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Posts posted by Anodyne



    ok can someone clear this up: does the term ice refer to meth or is ice actually 4-methyl aminorex? some people claim one or the other.

    Well that's the problem isn't it? Both are called ice, both are sold as ice - although I think for the most part, in Oz, the answer is meth.

    And ditto for "base" - which is used to refer both to the freebase of methamphetamine and just any nice potent "speed", including (confusingly) crystal meth (a.k.a. "ice"). Also heard of attempts to pass off nasty dirty oily meth (salt) as "base" - I guess for good reason, you'd have to smoke something that nasty.

  2. It's called phototropism - they're attracted to the light, but not because it's UV - incandescent bulbs don't emit UV.



    I'v got wavy stems at the moment

    Might be time to start hardening them up - perhaps putting them outside just for a few hours on mild days - you don't want them getting soft on ya. Also found this:



    Phototropism, the bending of plants toward light, will greatly affect plant form. Intense light that is high in ultraviolet (UV) rays may cause plants to be dwarfed. Low-intensity light, with more red rays, will cause tall, spindly plants. Length of day (photoperiod) regulates both the end of vegetable growth and the initiation of flowering in many species.

  3. I didn't think apomorphine (brandname= Uprima)had got a approved in Oz. :confused:

    As gerbil says, it's an emetic (i.e. it makes you nauseous), so I was very surprised when I found out it's other use!



    Sounds like it may be a Agonist rather than an antagonist as in it would have saimilar effects to Naltrexone or Naloxone?


    Think you've got that round the wrong way - naloxone/naltrexone are antagonists(i.e. they bind to the receptor but don't activate it), whereas morphine, fentanyl, etc are agonists (i.e. they bind to and activate the receptor).

    And no, it's not like naloxone - it doesn't act on opiate receptors at all - it's actually a dopaminergic agonist, mainly acting at D1 & D2 receptors. It doesn't directly dilate blood-vessels like Viagra, but instead acts on the hypothalamus, which is involved in arousal.

  4. This is something I've been thinking about for years now - and I just wanted to get an idea of what others think about it. Can you only love one person at once? And if you do love someone, should you have any say over what (& who) they do? Does monogamy make people happy, or do they just stick with it because it's socially acceptable, and easier than confronting their own jealousy? I'll post my thoughts on the topic later - I want to see what other people have to say first.

    And please, if you have any problems with the range of options I've given in the poll, or just have something you'd like to add to your response, please post about it.

    (I've posted the same poll over at EBA)

  5. I have no tats & only ear-piercings. I think that lip/chin studs (labrets?) look great and would love one - but I like having teeth too much. :D

    And as for tattoos, my absolute favourite are the traditional Japanese style ones. The designs are beautiful (clouds, maple leaves, water, dragons, flowers, carp & other mythical/symbolic characters...) and the colours are amazing - not sure if this is just the technique (the hand-done "tebori" is supposed to give deeper colouring) or because they use those beautiful toxic pigments (like the cadmium reds & yellows) that are probably illegal in other countries.

    But I would love to get one of these. Think I'll wait another decade or 2 though, to make sure that my body-shape isn't going to change drastically (although I guess getting a large tattoo now would be good incentive to keep in shape!) - and to save up some money!

    The other tattoo-style I love are the Maori, etc facial tattoos, both the "painted" & carved kinds. Bit hard to hide, though, and I don't think it'd look any good on me.

    Also think that scarification can look amazing, either on it's own or in combination with ink, but I think it looks best on clear dark skin, which I don't have



    I heard weed dulls the DMT experience?


    Not from me you wouldn't!

    And coin - I think you're right on the money with the "spin theory". Most times I've seen people get sick it's with spun weed. And I've had tobacco poisoning on it's own, so I can compare. The symptoms match perfectly - nausea & vasoconstriction leading to cold extremeties & pale skin, lasting up to a few hours. At doses below this it can cause CNS effects, mainly stimulatory, such as nervousness & diificulty sleeping.



    Not just Tobias' partner!


    Also the asian priest is the psychiatrist is SVU, one of the old female security guards was Tony's wife on the Sopranos...Schillinger is the psychiatrist in...the normal Law & Order, one of the Law & Order series anyway.

    And Shirley(?), the woman who used to be on death row, is also in one of those types of shows. Not to mention Luke Perry playing the TV-evangelist character. It's so weird seeing these actors in other things, like you see the actor who plays Schilinger in some other show and think "hang on a minute, how is he working there - wasn't he a murderous Nazi?" or Beecher's sociopathic lover Chris playing some straight-laced detective. :D

    Or is that just me?

    Had another weird out-of-context moment watching the start of some cop show the other night. There was a stressed uptight mother being questioned by the cops - took me half the show to figure out that she looked strange because the last time I'd seen her was as Jodi in Pulp Fiction with all the facial piercings.

