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Posts posted by soma_seeker

  1. haha thanks harry, not exactly what i wanted to hear but flattering and wise words either way :)

    my gnome spent 2 days straight in the kitchen late this week and from the looks of it she was prep'ing 4 casings of WBS spawned to coir at a ratio of about 70% coir to 30% spawn in a substrate depth of about 3 inches.

    she tells me she plans on letting them colonise for about 12-14 days and then fruiting them without a casing layer (due to her persistent troubles with trich mould). so yeh, hopefully i'll have some nice SS style casing pics to share in a few wks :)


  2. My friend has been cultivating using the PF method for quite a while now and has had a mix of succes and failure. However, whenever a cake she produced succesfully reaches the fruiting stage it will ALWAYS produce at least 3 flushes (often up to 5, however the final 2 are quite poor).

    That was until her latest grow. This time she produced easily the best results she'sever obtained in the initial flush but then little to no follow up growth. she has not changed her grow paramaters and always dunks her cakes for 12 hrs before birthing and between flushes.

    What has changed however are some additives. she know adds a few drops of seaweed extract and a tablespoon of gypsum to every 5 cakes worth of mixture.

    could this somehow be responisble for increased initial yld but no subsequent growth?

    One other factor that has changed is the jars in use. They are larger in volume than 1/2 pint jars but the same approx. shape, the additional volume is due to their larger width rather than height. I don't know how this could substantialy effect the situation but i'm mentioning it because the problem seems to occur moreso with these new jars.

    I realise there are quite a few new variables introduced here and i'm not expecting any concrete responses, but if anyone thinks they have some idea whats going on i would really appreciate ur input.

    Below is a pic of the initial flush of 2 cakes from her latest grow. Each flush was the best yld she's obtained, yet only 1 produced 1 more yld and it was quite poor.




  3. thanks for mention harry :)

    yeh my gnome uses seaweed extract, she hasn't experimented with it thoroughly enough to know just how helpful it is.

    In her latest grow she tried adding gypsum as well. A VERY experienced grower recommends adding it to cake or substrate mix at a ratio of 5% to help boost yields.

    a lot of people also use used coffee beans, my understanding is that it is useful as a source of nitrogen, like seaweed extract.

    good luck


  4. aw shucks :rolleyes: thanks, my gnome will be pleased.

    she tells me that her mexi-cub cakes seem to always get 1 very large, munted and low potency fruit on their final flush. I think the one in the pic was a cake on it's 4th flush, it hasn't pinned again so i guess it'll be in the bin very soon.



  5. g'day,

    optimum conditions are a constant temperature of 27 degrees celcius. so, yes you would want the incubator to maintain this temp 24/7. however, if you use a fish tank heater it will not always be on - it will just turn on when the temp. drops below the set temp.

    (i'm sure someone will dispute the exact temperature, i've read 27 on several occasions. say approx 27 :) )

    hope this helps


  6. thanks people, yeh i thought the one on the right was the cambodian, so i guess we are all in agreeance.

    my gnome's last grow was WBS spawned to coir and cased with 50/50 peat moss and verm. yld'd one nice flush but then all the casings were consumed by trich mold. a further attempt resulted in the same fate before the cakes even made it to the FC.

    the dissapointment of those results turned my gnome back to cakes, what she knew she could get right :)


  7. thanks guys :)

    yes, this is deff the best results my gnome has achieved from cakes.

    provided the potency is adequate and that another couple of flushes (at least 2) can be obtained of similar yld my gnome will be very happy indeed ;)

  8. Hi people,

    my gnome's hangover from the past long w'end was eased by waking up to these nice specimens this morning.

    she tells me one cake are cambodians and the other are transkei, i'm not sure which is which - perhaps you could help me with id'ing?

    the wet mass was 45g for each cake, the best my gnome has achieved so far.

    regular PF style with a few drops of seaweed extract added for a nutrient boost and bought organic rice flour rather than home made.

    hope you like :)








  9. hi people,

    thanks for the support :)

    Yeh i love that lighter user1, genuine zippo too.

    Yep, that tubing runs around to the far corner and into an airstone. The airstone runs the diagonal length of the fruiting chamber and connects to tubing at both ends.

    I've had a couple like that too naja naja. Is that home cultivated? it looks huge..

    I think the reason for some of my less than gorgeous (sin against nature) shrooms is due to insufficient air-exchange, but i'm happy with the way things are going and don't feel the need to mess with the grow conditions.

    GreenCave, i would have thought that cloning that shroom or an abort would not produce the same fruits. I would have thought my freak shroom and aborts are due to very specific locational growth conditions and not genetics. However it seems quite reasonable that the genetics of an abort or freak could be weaker than that of a healthy shroom.. I don't know, just my educated guesswork here...


  10. Hi people,

    my gnome suprised me this morning with a couple of pics of some shrooms she found in her travels :shroomer:

    she tells me they were grown on PF cakes with store bought organic brown rice flour and a bit of seaweed extract for added nutrient value.

    look closely at the cake in the middle of the second and third pics and you will notice it contains a fruit that has grown upside down.

    my gnome tells me, after dunking the cake between flushes a small primordial lump appeared which became a cap within a day - which the stem of the shroom proceded to grow out of.

    hope you like...









