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The Corroboree


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Blog Entries posted by Hellonasty

  1. Hellonasty
    I think I will use this function if only for my personal record. If anyone can take something from it thats a bonus.
    My last entry was in feb where I grafted come T.peru "Icaro" seedlings on to peres. 3 of the grafts took and have grown quite rapidly. They were grown outdoors even over winter and have done quite well. I will post a pic of them in a few weeks.
    About a week ago I put 25 mixed Lophs and 50 L.Willi's down. About 20 have germinated so far and it looks good as far as germination goes. I am going to graft about 15 to 20 and do a little expriement. Half will be grown under compact fluros and half will be grown outside, under good old aussie sun and shade cloth.
    I will post pics of the seedlings soon.
  2. Hellonasty
    Over the past 2ish weeks I have grafted a heap of Lophs mostly willis but also some others and a few Astro Asterias Nudum. The first lot have taken and are just beginning to grow.
    The astro's are a little more difficult to graft than the lophs. They become dehydrated easily and high hummdity is essential for at least 7days. I have lost a few astros due to this. All the lophs have taken with no casualties as yet.
    I will post some pics in a week or so.
  3. Hellonasty
    I took some pictures a few days ago of the first of the Lophos to germinate. I Also planted about 25 Astrophytum asterias "nudum" they are in the blue container in the pictures none have germinated as it was only like 3 days ago. I had a look in the grow room just now and there are heaps more lophos up and a few Astros too. Its looking good.

  4. Hellonasty
    Late last week I received a seed order containing several astrophytum and ariocarpus cultivars a few of them quite rare. They were planted and many have already popped their heads up :) Today I decided o plant some ther cacti seed I had lying around so this is what I planted today:
    Echinocactus Grusonii
    Astrophytum Capricorne
    Astrophytum Myriostigma
    Astrophytum Asterias "Texas"
    Will update in a few week how everything is going
  5. Hellonasty
    I received some new grafting stocks from a very generous member of these forums. I have potted them all up and i'm just awaiting roots now. Once new growth is established most will be grafted with various rare cacti. I like this paticular plant so much i'm going to let a few of the cuts grow like mad.
    I decided to leave them pretty long for the grafting in an attempt to see if there is any difference between larger versus smaller trafting stocks. I have previously only used smaller socks so I will see how this goes. Depending how many stocks I need I may still have to cut one of 2 of them up, but for now they are fine.
    The stocks:

    And just for fun a TBM cutting pupping like mad.

  6. Hellonasty
    So I finally got around to grafting a few pere's today. I had a few dramas with my Loph seed, I think it was left in the sun at some point and it was fairly old about 2 years I think. Anyway I also planted some T.Peruvianus "Icaro" seed and the germination rate was good so I decided to graft these little beauties.
    The Peres are still young, I plated them as rooted cuttings about 2months ago. Below are a few poor photos of the grafts
