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The Corroboree


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Everything posted by ThunderIdeal

  1. ThunderIdeal

    Banana Bullsh*t

    shruman, the way i see it when you pay for fruit & veg it isn't the farmer getting rich. the retailer and the wholesaler get rich. the farmer gets shit! i wish i could give some figures but you'd puke if you saw how much the farmer gets for his product, which is like a tiny fraction of the mark-up that the wholesaler and the retailer collect. i think we need to fuck our cotton industry off somehow, same with sugar cane maybe. troutman you updated your sig tonight. nice. that was otto's urine for anyone who didn't see.
  2. ThunderIdeal

    Triggers for homosexuality

    i'm not going to share any opinions, i'm just going to set something straight in the name of science unnatural? there was a time when scientists who witnessed homosexual behaviour in animals didn't dream of reporting it. it has been "widely" understood for well under a century that homosexual behaviour in animals is prolific, so calling it unnatural is incorrect. there are other words you might be looking for, ungodly might be one of them but certainly not unnatural. need i list some examples? in some monkey tribes they just go around bonking every other monkey. leopard seals might not even see a female in their life and males will perform sexual play and/or sex. female deer will play, it is believed that this is to attract males. a very high percentage of sheep are 'gay'. animals have same-sex sex, animals rape, animals can even be pedophiles. i think it's sea-lions or maybe that whole family of critters, when a male wins alpha status and all of the lady lions go off with him, the other males can take out their frustration on helpless pups. so there you go, i've withheld opininion but any simplistic sexual behaviour that afflicts humans also afflicts animals. call it what you will but don't try and say that it's unnatural.
  3. ThunderIdeal


    actually there is one thing dude. on page one, why did you quote me saying 'double trouble'?
  4. ThunderIdeal


    ahhh, good value cowboy: but there's just one thing dude... do y'have to cuss so much? dude: ... what the fuck are you talking about?
  5. ThunderIdeal

    Who likes vodka and redbull?

    evil so is jager and red bull. i wonder how the added caffeine poisoning affects your recovery.
  6. ThunderIdeal

    Drugging Other People

    i said "say this person likes to get on the gear" so i knew what was going to happen. he was going to start working his jaw and chatting our ears off then he was going to approve when we told him. i'm not defending our actions because they were wrong but this person was our BROTHER so the unknown health problems argument is meaningless. the only real reason for doing it was to get around giving any to his girlfriend :| i'm sure she felt most ripped-off anyway, but hey, i paid for the filthy stuff. "I have never touched it since. At least something positive did come from this awful experience." couldn't agree more with that statement. your experience is weird though, i've never heard anything like it. i'd be inclined to think you were going to be sick anyway.
  7. ThunderIdeal

    Drugging Other People

    what about feeding people the whizzer? not that i approve of that stuff, but it's hardly likely to cause a freak-out. just say the person in question enjoys the gear. they'd start acting the part without even realising it. i confess that i have done this once :| i know, i suck.
  8. ThunderIdeal

    Rape of Mars?

    they found some planet that they're calling earth's twin. i guess it's small, similar distance from similar star. it's not overly distant. i don't know how they can see such a small planet.
  9. ThunderIdeal

    Mardigrass This Weekend!

    the police paraded? i couldn't see much most of the time, i just kept moving around and holding a camera high in the air. the world's biggest joint is a scam!!! it doesn't even look like a joint. it's like a joint sliced in half long-ways, with nothing in the middle. maybe it was meant for aerial photography.
  10. ThunderIdeal

    another freaky illusion

    that would be correct el duderino that brain switching thing is interesting as hell. the dots just disappear. i am consistently scoring three. you'd think that would make some ultra-manic, ultra-maths guy.
  11. ThunderIdeal

    Breath-taking Bravado

    that's creative. i liked the full frontal skit, where instead of being photographed the speeding vehicle just veers off the road and smashes into the camera. i JUST got done in a school zone. FUCK. have to not lose any more points for 19 months somehow or bye-bye job.
  12. ThunderIdeal

    Growing Guinea Pigs for Meat

    interesting conversation. i didn't think i'd ever see a roomful of people talking about actually eating maggots and scorpions, but this forum isn't full of regular folk is it? just jumping in to point something out - this is why i was so amazed and felt the need to post - cows contribute more to global warming than every fucking vehicle on the planet. can you believe that? methane is something like 8 times more potent as a greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide. that figure probably includes other cow related emissions though, and it might include the deforestation that is done for cow pasture. in the tv show where i saw this, PETA was criticising al gore for mentioning all sorts of other stuff in his movie (efficient light bulbs, hybrid car, etc) and failing to put the vegan option out there at all. i think they have a point. PETA implied this was probably due to his industry backing, but why would he still have industry backing?
  13. ThunderIdeal

    Growing Guinea Pigs for Meat

    i'm afraid you completely missed my point so it goes in capitals this time. what i just learned, something that was announced by the UN food council or something: NOTHING YOU CAN DO WILL REDUCE GLOBAL WARMING MORE THAN BEING A VEGAN. as i said it won't apply to everyone - bug eaters, fish eaters, guinea pig eaters etc. cows produce enormous amounts of METHANE. there is no way around it. edit: the UN released a 400 page report last year called "livestock's long shadow". i doubt anybody cares but if that's where you'd find the reasoning and details. i just heard it on a youtube clip of a stupid tv show. i had a quick look and i guess it counts for milk production too, since cows are the culprit here. they are basically being blamed for deforestation, desertification, acid rain, dead parts of the ocean, water consumption and spreading pests. plus greenhouse gas production, of course. i'll keep quiet now. yay guinea pigssss.
  14. ThunderIdeal

