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The Corroboree


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Posts posted by ThunderIdeal


    "new research published in the journal Science Advances supports previous studies that find scientists have been underestimating the rise in ocean temperatures for decades."

    2016 right?  Or so I assume.  I know it refers to 2015, so called pausebuster.  


    No, anthropomorphic doesnt hinge entirely on the pause hence I threw in "practically" to soften the statement.  The pause is clearly a big deal, when a paper appeared to debunk it that was a big deal. 

    So 2016 paper claims their research vindicates the methods used for 2015, THEN the guy in charge of NOAA scientific rigour says "insisting on decisions and scientific choices that maximised warming and minimised documentation… in an effort to discredit the notion of a global warming pause"

    Id say there could be egg on their face.  im glad you challenge me though because now I see given that 2015 appears to have been something of a fiasco per the description, maybe they accidentally produced meaningful results in their alleged quest to fudge, if so then 2016 is off the hook for backing them up :)  at the same time though NOAA is in the process of revising cooler, so NOAA seems to admit their error currently

    not meaning to take my ball and go home, but im about done discussing it until the allegations have a chance to get passed around


  2. but your link is old.


    Now we have a NOAA scientist referring to the earlier (2015) paper that their methods were shitty and they are still working on the fix.


    This seems to eggface the 2016 biz for "confirming" how legit the 2015 paper was



    The pause is important because the anthropomorphic argument practically hinges on it.  This is important and we'll be hearing more about it.


    The article isnt misleading.  It can be misconstrued - not the articles fault.  Your post misleading.


  3. So there you have it


    Warming may be real


    But we know for certain that scientists are full of shit


    Renember when you were ten years old laughing at Christian scientists doing science in reverse?


    Dr Bates said: ‘They had good data from buoys. And they threw it out and “corrected” it by using the bad data from ships. You never change good data to agree with bad, but that’s what they did – so as to make it look as if the sea was warmer.’


    Anyway.... Behold:




    Terrible leaders

    • Like 2

  4. Good question, and one which the opposition is already demanding an answer to.  Remember Trumps first move is usually to put everybody off balance so that when his terms become more reasonable they are accepted more readily.  Its a negotiation tactic and the media and everyone keeps flipping their lid over this stuff,lol


    Obama left this shitty deal for Trump to clean up and take flak over, no consequences for obama, one of several such landmines.  The initial outcome should be no surprise, we dont want 1000+ potential terrorists nor does America.  So what changed?  The most probable is something along the lines of pumping more money into the purchase of stealth fighters with which to decorate RAAF hangars.  I mean look, our tax money was used to bribe the clinton foundation but that was a poor investment!  


    Trump is only interested in bilateral trade deals (can we stop calling them free trade deals?) so that will come in time, we arent at the top of the list.




    Put it this way, when things get really bad in the near future, we should be under no illusion how we got there.


    IMO Trump is making some really dangerous moves as leader of the free world, but peeps can make up their own opinion on that.



    That depends.  If some war breaks out, not as a result of insubordinate deep state MIC but due to the new leadership, then perhaps the case will be clear.


    A really bad financial crash is coming though, and Ive stated many times now that nothing can stop it.  Everyone will "be under no illusion how we got there", but everyone will be wrong. 


    Trump may even have exacerbated it but it will have been set in motion long before him.

    • Like 1

  6. ^planned by obama earlier, signed by Trump.  I dont know the details me wonder if it concerned the (Shiite) houthis.. Apparently it was al queda plus tribal allies so one wouldnt think houthi but lets find out soon eh


    You are quite right to question the methods of border control as Ron Paul recently did, here:




    But thats all pie in the sky stuff for now


    America stands to gain a great deal by protecting their borders, I mean its all good in a country girt by sea right?  Even Clinton and obama endorsed border protection earlier in their careers.  





