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The Corroboree


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Everything posted by Mycot

  1. Mycot

    We've got no hope.

    Thanks for the thoughtful reply Torsten. Yourself and a good many of the gay community similarly don't personally care too much about marriage and the punters out there know this. So it's a case of lets give these rights (marriage) to a bunch of folk who can't even take the damn thing seriously, the root idea of marriage being joined toghetr in holy matrimony.remember. With the poor state that marriage is in these days further demoralising of the institution is probably the last thing we need. Young guys out there ought to remember that to a large extent getting married is how they get to have meaningful sex and live a fulfilling and complete life. Living the single life is not all its cut out to be. Lonely older men and cat ladies is what our society is turning into and not too many males are overly thrilled about hooking up with a woman who's been with dozens of males because she was busy looking after her carreer during her younger years. With all the legal changes, marriage these days is not the same deal as what it was for previous generations. So much so that I consider any young man considering marriage under our present legal system as positively insane. For starters they should spend a few days observing divorce proceedings in the family law court to know what they are really letting themselves in for. which is often getting screwed in a very big way. So it's become quite unattractive to many males these days. On the discrimiatory/ equality issue many things that may appear discrimatory are actually not. An example is cheating that may occur in heterosexual couples. The PC would insist cheating is the same thing regardless of which sex performs it where the more insightful knows full well in their bones that cheating is a very different scenario for a male performs it than when a female performs it. I'm not saying that either is good but just different. The case of gay couples may be somewhat similar. For example laws and perks may exist that are really intended to encourage hetersexual couples to get married and have children which is a different set of circumstances than that applying to same sex couples. Similar but different. Yeah I know bigoted conservatives get up to some crazy assed shit but that doesn't mean that we should react to them in a kneejerk fashion. Had a reread of post # 12 and agree that there are legal changes that ought to be made both for fairness and for what is best. Personally I've never been comfortable with the state getting involved with marriage which is esentially a religous or spiritual affair. Just the man, woman and God, the state should stay out of it and also the church also as much as possible. I agree that systems need to put in place that make clear what rights we want same sex couples to have. Where would I draw the line, there are many areas that ought to be addressed with laws intended to encourage procreation being one area and laws pertaining to children another. Perhaps like Thelema suggested we should have a separate institution that recognizes legal issues that same sex couples face but also recognizes that it is not the same thing as heterosexual marriage just as a marriage that is sacred and meaningful is different to a marriage for more secular porposes. Call it G-marriage or G-hookups. If i've come across as trivializing the issue perhaps part of the reason is because I have never been legally married and yet have never felt any great sense of deprivation because of this. Don't know what I'm missing I guess and yet am glad that I missed it. Seriously though the ramifications and issues are complex and this ought to be recognized and understood rather than overly simplistic portayals which don't aid true understanding of the issues faced by same sex couples. the way I see evolution is that as organisms our bodies have lived and addapted to certain circumstances for millenia and many of these circumstances are important for physical and mental health, Eg paleolitic diet and tribal structures and the more we fall outside of the natural the worse our situation becomes. Yes I agree that science can enable us to make better decisions but too often science is hubristic enough to believe it can dispense with nature that we have conquered nature. I believe that much of this so-called scientfic evidence is skewed by political correctness just as PC may skew many statistics and possitions. The evidence that I have examined strongly implies that mothers are most important to babies but come todlerhood when ego structures are being formed then fatherhood is most important to the child. I have no great fondness for single parent families and it may well be that children raised by two or more persons may be better off than a single parent families but not as good as children raised by both sexes. I have no great issue if the occasional child should fall under the care of a same sex couple and yet would hesitate at this being accepted as some type of norm as your last sentence addresses and many heterosexuals fear.. Again thanks for your thoughtfulness.
  2. Mycot

    We've got no hope.

    If you cannot see any difference between a heterosexual couple and a gay couple then you are trully blind. For one hetersexual couples are how we all got here and all sorts of social and cultural institutions have been built up around this fact. While politically correct the Idea that there is no difference between a gay couple or a single parent raising a child and a heterosexual couple raising a child is pure bull. All my research indicates indicates that children raised by both sexes are best off gaining something from both and this has been happening for milloins of years. But lets ignore the wisdom of evolution and screw the children as long as we can be PC. As for how the laws may be different I'm no legal expert and you yourself admit that there are many ramifications and these have to all be taken into consideration. As you say the issue is complex and each claim ought be examined on its own merits. However in our society many more male devorcees suffer things of this nature than gay couples not having a marriage recognised by the state. How about children having equal rights to adults?. Nothing more.. The institution of marriage has been bowlderized and trivialized plenty and further erosion is not what many people want. And they probably don't care who a person has sex with or even who a person marries ( yeah have that pagan wedding) they just don't want the marriage recognised by the state because that is a more complex matter. I see histeria in the thread title and many elements of this thread. These days the politically correct are just as capable of histeria as the the right wing nut that you portray. And many are not right wing nuts or neccesarily homophobic but merely people who recognise the issue as being more complex than a mere simplistic portrayal of the problem.
  3. Mycot

    We've got no hope.

