "widely" understood for well under a century that homosexual behaviour in animals is prolific, so calling it unnatural is incorrect. there are other words you might be looking for, ungodly might be one of them but certainly not unnatural.

    need i list some examples?

    in some monkey tribes they just go around bonking every other monkey.

    leopard seals might not even see a female in their life and males will perform sexual play and/or sex.

    female deer will play, it is believed that this is to attract males.

    a very high percentage of sheep are 'gay'.

    animals have same-sex sex, animals rape, animals can even be pedophiles. i think it's sea-lions or maybe that whole family of critters, when a male wins alpha status and all of the lady lions go off with him, the other males can take out their frustration on helpless pups.

    so there you go, i've withheld opininion but any simplistic sexual behaviour that afflicts humans also afflicts animals. call it what you will but don't try and say that it's unnatural.