    About my earlier sarcasm that Trump is a floundering Incompetent, well, my opinion is unchanged but its beginning to emerge who his fellow mastermind is and its not Flynn as I might have guessed.  The major brains appears to be supplied by the much maligned Steve Bannon.  





    There's no question he's proving to be the idiot most people rightly expected him to be.


     no idea what he's doing.


     he is way out of his depth.






    He is a buffoon and a dummy, a total incompetent.


    Wouldnt be the first pres' to weild his power so as to ward off opposing NGOs although seems hes the first to do so legally and to strike early.

  8. Well good luck relocating a construction site in UAE to its labour supply in India or prefabricating a skyscraper.   your.example of an Arab monarchy happy to import and exploit virtual slaves is what I find strange..  there is stark comparison to a western country with controlled Immigration and protections for workers otherwise why all the offshoring in the first place?!


    Anyway you took issue with many things, which is your right, but its not supposed to be a treatise.  Maybe your response is?   it is (yes American flavoured) brief look at some shifts in the US and around the world.


    As I wonder what im arguing about I just realised the way I presented the link could easily be construed as "here is an argument for capitalism" so thats my bad?  It was meant to offer a perspective on events.


  9. Same.  I cant even remember which douchebag approved of the safezones and snuck in the bit about NFZ.


    It doesnt make sense.  He wants to destroy Isis, not remove assad's air power.  I wouldnt worry about it.  Just some douche who hasnt yet figured out that Trump is actually "as advertised". 


    As further assurance Trump ordered John mcshitstain and Lindsay Graham to fuck off and die.  Well those are my words but he tweeted that they should stop trying to start WW3.  


    The state department and executive branch have been flushed of pax Americana.  


    Trump and his main dudes have been reasonably clear about their vision and so far have proven true to it.  


    Our own Sco-Mo said as much.

  10. I lose track of which bits I think might be worth sharing but this could be for everyone from the previous pages discourse, purely food for thought.




    I dont think it fleshes out all of the ideas that spring up but suppose we are in the "credit cartel" version of capitalism where, whoever gets the low interest loans from the central banks can buy up productive capital, and keep all of the profit minus their interest payment.  Is it any wonder that during thr post crash quantitative easing wealth inequality increased drastically?  Anyway there is one form of capital that is inalienable from oneself and that is ones own productive capacity as a worker.  Now suppose a combination of immigration and offshoring jobs devalues your contribution, well, as a worker your government has duped you so say hello to a drop in living standards.  


    The same author proposes some kind of bottom-up stimulus which is kind of what happened in Australia.  I dont think thats the answer either.  I dont think economists playing God is part of the answer period.  

  11. I wonder if the timeline of trump's ascent actually matches the building tempo and other changes in the music in some synchromystical kinda way.  The music just seems perfectly suited to how it all went down!



    Now that's funny ^


    Sure enough the hall of the mountain king is said to be more accurately translated as in the hall of the "troll king", which most assuredly describes Donald Trump on the campaign warpath.


    Let us (me) ONLY post these videos for a bit.  I will change the thread title.


    This next one heavily features morning Joe of msnbc, a conservative host therefore probably the only guy on the station that didnt embarass himself constantly with one sided commentary



    • Like 1

  12. About five days into his presidency and he's delivering for his supporters bigly.  Its still very early days.


    As for "rule by executive order", which is what we've seen so far, and in part to quickly reverse obamas legacy of executive orders....  its not the best scenario long-term.


    How is Trump going to be able to achieve so much so quickly?  Because previous admins worked continuously to expand their authority.  They never believed an outsider would take the white house.

  13. ^ Bit early to call the next election considering days before the 2016 election everybody knew hillary was going to win


    Im going to have a crack though.  The new investigation into voter fraud (which both parties are guilty of) will produce a recommendatiom that voters be required to show ID this will be made law.  The dems will be unable to tap alien voters so the republicans guy will likely glide to victory.  There are other factors too.


    I wont be surprised if the world is in ruin four years from now.