    Not everyones pet campaign needs to be related to the War on drugs. The issues are completely different. If children don't get some rights that are afforded to adults this has nothing to do with the war on some drugs. And yes I do think your thread title is somewhat disingenuous. Not trying to piss anyone off , just expressing how I see things.
  4. Mycot

    We've got no hope.

    Yeah 2012 and the thinking still very much in the dark ages. Is an apple equal to an orange or a banana equal to a stick of celery. No and we treat them differently. Gay couples are also different to heterosexual couples in many respects and laws created with heterosexual couples in mind with the circumstances pertaining to heterosexual couples may not be applicable to gay couples. Too much of this is like a man demanding the right to make babies. Yes I see many rights as much more important than gay marriage. How about some real and important rights that make a real tangible improvements for all of us rather than some rather triviale "rights"(the claim of great suffering cannot be made) for a minuscule minority that has no benefit for the rest of us. Not everything is about rights and more than just this ought to be considered.in things that may have a more global impact. Seriously fucking off the heterosexual majority in order to satisfy the "II want List" of a tiny minority is not sensible to me. .Playing the histeria card doesn't really do it for me as I am not of a PC nature. Again I plead that we tackle the serious problems that threaten our collective future and that make a real difference which is far more important..
  5. Wish you the best of luck Greg in challenging the victorian legal system. I'll supply the petrol. Oh, its starvation not immolation my bad.
  6. Mycot

    We've got no hope.

    The subject of allowing homosexual marriage is probably the least important of humanities problems. Many would say "who gives a shit" viewing the matter as extremely trivial. Peeps really need to get a grip and a sense of prespective about what is important. We also need more people to think for themselves(and think deeper) instead of being so damn politically correct believing that this is progressive thinking when it is just fashionable swarminess. Kudo's to Thelema for having the courage to be politically incorrect, myself being no stanger to controversy.
  7. Mycot

    legal highs to be tested on animals

    All of this is BS and a furby ensuring that nothing interesting beyond beaurocratic talk will ever occur within our lifetime. Any progress will only occur when they call off the witchhunt / war on some drugs.
  8. The report looks way overblown. Not an uncommon occurance with mainstream media.
  9. Why not just eat insects instead of all this test tube stupidity?
  10. Mycot

    blueing Inocybe & Pluteus in Tasmania

    Some stuff from an earlier post here may make locating this species easier. Good luck to the Tassie hunters. If cultivation and identification efforts are contemplated then some dried fruitbodies in addition to sporeprints ought to be preserved.
  11. Mycot

    blueing Inocybe & Pluteus in Tasmania

    Giving this thread a bump especially for the tassie hunters.. We got three months of season left to pick up some aussie bluing pluteuses, species unknown. Info given throughout this thread should make locating the species considerably easier.
  12. Mycot

    Wikipedia Blackout

    In response to the Megaupload shutdown the hacktivist group Anonymous has launched many successful cyberattacks in a World Cyberwar against numerous government and media websites. Sites affected include US Dept of Justice, US Copyright Office, FBI, motion picture and music industry sites, French government sites, Brazilian websites and New Zealand government and police sites. The group is promising more to come. http://digitalgroup....archives/168582
  13. I'm really enjoying Bretloth's pull no punches, take no prisoners style in this thread and I hope this doesn't change merely because some may see it as heavy-handed. While I do not agree 100% with all his points I uphold his freedom of expression. A person on solid ground should be able to handle critique and criticism without becoming overly disturbed.
  14. Mycot