  8. I don't think we've got a shortage of water - I think we've got an excess of waste & stupidity. There should be constant water restrictions in large cities, not just when the well's almost dry., and industry (who use most of the water anyway) should be subject to the same restrictions as the public, if not stricter ones. All new houses should have to employ water-saving measures, such as grey-water draining to the garden if there is one (preferably via a short-term storage tank to avoid polluting the garden/surrounding environment if the water is accidentally contaminated). And mainly, we should have 2 separate water-systems, clean & grey. It's idiotic that in such a dry country we use drinkable water to flush toilets & wash cars. It'd be a plumbing nightmare, granted, but that's only because it wasn't done from the start - and it could give us and all the other animals a little while longer on this continent.



    but does any one know how many litres of water the average Australian uses per day ?


    Just from memory - I think around 400 L per person per day (?), i.e. way too much.



    This person smoked a hell of a lot and got next to no effect. There is reason to doubt this person. I also now have a couple of reports that the dosage is spot on.

    Is it possible that this was some sort of cross-over tolerance?

    So what is a dose? I realise it's probably on the packet, but it's not on the web-info. How much of a gram is recommended?

    I agree, some more reports would be really nice - especially if they were in the Erowid "trip-reports" format, listing amount used, body-weight, other drugs used, etc.

  10. This is fucking insane! Is Pihkal really banned or is it just that imports are prohibited? How can they do this? Every second book on the shelves describes murders, sometimes in intricate detail, like American Psycho(which I have seen for sale) and yet we can't buy a book that talks about drugs. Maybe we'd have more luck if he took the recipe section out? But for fuck's sake, a lot of the recipes he describes have been published elsewhere in journals etc., which we'd be allowed to subscribe to, but we can't buy a book that talks about the same thing? WTF?

    It's strange if PIHKAL is banned in Oz, as I have seen both it and TIHKAL in libraries.



    in visible light nothing

    So it didn't look red?



    it needs some kinda carrier to even it out


    You can buy several different types of cream/ointment bases from chemists, including lanolin, something called "aqueous base" (not sure what that is, petroleum jelly, sorbolene cream, etc. Don't know if any of these would be coloured under UV - doubt it - but they might dilute the dye too much - how bright was it?



    i was thinking that as ephedrine is scheduled (but probably not tested for directly) they may just do some sort of blanket test that gives results for a group of ephedrine derived chemicals, and ephedrine itself by default.


    isn't it possible that such a test would also show +ve for pseudoephedrine though? In which caase you could just say that you'd taken some sudafed.

  13. Andy - go do a search on poppies.org, there was a decent Thebaine thread that was dredged up recently.

    Torsten - with all respect for the person's privacy, could you please give us a general idea of what this "negative report" was about? And it was about the "not-opium" product, was it?

  14. I have an inner-ear/neurological condition called Meniere's disease where I often get attacks of vertigo/nausea/deafness/tinnitus/etc. During these I also sometimes get tremors in my hands, legs or full-body, lasting from about 15 minutes to over an hour. I asked the neurologist about this and he said that it's not a direct effect of the disease, but a basic nervous reaction that happens sometimes when your body is stressed, for eg. when you are tired, have OD'd on a stimulant, have hypothermia, etc. Many prescription drugs also cause tremors, so it's certainly plausible that kratom, with it's diverse range of actives and actions, could produce them as well.



    A friend of mine writes from o/s that after smoking Kratom leaf with good effect, an hour or so later experiences what could only be described as a "cold turkey" phenomenon, with aching limbs and poisonous rebound.


    Has anyone else experienced such effects? From Oral?

    That's fucking bizarre. Maybe something really weird is happening, like your friend has a rare enzyme that metabolises some component of kratom to an opiate-antagonist, or an adrenergic stimulant. Something that flooded your sytem with adrenaline would contribute to the effects described by Pisgah, and some of the "cold-turkey" feeling that Thelema mentioned.



    Does the Bible actually teach this or is an interprtation made by readers ?

    Well the original was different, but this is what it says now:



    7A man ought not to cover his head,
    since he is the image and glory of God; but the woman is the glory of man. 8For man did not come from woman, but woman from man; 9neither was man created for woman, but woman for man.
    - Corinthians 11


    9I also want women to dress modestly, with decency and propriety, not with braided hair or gold or pearls or expensive clothes, 10but with good deeds, appropriate for women who profess to worship God.