    Growing Guinea Pigs for Meat

    heart disease is beginning even in childhood. vegetarianism reverses it. one statistic states that it reduces the risk of cancer by 40%. if appeasing your tastebuds is the only reason you can muster to continue overconsuming this apparently devastating resource then what does that say about our slavery to desire, and how much we care about the people who will be alive when we're dead?
  15. ThunderIdeal

    Growing Guinea Pigs for Meat

    that is fucking atrocious. i hope you got your figure mixed up there but it wouldn't surprise me.. farmers are subsidised to the point where they don't even actually earn money so much as they squander land and resources. i hate to be a cunt but why do so many rich nations support farmers who don't make an actual living? i'd be all for it if they were contributing something positive, but all they do is help fuck this planet into oblivion. that's beside the point though as what i said up there applies just as much to organic beef, because of the methane they release. as familiar as i am with this topic it comes as an incredible shock, it gives me very militant impulses. okay so.... LOOK. we were all raised to consume a STUPID amount of red meat. break that habit please. it's only "good" for you in small serves, and you aren't doing the environment any favours whatsoever. nevermind the fact that animals live and feel just like every one of us. it makes no sense from even the coldest and cruelest perspective. to those who hold the misinformed view that vegetarians are somehow weaklings, try this one on for size. kids raised vegetarian not only get higher iq scores, they grow taller too. there is some ghandi quote about how at some point, humankind will have to discard the practise of eating flesh, in order to remain and to move forwards. that sounded right to me the moment i first read it but with this new revelation, and in the face of this gigantic environmental crisis, it is more true than ever.
  16. ThunderIdeal

    The Vasco Era

    that is VERY white stripesish. which is a good thing.
  17. saw him for the first time at mardi grass and downloaded that dj set you suggested not my kind of tunes at all but anybody who puts on a festival like earth frequency deserves a thumping great series of pats on the back.
  18. ThunderIdeal

    another freaky illusion

    the explanation is pretty simple, correct me if i'm not quite right.. but if you look at that colour of pink then look away, the afterimage is that colour of green. the green dot is merely an afterimage. if you follow the missing dot you will get no such afterimage. keep posting these things \m/,
  19. ThunderIdeal

    Mardigrass This Weekend!

    my first mardi grass n i don't even smoke anymore. was very cool. lots of folks there.
  20. ThunderIdeal

    Growing Guinea Pigs for Meat

    i'm glad this has shifted away from the vege topic but i learned something that's pretty amazing today and i have to share. re sustainability of your diet: no amount of change in your lifestyle can reduce the effect of global warming more than going vego. PLUS, a vege diet uses about 300 gallons of water per day, a meat diet over 4000. this statement is very generalised and probably applies to people in the US eating US food, it could be totally wrong depending on your source of meat. however i am guessing if you consume supermarket cow, sheep, pig and chicken in australia then it is probably correct. it's pretty unreal to think that such a simple (and rewarding) change in lifestyle would do more to curb global warming and maybe even water scarcity than all other lifestyle changes combined (ceasing use of any household energy, fuel or water) source of info: i forget. look up al gore vegetarian on youtube. it was the UN or WHO or something like that.
  21. ThunderIdeal

    Anyone like NIN?

    i'm not into NIN but i got a kick out of all of those websites that came out leading up to year zero, and the whole fantasy behind it. wikipedia - year zero for all of the links. i used some samples from a couple of the sound files in a song i've written in cubase, my first song. they were the only sampling material that was handy and they fitted in nicely. y'already a criminal, fucken ACT LIKE ONE.
  22. ThunderIdeal

    Titty Cactus!

    i last saw this thread 15 days ago. a couple nights ago i had a dream featuring a boob tree, only it had actual giant human boobs. i tried to take a cutting but by then somebody had destroyed it. connection?
  23. ThunderIdeal

    Psylocibe tea vs eating??

    don't know the answer to your question but i've got a suggestion: put your teabag in water, drink the product, then put the teabag in fresh water, and repeat as many times as you want. after a few goes, if you are missing out on anything, it must be such a tiny amount..... and maybe you'll be glad for any reduced effects hehehehe. you might miss out on some tiny amount but think about all of the fungus you didn't have to consume. well worthy. IMHO strained tea or eaten whole are the only ideal options, several times i have had powder caught in my throat during the trip, from drinking unstrained tea. onset is pretty rough with tea, probably best to drink it over half an hour or more.
  24. ThunderIdeal


    double trouble.
  25. ThunderIdeal


    lots of tantalising theories coming out in this thread:D loved your post GD i had one at SAB recently. in my big post read paragraph numbered 3, then the text that ace put in bold. if you believe i found that minutes later by coincidence (and i did), that's a pretty big coincidence. http://www.shaman-australis.com/forum/inde...showtopic=14212 i don't think it has anything to do with destiny, to me it shows that matter is less 'real' than mind, in fact thats what i learned from the experience in that linked post.