    (Dumb) Question about Caapi

    Caapi tends to spiral in an anti- clockwise direction up its support. Keep this in mind as regards the following. Have really narrow sticks in physical contact with the young shoots, that is the last sections of stems (this is so that the plant recognises the presence of the stick) such that if the plant is inclined to twine it is in the perfect position to do so. Within a fortnight at least one of those tips will start twining and and then it will just take off soon growing at a very rapid rate. I know this practice works and otherwise one may well be waiting a very very long time for anything much to happen. You're question isn't dumb at all.
  15. I think that Greg getting attacked in this thread is to a large extent his own fault. This is due to him failling to clearly communicate his intentions while getting drawn into one debate after another. Its really funny and sad at the same time. What I see on the site are some philosopical musings of one person. It hasn't been indicated that these are central tenents of a religion so I just take them to be some philosopical musings. Personally they are not to my philosopical and literary taste but hell they are only one persons musings why take them so seriously. After all philosophy itself can be a long drawn out discusion with many points of disagreement. I must admit though that Greg himself appears at times to take these philosopical musings and principles over-seriously thereby contributing to accusations of egocentricity and cult leadership. Persons who wish to use componds within religious/spiritual contexts should be allowed to do so under the human right of religious freedom. Getting this past the government is frequently a difficult task as can be seen in the history of the Brasilian government with Santo Daime. One of the fears that authority contends with is the fear of open slather irresponcible drug-taking when deciding issues in this area..
  16. Listened to a truly impressive podcast the other day given at the University of Sydney that really fleshes out this topic. The podcast titled "Earth Rights: Reframing society for the 21st Century" can be found on the linked page and is of such an important nature that it ought to go viral. http://sydney.edu.au..._cullinan.shtml
  17. Call out made to Occupy Australia: People of the world rise up on October 15th! As the Occupy Wall St protests continue to spread, a call out has been made for Melbourne, Brisbane , Sydney, and Perth to join the global day of action United for Global Change on October 15th. Occupy Melbourne has stated the aim of "NON-VIOLENTLY sending a message to the financial sector worldwide. Australia too is under the same bind of freedom because of monetary policy and corporate greed. Show your support for Occupy Wall Street! Occupy Australia!!!" The day is an attempt to unite the struggle by ordinary people around the world for a true democracy. A democracy where the needs of the majority of people is put before the profits and privileges of the few. A world united under the banner of solidarity, workers and human rights, peace and environmental justice. It is time for Australia to join the global movement that has seen non-violent mass protests and uprising against both military dictators and the dictators of capital in Greece, Yemen, Chile, Egypt, Tunisia, Israel, USA, Spain, Portugal, Libya, Syria, Bahrain, the UK and beyond. It’s time for us to unite. It’s time for them to listen. Full page/further info at http://www.indymedia.org.au/2011/09/29/call-out-made-to-occupy-australia-people-of-the-world-rise-up-on-october-15th Background info http://www.indymedia.org.au/2011/09/21/occupy-wall-st-the-american-revolution-declared October 15 - United for Global Change; with global map locations http://map.15october.net/
  18. Mycot

    Occupy Melbourne Occupy Australia

    News update. World Human rights Day was a success for Australian occupiers with some cool vids on the Sydney and Melbourne actions on U-tube. Time magazine has named "The Protester" as Person of the Year 2011 so for all who protested a feather in your caps. Police in Auckland New Zealand submit evidence in court supporting the Occupy movement. Although police have at times been friendly to occupiers and recognized their duty to serve and protect this is the furthest I've heard of police taking things. About time the police joined we the people. Taking A Stand!! Auckland Police REFUSE City Council Members Request to Remove Protestors
  19. Mycot

    Adelaide sniffer dogs

    Nazi-Trained German Shepherds Provide ‘Law, Order’
  20. Mycot

    An ethnobot's Fiji

    There's a helluva lot of really good pics of A.confusa on Google images.
  21. Mycot

    caapi ant symbiosis ?

    My experience has been that it doesn't take many applications to do its job. According to my reading it was frequently used by gardeners of old. Nicotine is a fairly volatile alkaloid so it should break down fairly rapidly. I'm guessing but I think that if one gives the plants a couple of showers to get rid of any surface residue and give it a fortnight then things should be cool.
  22. Mycot

    An ethnobot's Fiji

    Acacia richii appears to be a synonym of A.confusa Fijian Ecosystems
  23. Mycot

    An ethnobot's Fiji

    In Fiji Acacia simplex is an often spreading tree 3-12 m. high, with angular branchlets, frequently abundant along sandy beaches and on the inner edges of mangrove swamps; it is never found far from the sea.
  24. Mycot

    caapi ant symbiosis ?

    Tobacco water applied as a foliar spray works as an effective insecticide for aphids and likely for other sap-suckers as well.
  25. Mycot

    Active Acacia report from Philipines

    Only a relatively small percentage of acacia species contain dmt even in aus.