    11A woman should learn in quietness and full submission. 12I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man; she must be silent. 13For Adam was formed first, then Eve. 14And Adam was not the one deceived; it was the woman who was deceived and became a sinner. 15But women[a] will be saved
    through childbearing—if they continue in faith, love and holiness with propriety.
    Timothy 2



    6 "If she marries after she makes a vow or after her lips utter a rash promise by which she obligates herself 7 and her husband hears about it but says nothing to her, then her vows or the pledges by which she obligated herself will stand. 8 But if her husband forbids her when he hears about it, he nullifies the vow that obligates her or the rash promise by which she obligates herself, and the LORD will release her.
    - Numbers 30

    Also, I found this and thought it relates to the discussion about priests and celibacy earlier:


    8Now to the unmarried and the widows I say: It is good for them to stay unmarried, as I am. 9But if they cannot control themselves, they should marry, for it is better to marry than to burn with passion.

    32I would like you to be free from concern. An unmarried man is concerned about the Lord's affairs—how he can please the Lord. 33But a married man is concerned about the affairs of this world—how he can please his wife— 34and his interests are divided. An unmarried woman or virgin is concerned about the Lord's affairs: Her aim is to be devoted to the Lord in both body and spirit. But a married woman is concerned about the affairs of this world—how she can please her husband. 35I am saying this for your own good, not to restrict you, but that you may live in a right way in undivided devotion to the Lord.

    - Corinthians 7




    so for myself i stick with the shamanic exploration but i do realise that shamanism' shortfall is its inability to coordinate large numbers of people and structure civilised society


    not only can you not take the nature out of shamanism but you cant take shamanism out of nature either...or it dies


    Lack of a registered church where it's legal to indulge in sacraments other than wine and crackers might be a factor too.



    from what I remember of bible-study God advocates limiting intoxicant (specifically alcohol) consumption enough to avoid states which would befuddle the mind and encourage disorderliness,

    I'd always read that bit as saying: let the peasants have their fun, but people in positions of power shouldn't get too messed up:

    [it is] not for kings to drink wine; nor for princes strong drink:5 Lest they drink, and forget the law, and pervert the judgment of any of the afflicted. -Proverbs 31:4



    The bible does teach that women are not to have a position of authority over the man and that the woman is to be in subjection to her husband as the church is to Christ and that women are not allowed to teach.


    And the definition of sexist is what?



    Prejudice or discrimination based on gender

    I'm not saying that all Christians are sexist (although I sure know a few that are, women included), just that there are sections of the Bible which endorse sexist behaviours, social structures, etc. Whether Christians go along with it is entirely up to them.



    I'm guessing you have been a part of a church before?

    No, I have never been part of any church or religion. I just take an interest in the one that influences our society, laws and politics so much.

  17. quote:

    Her only defense is the "Bart Simpson" defence , "I didn't do it!" it really is a crap defence.I think the 'Chewbacca 'defence (south park)would have had a better chance of sucess!

    C'mon, even the Chewbacca defence is better than what I keep hearing, which is basically "no one could be that stupid". Have you people ever read any of the nominations for the Darwin Awards?

  18. The problem isn't with the religions, it's with the people.

    People take from their religion what they like, and ignore the rest. If a catholic priest thinks that the Bible's love your brother/fellow man message is negated by the bit saying "Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination", then he feels he is justified in his rejection of gays from his church.

    This is my problem with Christianity specifically - the Bible contains so much about how people should live, written by so many people, that it is full of contradictions. This is recognised by Christians themselves, who are split into many sects, each with different emphasis on different parts of the Bible (although I know that people's choice of sect probably often has more to do with social/cultural factors), whether it be giving the New Testament greater priority than the Old, or taking more notice of the Ten Commandments than the rest of Leviticus's advice.

    While there's a lot of sensible practical advice about living a good life and getting along with the people around you, I think that a lot of Christians put too much emphasis on the nasty bits about guilt and oppression and vengeance and so on. The sexist crap makes for fun reading too:



    Unto the woman he said, I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception; in pain thou shalt bring forth children; yet thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee.


    - Genesis 3:16

    Doesn't seem like the best way to start a good and just world, does it? But I suppose it helps to ease in the suggestion that women should cover their heads so as not to offend the Lord with their inferiority (it's in Corinthians somewhere, and it's a lot more emphatic than the Koran about it).

    This isn't to say that other religions don't have these problems and contradictions, I'm just most familiar with Christianity.

    OK, rant over - someone else's turn.



    I always though of heroin as a spoilt misfit rich kids drug.Or at least broken home middle class. dunno why but. are there any figures on that?


    Yep. If you can be fucked trawling through NDARC's archives. They put out yearly summaries, but I think these are mainly age/gender separated, and don't include socioeconomic data - you'd have to look for individual studies.

    Also, you can't judge numbers of opiate users based on the obvious ones or the ones that turn up in re-hab - these are just the ones that have gotten into problems because of their habit, probably for financial reasons. As the saying goes, they don't have a heroin problem, they've got a money problem.
