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The Corroboree


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Everything posted by Hellonasty

  1. Hellonasty

    Another ID thanks

    I agree this is most definitely a Myrtillocactus but I don't believe this is a Geometrizans. Looks more like Myrtillocactus Schenckii
  2. Hellonasty

    Naga Jolokia (aka ghost chillis)

    I recommend buying from Neil (Hippy seed company) I have bought seeds a few times and all have been viable and produce healthy strong plants with heaps of fruit. The Nagas can be a bit of a pain to germinate but once growing are pretty easy to deal with. Very good customer service too, highly recommended.
  3. Hellonasty

    Naga Jolokia (aka ghost chillis)

    I have a heap of fresh Orange Habanero seed if anyone wants to trade PM me.
  4. Hellonasty

    monstrous X tricho seed

    Thanks got mine a few days ago Envelope was NOT open.
  5. What a show! I really like the purple developing buds and those hairy areoles Great shot bit... as always
  6. Hellonasty

    Pachycereus marginatus

    Thanks mac, please add a pic of a flower once it develops
  7. Hellonasty

    monstrous X tricho seed

    Would love some !! PM'd
  8. Hellonasty

    I've Never Had an Ariocarpus Flower Before!

    Really nice plant, congrats on the flower.
  9. Hellonasty

    some new Tricho Cuttings :)

    Just a pic of some new cuttings I received. They look like really nice cuttings so I thought I would share.
  10. Hellonasty

    some new Tricho Cuttings :)

    Yep the skin on the super pedro certainly resembles a that of scop. I know what ya mean gerbil the spines are insanely sharp and very strong. I planted them all out today and had a few of them bite me.
  11. Hellonasty

    some new Tricho Cuttings :)

    Yep gerbil is pretty spot on. From left to right. Yowie, Bridgesoid, Super pedro, Bruce, a giant Psycho0 and the last is a Bridgesoid
  12. Hellonasty

    expectations of trading

    Great Idea. How about, SEND what you offer !! I have been burnt a few times........but I won't mention any names....you know who you are.
  13. Hellonasty

    Cacti heaven

    Real nice. This image is just too cool, check out the impostor, Pachycereus marginatus
  14. Hellonasty

    pics from my cactus garden

    Some real nice plants. thanks for sharing mate
  15. Hellonasty

    attempted pc tip to spach graft

    ^^^ I'm confused, why graft these two plants ? practice ?
  16. Hellonasty

    why wont they germ.

    Could be the seed. Depending on age and genetics the seed may not be viable. Temperature plays a big part too.
  17. Yeah I agree with the others and think it needs a new, much larger pot If your worried about it falling over just use more rocks, add another thick layer on top of what you have and it will really increase stability. That way you don't have to stake it. I personally don't like staking trichos because the plant becomes reliant on the stake and stops the stem getting nice and strong. Nice plant BTW.
  18. Hellonasty

    Find for anyone in Brisbane

    Sorry but that plant is a Pilosocereus Azureus ! nice plant tho.
  19. Hellonasty

    Cacti "greenhouse"

    Not sure where this guys gets his info from but here is one view on it. I feel much the same as I have not noticed any difference between green/white and black. source> http://www.abc.net.au/gardening/stories/s696241.htm
  20. Hellonasty

    Bridgesii cutting

    Just looks like neglect, looks like a combo of old sun damage followed by some rot that has all healed. Trichos sure are tough old buggers. Plant them up and they should root The older woody sections will take a while to get going. I've had an old woody bridge take 6 months to root.
  21. Hellonasty

    Cacti "greenhouse"

    I personally think colour makes next to no difference it's the % of shade that helps. I think it depends on the position of your greenhouse, mine is in full sun all day long from sun up to set my plants are getting direct sun. I use 70% for Lophs, Astros, Ariocarpus and other miniatures, and this is fine for most days. On really hot days 40deg I throw another 50% over the top to be safe. I use 2 x layers of 70% for seedlings in sumer and 1 layer of 50% in winter. Just play around with it until you workout the best combination for your climate and sun/position.
  22. Hellonasty

    Grafting with old tricho's

    I don't see why you would graft it ? Why not root the cutting. You will only get on par or slower growth, I would suggest slower unless you do a perfect graft in regards to vascular connection, and you never end up with a "Norma" rooted plant. There is also the chance of it rotting or the graft not taking. If you root it you are 99% assured of a new plant. I also agree with KanJe and think the Pach will be too woody for a good chance of success.
  23. Hellonasty

    Winter time cactus shots.

    ^^ Meeee Too, I feel for ya mate
  24. Hellonasty

    Winter time cactus shots.

    Some nice plants there. Thanks for sharing Hunab