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The Corroboree


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Posts posted by Hellonasty

  1. Ceres,

    Once you get one successful you will be right. Generally speaking once you have the method down you will get over 90%.

    My method:

    1. Pinch pollen using your finger tips from the father

    2. Place pollen in the palm of your hand or a very small bowl, or shot glass.

    3. Repeat 1 and 2

    4. Using a cotton tip (small plastic tube with cotton buds on each end), rub the tip in the pollen and collect it on the end, twisting helps it stick.

    5. Push the cotton bud into the stigma of the mother, your aim is to get as much pollen down the tiny tube as possible, that being said you only need one single grain of pollen.

    6. (optional) If you want to be 100% sure of the cross then using string and your finger, cause the flower to close and tie the top of the flower up. This will prevent pollination from any other source.

    I hope this helps. I will do a pictorial of this soon and put it up on my blog.

    • Like 2

  2. A few more shots from my collection :)

    Ariocarpus Retusus,

    These I started from seed about 5 years ago, grafted as a seedling and now de-grafted. The bottom plant was an offset from the larger plant.


    Astrophytum Myriostigma CV Onzuka (red form)


    Astrophytum (hybrid between Myiostigma and Ornatum) CV Fukuryu


    Some mixed plants that I have de-grafted and set to grow their own roots.


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  3. Cactuscarl,

    Bent and wavy spines are common among all cacti of the creoid family and could be due to environment, cultivation factors or genetics. However this is not a good indicator to use for ID purposes since it is a varying trait that many plants can possess.

  4. 1/ Not really sure, Borzicactus is a possibilty.

    2/ I'm thinking a hybrid with Cuzco lineage

    3/ Is the same as the first plant, Borzicactus ?

    4/ I'm of the opinion the last plant is a hybrid but has the majority of it's family lines are in the Brigdesii lineage.
